Papers by Cristina Sánchez Cruzado

The COVID-19 outbreak opened a new scenario where teachers must have adequate digital literacy to... more The COVID-19 outbreak opened a new scenario where teachers must have adequate digital literacy to teach online and to implement a current and innovative educational model. This paper provides the most relevant results obtained from a quantitative study in which 4883 Spanish teachers of all education levels participated to measure their digital skills, during the last school years. It also proposes a digital skills teacher training plan, taking the joint framework of digital skills of INTEF (Spanish acronym for National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training) as its reference point. The tool ACDC (Analysis of Common Digital Competences) was used for data collection. The results of descriptive analysis show, overall, the low self-perception that teachers have of their digital skills. In addition, this paper studies the relationship existing between the characteristics that define the population and the teachers’ digital skills level. This relationship is obtained t...

Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado. Continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales
El objetivo de este estudio es obtener información a partir de una experiencia exploratoria, real... more El objetivo de este estudio es obtener información a partir de una experiencia exploratoria, realizada en el Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Málaga, dentro del marco de una investigación-acción, en la que se utiliza el modelo flipped classroom en educación estadística, para evidenciar que, mediante la utilización de este modelo, se fomenta la autorregulación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, alcanzando la metacognición. Se pretende, desde un planteamiento metodológico activo, basado en la autonomía personal y la autorregulación, implicar al alumnado en su aprendizaje, promover la capacidad de análisis de datos y razonamiento estadístico, y además ser capaces de desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. De acuerdo a los resultados observados, con este modelo se consiguen desplazar fuera del aula las actividades matemáticas más instrumentales, favoreciendo el desarrollo de tareas mucho más funcionales y formativas en el aula.

Information, 2020
The intention of this article is to share research taken from the initial training of secondary e... more The intention of this article is to share research taken from the initial training of secondary education pre-service teachers, in which college professors from mathematics and social sciences education participate. There are numerous studies regarding curriculum integration. However, there is insufficient research that offers insight into how different forms of disciplinary thought may come together in the design and development in practice for an educational purpose. The research professors carried out a qualitative investigation, working with two pre-service teacher groups from the fields of mathematics and social sciences. We used a validated research instrument to analyze how interdisciplinary educational proposals are developed, and how said proposals can be used to understand our social reality. Through an integrated project, pre-service teachers addressed sexist hate speech taken from different contexts. They designed didactic proposals, with mathematical contents, which all...

Information, 2020
The intention of this article is to share research taken from the initial training of secondary e... more The intention of this article is to share research taken from the initial training of secondary education pre-service teachers, in which college professors from mathematics and social sciences education participate. There are numerous studies regarding curriculum integration. However, there is insufficient research that offers insight into how different forms of disciplinary thought may come together in the design and development in practice for an educational purpose. The research professors carried out a qualitative investigation, working with two pre-service teacher groups from the fields of mathematics and social sciences. We used a validated research instrument to analyze how interdisciplinary educational proposals are developed, and how said proposals can be used to understand our social reality. Through an integrated project, pre-service teachers addressed sexist hate speech taken from different contexts. They designed didactic proposals, with mathematical contents, which all...
Papers by Cristina Sánchez Cruzado