Randi Kaarhus
Randi Kaarhus is Professor of Development Studies, Noragric at the Faculty of Landscape and Society (LANDSAM). With a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Oslo (1996), she has working experience as a Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) in the period 1988-1998, First Secretary at the Norwegian Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique (1999-2000), and as Professor of Anthropology at Nord University (2014-2017). In the period 2001- 2013 she worked at Noragric, first as Associate Professor, then as Professor and Head of Research at the Department. In the period 2018-2021 (September) she was first Head of Research, then Acting Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Landscape and Society.
Thematic fields of interest: Women's land rights; Knowledge and power in policy and planning; Epistemology and qualitative methodology; Comparative approaches; Society/Environment and Culture/Environment intersections; Natural resource conflicts; Gender relations and food production
Geographical competence: South-eastern Africa (Mozambique); Latin America/Andean region (Ecuador); Norway/Nordic countries.
Currently carrying out research on women’s land rights, with a project entitled ‘Transforming matrilineal land rights? Agricultural intensification and land regularization in Northern Mozambique’, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Thematic fields of interest: Women's land rights; Knowledge and power in policy and planning; Epistemology and qualitative methodology; Comparative approaches; Society/Environment and Culture/Environment intersections; Natural resource conflicts; Gender relations and food production
Geographical competence: South-eastern Africa (Mozambique); Latin America/Andean region (Ecuador); Norway/Nordic countries.
Currently carrying out research on women’s land rights, with a project entitled ‘Transforming matrilineal land rights? Agricultural intensification and land regularization in Northern Mozambique’, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
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Papers: Social aspects of NRM by Randi Kaarhus
participant observation during a ‘land delimitation’ process in central Mozambique, this article analyses the complex negotiation ensuing from the implementation of the land law in a local community. It shows how the delimitation process provided spaces for asserting – male – roles of power and authority, while local women were increasingly marginalised in the process. By presenting oral testimonies from women in the community, the authors seek to balance the account, providing women’s perspectives on the highly gendered character of interests in, access to, and exclusion from land. The analysis ends with the question: What would be required to provide a
space for local women to articulate their interests in a secure access to land during the delimitation process itself?
Papers by Randi Kaarhus
participant observation during a ‘land delimitation’ process in central Mozambique, this article analyses the complex negotiation ensuing from the implementation of the land law in a local community. It shows how the delimitation process provided spaces for asserting – male – roles of power and authority, while local women were increasingly marginalised in the process. By presenting oral testimonies from women in the community, the authors seek to balance the account, providing women’s perspectives on the highly gendered character of interests in, access to, and exclusion from land. The analysis ends with the question: What would be required to provide a
space for local women to articulate their interests in a secure access to land during the delimitation process itself?