Papers by Arthur Gani Koto

Rice is the main natural resource for producing food in Indonesia which is produced from rice fie... more Rice is the main natural resource for producing food in Indonesia which is produced from rice fields. Rice fields are wetland farms that require flooding in several phases of their growth. The flooding phase in irrigated rice fields can be easily recognized visually compared to other agricultural fields from optical remote sensing satellite image data. The main characteristics that can be recognized are the presence of flooding and its topographical location in a flat area. In Gorontalo, much research has been carried out regarding rice and rice fields. This is shown from Google Scholar data for 2017-2021 with the keywords "Gorontalo" and "sawah" in the Publish or Perish application. However, this research still focuses on non-remote sensing data themes. Gorontalo Regency, which has irrigated rice fields, should do a lot of research using remote sensing data. This is because remote sensing data can produce information quickly, in a short time, and with an acceptable level of accuracy of up to 85%. This research aims to calculate the planting area of irrigated rice fields based on optical remote sensing digital satellite imagery in parts of Gorontalo Regency. The data used is Landsat 8 imagery recorded on April 5 2022 path/row 113/59 with cloud cover on land of 15.48%. Primary data is also used to check in the field the results of image interpretation. The research method is processing Landsat images based on cloud computing using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The research results show that the GEE platform can be used as remote sensing data processing to derive information on the area of irrigated rice fields.

Indonesian Journal of Spatial Planning, 2024
This research aims to assess the availability of green open space in Kayubulan Village, Limboto D... more This research aims to assess the availability of green open space in Kayubulan Village, Limboto District, Gorontalo Regency. The data used are Google Earth image, administrative spatial data for Limboto Subdistrict and Kayubulan Village, public open space location data from the Gorontalo District Public Works Office, BPS data for Limboto Subdistrict in Figures, and field observations. The coordinates of the green open space locations obtained from the Dinas Pekerjaan Umum were recorded,
and then manual delineation was carried out using Google Earth image. Field observations were carried out to see and check the actual conditions. Field observations take the form of documentation for each green open space location. There are 4 public open spaces in Kayubulan Village, namely Taman Kota (1 ha), Taman Bermain (1 ha), Kawasan Perkantoran (1 ha), and GOR David-Toni (4.74 ha). The research results show that Google Earth image can be used as a data source to find out
various features of the earth's surface because, visually, its appearance is quite clear. The availability of public green open space does not meet the provisions in Law No. 26 of 2007 and Permen ATRKBPN 14 of 2022 concerning spatial planning, namely 20% of the area.

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Gorontalo (JTPG), 2023
Rice is the main natural resource for producing food in Indonesia which is produced from rice fie... more Rice is the main natural resource for producing food in Indonesia which is produced from rice fields. Rice fields are wetland farms that require flooding in several phases of their growth. The flooding phase in irrigated rice fields can be easily recognized visually compared to other agricultural fields from optical remote sensing satellite image data. The main characteristics that can be recognized are the presence of flooding and its topographical location in a flat area. In Gorontalo, much research has been carried out regarding rice and rice fields. This is shown from Google Scholar data for 2017-2021 with the keywords "Gorontalo" and "sawah" in the Publish or Perish application. However, this research still focuses on non-remote sensing data themes. Gorontalo Regency, which has irrigated rice fields, should do a lot of research using remote sensing data. This is because remote sensing data can produce information quickly, in a short time, and with an acceptable level of accuracy of up to 85%. This research aims to calculate the planting area of irrigated rice fields based on optical remote sensing digital satellite imagery in parts of Gorontalo Regency. The data used is Landsat 8 imagery recorded on April 5 2022 path/row 113/59 with cloud cover on land of 15.48%. Primary data is also used to check in the field the results of image interpretation. The research method is processing Landsat images based on cloud computing using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The research results show that the GEE platform can be used as remote sensing data processing to derive information on the area of irrigated rice fields.

