Papers by Antonio Cuesta-Vargas

PloS one, 2015
The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of an 8-week multimodal physiotherapy programme (... more The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of an 8-week multimodal physiotherapy programme (MPP), integrating physical land-based therapeutic exercise (TE), adapted swimming and health education, as a treatment for patients with chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP), on disability, general health/mental states and quality of life. 175 CNSNP patients from a community-based centre were recruited to participate in this prospective study. 60-minute session (30 minutes of land-based exercise dedicated to improving mobility, motor control, resistance and strengthening of the neck muscles, and 30 minutes of adapted swimming with aerobic exercise keeping a neutral neck position using a snorkel). Health education was provided using a decalogue on CNSNP and constant repetition of brief advice by the physiotherapist during the supervision of the exercises in each session. primary: disability (Neck Disability Index); secondary: physical and mental health states and quality of life of pati...

American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists, 2011
The aim of this study on persons with nonspecific chronic low back pain was to evaluate the effec... more The aim of this study on persons with nonspecific chronic low back pain was to evaluate the effect of a multimodal physical therapy program with or without the addition of deep-water running on pain, physical disability, and general health. A randomized controlled trial involving 46 subjects with nonspecific chronic low back pain were treated three times a week for 15 wks. Each group received 60 mins of multimodal physical therapy program (an individualized exercise program; manual therapy; and back care, pain education, and information on an active lifestyle), whereas one group performed additional 20-min sessions of deep-water running at an individual workload of the aerobic threshold. Both interventions resulted in significant improvements in pain, disability, and physical health. The mean change in pain, disability, and physical health state were -36.1 ± 25.1 mm on the visual analog scale, -3.0 ± 4.8 points for the Roland Morris Questionnaire, and 10.6 ± 12.9 points for the Shor...

Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the neuromuscular responses during the p... more Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the neuromuscular responses during the performance of a sit to stand [STS] task in water and on dry land. Scope: 10 healthy subjects, five males and five females were recruited for study. Surface electromyography sEMG was used for lower limb and trunk muscles maximal voluntarty contraction [MVC] and during the STS task. Results: Muscle activity was significantly higher on dry land than in water normalized signals by MVC from the quadriceps-vastus medialis [17.3%], the quadriceps -rectus femoris [5.3%], the long head of the biceps femoris [5.5%], the tibialis anterior [13.9%], the gastrocnemius medialis [3.4%], the soleus [6.2%]. However, the muscle activity was higher in water for the rectus abdominis [À26.6%] and the erector spinae [À22.6%]. Conclusions: This study for the first time describes the neuromuscular responses in healthy subjects during the performance of the STS task in water. The differences in lower limb and trunk muscle activity should be considered when using the STS movement in aquatic rehabilitation.

Background In this study we aimed to develop a Spanish version of the Self-Effi cacy/Social Suppo... more Background In this study we aimed to develop a Spanish version of the Self-Effi cacy/Social Support Scales for Activity for persons with Intellectual Disability (SE/SS-AID). Method A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 117 individuals with intellectual disability (ID). The SE/ SS-AID scales were translated into Spanish and their psychometric properties analysed. Results Confi rmatory factor analysis showed acceptable fi t (CFI ϭ .94 for the SE-AID and .95 for the SS-AID), but RMSEA values outside of the optimal fi t range (.28 and .15, respectively). Cronbach ' s α was calculated for the SE-AID, SS-AID-family, SS-AID-staff, and SS-AID-peers scales, with results from .80 to .82. Conclusions The scales show acceptable validity and reliability evidence. Use of this instrument will allow researchers to gain more knowledge about how personal and social factors infl uence participation in physical activity in Spanish-speaking people with ID.

