Papers by Grzegorz M Wójcik
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

In this study, we explore the simulation setup in computational neuroscience. We use GENESIS, a g... more In this study, we explore the simulation setup in computational neuroscience. We use GENESIS, a general purpose simulation engine for sub-cellular components and biochemical reactions, realistic neuron models, large neural networks, and system-level models. GENESIS supports developing and running computer simulations but leaves a gap for setting up today's larger and more complex models. The field of realistic models of brain networks has overgrown the simplicity of earliest models. The challenges include managing the complexity of software dependencies and various models, setting up model parameter values, storing the input parameters alongside the results, and providing execution statistics. Moreover, in the high performance computing (HPC) context, public cloud resources are becoming an alternative to the expensive on-premises clusters. We present Neural Simulation Pipeline (NSP), which facilitates the large-scale computer simulations and their deployment to multiple computing infrastructures using the infrastructure as the code (IaC) containerization approach. The authors demonstrate the e ectiveness of NSP in a pattern recognition task programmed with GENESIS, through a custom-built visual system, called RetNet(× ,) that uses biologically plausible Hodgkin-Huxley spiking neurons. We evaluate the pipeline by performing simulations executed on-premise, at the Hasso Plattner Institute's (HPI) Future Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) Lab, and through the Amazon Web Services (AWS), the biggest public cloud service provider in the world. We report on the non-containerized and containerized execution with Docker, as well as present the cost per simulation in AWS. The results show that our neural simulation pipeline can reduce entry barriers to neural simulations, making them more practical and cost-e ective.

Brain fog is a kind of mental problem, similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, and appears about mon... more Brain fog is a kind of mental problem, similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, and appears about months after the infection with COVID-and lasts up to months. The maximum magnitude of the third wave of COVID-in Poland was in April. The research referred here aimed at carrying out the investigation comprising the electrophysiological analysis of the patients who su ered from COVID-and had symptoms of brain fog (sub-cohort A), su ered from COVID-and did not have symptoms of brain fog (sub-cohort B), and the control group that had no COVIDand no symptoms (sub-cohort C). The aim of this article was to examine whether there are di erences in the brain cortical activity of these three sub-cohorts and, if possible di erentiate and classify them using the machine-learning tools. he dense array electroencephalographic amplifier with electrodes was used for recordings. The event-related potentials were chosen as we expected to find the di erences in the patients' responses to three di erent mental tasks arranged in the experiments commonly known in experimental psychology: face recognition, digit span, and task switching. These potentials were plotted for all three patients' sub-cohorts and all three experiments. The cross-correlation method was used to find di erences, and, in fact, such di erences manifested themselves in the shape of event-related potentials on the cognitive electrodes. The discussion of such di erences will be presented; however, an explanation of such di erences would require the recruitment of a much larger cohort. In the classification problem, the avalanche analysis for feature extractions from the resting state signal and linear discriminant analysis for classification were used. The di erences between sub-cohorts in such signals were expected to be found. Machine-learning tools were used, as finding the di erences with eyes seemed impossible. Indeed, the A&B vs. C, B&C vs. A, A vs. B, A vs. C, and B vs. C classification tasks were performed, and the e ciency of around-% was achieved. In future, probably there will be pandemics again due to the imbalance in the natural environment, resulting in the decreasing number of species, temperature increase, and climate change-generated migrations. The research can help to predict brain fog after the COVID-recovery and prepare the patients for better convalescence. Shortening the time of brain fog recovery will be beneficial not only for the patients but also for social conditions.