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Interventions in the clean cooking sector have focused on improved biomass stoves in a bid to address household air pollution (HAP) in low- and middle-income countries. These initiatives have not delivered adequate health and... more
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      Energy PovertyHousehold Air Pollution
In the context of an aging society, where the proportion of older adults is rapidly increasing, ensuring healthier longer lives is key for individuals, families, policy makers and the population as a whole. In this context the productive... more
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Interventions in the clean cooking sector have focused on improved biomass stoves in a bid to address household air pollution (HAP) in low- and middle-income countries. These initiatives have not delivered adequate health and... more
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      Energy PovertyHousehold Air Pollution
Data from the Health and Retirement Study (1992-2016) was used. All non-institutionalized respondents aged 50+ were included in our sample (n=12,618). Mixed models were conducted to study the association between transitioning to... more
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Una de las respuestas al referente normativo en Trabajo Social es el Enfoque Basado en Evidencia. Sin embargo, su utilización no se limita a esta disciplina, de hecho, respalda gran parte de las decisiones que se toman en políticas... more
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Existe creciente evidencia en torno a las asociaciones entre la exposición a riesgo psicosocial laboral y resultados adversos de salud. Objetivo: describir y analizar la presencia de riesgo psicosocial laboral y sintomatología de salud... more
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La alta prevalencia de obesidad en preescolares y escolares en Chile constituye un problema de salud pública que ha preocupado a las autoridades por su continuo aumento y por su asociación con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT)... more
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    • Personal Satisfaction
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    • Public health systems and services research
Red universitaria de las Américas en estudios cooperativos y asociativismo Volumen 3, Número 1 · Octubre 2005
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Milk is a major food of global economic importance, and its consumption is regarded as a classic example of gene-culture evolution. Humans have exploited animal milk as a food resource for at least 8500 years, but the origins, spread,... more
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Milk is a major food of global economic importance, and its consumption is regarded as a classic example of gene-culture evolution. Humans have exploited animal milk as a food resource for at least 8500 years, but the origins, spread, and... more
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almost entirely accounted for by the Afro-Asiatic language speaking peoples of east Africa. The other groups, including the 'Nilo-Saharan language speaking' milk-drinkers, show lower frequencies of LP and lower diversity, and there was a... more
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      GeneticsHuman EvolutionHuman GeneticsLactase Persistence
Objectives: Lactase persistence (LP) is a genetic trait that has been studied among different countries and ethnic groups. In Latin America, the frequencies of this trait have been shown to vary according to the degree of admixture of the... more
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    • Lactase Persistence
The genetic trait of lactase persistence is attributable to allelic variants in an enhancer region upstream of the lactase gene, LCT. To date, five different functional alleles, -13910*T, -13907*G, -13915*G, -14009*G and -14010*C, have... more
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      GeneticsHuman EvolutionHuman GeneticsLactase Persistence
almost entirely accounted for by the Afro-Asiatic language speaking peoples of east Africa. The other groups, including the 'Nilo-Saharan language speaking' milk-drinkers, show lower frequencies of LP and lower diversity, and there was a... more
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almost entirely accounted for by the Afro-Asiatic language speaking peoples of east Africa. The other groups, including the 'Nilo-Saharan language speaking' milk-drinkers, show lower frequencies of LP and lower diversity, and there was a... more
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homozygosity (EHH) of the sequence surrounding the SNP of interest. We report here new data on the frequencies of the known LP alleles in the 'Old World' and their haplotype lineages. We examine and confirm EHH of each of the LP alleles... more
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      Lactase PersistenceGenetic Recombination
The genetic trait of lactase persistence (LP) evolved as an adaptation to milking pas-toralism in the Old World and is a well-known example of positive natural selection in humans. However, the specific mechanisms conferring this... more
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      Human EcologyBiological AnthropologyHuman EvolutionLactase Persistence