Jambura Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2023
Pertumbuhan penduduk dan aktivitas sosial ekonomi di wilayah perkotaan akan mempengaruhi ketersed... more Pertumbuhan penduduk dan aktivitas sosial ekonomi di wilayah perkotaan akan mempengaruhi ketersediaan lahan dan keberlangsungan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang terus mengalami penurunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi ketersedian RTH di Kota Gorontalo berdasarkan data penginderaan jauh. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengolahan data awal (koreksi geometrik, dan cropping) dan perhitungan nilai kerapatan vegetasi menggunakan Normalized Defference Vegetation Indeks (NDVI). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan NDVI dengan memanfaatkan Citra Landsat 8 perekaman 11 Agustus 2019, bahwa di Kota Gorontalo terdapat 3.171,9 ha merupakan daerah vegetasi, sedangkan 3.260,99 ha adalah daerah non vegetasi. Tingkat kerapatan vegetasi di daerah penelitian terdiri dari 5 kelas vegetasi yaitu non RTH dengan nilai ndvi-0.0750, tingkat kerapatan sangat rendah dengan nilai NDVI 0,1433, tingkat kerapatan rendah dengan nilai NDVI 0,3616, tingkat kerapatan sedang dengan nilai NDVI 0,5799,tingkat kerapatan tinggi dengan nilai NDVI 0,7982.
Segala puji hanya bagi Allah , kita memuji-Nya, memohon pertolongan-Nya, mengharapkan petunjuk-Ny... more Segala puji hanya bagi Allah , kita memuji-Nya, memohon pertolongan-Nya, mengharapkan petunjuk-Nya dan ampunan-Nya, serta berlindung kepada Allah dari kejahatan hawa nafsu kita dan kejahatan amalan kita. Barangsiapa yang diberi petunjuk oleh Allah , maka tidak ada satupun yang dapat menyesatkannya, sebaliknya siapapun yang disesatkan Allah , niscaya tidak satupun yang dapat memberi petunjuk kepadanya. Saya bersaksi tidak ada sesembahan yang haq kecuali Allah satu-satunya, tidak ada sekutu bagi-Nya. Saya bersaksi pula bahwa Muhammad adalah seorang hamba dan utusan Allah. Perangkat lunak pemetaan yang banyak digunakan saat ini (ArcGIS, ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD Map) merupakan perangkat lunak yang terus dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan para

Jurnal Geografika (Geografi Lingkungan Lahan Basah)
In the Alo sub-watershed, the study compares the rates of various types of land use. The Alo sub-... more In the Alo sub-watershed, the study compares the rates of various types of land use. The Alo sub-watershed is 7,959.98 areas in total. Measurement of infiltration rates for various land uses in the Alo sub-watershed and analysis of differences in infiltration rates for various land uses in the Alo sub-watershed are the problems at hand in this study. The Horton method was used in this study's infiltration measurements. This approach uses a model of time-dependent empirical equations. It is known that multiple infiltration categories exist for plantations, villages, vacant land, bushes, and woods in the infiltration rate class for the kind and usage of dry land used in this study's Alo sub-watershed. It has classes for Fast, Moderate, and Moderate infiltration rates. For the type of land use and paddy field, the infiltration rate falls into the category of being fairly slow. This is due to the high water content of paddy fields, which makes the infiltration process take a whi...

Geografika Journal (Geografi Lingkungan Lahan Basah), 2023
In the Alo sub-watershed, the study compares the rates of various types of land use. The Alo sub-... more In the Alo sub-watershed, the study compares the rates of various types of land use. The Alo sub-watershed is 7,959.98 areas in total. Measurement of infiltration rates for various land uses in the Alo sub-watershed and analysis of differences in infiltration rates for various land uses in the Alo subwatershed are the problems at hand in this study. The Horton method was used in this study's infiltration measurements. This approach uses a model of time-dependent empirical equations. It is known that multiple infiltration categories exist for plantations, villages, vacant land, bushes, and woods in the infiltration rate class for the kind and usage of dry land used in this study's Alo sub-watershed. It has classes for Fast, Moderate, and Moderate infiltration rates. For the type of land use and paddy field, the infiltration rate falls into the category of being fairly slow. This is due to the high water content of paddy fields, which makes the infiltration process take a while to complete. As a result, the infiltration rate in the Alo sub-watershed, Tibawa District, Gorontalo Regency, and Gorontalo Province reveals that the medium class dominates in the Alo sub-watershed. The cumulative infiltration rate or total amount of infiltrated water is 123,899 mm/hour at point 14 types of vacant land, and 8,476 mm/hour at point 16, which is the smallest cumulative value. The infiltration rate class in the Alo sub-watershed, Tibawa District, Gorontalo Regency, and Gorontalo Province reveals that the Medium Class dominates the subwatershed.

