Papers by Przemysław Mroczek

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, Dec 21, 2022
Wierzawice 31 site is one of the easternmost Magdalenian sites, situated in the southeastern corn... more Wierzawice 31 site is one of the easternmost Magdalenian sites, situated in the southeastern corner of the Kolbuszowa Plateau surrounded, to the east, by the broad San River valley and, on the south, by the sub-Carpathian ice-marginal valley. This archaeological site lies in an area with surface deposits developed as periglacial stratified silty-sandy sediments about 10 m thick, adjoined in the NW by an isolated patch of loess of the island type. The lithic artefacts occur in a small area of about 40 sqm, with the main concentration of artefacts centred around the focus. Almost 70% of the tools are hunting weapon elements. Both technology and tool typology are typical for Magdalenian assemblages. Absolute dating (14 C and TL) indicates a very young, Allerød age for the site. The raw materials used indicate connections with the northern part of the Sandomierz Upland. Imports of "Volhynian flint" suggest possible contacts with areas beyond the limits of the Magdalenian range.
Antiquity, May 18, 2022
New research at the Doroshivtsi site in Ukraine has provided data that allow fresh insights into ... more New research at the Doroshivtsi site in Ukraine has provided data that allow fresh insights into a well-known and important Gravettian site in the Middle Dniester Valley.

<p>The loesses of central Ukraine, occurring on both sides of the s... more <p>The loesses of central Ukraine, occurring on both sides of the submeridional-oriented Dnieper River valley, have the character of continuous patches up to 30 or even 50 meters thick. In geological exposures (mainly cliffs) they have the character of loess-palaeosol sequences, additionally separated by glacial till (Saalian), which plays an important role as a stratigraphic marker. The loess cover underlies the river sediments of the Pleistocene Dnieper terraces. A characteristic feature of the documented sequences is a clear difference in their thickness, as well as litho- and pedological formation on opposite banks of the Dnieper River.</p><p>Grain size analyses (laser and sieve) of a number of sequences on both sides of the river were conducted. The assumed constant interval was 5 cm. Based on the measurements, accurate statistical characterization of the individual fractions and subfractions was developed and a number of indices were calculated that may be of great value in environmental interpretations.</p><p>Paleogeographic conclusions from sedimentological studies were focused on the characterization of depositional environments. The basic conclusion is the documented great dissimilarity of grain size characteristics of lithological units of the same age on both sides of the Dnieper valley. This reflects the different nature and high variability of environmental conditions during accumulation period. The study clearly shows that the valley was an important source of windblown silty material, but also its morphologically diverse banks were important orographic barriers for aeolian transported material. Moreover, a strong connection between the investigated aeolian sediments and the older, underlying layers of different origin – glacial and fluvial – was demonstrated.</p><p>Research carried out as part of the grant of National Science Centre, Poland as the project no. 2018/31/B/ST10/01507 entitled “Global, regional and local factors determining the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental record in the Ukrainian loess-soil sequences along the Dnieper River Valley – from the proximal areas to the distal periglacial zone”.</p>
Quaternary International, 2021
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Quaternary International, 2017
The subject of interdisciplinary studies was the Magdalenian archaeological site and its vicinity... more The subject of interdisciplinary studies was the Magdalenian archaeological site and its vicinity situated in the SE part of Kolbuszowa Plateau (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland). The results of geoarchaeological analysis were not limited only to the area of archaeological excavations, but also include a wider background. From palaeogeographical point of view very important was the geomorphical location of the camp on the periphery of unique loess island close to valley of San River (tributary of Vistula). Analyzed soil profiles e with cultural layer very attractive for archaeologists e represent facies of sandy-silty deposits mainly formed by deluvial and aeolian processes active in the margin of a quite large, morphologically diversified loess island. The lower part of the studied sediments was deposited simultaneously with the youngest loesses, which were accumulated in the close proximity. The deposition of sandy-silty deposits continued during Late Glacial and ended in Younger Dryas when in the adjacent loess zone there were formed stratified silty deposits of deluvial-aeolian origin. This spatial variability of deposits, which were accumulated in a small area, resulted undoubtedly from local conditions and favoured the development of different plant communities at the time when the camp was functioning. Geological research carried out in the Kolbuszowa Plateau provided an answer to the question about the time and conditions of the stay of Magdalenian hunters. This stay coincided with the period of stopped activity of aeolian-slope processes and stabilization of ground surface by grass vegetation when the big meandering river functioned in the deepened valley. Place for the camp was undoubtedly selected on account of its geomorphological qualities e location on the slope sheltered from westerly winds and with extensive view over the surrounding area, at the confluence of two rivers. According to presented data, small groups of Magdalenian hunters appeared on the loess island and in its immediate surroundings in the Allerød. Advantages of this area were as follows: geographical situation near the main migration route, the proximity to the junction of ecological corridors, diversified relief with good observation points and safe places for camp location, access to water and diverse vegetation cover with forests as well as grass areas attracting the game. Finally, despite the peripheral nature of settlement and generally poor traces of stay of the Magdalenian groups in SE Poland, both the features of lithic inventories and settlement strategies fit perfectly with the picture of the Magdalenian complex in Central Europe.
Quaternary Science Reviews

