Papers by Marzena Myślińska

Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 2015
Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process,... more Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process, also in the processes of application of law. The main question stated in the article concerns the separate nature of the mediation, uncomparable to the traditional view of the application of law. Is the mediation procedure only a specific and unnecessary part of the application of law process, or the distinct and necessary decision making unit which may replace the traditional, authoritative model of the application of law? Keywords: mediation, decision making process, convergent discourse, application of law, the judicial type of application of law 1. CONFLICTS, DISPUTES AND INSTITUTIONAL FORMS OF THEIR RESOLUTION Conflict is, beside neutrality and cooperation, one of the three universal patterns of social relations. 1 Conflicts stem from interests and needs of the parties. 2 Disclosure of conflict on the social forum and its exposure to social observation 1 More on this issue: A. Korybski, Alternatywne rozwiązywanie sporów w USA, Lublin 1993, p. 18. The author understands conflict as "a system of juxtaposed behaviours of two social entities (persons, groups or organisations), with each party striving to achieve its own goals (interests) and encountering counteraction of the other party to the conflict". Ibidem, p. 20. 2 H. Groszyk, A. Korybski, O pojęciu interesu w naukach prawnych (przegląd wybranej problematyki z perspektywy teoretyczno-prawnej),

Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 2015
Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process,... more Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process, also in the processes of application of law. The main question stated in the article concerns the separate nature of the mediation, uncomparable to the traditional view of the application of law. Is the mediation procedure only a specific and unnecessary part of the application of law process, or the distinct and necessary decision making unit which may replace the traditional, authoritative model of the application of law? Keywords: mediation, decision making process, convergent discourse, application of law, the judicial type of application of law 1. CONFLICTS, DISPUTES AND INSTITUTIONAL FORMS OF THEIR RESOLUTION Conflict is, beside neutrality and cooperation, one of the three universal patterns of social relations. 1 Conflicts stem from interests and needs of the parties. 2 Disclosure of conflict on the social forum and its exposure to social observation 1 More on this issue: A. Korybski, Alternatywne rozwiązywanie sporów w USA, Lublin 1993, p. 18. The author understands conflict as "a system of juxtaposed behaviours of two social entities (persons, groups or organisations), with each party striving to achieve its own goals (interests) and encountering counteraction of the other party to the conflict". Ibidem, p. 20. 2 H. Groszyk, A. Korybski, O pojęciu interesu w naukach prawnych (przegląd wybranej problematyki z perspektywy teoretyczno-prawnej),

Analysis of dissimilarities in inter-American and European protection systems of regional human r... more Analysis of dissimilarities in inter-American and European protection systems of regional human rights in contexts of their efficiency is the subject of this article. The differences in both systems concern a catalogue of warranted law both guaranteed and individual, analyzed by authors, elements of check mechanisms that provide their efficiency and reality i.e. institution of individual complaint, range of jurisdiction of subjective tribunal and implementation of local sentence law. Catalogue of warranted human rights in American convention is more extensive in comparison to European convention since individual rights are more detailed (by showing criteria of their realization). With similar procedure principles in both systems, the problem of sentence implementation on grounds of state legislation directly decreases efficiency of the protection system of human rights in inter-American system. Legal-comparative analysis of individual elements in both systems proves that the present...
Studia Iuridica Lublinesia, 2015
Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process,... more Mediation is treated in many contemporary legal proceedings as a part of decision making process, also in the processes of application of law. The main question stated in the article concerns the separate nature of the mediation, uncomparable to the traditional view of the application of law. Is the mediation procedure only a specific and unnecessary part of the application of law process, or the distinct and necessary decision making unit which may replace the traditional, authoritative model of the application of law?

Studia Iuridica Lublinesia, 2018
The subject of this article is the analysis of the activity undertaken during mediation in the c... more The subject of this article is the analysis of the activity undertaken during mediation in the context of the characteristics of the mediation process and the normative conditions of the legal relationship and disputes resolved through this form of ADR. In order to implement the project, the content of the work will contain a list of functions performed by the mediator during mediation as 'the environment for performing the role' (which is not closed due to the dynamics of interaction in the negotiations). Their character and content determine the nature of the social and professional role of mediators in the Polish legal order, it also allows us to illustrate in detail the key issues for reflection on the professional role, including, for example, legal liability and conflict of roles. Mediation functions are diversified in terms of the frequency of their implementation depending, among other things, on the strategy of conducting mediation, the specificity of the dispute and the legal regulation of mediation. The discussion of the last of the indicated differentiating factors (i.e. the impact of universally binding law) will be reflected in the content of the paper.

Badania nad analizą konfliktową procesów stosowania prawa w typie administracyjnym mogą być prowa... more Badania nad analizą konfliktową procesów stosowania prawa w typie administracyjnym mogą być prowadzone z różnych punktów wiedzenia. Może ona być przedmiotem zainteresowania nauk prawnych, politycznych, socjologii czy psychologii. Analizą można obejmować zarówno cały proces dochodzenia do konkretnego rozstrzygnięcia i wpływ poszczególnych interesów na rozumowania podejmowane w tym procesie, jak również sam efekt końcowy w postaci decyzji. W tym kontekście można badać wpływ poszczególnych interesów na decyzje „związane” i „swobodne”, na decyzje wydawane na wniosek lub z urzędu, czy też na decyzje podejmowane przez organy pierwszej instancji oraz wydawane w postępowaniu odwoławczym (z uwzględnieniem „rodzaju” organu odwoławczego). Ciekawym przedmiotem analiz może być również wpływ powiązań organów administracji publicznej na podejmowane decyzje, w szczególności wpływ decyzji organów wyższego stopnia na decyzje podejmowane w pierwszych instancjach oraz rola orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych. Badać można wreszcie czynniki psychologiczne, które determinują określone postępowanie uczestników procesu decyzyjnego, w tym procesy zachodzące w umysłach osób wydających decyzje, zwracając uwagę na ich motywy w zależności od typu sprawy, rodzaju organu odwoławczego, sytuacji (aksjologii) społecznej.
Papers by Marzena Myślińska