Hubert Mielnik
Doctor of Law
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland
Department of History of State and Law
Faculty of Law and Administration
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland
Department of History of State and Law
Faculty of Law and Administration
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Papers by Hubert Mielnik
explains the significance of the directive for the practice of law in the GG.
case which was chosen for the present analysis was selected due to its specific character as it involved a double homicide (murder) committed by a juvenile offender whose victims were Jewish. The paper presents the practice of application of criminal law in the General Government, which was characterized by its expedited and simplified nature. It also highlights certain aspects of the law's ambiguity, the defendant's uncertain situation, and a lack of effective possibilities of defense. The development of Nazi criminal law veered towards perpetrator-based criminal law. The criminal law of Nazi Germany ruthlessly sentenced people to death and expanded its application.
explains the significance of the directive for the practice of law in the GG.
case which was chosen for the present analysis was selected due to its specific character as it involved a double homicide (murder) committed by a juvenile offender whose victims were Jewish. The paper presents the practice of application of criminal law in the General Government, which was characterized by its expedited and simplified nature. It also highlights certain aspects of the law's ambiguity, the defendant's uncertain situation, and a lack of effective possibilities of defense. The development of Nazi criminal law veered towards perpetrator-based criminal law. The criminal law of Nazi Germany ruthlessly sentenced people to death and expanded its application.
Z recenzji dr hab. Małgorzaty Materniak-Pawłowskiej, prof. UAM
Inicjatywa badania organizacji sądownictwa polskiego (nieniemieckiego) przez pryzmat ówczesnych przepisów prawa materialnego i procesowego, stosowanych w praktyce sądowej, jest niezwykle cenna. [...] Temat jest trudny, dlatego tak długo czekał na swojego badacza – i doczekał się z bardzo zadowalającym skutkiem. [...] Książka w istotny sposób wzbogaca stan badań nad historią prawa polskiego okresu wojennego na ważnym fragmencie terytorium państwa polskiego.
Z recenzji dr. hab. Zdzisława Zarzyckiego