<p>The age of aeolian deposits and duration of conditions favorable for aeolian pro... more <p>The age of aeolian deposits and duration of conditions favorable for aeolian processes within the European Sand Belt (ESB) are still debated. Nowadays combined <sup>14</sup>C and OSL data are proper tools to establish the chronology of ESB dunes. However, both methods have significant limitations. They can be used only in existing outcrops limiting spatial coverage of results and making them not reliable for whole dune fields. The second issue is that the oldest dune sediments can be already reworked during dune migration. Finally, the measurement error of OSL data is too high to determine the constructional time of dune fields. To overcome these limitations, we used LiDAR data to examine the pattern properties of 31 dune fields located within the central part of ESB. Dune field pattern is recognized as a self-organizing system, where pattern evolution is a function of constructional time. This is reflected by increasing dune spacing and crest length, a decrease in defect density, and an overall reduction in the statistical variance of these parameters as the pattern matures. Curves describing the relationship between these parameters and constructional time were already established.</p><p>Results of the pattern analyses show that studied dune fields represent a wide range of spatial patterns, from irregular parabolic dune fields through a variety of transitional types to well-developed and regular patterns of large transverse dunes. The study confirms that periglacial dune fields undergo the same self-organization of pattern as dune fields located in hot and temperate areas. Regardless of the specific periglacial conditions, the temporal relationship between crest length, spacing, and defect density is preserved. Calculated constructional time for dune fields ranges between 1.2-4.2 ka for defect density, 0.3-5.9 ka for crest length, and 2.2-6.8 ka for spacing, indicating high spatial and temporal variability in the development of dune fields and a lack of zonation regarding to ice-sheet retreat. The coexistence of a few dune fields characterized by different degrees of pattern maturity in close vicinity suggests that the evolution of these dune fields was individual for each site and driven mainly by local events leading to the release of sand, such as subsequent incision of rivers, lowering of groundwater table, forest fires or human-induced deforestation. </p><p>Presented results were obtained with the support of Polish National Science Centre, contracts number 2018/30/E/ST10/00616 and 2021/41/N/ST10/00350.</p>
Quaternary Science Reviews
File "fieldCamapign.pdf" contains summary of the field work carried out to find the sed... more File "fieldCamapign.pdf" contains summary of the field work carried out to find the sedimentary record of past storm surges. File "raw_data.xlsx" contains results of grains size analysis, loss on ignistion, and dating with 14-C, 210-Pb, 137-Cs.
Quaternary International, 2021

