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To address the need for more information concerning hospital decision making, we conducted indepth interviews among African Americans with heart failure and their family caregivers (n=11 dyads). Using a case scenario, we asked... more
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      Social WorkDecision MakingFocus GroupsCultural Competency
The complexity of illness and care needs at the end of life often include religious and spiritual issues. Religion and spirituality can be important coping mechanisms for meeting these challenges. However, although many people may want... more
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    • Social Work
This study investigated the role of discrepancies between parent and youth reports of perceived parental monitoring in adolescent problem behaviors with a Chilean sample (N= 850). Higher levels of discordance concerning parental... more
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      Social WorkFamily FunctioningBehavior ProblemsProblem Behavior
Objectives: Corporal punishment is still widely practiced around the globe, despite the large body of child development research that substantiates its short-and long-term consequences. Within this context, this paper examined the... more
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Using multilevel modeling on a sample of 2472 families in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, this study explored the simultaneous role of neighborhood collective efficacy and maternal spanking on externalizing and... more
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      Child DevelopmentNeighborhood EffectsSpanking Children and Corporal Punishment
Research that simultaneously examines the relationship of multiple types of family and community violence with adolescent outcomes is limited in the previous research literature, particularly in Latin America. This study examines the... more
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      Child DevelopmentNeighborhood EffectsSpanking Children and Corporal Punishment
This study examined the association between school bonds and the onset of substance use among adolescents in South Korea. Based on Hirschi's social control theory, this study tested the roles of teacher attachment, educational... more
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      Social TheoryAdolescentMultidisciplinarySchools
Parent-youth agreement on parental behaviors can characterize effective parenting. Although discordance in families may be developmentally salient and harmful to youth outcomes, predictors of discordance have been understudied, and... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthChild and Adolescent Mental Health
Despite a great deal of evidence that corporal punishment is harmful, corporal punishment is still very prevalent worldwide. We examine predictors of different types of corporal punishment among Ukrainian mothers in 12 communities across... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkDisciplineFamily Relations
Background and Objective: Sixty countries worldwide have banned the use of physical punishment, yet little is known about the association of physical and nonphysical forms of child discipline with child development in a global context.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBehavioral Development
Objectives-Corporal punishment is still widely practiced around the globe, despite the large body of child development research that substantiates its short-and long-term consequences. Within this context, this paper examined the... more
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      PsychologyDemographySocial WorkChild abuse and neglect
Research that simultaneously examines the relationship of multiple types of family and community violence with youth outcomes is limited in the previous research literature, particularly in Latin America. This study examined the... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial WorkSocial Sciences
A body of existing research addresses the influences of neighborhood disadvantage and negative parenting practices on child outcomes. A notable gap in extant literature, however, is the scarcity of research that encompasses the... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyCorporal Punishment
Gender inequality perpetuates women’s economic insecurity and a culture of violence. Parental distress caused by economic pressure may increase violence against children. High levels of gender inequality and interpersonal violence may... more
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      Economic InequalityMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public healthPhysical Abuse
Background: Caregivers use a variety of disciplinary methods to respond to undesired child behavior. Many caregivers use nonaggressive forms of discipline, such as verbal reasoning and redirection. Some caregivers use aggressive forms of... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChild abuse and neglectInjury Prevention
Background: Nearly one third of children under five in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience spanking. Studies from North America suggest that spanking is associated with heightened risk of physical abuse. However, the link... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChild abuse and neglectInjury Prevention