Books by Joaquim Pinheiro

Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2021
In different contexts, Aristides and Cato the Censor (or Cato the Elder) are paradigms of histori... more In different contexts, Aristides and Cato the Censor (or Cato the Elder) are paradigms of historical figures who dedicated themselves to the public cause. Facing obstacles of different nature, they knew, despite the efforts of the opponents to their political strategy, how to maintain their values. Through arete and dynamis they managed to distinguish themselves in the politeia and reach the doxa. However, as it is often inherent in political activity, this contributed to the ostracism of Aristides and also Cato the Censor also managed to arouse enmity in various sectors of Roman society. Plutarch, by selecting a set of actions, is able to highlight an aspect that is transversal in the history of political thought: the opposition between the public and the private sphere. Aristides, more than Cato the Censor, manages to value the collective sense of his political action at the expense of individual well-being. What for some may be lack of ambition, for Aristides is respect for justice and the collective. As for Cato the Censor, he distinguished himself by the successfully managing the private interests, which can be, at the same time, a sign of meanness or greatness of spirit. In the exercise of their political functions, they both sought to maintain an exemplary moral conduct, albeit conditioned by different personal and also social circumstances.

The studies collected in this volume reflect, in general, upon food given its extraordinary cultu... more The studies collected in this volume reflect, in general, upon food given its extraordinary cultural and identity
value. With different approaches to food heritage, whether from a linguistic perspective, or from a more literary
or cultural analysis, with a due historical, social and spatial framework, the set of papers highlight the importance
of this topic, from classical antiquity up to the present day. In fact, food and everything that goes with it lead
us on a journey revealing man’s way of life and his relationship with nature and other living beings.
The thirty-four contributions of this volume are gathered in the following chapters: 1. Food: intangible heritage;
2. Food and literary heritage; 3. Food and linguistic heritage; 4. Food: health and wellbeing; 5. Food: society
and culture; 6. Food and intercultural dialogue. With this volume it is also intended to open up perspectives on
new research areas of food heritage as an essential source of knowledge for today.

A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Obras morais: da educação das crianças Autor(es): Plutarco Publicado por: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos
Papers by Joaquim Pinheiro
“Passado e Presente em Plutarco: a Batalha de Salamina”, in C. Soares, M. González González, N. S. Rodrigues (Coords.), Neste lugar, a Sagrada Hélade Salvámos. Homenagem a Luísa de Nazaré Ferreira, vol. I, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2024, 171-186. ISBN: 978-989-26-2477-8
Miscelânea de Estudos em Honra de Maria de Fátima Silva, vol.I, 2022
Figures de sages, figures de philosophes dans l'oeuvre de Plutarque, 2019
Taking as a starting point the ethical and psychological argumentation that Plutarch develops in ... more Taking as a starting point the ethical and psychological argumentation that Plutarch develops in the treatise De uirtute morali, this paper will propose a double reflection on the complex relation between arete and sophia. On the one hand, the focus of interest will be the theoretical dimension of these concepts. On the other hand, it will be the realization of virtue in and through action. It will thus be necessary to underline the contribution of this treatise to the setting up of the figure of the ideal politician: one who participates actively in political action, but does so while implementing wisdom (sophia and phronesis, depending on the circumstances).
The aim of this paper is to analyse how the son of Hector and Andromache is characterized in a se... more The aim of this paper is to analyse how the son of Hector and Andromache is characterized in a selection of literary texts, dating back from Homer to Quintus Smyrnaeus, paying special attention to the moment of his death. The presence in the literary tradition of two different versionsin some cases, Astyanax is a victim of murder, in others of suicidein an episode of deep emotional tension, constitutes the central element of our paper. In addition, we will try to interpret, from a cultural and anthropological perspective, how classical authors represent the last moments in Astyanax" life, highlighting the transformation and permanence of mythological motifs.