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Dec 31, 2020
One of the coastal areas including the mangrove forest, storing great potential to be used sustai... more One of the coastal areas including the mangrove forest, storing great potential to be used sustainably in addition to its function also as a carbon stock storage. Mangrove forests become one of the attractions to be used as an ecotourism area accompanied by local cultural concepts. This study aims to geographically analyze the "Tracking Mangrove in Love" (TMiL) Langge Village, North Gorontalo District. Mangrove Restoration and Learning Center (PRPM) Center. The research method used is terrestrial observation, observation and analysis of multitemporal google earth imagery (2003-2018). The DJI Phantom 4 unmanned vehicle that serves to photograph the TMiL ecotourism area was used as a tool in this study. The multitemporal Google Earth Imagery (2003-2018) functions to observe changes in mangrove forest land cover before and after PRPM TMiL is opened to the public. Drones that are flown on autopilot are operated using an android smartphone that has the Pix4D Capture application installed. Aerial photographs produced from drone recordings are then processed into orthomosaic using Pix4Dmapper Pro software. Orthomosaic data is then used for current land use analysis and compared with multitemporal data from Google Earth imagery. The environment around the ecotourism area was also observed, such as conditions, human activities, and current land use. The results showed that PRPM TMiL did not highlight its function as an ecotourism area as the understanding stated in Permendagri No.33 Year 2009.
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi, May 31, 2021
A recording project using a drone where one of the results is in the form of aerial photographs, ... more A recording project using a drone where one of the results is in the form of aerial photographs, it is necessary to carry out further processing, namely a mosaic to obtain the final result in the form of an orthomosaic. It is intended that it can be analyzed for various interests, especially in the field of earth. This study aims to show how to process drone aerial photos into orthomosaic using a desktop PC that has Pix4Dmapper software installed. The data used is an aerial photo of the PRPM area "tracking mangrove in love" totaling 112 images recorded by the DJI Phantom 4 drone. The processing process used a PC desktop with specifications :

Badan Informasi Geospasial, 2022
Beberapa desa di Kecamatan Kwandang terletak di wilayah pesisir utara yang berbatasan dengan Telu... more Beberapa desa di Kecamatan Kwandang terletak di wilayah pesisir utara yang berbatasan dengan Teluk Kwandang. Kecamatan Kwandang merupakan ibukota Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara dimana pusat aktivitas sosial dan ekonomi berlangsung. Wilayah ini juga merupakan akses utama jalur trans sulawesi yang menghubungkan antar kota, kabupaten dan provinsi. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi berbanding lurus dengan aktivitas sosial-ekonomi sehingga menyebabkan kompleksnya dinamika kewilayahan di wilayah pesisir Kecataman Kwandang, termasuk pemanfaatan aspek lingkungan yang berimbas pada kuantitas dan kualitas distribusi tutupan lahan. Akibat aktivitas tersebut, terjadi alih fungsi lahan yang lebih cepat dibanding wilayah lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola spasial desa-desa yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Kwandang pada Tahun 2020 memanfaatkan citra satelit digital Landsat. Data yang digunakan yaitu citra Landsat 5 TM perekaman 19 Juni 2000 dan Landsat 8 OLI perekaman 29 Agustus 2020. Kedua citra tersebut berada pada path/row 113/59 diperoleh dari katalog Google Earth Engine. Selain itu digunakan pula data jaringan jalan, batas administrasi, bangunan, sungai, pemukiman dan fasum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pengolahan citra digital berbasis cloud computing dan analisis spasial. Pengolahan data citra dilakukan menggunakan platform Google Earth Engine kemudian hasil akhirnya dieksport menjadi data raster berformat TIFF. Data ini lalu diolah menggunakan QGIS untuk analisis selanjutnya yaitu penghitungan luasan tutupan lahan, panjang jaringan jalan, sebaran fasum, pemukiman, sungai, dan bangunan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perkembangan desa-desa wilayah pesisir mengikuti jalur trans sulawesi dan mengelompok pada kawasan pusat pemerintahan.

