Papers by Annie Schulz Begle
Enfoques: revista de la Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2004

Field trips to museums and performing arts centers are not a frequent activity for most students,... more Field trips to museums and performing arts centers are not a frequent activity for most students, so how do cultural organizations learn how to make the most of these limited but potentially valuable “gateway experiences” towards increased arts participation? This paper examines the development of a short engagement survey instrument that was administered during three seasons of performances across art forms, grade levels, and student populations. The findings feature three statistically significant factors that may optimize positive engagement in the arts experience for students: prior experience of performances, lessons in the art from, and preparation for the performance. However, when the data is disaggregated by students who attend Title I schools, English learners, and students with disabilities, not all the factors predict higher positive engagement. The factor that may work across all populations and exclusively for students with disabilities is preparation. Practical implic...

This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contex... more This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contextual and demographic variables. The sample consisted of 249 participants aged between 8 and 10 years from Argentina, of which 127 were middle SES children (Group 1) and 122 were low SES children (Group 2). The study used a free response technique and Cramér’s V tests were performed to analyze whether the responses were associated with SES, gender and age. The most prominent motive for gratitude in Group 1 was related to having a family. Children from the lower SES group demonstrated gratitude for being able to have material objects and the basic elements necessary for survival, among which food was emphasized. Girls focused their gratitude on loving relationships, whereas boys mentioned material objects, borrowed objects, as well as autonomy granted by their parents. The motives for gratitude were also found to be significantly associated with age.Fil: Oros, Laura Beatriz. Universidad de...

La investigacion procuro establecer como incide la soledad sobre la depresion infantil teniendo e... more La investigacion procuro establecer como incide la soledad sobre la depresion infantil teniendo en cuenta la multidimensionalidad de ambas variables. En ella participaron 346 ninos de entre 9 y 11 anos, de ambos sexos, de las provincias de Entre Rios, Santa Fe y Buenos Aires. Para evaluar las variables se utilizaron en primer lugar la adaptacion argentina de la Escala Lovaina de Soledad para Ninos y Adolescentes de Marcoen y Goossens (Richaud de Minzi, Sacchi y Moreno, 2002), cuyas dimensiones son soledad en relacion a los padres, soledad ligada a los pares, afinidad a la soledad y aversion a la soledad. En segundo lugar, la adaptacion argentina del Perfil de Dimensiones de Depresion para Ninos y Adolescentes de Harter y Novakowski (Richaud de Minzi et al., 2002), la cual evalua autoinculpacion, autovaloracion negativa, animo y energia. Se realizaron analisis de variancia univariados (ANOVA) y multivariados (MANOVA), los cuales indicaron que existe una incidencia de los factores de ...

En el presente estudio se evaluó el proceso de tesis vigente en la carrera de Lic. en Psicología ... more En el presente estudio se evaluó el proceso de tesis vigente en la carrera de Lic. en Psicología de la Universidad Adventista del Plata y se compararon los diferentes regímenes implementados hasta el momento. Para tal fin se diseñó una base de datos que permitió organizar, unificar y acceder a la información de las siguientes variables: duración del proceso, línea de investigación del tema, composición del tribunal de tesis, calificación obtenida, tipo de estudio, instrumentos empleados en la recolección de datos y técnicas utilizadas para el análisis de los datos. Se trabajó sobre una base de datos que incluyó todas las tesis de grado de la licenciatura en Psicología defendidas desde el año 1996 hasta el 2007. Se presentan las conclusiones derivadas de los datos obtenidos hasta el momento. Por otra parte, se elaboraron instrumentos destinados a recolectar información sobre las dificultades y fortalezas en el proceso de elaboración de la tesis desde el punto de vista del alumno y de...

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2015
Objective-Approximately 15-20 percent of young children can be classified as having a behaviorall... more Objective-Approximately 15-20 percent of young children can be classified as having a behaviorally inhibited (BI) temperament. Stable BI predicts the development of later anxiety disorders (particularly social anxiety), but not all inhibited children develop anxiety. Parenting characterized by inappropriate warmth/sensitivity and/or intrusive control predicts the stability of BI and moderates risk for anxiety among high-BI children. For these reasons, we developed and examined the preliminary efficacy of the Turtle Program: a multi-modal early intervention for inhibited preschool-aged children. Method-Forty inhibited children between the ages of 42-60 months and their parent(s) were randomized to either the Turtle Program (n = 18) or a waitlist control condition (WLC; n = 22). Participants randomized to the Turtle Program condition received 8 weeks of concurrent parent and child group treatment. Participants were assessed at baseline and post-treatment with multisource assessments, including parent and teacher report measures of child anxiety, diagnostic interviews, and observations of parenting behavior. Results-The Turtle Program resulted in significant beneficial effects relative to the WLC condition on maternal-reported anxiety symptoms of medium to large magnitude; large effects on parent-reported BI; medium to large effects on teacher-rated school anxiety symptoms; and medium effects on observed maternal positive affect/sensitivity. Conclusions-This study provides encouraging preliminary support for the Turtle Program for young behaviorally inhibited children. Importantly, the effects of the Turtle Program generalized to the school setting. Future studies should examine whether this early intervention program improves long-term developmental outcomes for these at-risk children.