Quaternary International, 2021
Abstract Recent studies along the southern Baltic Sea coast have revealed sedimentary records of ... more Abstract Recent studies along the southern Baltic Sea coast have revealed sedimentary records of catastrophic storm surges that significantly exceed the magnitude of storms documented by instrumental measurements. The present study aimed to apply heavy mineral analysis for storm surge deposits along coasts of Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic), as well as for contemporary marine, beach, dune and coastal plain sediments, to test the applicability of the method and to provide new insights into the depositional processes and sediment sources of the storm deposits. The transparent, 0.125–0.25 mm heavy mineral fraction (>2.85 g/cm3) in 118 sediment samples was investigated, and the results were subjected to multivariate statistical analyses (cluster, PCA, LDA). Storm deposits showed higher concentrations of heavy minerals comprising enrichment in garnet, zircon, and rutile. General heavy mineral assemblage depended on regional provenance and primary sediment sources. However, flooding regime (overwash or inundation) played a key role in selective hydrodynamic sorting of grains and mineralogical composition of storm deposits. Interpretation of deposits formed in inundation regime was more certain than deposits formed in overwash regime. In the latter case, deposits showed more similarities to adjacent mineral provinces. Statistical analyses proofed that heavy minerals together with other sedimentological descriptors may be a promising proxy for recognition of deposits related to defined sedimentary environment or identification of particular sedimentological process, e.g. event layers resulted from storm surges.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021
Marine, lacustrine and terrestrial records from many sites located in various regions of the worl... more Marine, lacustrine and terrestrial records from many sites located in various regions of the world suggest that the climate amelioration at the end of MIS-6 (Late Saalian) was interrupted by the short-termed cooling just prior to the MIS-6/MIS-5e boundary (Saalian/Eemian). This climatic event might be similar to the transition between interstadial conditions of the Allerød and stadial conditions of the Younger Dryas at the end of the Last Glacial (MIS-2). On the other hand, the results of quite numerous palaeobotanical studies show no stadial-interstadial oscillations below the Saalian/Eemian boundary, but reflect the gradual improvement of climate and increasing density of vegetation at that time. In western and central Europe, environment changes at the end of the Late Saalian are poorly recognized. Therefore, each new record illustrating this part of the Late Pleistocene is extremely important. We examined two profiles at the Wola Starogrodzka site, central Poland, by high-resolution analyses of pollen, Cladocera, plant macroscopic remains, mineral grain size and distribution, and organic matter content. The studied sequences represent the closing phase of the Late Saalian (in Poland called the Warta Stage of Odranian), and the early to middle part of the Eemian Interglacial. Change of the stadial-interstadial-stadial type at the end of the Late Saalian was registered both in aquatic and terrestrial environment. The recorded interstadial was correlated with Zeifen interstadial, while the following stadialwith the Kattegat stadial. Quantitative palaeoclimate reconstruction based on pollen data (modern analogue technique) showed the change in mean annual temperature by ca. 3 • C at that time.

<p>High-resolution colour analyses of key l... more <p>High-resolution colour analyses of key loess-soil sequences (LPSs) in the Ukrainian part of Dnieper River basin - one of the major European rivers and the largest river in the borderland between Central and Eastern Europe. The subject of the study were LPSs from the Last Glaciation with a thickness of up to 10 meters. The aim of our studies is to reconstruct the Upper Pleistocene paleogeographic transformations recorded in the Dnieper LPSs.</p><p>In our study area the causative geomorphological agent was dust was blown away by wind from the exposed surfaces rich in loose fine-grained material (e.g. from a wide valley of a big river) and deposited on the land surface as silt covers of different thickness and spatial extent; in warm (interphase, interstadial) periods of the Weichselian it was fixed by vegetation and was the parent rock for the successively developing soils of different pedogenesis types. In the Last Glaciation the zone of long (~1000 km) and generally sub-meridional valley of the Dnieper River was located in the peri- and extraglacial zone and characterized by strong spatial climate gradient depending on the distance from the ice sheet extent. In our times this river flows across several vegetation-landscape zones (forest→forest-steppe→steppe).</p><p>The spectrophotometer made it possible to carry out colour analyses of individual units distinguished within LPSs, taking into account a number of parameters such as: CIELAB color space variables L* (luminance, i.e. lightness [0-100]), a* (>0: red, < 0: green), and b* (>0: yellow, < 0: blue), derived parameters like the Redness Index (RI) and the RGB variables (min., max, average). The analysed LPSs showed relatively high variability of the above mentioned parameters reflecting activity of sedimentation processes (=primary loess) as well as pedogenic changes (soil horizons of different stratigraphic rank) and slope transformations (reworked material). The results of these analyses (presented mainly as curve lines and heatmaps) specify characteristics of environmental conditions of individual litho- and pedostratigraphic units. The advantage of the analysed parameters is their high sensitivity reflecting variability of environmental parameters having global, but also regional or even just local significance.</p><p>Research carried out as part of the grant of National Science Centre, Poland as the project no. 2018/31/B/ST10/01507 entitled “Global, regional and local factors determining the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental record in the Ukrainian loess-soil sequences along the Dnieper River Valley - from the proximal areas to the distal periglacial zone”.</p>
Papers by Przemysław Mroczek
Interdyscyplinarne Seminarium Naukowe
pod tytułem
Metodyka rekonstrukcji zmian klimatu i środowiska zapisanych w pokrywach lessowych
dedykowane pamięci wybitnych badaczy lessów
Prof. Adama Malickiego i Prof. Henryka Maruszczaka
Jarosław, woj. podkarpackie
6-8 października 2022 r.