Papers by Vianny Barrera

formación de vinculo afectivo , 2012
Formación de Vínculo Afectivo y Formación de Pareja. Una brecha muy estrecha 1. Resumen 2. Introd... more Formación de Vínculo Afectivo y Formación de Pareja. Una brecha muy estrecha 1. Resumen 2. Introducción 3. Hacia el desarrollo del Vínculo 4. Conceptos Claves en la Teoría del Apego 5. Tipos de Apego 6. Apego y Romance. La formación de pareja y el vínculo temprano 7. Cuidado y Vínculo en una Relación 8. Conclusiones 9. Bibliografía Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer la importancia de las relaciones tempranas, su influencia en el desarrollo social del sujeto y la relevancia de la calidad de estos cuidados para la formación de las relaciones de pareja. Se revisan los postulados de la teoría del apego, los fundamentos teóricos en los que se sustentan los conceptos principales que deben manejarse para su comprensión. Posteriormente se relacionan estos cuidados con la formación de pareja, siendo relevante considerar el tipo de apego generado en la temprana infancia para el posterior cuidado y vinculo con la pareja.
quienes son las personas en situacion de calle , 2021
No es difícil consensuar, que al hablar de pobreza extrema o de situación de vulnerabilidad, lo p... more No es difícil consensuar, que al hablar de pobreza extrema o de situación de vulnerabilidad, lo primero que se visualiza son aquellas personas que viven en situación de calle (PSC) , las cuales han sido consideradas como un grupo de exclusión y vulneración social (Irarrazabal; 2005) plasmado de juicios de valor, conductas discriminatorias por parte de la sociedad, invisibilizando sus derechos en todas sus formas.
este documento es una recopilacion de antecedentes y conceptos de familia en Chile
La Subjetividad como elemento a enfrentar en un Proceso de Mediación 1. Resumen 2. Introducción 3... more La Subjetividad como elemento a enfrentar en un Proceso de Mediación 1. Resumen 2. Introducción 3. Relato, Conocimiento y Poder en el Rol del Mediador 4. Método Narrativo en el Proceso de Mediación 5. Factores que afectan la subjetividad en el proceso de mediación 6. Conclusiones 7. Bibliografía
Thesis Chapters by Vianny Barrera

tesis para optar al grado de magister en Familia, Infancia y Adolescencia , 2012
Individual person, develop, not only individually but, they need
family education and interactio... more Individual person, develop, not only individually but, they need
family education and interaction in the society and the person to find out by themselves and to modulate their behavior. This interaction between the person and the environment is important in the process of personal growth and attachment formation in the coexistent with others, and that is, since birth the environment that promotes and improve in growth the knowledge about itself and therefore the attachment behavior that later define it as a social person. Attachment behaviors are important for the behaviors formation as disruption and aggression, behavioral phenomenon increasingly present in the educational establishments. This kind of construct refers to the tendency of causing physical or emotional damage to another-partner or another -
responsible adult.
In the family is where people create the attachment behavior whom
people that are recognize as relevant, which helps the formation of feelings and perceptions for the construction of personality and formation of attachment relationships and lately healthy attachment. If relationships between its members inside the family are a complex dynamics and diffuse, they develop different kinds of personalities with pathological attachment. Those attachment behaviors are the person´s company in its development´s
growth and the formation of new relationships.
This aim investigated different types of attachment in teenager’s
family dynamics and the behavioral consequences of these variables and how they influence in the violence´s behavior subjects inside the educational institution at San José de Cerrillos
Papers by Vianny Barrera
Thesis Chapters by Vianny Barrera
family education and interaction in the society and the person to find out by themselves and to modulate their behavior. This interaction between the person and the environment is important in the process of personal growth and attachment formation in the coexistent with others, and that is, since birth the environment that promotes and improve in growth the knowledge about itself and therefore the attachment behavior that later define it as a social person. Attachment behaviors are important for the behaviors formation as disruption and aggression, behavioral phenomenon increasingly present in the educational establishments. This kind of construct refers to the tendency of causing physical or emotional damage to another-partner or another -
responsible adult.
In the family is where people create the attachment behavior whom
people that are recognize as relevant, which helps the formation of feelings and perceptions for the construction of personality and formation of attachment relationships and lately healthy attachment. If relationships between its members inside the family are a complex dynamics and diffuse, they develop different kinds of personalities with pathological attachment. Those attachment behaviors are the person´s company in its development´s
growth and the formation of new relationships.
This aim investigated different types of attachment in teenager’s
family dynamics and the behavioral consequences of these variables and how they influence in the violence´s behavior subjects inside the educational institution at San José de Cerrillos
family education and interaction in the society and the person to find out by themselves and to modulate their behavior. This interaction between the person and the environment is important in the process of personal growth and attachment formation in the coexistent with others, and that is, since birth the environment that promotes and improve in growth the knowledge about itself and therefore the attachment behavior that later define it as a social person. Attachment behaviors are important for the behaviors formation as disruption and aggression, behavioral phenomenon increasingly present in the educational establishments. This kind of construct refers to the tendency of causing physical or emotional damage to another-partner or another -
responsible adult.
In the family is where people create the attachment behavior whom
people that are recognize as relevant, which helps the formation of feelings and perceptions for the construction of personality and formation of attachment relationships and lately healthy attachment. If relationships between its members inside the family are a complex dynamics and diffuse, they develop different kinds of personalities with pathological attachment. Those attachment behaviors are the person´s company in its development´s
growth and the formation of new relationships.
This aim investigated different types of attachment in teenager’s
family dynamics and the behavioral consequences of these variables and how they influence in the violence´s behavior subjects inside the educational institution at San José de Cerrillos