ABSTRACT The chapter is organized in the following manner. We begin with a conceptual schema for ... more ABSTRACT The chapter is organized in the following manner. We begin with a conceptual schema for the study of child and adolescent social development. Thereafter, we briefly review various theoretical perspectives pertaining to child and adolescent peer interactions and relationships. We next describe the construct of social competence and propose that this phenomenon derives, in large part, from the child’s ability to think about the social world and to contemplate ways and means to make one’s way through the social milieu. In so doing, we focus, not only on typical children, but also on children who deviate from the norm in meaningful ways. Given much of the material found within this compendium and to link the content of our discussion with the developmental social neuroscience field, we address the ways in which children who have suffered a traumatic brain injury might think about and experience the world of peers. Subsequently, we describe factors that predict, correlate and result from peer acceptance and rejection. Following this, we describe the nature of child and early adolescent friendship and the features of interpersonal attraction, friendship formation, and the correlates and consequences of supportive and dysfunctional friendships.

Research indicates that child and adolescent psychological adjustment is influenced by relationsh... more Research indicates that child and adolescent psychological adjustment is influenced by relationships with both parents and peers (Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 2006). Most research examining the relation between parenting and psychosocial adjustment outcomes has focused on externalizing problems; relatively little research exists in which the primary focus is on the effects of parenting on internalizing problems, such as loneliness and depression (Gaertner, Fite, & Colder, 2010). From the extant studies, it is known that highly controlling parenting predicts internalizing difficulties in childhood (Rubin and Burgess, 2002). In contrast, parenting characterized by warmth and encouragement of autonomy has been linked to psychosocial adjustment in childhood and throughout adolescence (Bayer, Sanson & Hemphill, 2006). In addition, positive and high quality friendships have been associated with fewer internalizing difficulties (Parker &Asher, 1993). And yet, little work on these relations e...
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 2015
This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contex... more This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contextual and demographic variables. The sample consisted of 249 participants aged between 8 and 10 years from Argentina, of which 127 were middle SES children (Group 1) and 122 performed to analyze whether the responses were associated with SES, gender and age. The most prominent motive for gratitude in Group 1 was related to having a family. Children from the lower SES group demonstrated gratitude for being able to have material objects and the basic elements necessary for survival, among which food was emphasized. Girls focused their gratitude on loving relationships, whereas boys mentioned material objects, borrowed objects, as well as autonomy age.

While most definitions of social skills and friendship have an implicit positive emotional compon... more While most definitions of social skills and friendship have an implicit positive emotional component, the relation between these constructs has been scarcelystudied. Of the few studies that have addressed this relationship it is known that (a) positive emotions encompass both social consequences and social roots (Fredrickson, 2000), (b) appropriate social skills arenot only associated to the absence of difficulties or negative affect but also with the presence of positive emotional and psychological states (Segrin et al., 2007), and (c) positive emotionality has been relatedtothe formation and maintenance of positive social relationships (Bagwell and Schmidt, 2011; Denham et al., 2003;Greco, 2008). This study attempts to make a contribution to the understanding of the relation between social skills, friendship quality and positive affect, especially considering the mediating effect of social skills in the relationship between the quality of friendship and affection positive. Partici...
This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contex... more This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contextual and demographic variables. The sample consisted of 249 participants aged between 8 and 10 years from Argentina, of which 127 were middle SES children (Group 1) and 122 performed to analyze whether the responses were associated with SES, gender and age. The most prominent motive for gratitude in Group 1 was related to having a family. Children from the lower SES group demonstrated gratitude for being able to have material objects and the basic elements necessary for survival, among which food was emphasized. Girls focused their gratitude on loving relationships, whereas boys mentioned material objects, borrowed objects, as well as autonomy age.

Objective: Approximately 15%-20% of young children can be classified as having a behaviorally inh... more Objective: Approximately 15%-20% of young children can be classified as having a behaviorally inhibited (BI) temperament. Stable BI predicts the development of later anxiety disorders (particularly social anxiety), but not all inhibited children develop anxiety. Parenting characterized by inappropriate warmth/sensitivity and/or intrusive control predicts the stability of BI and moderates risk for anxiety among high-BI children. For these reasons, we developed and examined the preliminary efficacy of the Turtle Program: a multimodal early intervention for inhibited preschool-age children. Method: Forty inhibited children between the ages of 42-60 months and their parent(s) were randomized to either the Turtle Program (n ϭ 18) or a waitlist control (WLC; n ϭ 22) condition. Participants randomized to the Turtle Program condition received 8 weeks of concurrent parent and child group treatment. Participants were assessed at baseline and posttreatment with multisource assessments, including parent and teacher report measures of child anxiety, diagnostic interviews, and observations of parenting behavior. Results: The Turtle Program resulted in significant beneficial effects relative to the WLC condition on maternal-reported anxiety symptoms of medium to large magnitude; large effects on parent-reported BI; medium to large effects on teacher-rated school anxiety symptoms; and medium effects on observed maternal positive affect/sensitivity. Conclusions: This study provides encouraging preliminary support for the Turtle Program for young behaviorally inhibited children. Effects of the Turtle Program generalized to the school setting. Future studies should examine whether this early intervention program improves long-term developmental outcomes for this at-risk group.