Effective and robust natural resource management requires accurate, integrated, and reliable geos... more Effective and robust natural resource management requires accurate, integrated, and reliable geospatial information. Each village has the potential of both natural resources (SDA) such as land, water, climate, geographical environment, livestock, agriculture, mining, fisheries, and human resource potentials in the form of diverse cultures and interactions. The lack of reliable human resources, can lead to unstructured village databases, which may hamper development. In parallel, it is necessary to improve the skills and knowledge of human resources of the village apparatus in the introduction and training of mapping basics. The purpose of this devotion is twofold, namely to increase knowledge and skills in terms of mapping basics, and to create quality village apparatuses as geospatial information compilers. The method of execution is done two stages namely lecture and practice. At the end of the training, each participant gets the practice of basic mapping that has been taught from...

Spatial and temporal data and information is very useful in reducing the number of dengue maladie... more Spatial and temporal data and information is very useful in reducing the number of dengue maladies in each region. Including in Kabupaten Gorontalo that do not yet have spatial and temporal information about DHF incidence. The purpose of this research is to analyze data and information of DHF incidence in Gorontalo Regency spasiotemporal. The study was conducted in Gorontalo.An ArcGIS 10.1 software was applied in this study to view descriptive epidemiology presented in the form of maps, and the tables are then described in an overlap with DHF incidence data through geographic information systems (GIS). The results of this study indicate that in the last six years, from 2010 to 2016 Gorontalo District has DHF outbreak in Limboto sub-district, then in 2013-2016 there are 9 districts that have DHF outbreak of Telaga District, Telaga Jaya, Telaga Biru, West Limboto , Tilango, Tibawa, Bilato and Tabongo marked by an increase in cases every year in the Eastern Region of Gorontalo Regency ...

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2019
Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors directly convert solar radiation into electrical and therma... more Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors directly convert solar radiation into electrical and thermal energy. A PVT collector combines the functions of a PV panel and a flat plate solar collector. The development of PVT air collectors is a very promising research area. At present, PVT air collectors are used in solar drying and solar air heaters. On the basis of existing literature, most PVT air collectors were built by using monofacial PV modules. The bifacial PV modules had two active surfaces that could capture solar radiation with its front and rear surfaces. Additional sunlight absorption through both surfaces resulted in an enhanced electrical power generation compared with the conventional monofacial PV. Therefore, bifacial PVT was considered to be useful and attractive due to its potential of enhancing overall system performances, including energy and exergy efficiencies. Findings of this review indicated that PVT air collector with bifacial solar cell produced a larger amount ...

Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi, 2018
Built-up area is easily found in urban areas which is the most land use compared to other land us... more Built-up area is easily found in urban areas which is the most land use compared to other land use. The development of the built-up area has also increased with increasing population and increasing economic activity. Most of the population activities in the form of economy, services, trade, offices, education, health, and entertainment facilities that are centralized in urban areas have caused the availability of non built-up area to shrink further. Detection of the built-up area can be assessed from remote sensing data using urban indices, multispectral classification (supervised and unsupervised classification), and spectral bands. This study aims to detect the built-up area based on multisensor and multitemporal imagery. Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 8, ASTER, and Sentinel-2B (LAST) images were used in this study. Digital image processing is performed on each image using the guided classification method support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Four classes of land cover were taken, namely built-up area, vegetation, bare land, and water bodies. Samples of built-up area classes were taken as many as 31 random sampling points spread over the study area. Validation tests were carried out for each image based on the ground check. Results of the study showed that the development of the built-up area was directed to the north and the difference in the extent of information on the built-up area due to differences in spatial resolution.

Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi, 2018
Dulangeya village has natural potential that can be used as tourism area. The objective of resear... more Dulangeya village has natural potential that can be used as tourism area. The objective of research was to identify the natural potential in Dulangeya village to become a tourism area by utilizing Geographic Information System applications. The data used are land cover, slope and geological maps. The method and data analysis used interviews and field observation methods, which are the methods that aim to determine the level of feasibility of natural potential in Dulangeya Village which analyzed spatially and scoring. Based on the results of the scoring analysis for each assessment criteria are attractiveness (94.44%), accessibility (70.83%), accommodation (33.33%) and facilities and infrastructure (70%). The results showed that Dulangeya Village is one of villages in Botumoito sub district which has potential of natural resources that are feasible to be used as one of the natural attractions.

Sektor pertanian tanaman pangan berupa beras di Provinsi Gorontalo dihasilkan dari lahan padi saw... more Sektor pertanian tanaman pangan berupa beras di Provinsi Gorontalo dihasilkan dari lahan padi sawah irigasi yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah kota dan kabupaten. Perhitungan luasan lahan padi sawah irigasi dapat memanfaatkan teknologi penginderaan jauh dengan metode analisis indeks vegetasi, klasifikasi, dan pantulan spektral. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk membandingkan citra sentinel-2B dengan landsat 8 OLI dalam menurunkan informasi lahan padi sawah irigasi. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi kajian di lahan persawahan irigasi yang wilayahnya masuk dalam administrasi Kota Gorontalo dan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Data yang digunakan yaitu citra sentinel-2B perekaman 17 Mei 2018 dan landsat 8 OLIperekaman 13 Februari 2018. Alat ukur navigasi berupa Global Positioning System (GPS) digunakan untuk cek lapangan (ground data) koordinat lokasi persawahan. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik pengolahan citra digital klasifikasi terbimbing (supervised classification) algoritma support vector mac...

Media Komunikasi Geografi, 2019
Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMGo) yang berdiri sejak tahun 2008 merupakan salah satu Amal... more Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMGo) yang berdiri sejak tahun 2008 merupakan salah satu Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM) yang salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk pengembangan dan pendidikan generasi muda Indonesia. Kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana perkuliahan merupakan suatu hal yang harus dipenuhi demi terciptanya proses pendidikan dan keberlanjutannya. Ketersediaan kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kampus UMGo sangat dibutuhkan bagi sivitas akademik UMGo karena fungsi dan peranannya sebagai paru-paru kampus dan dapat meminimalisir perubahan iklim serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi AUM lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji ketersediaan RTH Kampus UMGo menggunakan foto udara drone. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan citra foto udara yang direkam menggunakan drone kemudian dianalisis dengan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersedian RTH di Kampus UMGo telah memenuhi syarat y...

n Data penginderaan jauh (PJ) multispektral saat ini banyak digunakan terutama dalam kajian sumbe... more n Data penginderaan jauh (PJ) multispektral saat ini banyak digunakan terutama dalam kajian sumberdaya alam dan pengamatan cuaca.Salah satunya adalah dalam memanfaatkan saluran spektral visible, nearinfrared, shortwave infrared, panchromatic, dan thermal. Data PJ yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah saluran thermal (band 61) citra landsat 7 ETM+. Saluran thermal dapat dianalisis untuk memperoleh informasi suhu suatu wilayah permukaan bumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebaran suhu permukaan Kota Gorontalo dan Sekitarnya dengan memanfaatkan saluran thermal (band 61) citra Landsat 7 ETM+. Analisis berdasarkan koreksi radiometrik dengan melakukan proses convert DN value to radiance, convert to surface temperature (Kelvin), dan convert to degree Celcius. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata suhu permukaan Kota Gorontalo dan Sekitarnya adalah 270C. Sedangkan pusat Kota Gorontalo berada antara 31-320C.

