José Carlos Torquato
Master in Cultural-Biology at Universidad Mayor - Chile, MBA in Information Strategic Management from UDF - Brazil, Graduated in Data Processing from Universidade de Brasília - Brazil.Torquato is Project Management Professional certified since nov/2001 and one of the founders of the PMI Distrito Federal Chapter, where he held the position of Operations Director. As a volunteer, was member of the PMBOK 3rd Edition translation verification committee. He was Head of the PMO of startup at Brasil Telecom GSM mobile operation. As teacher in developed a 120ha Project Management Program at FGV MBA.He is responsible for several management consulting projects, research and development of new management technologies, mentoring, courses and seminars on topics such as PMO, Project Management, IT Governance, Organizations Design in companies such as Brasil Telecom, Banco do Brasil, Central Bank , Ministry of Health, ABDI, ANA, ANATEL, Federal Police, Ministry of Justice, Embratur, SERPRO, PRODASEN, NOKIA Institute among several other public and private organizations in Brazil.
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Papers by José Carlos Torquato
Thesis Chapters by José Carlos Torquato