Papers by Nicolae Albulescu

Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020
PeculIArItIeS of MINING the ProtectING PIllAr IN the lAMINAl MASSIf of Soft rocKS Purpose. Increa... more PeculIArItIeS of MINING the ProtectING PIllAr IN the lAMINAl MASSIf of Soft rocKS Purpose. Increasing the completeness of mining coal reserves from protecting pillars located in a laminal massif of soft rocks in the roof and bottom in order to reduce the coal losses in mines and horizons in case when mining operations are at the stage of completion. Methodology. A geomechanical model is developed for research into mining of protecting pillars influenced by stope works, taking into account the laminal massif and rheological processes of creep deformations and stress relaxation of the rock massif. Numerical modelling and analysis of the stressstrain state of the massif are conducted. Conclusions are drawn in terms of sub stantiation of the technical solutions for mining the protecting pillars. findings. New patterns have been determined of the stressstrain state of a laminal rock massif in the zone influenced by stope works. A geomechanical model has been developed for mining the protecting pillars with account of rheological processes in the rocks, and the technological parameters of mining the coal from longwall faces have been substantiated. A possibility is provided for repeated use of mine workings by introducing a resourcesaving fastening system. originality. The patterns have been determined of the frontal bearing pressure zone displacement ahead of the longwall face during mining the protecting pillars, as well as the concentration factor Ky = 1.1-1.3 at a height from the c 6 coal seam up to 18-20 m, when contacting the thick siltstone. It was found that the calculated compressive resistance is by 4.2 times higher than the value of acting σ y and, according to this factor, siltstone maintains continuity through all its thickness. When approaching the 1 6 c seam, vertical stress concentration increases and is already Ky = 1.9-2.7. Based on the account and analysis of these factors, one can assert that the roof of the seam and the seam itself are not destroyed. Practical value. Technological solutions have been developed for mining the protecting pillars to increase the completeness of coal reserves extraction while reducing its production costs and increasing the safety of stope operations by means of decreasing the rock pressure onto powered support.
Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2020
Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) usually produces a characteristic clinical syndrome. Septic CST ... more Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) usually produces a characteristic clinical syndrome. Septic CST represents a sporadic, but severe complication of infection of the cavernous sinuses, which can bring high mortality and morbidity rates if not treated right away. Case presentation: The current research is a case report of a 64-year-old woman with inherited thrombophilia who developed an acute mastoid infection that resulted in septic right CST. The clinical diagnosis was verified by laboratory studies and evidence from high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Clinical medical care resulted in the patient being successfully treated with low-molecular-weight heparin and broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, which avoided severe complications.
Scientific Reports, 2020
Despite the reported benefits of intravenous iron therapy (IVIT) for correcting iron deficiency a... more Despite the reported benefits of intravenous iron therapy (IVIT) for correcting iron deficiency anemia (IDA) before any major surgery and the evidence thereof, perioperative allogenic blood transfusion (ABT) practice is still considered as the only viable option by some clinicians worldwide. As ABT increases the likelihood of infections, cardiac complications, longer hospital stays and mortality among the patients, the practice of ABT should only be reserved for critical cases (Hb level

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Pulmonary thromboembolism is currently one of the leading causes of disease burden and mortality ... more Pulmonary thromboembolism is currently one of the leading causes of disease burden and mortality in Europe, also known as the great masquerader, for its ability to mimic other diseases or to present itself with few symptoms, especially when the pulmonary embolism is very small. With aging population, increased survival of cancer patients and the addition of multiple debilitating diseases such as dementia, heart failure, chronic kidney disease the rate of pulmonary embolism is spiking, with more and more small pulmonary embolism being diagnosed, that may have no immediate impact on mortality, but which may contribute to an increase in morbidity. We have examined retrospectively 108 consecutively cases of pulmonary thromboembolism that have presented in the Emergency Department of Municipal Hospital in Timisoara, Romania over the course of twenty-one months from September 2016 to May 2018 and we evaluated the clinical and laboratory findings in studying the influence of age over the s...

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis (HD) are predisposed to higher rates... more Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis (HD) are predisposed to higher rates of major cardiovascular events, through several well-known pathophysiological mechanisms. The rates of all-cause mortality are 6 to 10fold greater for these patients compared with general population. Furthermore, diabetes mellitus, history of cardiovascular disease, dialysis duration, and residual diuresis are factors related to cardiovascular events in hemodialysis. Whilst structural and functional echocardiographic abnormalities in dialyzed patients have been the surrogate for several survival studies, the predictive value of these echo parameters, are not clearly established in this field .In dialysis patients, it is still unclear which echo parameter is the best in determining cardiovascular outcome. The purpose of our study was to investigate the role of Doppler Echocardiography and Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) abnormalities, in providing predictive parameters for this particular p...

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Furosemide is a drug that has not only a renal effect, but also a vascular one, resulting in decr... more Furosemide is a drug that has not only a renal effect, but also a vascular one, resulting in decreased left atrial and ventricularfilling pressure accompanied by an increase in venous compliance, all of this with significant effects on central cardiac hemodynamics.In dialysis patients, it is still unclear the efficiency of furosemide, a diuretic drug that inhibits the Na+, K+, 2CL� cotransporter in the renal tubular system. Also, furosemide need to be used at much higher doses because of its pharmacokinetic changes in the context of impaired renal clearance.The aim of our study was to investigate whether furosemide induces changes in cardiovascular hemodynamics in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, using standard echocardiography and Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI).We foundcorrelations between furosemide useand improved cardiac parameters, assessed by multiple echocardiographic variables, and we consider that furosemide has complementary effects in dialysis patients with residual...

