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The wide range of dietary niches filled by modern mammals is reflected in morphological diversity of the feeding apparatus. Despite volumes of data on the biomechanics of feeding, the extent to which the shape of mammal skulls reflects... more
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      AdaptationDietFinite ElementChiroptera
Abstract This article reviews the fundamental principles of the finite element method and the three basic steps (model creation, solution, and validation and interpretation) involved in using it to examine structural mechanics. Validation... more
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Abstract Reliance on plant exudates is a relatively rare dietary specialization among mammals. One well-studied example of closely related exudate feeders is the New World marmosets and tamarins. Whereas marmosets actively gouge tree bark... more
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Abstract: Failure modes of vias within a chip's first multi-chip module are studied using several two and three-dimensional families of finite element models. The models study both the global strains of the entire module and local strains... more
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Abstract: Modeling methodologies were developed, implemented, and tested for both rapid thermal finite element analysis of small-scale integrated circuit features in MCMs, and for thermal stress finite element analysis of... more
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Abstract Our group at the University of Massachusetts has built design for manufacturing (DFM) computer modules which instruct students on efficient procedures for designing parts for manufacture. The goal is to assist engineering... more
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Abstract–We have built several multimedia tutors for science and engineering education. This paper discuses Design for Manufacturing tutors and an electronic homework systems used by over 2000 students daily. The engineering tutors... more
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Abstract This work introduces two mechanics-based approaches to modeling muscle forces exerted on curvilinear bone structures and compares the results with two traditional ad hoc methods of muscle loading. These new models use a... more
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We employed a probabilistic finite element analysis (FEA) method to determine how variability in material property values affects stress and strain values in a finite model of a Macaca fascicularis cranium. The material behavior of... more
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The ability to incorporate detailed geometry into finite element models has allowed researchers to investigate the influence of morphology on performance aspects of skeletal components. This advance has also allowed researchers to explore... more
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ABSTRACT Data exchange between different computer-aided design (CAD) systems is a major problem inhibiting information integration in collaborative engineering environments. Existing CAD data format standards such as STEP and IGES enable... more
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ABSTRACT This paper describes multimedia based manufacturing tutors currently under development at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The purpose of these tutors to assist the user in better visualizing and understanding the... more
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Abstract In this paper we lay the foundations for exchanging, adapting, and interoperating engineering analysis models (EAMs). Our primary foundation is based upon the concept that engineering analysis models are knowledge-based... more
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The global biomechanical impact of cranial sutures on the face and cranium during dynamic conditions is not well understood. It is hypothesized that sutures act as energy absorbers protecting skulls subjected to dynamic loads. This... more
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      BiomechanicsBiological SciencesFinite Element AnalysisMacaca
The biomechanical significance of cranial sutures in primates is an open question because their global impact is unclear, and their material properties are difficult to measure. In this study, eight suture-bone functional units... more
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      Biological SciencesFinite Element AnalysisBite forceMacaca
The global biomechanical impact of cranial sutures on the face and cranium during dynamic conditions is not well understood. It is hypothesized that sutures act as energy absorbers protecting skulls subjected to dynamic loads. This... more
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      BiomechanicsBiological SciencesFinite Element AnalysisMacaca
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    • Engineering
In this paper, we present a metric based on semantic relatedness which operates on semantic knowledge representations of engineering design and show how it can support design innovation. Our semantic knowledge representation is composed... more
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      EngineeringEngineering DesignSemantic WebKnowledge Representation
Semantic technologies are playing an increasingly popular role as a means for advancing the capabilities of knowledge management systems. Among these advancements, researchers have successfully leveraged semantic technologies, and their... more
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    • Engineering
This paper presents the use of first-order logic to improve upon currently employed engineering design knowledge management techniques. Specifically, this work uses description logic in unison with Horn logic, to not only guide the... more
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      Manufacturing EngineeringInterdisciplinary Engineering