Tendo em conta os tratados Preceitos para conservar a saúde (De tuenda sanitate praecepta), Da in... more Tendo em conta os tratados Preceitos para conservar a saúde (De tuenda sanitate praecepta), Da inteligência dos animais (De sollertia animalium) e, em particular, Sobre comer carne (De esu carnium), procuraremos identificar os principais elementos da concepção plutarquiana sobre a diaita. Embora Plutarco manifeste conhecimentos e interesse pela medicina (Tsekourakis 1987, Boulogne 1996), a saúde e a diaita ou mesmo a alimentação, estando ao serviço da mensagem ético-pedagógica, surgem como requisitos essenciais para a vida harmoniosa do homem, na sua relação com a natureza e os outros seres vivos.Considering Plutarch’s treatises De tuenda sanitate praecepta, De animalium sollertia and especially De esu carnium, this analysis seeks to identify the main elements of Plutarch’s conception of diaita. Although Plutarch has a solid knowledge and interest in medicine (Tsekourakis 1987, Boulogne 1996), health and diaita or even food, being at the service of his ethical and pedagogical messag...
Books by Joaquim Pinheiro
value. With different approaches to food heritage, whether from a linguistic perspective, or from a more literary
or cultural analysis, with a due historical, social and spatial framework, the set of papers highlight the importance
of this topic, from classical antiquity up to the present day. In fact, food and everything that goes with it lead
us on a journey revealing man’s way of life and his relationship with nature and other living beings.
The thirty-four contributions of this volume are gathered in the following chapters: 1. Food: intangible heritage;
2. Food and literary heritage; 3. Food and linguistic heritage; 4. Food: health and wellbeing; 5. Food: society
and culture; 6. Food and intercultural dialogue. With this volume it is also intended to open up perspectives on
new research areas of food heritage as an essential source of knowledge for today.
Papers by Joaquim Pinheiro
value. With different approaches to food heritage, whether from a linguistic perspective, or from a more literary
or cultural analysis, with a due historical, social and spatial framework, the set of papers highlight the importance
of this topic, from classical antiquity up to the present day. In fact, food and everything that goes with it lead
us on a journey revealing man’s way of life and his relationship with nature and other living beings.
The thirty-four contributions of this volume are gathered in the following chapters: 1. Food: intangible heritage;
2. Food and literary heritage; 3. Food and linguistic heritage; 4. Food: health and wellbeing; 5. Food: society
and culture; 6. Food and intercultural dialogue. With this volume it is also intended to open up perspectives on
new research areas of food heritage as an essential source of knowledge for today.
Presentation of Proposals Those interested in presenting a scientific communication at the Conference should submit an abstract according to the guidelines indicated below by December 15th 2019. Its acceptance will be communicated by January 15th 2020. The presentations (up to 20 minutes) may be written in any of the official languages of the Conference: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English. All the communication related to the Conference must be done through the following email: [email protected].
Directions for sending abstracts Abstracts must be submitted in before December 15th 2019 with the following information: name; email address; institutional affiliation; bio-bibliographical note (300 words), title of the presentation; 500 words abstract, 5 keywords, thematic area to which the proposal is ascribed.
The standard registration fee is 65€; Master or PhD students: 40€; Attendees fee: 20€. The registration form will be available from January 15th 2020 and the deadline for registration payment is February 15th 2020.
Relevant dates Submission of abstracts – until December 15th 2019. Confirmation of acceptance – until January 15th 2020. Registration – until February 15th 2020. Conference – March 26th, 27th 2020.
The aim of this panel is to address the definition, in (auto)biographical texts, of the Roman identity, understood as the feeling of belonging to a community shared by the individuals that integrate it, framed by two main features: on the one hand, its essentialist claims, i.e. the values and reality «common to all», which entails the awareness of an existing border between the Romanity and the Other; on the other hand, its integrative feature, not only regarding the incorporation of groups of people with different cultural backgrounds in the Roman cultural community, but also regarding its own genesis, which combines from the outset, multiplicity and difference.