The aim of this study is to analyse the differences in muscle activity between subjects who have ... more The aim of this study is to analyse the differences in muscle activity between subjects who have intellectual disability and healthy subjects when they make the transition from sitting to standing positions. A cross-sectional study. A group of adults was divided into two subgroups: with and without intellectual disability (ID). The means of the basic features in both groups were 22.13 and 22.83 for age, 66.38 and 67.67 for weight, and 173.38 and 174.33 for height, for the ID ( = 8) and without ID ( = 7) groups, respectively. Each subject performed three sets of five repetitions during which, starting from sitting, they had to get up and sit on the chair. The recording of muscle activity was performed using surface electromyography taking the measures of muscle activity of different muscles of the lower limbs. The results showed differences in the pattern of muscle activity between groups during sitting to standing movement.

Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have lower levels of physical activity and... more Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have lower levels of physical activity and quality of life and they have a lot of barriers to face when taking part in physical activity. Other problems are the poor adherence to physical activity such people have so this study is designed to improve adherence to physical activity for people with intellectual disabilities with the assistance of an application for smartphones. The aim of the study will be to improve physical activity and physical condition after multimodal intervention and to analyse the promotion of adherence to physical activity through a multimodal intervention and an app intervention (mHealth) in people with ID. Methods: A two-stage study will be conducted. In stage 1 a multimodal intervention will take place will be done with physical activity and educational advice over eight weeks, two days a week. Data will be measured after and before the intervention. In stage 2 a randomized controlled trial will be conducted. In the intervention group we will install an application to a smartphone; this application will be a reminder to do a physical activity and they have to select whether they have or haven't done a physical activity every day. This application will be installed for 18 weeks. Data will be measured after and before the application is installed in two groups. We will measure results 10 weeks later when the two groups don't have the reminder. The principal outcome used to measure the adherence to physical activity will be the International Physical Activity Questionnaire; secondary outcomes will be a fun-fitness test and self-report survey about quality of life, self-efficacy and social support. Samples will be randomized by sealed envelope in two groups, with approximately 20 subjects in each group. It's important to know that the therapist will be blinded and won't know the subjects of each group. Discussion: Offering people with ID a multimodal intervention and tool to increase the adherence to a physical activity may increase the levels of physical activity and quality of life. Such a scheme, if beneficial, could be implemented successfully within public health sense. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT01915381.
ABSTRACT Dorsiflexion (DF) of the foot plays an essential role in both controlling balance and hu... more ABSTRACT Dorsiflexion (DF) of the foot plays an essential role in both controlling balance and human gait. Electromyography and Sonomyography can provide information on several aspects of muscle function. The aim was to describe a new method for real-time monitoring of muscular activity, as measured using EMG, muscular architecture, as measured using SMG, force, as measured using dynamometry, and kinematic parameters, as measured using IS during isometric and isotonic contractions of the foot DF. The present methodology may be clinically relevant because it involves a reproducible procedure which allows the function and structure of the foot DF to be monitored.
Background: Spanish is one of the five most spoken languages in the world. There is currently no ... more Background: Spanish is one of the five most spoken languages in the world. There is currently no published Spanish version of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (OMPQ). The aim of the present study is to describe the process of translating the OMPQ into Spanish and to perform an analysis of reliability, internal structure, internal consistency and concurrent criterion-related validity.
Background: The purpose of this study was the development of a valid and reliable "Mechanical and... more Background: The purpose of this study was the development of a valid and reliable "Mechanical and Inflammatory Low Back Pain Index" (MIL) for assessment of non-specific low back pain (NSLBP). This 7-item tool assists practitioners in determining whether symptoms are predominantly mechanical or inflammatory.
Cómo citar este artículo: Martín-Valero R, et al. Cambios hematológicos tras un programa de promo... more Cómo citar este artículo: Martín-Valero R, et al. Cambios hematológicos tras un programa de promoción de actividad física en sujetos inactivos. Ensayo aleatorizado controlado. Fisioterapia. 2013.
We congratulate Walton and MacDermid[1] for their insightful proposal and brief 5item Neck Disabi... more We congratulate Walton and MacDermid[1] for their insightful proposal and brief 5item Neck Disability Index (NDI-5). Their methodology addresses recognized NDI[2] validity problems including the dual factor structure[3], face and content validity from poor WHO-ICF compliance[4] and ordinal scale values due to descriptive response options[5].
Papers by Antonio Cuesta-Vargas