El estudio de los estados afectivos a través de los años ha sugerido que se debe considerar al af... more El estudio de los estados afectivos a través de los años ha sugerido que se debe considerar al afecto como una estructura compuesta por dos dimensiones relativamente independientes, las cuales son el afecto positivo y el negativo. El Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS, Watson, Clark y Tellegen, 1988) ha demostrado ser una medida válida para la evaluación de los estados afectivos en adultos, y es ampliamente usada en todo el mundo. A su vez, la versión para niños, desarrollada por Laurent et al. (1999), también ha manifestado excelentes propiedades psicométricas. Por ser considerado un instrumento tan efectivo y confiable, el propósito de este estudio ha sido validar la versión para niños del Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-C) en una población infantil argentina. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 158 niños de ambos sexos de 8 a 11 años de la ciudad de Paraná, Entre Ríos (Argentina). En primer lugar se estudió la validez factorial, obteniéndose, de a...

En el presente trabajo se presentarán las etapas seguidas en la construcción de un instrumento pa... more En el presente trabajo se presentarán las etapas seguidas en la construcción de un instrumento para evaluar el razonamiento prosocial en niños de 7 y 8 años de edad. Se trabajó primeramente siguiendo la propuesta de Carlo, Eisenberg y Knight (1992) a partir del relato de historias que presentan distintas situaciones en las que están implicadas conductas de: compartir, ayudar material o emocionalmente, el niño debe identificarse con el personaje principal y sugerir cómo resolver el conflicto, indicando finalmente por qué cree que el protagonista actuó de tal forma. Las alternativas pueden ser enunciadas libremente por el niño o si esto no ocurre, sugeridas por el evaluador a través de tarjetas con dibujos que representan los posibles razonamientos prosociales: hedonista, estereotipado, búsqueda de aprobación y consideración por los demás. Los análisis psicométricos realizados fueron: Alpha de Cronbach, análisis de correlación, comparación de medias y de frecuencias, gráficos de perfi...

There are consistent research results showing that parenting practices and styles are linked to t... more There are consistent research results showing that parenting practices and styles are linked to the emotional development of children. Children who feel loved and accepted are happier and more confident (Driscoll, Russell and Crockett, 2007), meanwhile, those who lack the support from their parents, are neglected or exposed to rather extreme levels of parental monitoring are more vulnerable to the development of negative affect. In this study, we analyzed the occurrence of this phenomenon in 150 Argentine children between 8 and 12 years old, taking into account the role of both father and mother. The measures used were all Argentine validations of scales used to assess the variables included in the study: Scale of Perception of the Relationships with Parents, Dimensions of Depression Profile for Children and Adolescents, Louvain Loneliness Scale for Children and Adolescents and Positive Emotions Scale for Children, which included subscales of Joyfulness, Serenity, Satisfaction and S...

Children’s emotional adjustment has been largely associated to characteristics of the relationshi... more Children’s emotional adjustment has been largely associated to characteristics of the relationships with both parents and peers. Research has usually focused on parenting and social competence as predictors of internalizing problems and, although several studies recognize the interaction between these predictors, rarely has this influence been conceptualized as a mediated relationship. Research has been consistent in showing how parenting practices influence the development of internalizing difficulties (McDonald, Bowker, Rubin, Laursen, & Duchene, 2010; Rubin, Booth, Rose-Krasnor, & Mills, 1995). Authoritative parenting, with characteristics of warmness, support and positive monitoring, protects children against depression, loneliness and anxiety, whereas those children who lack support from their parents, are neglected or exposed to significant criticism and rather extreme levels of parental monitoring are more vulnerable to the development and maintenance of internalizing problem...
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 2015
This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contex... more This article explores the motives for gratitude expressed by children, taking into account contextual and demographic variables. The sample consisted of 249 participants aged between 8 and 10 years from Argentina, of which 127 were middle SES children (Group 1) and 122 performed to analyze whether the responses were associated with SES, gender and age. The most prominent motive for gratitude in Group 1 was related to having a family. Children from the lower SES group demonstrated gratitude for being able to have material objects and the basic elements necessary for survival, among which food was emphasized. Girls focused their gratitude on loving relationships, whereas boys mentioned material objects, borrowed objects, as well as autonomy age.
We evaluated whether gossip between best friends moderated the relation between anxious withdrawa... more We evaluated whether gossip between best friends moderated the relation between anxious withdrawal and friendship quality in early adolescence, using an Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (
Papers by Annie Schulz Begle