The panel welcomes proposals addressing the concepts of culture, identity and identity culture in (auto)biographical texts, regarding the two main perspectives listed above, this is: 1) papers focusing on the representations created by these texts to define the core concept of Roman identity (i.e. how Romans saw themselves), and the reference elements used to activate the identity culture (values, national heroes, emotions, sensibilities, etc.); 2) papers focusing on the tensions resulting from definition and redefinition of the notion of identity, that is, the evidence provided by biographical texts, regarding the assimilation and rejection of external influences and the way these influences were adopted in order to (re)define the concepts of identity, identity culture and Otherness.
Abstracts of approximately 300 words for 30-minute papers should be sent by 31/01/2019 to: [email protected] and [email protected].
Acceptance of the papers will be communicated shortly thereafter. Selected papers will be considered for publication.
The organization is unable to offer financial support for travel or accommodation. Participants are required to pay their registration fees and travel expenses.
The aim of this panel is to address the definition, in (auto)biographical texts, of the Roman identity, understood as the feeling of belonging to a community shared by the individuals that integrate it, framed by two main features: on the one hand, its essentialist claims, i.e. the values and reality «common to all», which entails the awareness of an existing border between the Romanity and the Other; on the other hand, its integrative feature, not only regarding the incorporation of groups of people with different cultural backgrounds in the Roman cultural community, but also regarding its own genesis, which combines from the outset, multiplicity and difference.
The panel welcomes proposals addressing the concepts of culture, identity and identity culture in (auto)biographical texts, regarding the two main perspectives listed above, this is: 1) papers focusing on the representations created by these texts to define the core concept of Roman identity (i.e. how Romans saw themselves), and the reference elements used to activate the identity culture (values, national heroes, emotions, sensibilities, etc.); 2) papers focusing on the tensions resulting from definition and redefinition of the notion of identity, that is, the evidence provided by biographical texts, regarding the assimilation and rejection of external influences and the way these influences were adopted in order to (re)define the concepts of identity, identity culture and Otherness.
Abstracts of approximately 300 words for 30-minute papers should be sent by 31/01/2019 to: [email protected] and [email protected].
Acceptance of the papers will be communicated shortly thereafter. Selected papers will be considered for publication.
The organization is unable to offer financial support for travel or accommodation. Participants are required to pay their registration fees and travel expenses.
We intend to problematize various issues in the current scholarship of the humanities and social sciences from inter- and cross-cultural perspectives: cultural heritage, culture and globalization, identity and the sense of belonging, the impact of (re)writing literatures and other arts within the ethics of "reliance", proposed by Edgar Morin, and of the universalizing singularities, in Alain Badiou’s view.
Citizen of a world which is increasingly liquefied and in constant rebuilding, how have an individual and his/her geography been and still are depicted? In a world which should not deny the frontiers, but rather question them, recalling Galin Tihanov's perspective on the current concept of exile, as an experience associated with creativity and / or suffering as a way of conceiving a new cosmopolitanism in a society that recreates otherness, how can Social Sciences and Humanities contribute to this mirroring of both the dialogue and interrogation in various clines and categorizations?
In the many paths that Comparison, Relation and Encounter allow in a ever changing world, our objective is to promote reflection and debate on the idea of Cosmopolitanism, voyage and Utopia in its multiple aspects, underlying the dialogic exchange between the local and the global and inherently the idea of Citizenship. In this sense, we intend to broaden the discussion within the following topic areas:
1. Voyage and Utopia
2. Peripheries and Cosmopolitanism
3. Mobility: dialogues, identities and conflicts
4. (Im) material Heritage
5. Digital cosmopolitanism
6. De-territorialization and exile
Interested applicants should submit paper proposals at by July 1st, 2018. The registration fee is 65 euros, and payment should be made within the period to be indicated by the Organizing Committee. The late registration fee (made after the due date) will be 85 euros.
Texts for publication should be sent by 31st December. All written contributions will be peer-reviewed, in accordance with international rules and the publishing house’s guidelines. Contributions failing to comply with the requirements and deadlines (soon to be issued by the Editorial Board) will not be considered for inclusion in the planned publication.
