Universidad Miguel Hernandez
Ciencias sociales y juridicas
Visual style as part of cinema style reveals the necessity of considering what other cinema creators –like cinematographers– provide to a film. For though, visual style of Dick Pope and Mike Leigh films is analyzed. Firstly, theoretical... more
Light is determinant for the existence of cinema and its communication ability reveals cinematographers´ expression. Although there are several authors dealing with light historical evolution, there has been little reflection upon... more
The introduction of cinema digital technology has had a direct impact in the visual style of films. Specifically, analog-digital hybridation has contributed to the development of different visual styles among which realistic, stands out.... more
Several researchers are dealing with colour, as a basic expressive element of cinema style. Nevertheless, the difficulty in analyzing a large number of images and describing their nature and characteristics in non subjective terms are... more
En un mundo en el que la tecnología digital ocupa cada vez más, un papel preponderante, se está incrementando el número de investigadores del ámbito de las artes, las humanidades y las ciencias sociales que incorporan su empleo como... more
El objetivo principal de este artículo es detectar la influencia del estilo visual propio del medio cinematográfico en algunas de las series de ficción norteamericanas más importantes desde 1990 hasta la actualidad. La intención no es... more
he use of digital devices to scan and manipulate different formats of celluloid during postproduction stage has caused a revolution not only in the visual style of films but in some cases in narratives aspects of films. These innovations... more
En esta investigación se exponen las razones por las que los directores de fotografía son auotres de la fotografía de un filme y co-autores de la obra cinematográfica.
It is not a novelty the fact that television series –specially North American ones- have become serious competitors of feature films. Among the main causes of this, it stands out the narrative content quality, but also an increase of... more
The aim of this paper is to show how the marriage between i-docs and politics means an opportunity for the creation and reformulation of new civic participation expressions. These archetypes motivate that speakers and receivers could... more
Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es el de mostrar que, aunque el deseo in-mersivo está presente desde los orígenes del cinematógrafo, alcanza su sentido pleno con la introducción del cine de realidad virtual. Para lograr el objetivo... more
Photography Exhibition Catalogue. December 2014, Mexico DF