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FK506 is a macrolide immunosuppressant agent used in solid organ and bone marrow transplantation and for autoimmune disorders. FK506 is reported to have a number of neuropsychiatric side effects, including anxiety and tremor. Because... more
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      Kidney transplantationDrug interactionsAnxietyBiological Sciences
. The Maryland Psychiatric Research Center involuntary movement scale MPRC scale has been used in the evaluation of 1107 patients referred for drug-induced movement disorders. The scale has increased discrimination of body area and... more
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      PsychiatryBrain ImagingPsychometricsSchizophrenia
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      SchizophreniaElectroencephalographyInformation ProcessingEvoked Potentials
Schizophrenics show severe abnormalities of working memory systems, reflected in impaired generation of mismatch negativity (MMN). Whether working memory deficits reflect impaired initial encoding, or premature decay of accurately encoded... more
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    • Schizophrenia
The development of a new serological assay method to detect antibodies in human sera recognizing Borna disease virus (BDV) proteins and a clinical pilot study are presented. Psychiatric patients from a schizophrenia research clinic in... more
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      PsychiatryImmunologySchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Several electrical neural oscillatory abnormalities have been associated with schizophrenia, although the underlying mechanisms of these oscillatory problems are unclear. Animal studies suggest that one of the key mechanisms of neural... more
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      PsychopharmacologyDepressionSchizophreniaAnimal Studies
Context-The auditory sensory gating deficit has been considered a leading endophenotype in schizophrenia. However, the commonly used index of sensory gating, P50, has low heritability in families of people with schizophrenia, raising... more
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Objective-We hypothesized that an oscillatory abnormality that is consistently observed across various testing paradigms may index an elementary neuronal abnormality marking schizophrenia risk.
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pilot study of 15 young, right-handed, male schizophrenia patients. As predicted, smaller hippocampal volume was significantly associated with poorer recall of items that were presented early in the list (reduced primary effect) for both... more
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    • Schizophrenia
We detected anti-Borua disease virus (BDV) antibodies at a 14.4% rate in patients with schizophrenia. The hypothesis of a higher rate of BDV seropositivity in deficit syndrome was borne out in a subset of 64 patients categorized according... more
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      SchizophreniaBorna disease virusChi Square DistributionSyndrome
A large percentage of patients with schizophrenia are characterized by an abnormality in P50 sensory gating. This abnormality has been shown to be genetically linked to the a-7 nicotinic receptor and is transiently reversed by acute... more
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Register has recorded all and .out-pa~ient contacts since 1982. Data were obtained for all patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICO 295/297) over the period 1982-1994 (n=331). Each of the 36 neighbourhoods in... more
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      SchizophreniaBorna disease virus
A large percentage of patients with schizophrenia are characterized by an abnormality in P50 sensory gating. This abnormality has been shown to be genetically linked to the a-7 nicotinic receptor and is transiently reversed by acute... more
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The brain's oscillatory activities in response to sensory input are likely signals representing different stages of sensory information processing. To understand these signals, it is critical to establish the specificity of the timing and... more
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      AlgorithmsPsychophysiologyAuditory PerceptionSchizophrenia
were significant predictors of remission status. Global sulcal widening on CT scans and CSF MHPG were significantly correlated with change in psychopathology.
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      SchizophreniaBorna disease virus
Serper and Harvey discuss experimental and neuropsychological research on schizophrenia and suggest their integration. They propose that such integration would offer practical and theoretical advantages. Shortcomings of these approaches... more
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      Brain FunctionExperimental Method
Schizophrenia is characterized by a substantial slowing of manual response times and by impairments in attention. However, prior research has not investigated whether attention itself is slowed in schizophrenia, and this was the goal of... more
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      DemographySchizophreniaVisual attentionVisual perception
Reaction times (RTs) are substantially prolonged in schizophrenia patients, but the latency of the P3 component is not. This suggests that the RT slowing arises from impairments in a late stage of processing. To test this hypothesis, 20... more
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      PsychophysiologySchizophreniaElectroencephalographyBiological Sciences
Context-Nicotine administration transiently improves many neurobiological and cognitive functions in schizophrenia. It is not yet clear which nAChR subtype(s) is responsible for these seemingly pervasive nicotinic effects in... more
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      SchizophreniaCognitionAttentionStartle Reflex
The validity of previously hypothesized predictors of elapse following neuroleptic discontinuation was examined. One hundred sixty-two outpatients, with either Research Diagnotic Criteria schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, were... more
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      SchizophreniaBiological SciencesBiological PsychiatryRecurrence