The languages for presentations in the conference will be Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Organizing Committee:
Alcina Sousa
Ana Isabel Moniz
Cristina Santos Pinheiro
Joaquim Pinheiro
Leonor Coelho
Scientific Committee:
Ana Paula Coutinho (ILC - Universidade do Porto)
Cristina Álvares (CEHUM/Universidade do Minho)
Cristina Pimentel (CEC-Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
Delfim Leão (CECH/Universidade de Coimbra)
Dominique Faria (CEC/Universidade dos Açores)
Eugénia Pereira (CLLC/Universidade de Aveiro)
Fátima Outeirinho (ILC/ Universidade do Porto)
Fernanda Olival (CIDEHUS/Universidade de Évora)
Françoise Graziani (UMR CNRS 6240 LISA- Chaire Esprit Méditerranéen Paul Valéry/ Université de Corse)
Helena Buescu (CEC/Universidade de Lisboa)
Hélio Alves (APLC/CIDEHUS/Universidade de Évora)
José Pedro Serra (CEC-Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
José Tolentino Mendonça (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Maria João Marçalo (CEL/Universidade de Évora)
Maria de Jesus Cabral (APEF/ CEAUL/ Universidade de Lisboa)
Maria de Lourdes Câncio Martins (CEC/Universidade de Lisboa)
María-Pilar Tresaco (T3 AxEL/Universidade de Saragoça)
Onésimo Teotónio Almeida (Brown University)
Otília Pires Martins (CLLC/Universidade de Aveiro)
Rodrigo Furtado (CEC- Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
Rui Carita (Universidade da Madeira)
Sérgio Guimarães Sousa (CEHUM/Universidade do Minho)
Teresa Cid (CEAUL/Universidade de Lisboa)
Organizing Institution:
Universidade da Madeira & CEC – Universidade de Lisboa (Research Project Travel and Utopia)
Research Centres & Universities cooperating in this conference:
CEAUL/ULICES, Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa
CEC, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas – Universidade de Lisboa
CEC, Centro de Estudos Clássicos – Universidade de Lisboa
CECH, Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos – Universidade de Coimbra
CIDEHUS, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades - Universidade de Évora
ILC, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa – Universidade do Porto
LIHAM (Grupo de Pesquisa) - Limiar Humano / Animal / Máquina – Universidade do Minho
Partner Association:
APEF - Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Franceses
APLC- Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada
The conference is open to the members of the International Plutarch Society and to any person interested in the topic, from the academic world or the general public, as well as to PhD students and junior researchers working on Plutarch or on intertextuality.
A Universidade da Madeira, por meio do Programa Universitário para Seniores, está a organizar o IVº Colóquio “Olhares sobre o envelhecimento”. Vimos, por isso, propor à comunidade académica que participe, com comunicações, nesta iniciativa, até porque se trata de um Colóquio interdisciplinar e que abordará diferentes âmbitos de investigação:
1) O envelhecimento: saúde, lazer e desporto;
2) O envelhecimento e a perspectiva psicológica e social;
3) O envelhecimento e a educação;
4) O envelhecimento e as novas tecnologias;
5) As representações culturais da velhice: da literatura à arte;
Os interessados deverão submeter as propostas de comunicação em, até ao dia 01 de Julho.
Call for Papers
The Colloquium “Perspectives on Aging” is organized by the University of Madeira within the University Program for seniors. The main goal is to bring together academics and experts to promote and enhance the discussion on aging. The academic community is therefore invited to participate in this interdisciplinary conference with oral presentations. The colloquium will address the following research areas:
1) Aging: health, leisure and sport;
2) A Psychological and social perspective on Aging;
3) Aging and Education;
4) Aging and new technologies;
5) Cultural representations of old age in literature and arts.
All participants should submit their proposals in before 01st July 2015.
The conference is held on food history and cultures from Antiquity to the present days, and is open to scholars from all over the world.
Preferential subjects:
1) Food, health and wellbeing;
2) Food and linguistic heritage;
3) Food and literary heritage.