Jose Manuel Leiva Aldea
Graduado en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Málaga (2013-2017) y Máster en Desarrollos Sociales de la Cultura Artística en el mismo centro (2017-2019). Becario de Colaboración con Departamentos Universitarios (2016-2017) y Becario de Iniciación a la Investigación en la Universidad de Málaga (2017-2018).
También becado como alumno de Erasmus+ Estudio en la Università degli Studi di Firenze (Florencia, Italia) en el curso 2015-2016, además de becado como alumno en prácticas con el programa Erasmus+ Prácticas durante el verano de 2018 (Museo Stibbert, Florencia). Mis líneas de investigación giran en torno al Renacimiento en Italia, el Barroco hispánico y la Cultura Visual (principalmente videojuegos).
Contacto: [email protected]
Málaga (España)
Graduated in Art History (Universidad de Málaga, Spain) (2013-2017) and maaster in Social Developments of Artistic Culture (Universidad de Málaga, Spain) (2017-2019). I had different grants to collaborate at university as an assistant and young researcher (2016-2018)
Also received two Erasmus grants. Erasmus+Study (University of Florence, Italy) (2015-2016) and Erasmus+ Intership (Museo Stibbert, Florence) (2018). Italian Renaissance, Spanish Baroque and Visual Culture (Videogames) are my research areas.
Contact: [email protected]
Málaga (Spain)
También becado como alumno de Erasmus+ Estudio en la Università degli Studi di Firenze (Florencia, Italia) en el curso 2015-2016, además de becado como alumno en prácticas con el programa Erasmus+ Prácticas durante el verano de 2018 (Museo Stibbert, Florencia). Mis líneas de investigación giran en torno al Renacimiento en Italia, el Barroco hispánico y la Cultura Visual (principalmente videojuegos).
Contacto: [email protected]
Málaga (España)
Graduated in Art History (Universidad de Málaga, Spain) (2013-2017) and maaster in Social Developments of Artistic Culture (Universidad de Málaga, Spain) (2017-2019). I had different grants to collaborate at university as an assistant and young researcher (2016-2018)
Also received two Erasmus grants. Erasmus+Study (University of Florence, Italy) (2015-2016) and Erasmus+ Intership (Museo Stibbert, Florence) (2018). Italian Renaissance, Spanish Baroque and Visual Culture (Videogames) are my research areas.
Contact: [email protected]
Málaga (Spain)
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Papers by Jose Manuel Leiva Aldea
Assassin's Creed is one of the most successful franchises in recent years in the videogames sector. In the next lines we will analyze its relationship with the recreation of specific historical-artistic periods. In this specific case we look at the Italy of the Renaissance, specifically in Florence during the second half of the 15th century. We will make an analysis of the different artistic landmarks produced in the capital of Tuscany, the most relevant characters of the moment and the various political intrigues that occurred in Florence, cradle of the Renaissance.
Work oriented to the sculpture ''Pillar'' by Anish Kapoor (CAC Málaga) and his relation with steel technique applied to sculpture
Context about the Second World War and The Holocaust related to the painting of Otto Dix
Brief relationship between the Guy Fawkes Mask and Visual Studies
Assassin's Creed is one of the most successful franchises in recent years in the videogames sector. In the next lines we will analyze its relationship with the recreation of specific historical-artistic periods. In this specific case we look at the Italy of the Renaissance, specifically in Florence during the second half of the 15th century. We will make an analysis of the different artistic landmarks produced in the capital of Tuscany, the most relevant characters of the moment and the various political intrigues that occurred in Florence, cradle of the Renaissance.
Work oriented to the sculpture ''Pillar'' by Anish Kapoor (CAC Málaga) and his relation with steel technique applied to sculpture
Context about the Second World War and The Holocaust related to the painting of Otto Dix
Brief relationship between the Guy Fawkes Mask and Visual Studies