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) represent a special category of risk. As part of the r... more Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) represent a special category of risk. As part of the renal and cardiovascular continuum from risk factors to end stage diseases, they develop clinical syndromes with potentially severe prognosis. Patients on dialysis have severe cardiac risk, have a peculiar hyperlipemic profile with intense atherogenic effect, phosphocalcic metabolic alterations and thus a higher rate of development of atheroma and degenerative valve diseases. They have higher cardiovascular mortality and morbidity being potential candidates for aggressive reduction of risk factors. Dialysate patients are exposed to higher risk of ischemic and arrhythmic events. Echocardiographic assessment of these patients is extremely important in risk stratification and treatment strategy in order to improve prognosis. Drugs proved to improve cardiac remodeling, reduce hypertrophy and LV mass and enhance ejection fraction, improved prognosis.

Revista de Chimie, 2019
Heart rate variability and the presence of late potentials are independent predictor factors for ... more Heart rate variability and the presence of late potentials are independent predictor factors for cardiac death and electrical vulnerability of the ischemic myocardium, especially after myocardial infarction(MI). Respiratory infection are known to be associated with MI both through direct action of the pathogen and by altering the hemodynamic status, through tachycardia and a rise in myocardial oxigen demand. Our paper wants to highlight that respiratory infection during subacute and late recovery phase of myocardial infarction can aggravate the electrical vulnerability of the myocardium and increases the arrhythmic risk. We analysed heart rate variability and the presence of late potentials on signal-averaged ECG in patients who developed acute respiratory infection after MI. All parameters of heart rate variability were signifficantly decreased in our target group. Incidence of late potentials did not differ between the two groups, meaning that the electrophysiological substrate of...

Materiale Plastice, 2019
Patients with total atrioventricular block are of particular interest and prone to severe prognos... more Patients with total atrioventricular block are of particular interest and prone to severe prognosis unless treated with emergency cardiac pacing. We evaluated different types of leads and their impact on the myocardium, according to the fixation type and pacing method.. A pacemaker patient has a different depolarization pattern and a single chamber pacemaker, has by definition, an intracardiac desynchronization and a different electro-mechanical coupling activity. The presence of late potentials is an independent prognosis factor for cardiac death and electrical vulnerability, especially after myocardial infarction(MI). Late potentials recorded as magnitude vector are the expresion of late depolarization of the surrounding tissue and represent the morfological substrate for reentry. Thus, the incidence of late potentials after pacemaker implant, represents the expresion of electrical vulnerability of the stimulated right ventricular myocardium. In order to deeply study the parameter...
Revista de Chimie, 2020
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a simple measure that estimates cardiac autonomic modulation. Ana... more Heart rate variability (HRV) is a simple measure that estimates cardiac autonomic modulation. Analysis in the time domain and frequency range of RR variability suggests that the negative prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction is related to the overall neuro-vegetative imbalance. The alteration of RR variability reflects the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and especially the reduction of parasympathetic tone. The results of this study confirm the association between the reduction of RR variability and the increased risk of adverse events and mortality after acute myocardial infarction. Moreover, it appears that RR variability is an independent predictor for atrial fibrillation. Keywords: RR variability, myocardial infarction, HRV, sudden cardiac death

Revista de Chimie, 2018
Metabolic therapy constitutes a relatively new therapeutic option for ischemic heart disease (IHD... more Metabolic therapy constitutes a relatively new therapeutic option for ischemic heart disease (IHD). Metabolic agents including Trimetazidine [1-(2,3,4-trimethoxybenzyl) piperazine] (TMZ) are currently used as anti-ischemic cardiac drugs to alleviate this internal metabolic disturbance. The present study focused on the assessment of the beneficial effects of TMZ as additional medication to the conventional medical therapy in patients with myocardial infarction. The obtained results showed an increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and a faster normalization of total sialic acid (TSA) levels in patients with TMZ add-on therapy, in comparison to the control group, indicating a stabilization of the ischemic process under TMZ therapy, with decreased free radical production and restoration of the antioxidant capacity and of the membrane lesions. The present findings emphasize the importance of TMZ administration to prevent reperfusion-mediated cardiac injury and dysfunction and ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2019

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2021
Fundamento: A hiperuricemia é um achado frequente em pacientes com hipertensão arterial e há evid... more Fundamento: A hiperuricemia é um achado frequente em pacientes com hipertensão arterial e há evidências cada vez maiores de que essa entidade seja também um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular. Objetivo: No contexto da população em processo de envelhecimento, este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar níveis de ácido úrico sérico e a prevalência e o controle da hipertensão arterial em um subgrupo da população de adultos romenos (>65 anos), em relação à influência da idade nesses parâmetros. Método: A amostra do estudo consiste em 1920 adultos incluídos na pesquisa SEPHAR III, dos quais 447 eram pacientes idosos (>65 anos de idade). Durante as duas visitas do estudo, três aferições de pressão arterial (PA) foram realizadas em intervalos de 1 minuto, e foram realizadas medições de níveis de ácido úrico sérico, função renal por taxa de filtração glomerular, pressão arterial e espessura íntima-média. A hipertensão e os controles foram definidos de acordo com as diretrizes atuais. A avaliação da espessura íntima-média foi determinada pela avaliação por ultrassom Doppler modo B. Um nível de significância p < 0,05 foi adotado para a análise estatística. Resultados: Pacientes adultos tinham níveis de ácido úrico sérico significativamente mais baixos, se comparados a pacientes idosos, independentemente dos níveis de taxa de filtração glomerular. Pacientes adultos tinham níveis de espessura íntima-média , comparados a pacientes idosos. Conclusão: De forma semelhante às pesquisas anteriores, neste estudo, a idade representou um dos fatores contribuintes ao nível aumentado de ácido úrico sérico. Também foi obtido um aumento da prevalência da hipertensão arterial com a idade, com um mau controle da pressão arterial.
Papers by Nicolae Albulescu