Akademika : Jurnal Ilmiah Media Publikasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, Sep 17, 2017
Dry land occupies the largest area (90%) and has a strategic position in agricultural development... more Dry land occupies the largest area (90%) and has a strategic position in agricultural development activities in Indonesia. The biggest potential of natural resources in the agricultural sector in the district was reached 40.26%. One of the data provider of effective and efficient in terms of development activities and development of the region is remote sensing data. The purpose of this study is to map the area of dry land with the help of remote sensing data. Landsat imagery 8 extracted to obtain land cover information which is then further processed to produce a land use classification is based on the knowledge based classification. Analyzed land use to obtain the map of dry land. The results showed that the District of Wonosari has an area of dry land scattered in all districts and has an area of 185. 733 km 2. Dry land area consists of mixed farms (162.811,8 km 2) and bare land (22.921,2 km 2).

Kegiatan perekaman menggunakan drone yang salah satu hasilnya berupa foto udara perlu dilakukan p... more Kegiatan perekaman menggunakan drone yang salah satu hasilnya berupa foto udara perlu dilakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut yaitu mosaik agar diperoleh hasil akhir berupa orthomosaic. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dianalisis untuk berbagai kepentingan khususnya dibidang kebumian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana pengolahan foto udara drone menjadi orthomosaic menggunakan PC Desktop yang telah terinstall perangkat lunak Pix4Dmapper. Data yang yang digunakan yaitu foto udara kawasan PRPM “tracking mangrove in love” berjumlah 112 image yang direkam drone DJI Phantom 4. Proses pengolahan menggunakan PC desktop dengan spesifikasi CPU AMD FX 8300, 16 GB RAM DDR3, GPU: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 200 Series 2 GB, HDD: 1 TB 5400 rpm, dan sistem operasi Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengolahan foto udara drone menjadi orthomosaic dan DSM pada perangkat lunak Pix4Dmapper menggunakan PC Desktop. Selama pengolahan foto udara berlangsung, dilakukan pula pengamatan suhu (CPU, RAM, GPU, HDD, Motherboard) menggunakan aplikasi CPUID HWMonitor dan pengamatan beban kerja perangkat keras (CPU, RAM, GPU, HDD) menggunakan aplikasi Task Manager. Pengaturan Initial processing dan DSM, Orthomosaic, and Index dilakukan secara default. Pengaturan Point Cloud and Mesh untuk image scale : slow dan point density : high, selain itu default. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan untuk pengolahan foto udara drone menjadi orthomosaic dan DSM dapat dilakukan dengan spesifikasi PC Desktop tersebut diatas. Total waktu yang dibutuhkan selama proses pengolahan yaitu 5 jam 18 menit 28 detik.
Papers by Arthur Gani Koto
and then manual delineation was carried out using Google Earth image. Field observations were carried out to see and check the actual conditions. Field observations take the form of documentation for each green open space location. There are 4 public open spaces in Kayubulan Village, namely Taman Kota (1 ha), Taman Bermain (1 ha), Kawasan Perkantoran (1 ha), and GOR David-Toni (4.74 ha). The research results show that Google Earth image can be used as a data source to find out
various features of the earth's surface because, visually, its appearance is quite clear. The availability of public green open space does not meet the provisions in Law No. 26 of 2007 and Permen ATRKBPN 14 of 2022 concerning spatial planning, namely 20% of the area.
and then manual delineation was carried out using Google Earth image. Field observations were carried out to see and check the actual conditions. Field observations take the form of documentation for each green open space location. There are 4 public open spaces in Kayubulan Village, namely Taman Kota (1 ha), Taman Bermain (1 ha), Kawasan Perkantoran (1 ha), and GOR David-Toni (4.74 ha). The research results show that Google Earth image can be used as a data source to find out
various features of the earth's surface because, visually, its appearance is quite clear. The availability of public green open space does not meet the provisions in Law No. 26 of 2007 and Permen ATRKBPN 14 of 2022 concerning spatial planning, namely 20% of the area.