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research background and the existing state of knowledge Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and techniques lik... more Research background and the existing state of knowledge Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and techniques like Guided Imagery (GI) are widely recognised as method supporting a wide range of therapies, including oncotherapies and mental disorders. The primary objective of this paper is to present the literature review of the relaxation techniques appliance in supporting the health recovery programs is presented. The secondary objective of this paper is to conduct the pilot study aimed at measurement of electrophysiological parameters: EEG brain cortical activity, pulse and blood saturation of the patient exposed to Guided Imagery hypnosis. There are numerous examples of using hypnotherapy in the treatment of patients affected by HIV, ARC, or AIDS, among others [21]. For example, Auerbach demonstrated a meaningful reduction in physical symptoms associated with HIV, such as fever, pain, nausea, and a significant increase in activity and resilience in case of patients with ARC and AIDS who participated for 8 weeks in a group program that used biofeedback, imagery, and hypnosis, as compared to a control group [1]. Gochros used hypnosis in simultaneous individual and group therapy of seropositive patients in order to strengthen their ability to cope with the diagnosis and reduce the resulting stress [21]. His results showed a positive effect of hypnosis ⇤
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of f... more Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of fake news. Source credibility is among the most important aspects of credibility evaluations. One of the most direct ways to understand source credibility is to use measurements of brain activity of humans who make credibility evaluations. This article reports the results of an experiment during which we have measured brain activity during credibility evaluation using EEG. In the experiment, participants had to learn source credibility of fictitious students based on a preparatory stage, during which they evaluated message credibility with perfect knowledge. The experiment allowed for identification of brain areas that were active when a participant made positive or negative source credibility evaluations. Based on experimental data, we modeled and predicted human source credibility evaluations using EEG brain activity measurements with F1 score exceeding 0.7 (using 10-fold cross-validation). We are also able to model and predict message credibility evaluations with perfect knowledge, and to compare both models obtained from a single experiment.
Wypalenie zawodowe (ang. burnout) powstaje w wyniku długotrwałego narażenia na stres związany z p... more Wypalenie zawodowe (ang. burnout) powstaje w wyniku długotrwałego narażenia na stres związany z pracą. Przejawia się ono w emocjonalnym wyczerpaniu, depersonalizacji i spadku osiągnięć osobistych. W literaturze jest wiele doniesień na temat wypalenia zawodowego wśród pracowników systemu opieki zdrowotnej, ale niewiele jest badań wśród fizjoterapeutów czy informatyków, nie mówiąc już o analizie wypalenia zawodowego za pomocą metod sztucznej inteligencji. Celem niniejszego badania jest wypełnienie tej luki.
Medycyna pracy coraz częściej korzysta z nowoczesnych technologii i staje się coraz bardziej inte... more Medycyna pracy coraz częściej korzysta z nowoczesnych technologii i staje się coraz bardziej interdyscyplinarna. Może to być reakcją zarówno na rozwój nauk medycznych i innych nauk wspierających współczesną praktykę kliniczną, jak również nowe sposoby terapii ukierunkowane na współpracę w ramach zespołu interdyscyplinarnego, zorientowaną na pacjenta i spełniająca wymagania Medycyny Opartej na Faktach. Artykuł stanowi próbę oceny, w jakim stopniu wykorzystuje się możliwości w tym obszarze i wskazania czynników dających szanse na przełom.
Obecnym wyzwaniem jest zbadanie i optymalizacja obliczeniowych miar wypalenia zawodowego w celu o... more Obecnym wyzwaniem jest zbadanie i optymalizacja obliczeniowych miar wypalenia zawodowego w celu obiektywnego określenia najlepszego sposobu obliczania satysfakcji z pracy, wypalenia zawodowego i predyktorów zamiaru odejścia z pracy w różnych grupach zawodowych.Celem badań prezentowanych w artykule był przegląd badań w zakresie obliczeniowego określanie zależności między doświadczaniem stresu w pracy a występowaniem objawów wypalenia zawodowego.
Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of f... more Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of fake news. Message credibility is among crucial aspects of credibility evaluations. One of the most direct ways to understand message credibility is to use measurements of brain activity of humans performing credibility evaluations. Nevertheless, message credibility has never been investigated using such a method before. This article reports the results of an experiment during which we have measured brain activity during message credibility evaluation, using EEG. The experiment allowed for identification of brain areas that were active when participant made positive or negative message credibility evaluations. Based on experimental data, we modeled and predicted human message credibility evaluations using EEG brain activity measurements with F1 score exceeding 0.7.
Behavioral and neuroimaging studies show that people trust and collaborate with others based on a... more Behavioral and neuroimaging studies show that people trust and collaborate with others based on a quick assessment of the facial appearance. Based on the morphological characteristics of the face, i.e., features, shape, or color, it is possible to determine health, attractiveness, trust, and some personality traits. The study attempts to indicate the features influencing the perception of attractiveness and trust. In order to select individual factors, a model of backward stepwise logistic regression was used, analyzing the results of the psychological tests and the attractiveness and trust survey. Statistical analysis made it possible to select the most important personality traits related to attractiveness and trust assessments.

Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of f... more Understanding how humans evaluate credibility is an important scientific question in the era of fake news. Source credibility is among the most important aspects of credibility evaluations. One of the most direct ways to understand source credibility is to use measurements of brain activity of humans performing credibility evaluations. Nevertheless, source credibility has never been investigated using such a method before. This article reports the results of an experiment during which we have measured brain activity during source credibility evaluation, using EEG. The experiment allowed for identification of brain areas that were active when a participant made positive or negative source credibility evaluations. Based on experimental data, we modeled and predicted human source credibility evaluations using EEG brain activity measurements with F1 score exceeding 0.7 (using 10-fold cross-validation).
Objectives: The most common technique of determining biological paternity or another relationship... more Objectives: The most common technique of determining biological paternity or another relationship among people are the investigations of DNA polymorphism called Fingerprinting DNA. The key concept of these investigations is the statistical analysis, which leads to obtain the likelihood ratio (LR), sometimes called the paternity index. Methods: Among the different assumptions stated in these computations is a mutation model (this model is used for all the computations). Results and conclusions: Although its influence on LR is usually negligible, there are some situations (when the mother-child mutation arises) when it is crucial.
In the Internet era, proliferation of fake news can cause serious social and individual consequen... more In the Internet era, proliferation of fake news can cause serious social and individual consequences. Little is known about why Web users believe or disbelieve fake news. This article aims to make progress in this area by studying brain activity during credibility evaluation. We conducted an experiment that mimics a condition when fake news are evaluated by a person with expert knowledge. Using advanced EEG equipment, we have identified the brain areas involved in the process of verifying message credibility by using full knowledge. Based on experimental data, we have created a machine learning model using generalized logistic regression that achieved 77% accuracy under 10-fold cross-validation. Our model is a first step towards supporting expert-based fake news debunking using EEG.

Using the large database of STR (Short Tandem Repeat) DNA results of southeastern Polish populati... more Using the large database of STR (Short Tandem Repeat) DNA results of southeastern Polish population were validated with regard to the correctness of data by testing the interdependence of loci and the Hardy-Weinberg hypothesis. It turned that the data was correct so that this topic was given up. Furthermore, dividing this population according to the place of birth, we evaluated the FST , Nei's distance value and other measures used in Phylogenetics, of the subpopulations chosen in that way. phylogenetic trees for this supopulation were obtained and the focus was made validation of hierarchical classifications. We evaluate classifications with the Dunn's index, and compared the inter classifications using the cophenetic correlation of classifications. After comparing and validating the classification methods the behaviour of these distances was simulated in the following generations. We gathered information about migration (emigration as well as immigration) rate in the considered subpopulation. Therefore changes of phenotype frequencies could be simulated in the these generations based on some reasonable assumptions. On the basis of these simulated frequencies the future distance arrays were computed. If the maximum of this distance is smaller than the assumed level, we state that differences between the subpopulations vanish. We focus on the number of generations till all the differences vanish. It is worthwhile mentionary that the migrations in southeastern Poland are significant, thus that number is relatively small.
Papers by Grzegorz M Wójcik