Papers by António Almeida

When Economic Environment is Hostile: Entrepreneurial Intention in a Small Tourist Remote Economy
Tourism promotes job creation and businesses in the economies of many small tourist regions. Cons... more Tourism promotes job creation and businesses in the economies of many small tourist regions. Consequently, it is worth studying the relationship between this regions and entrepreneurship, whose chosen method of analysis is based on hierarchical OLS regression. This study explored the influences of small tourist remote economies (STRE) topographies, personal characteristics and academic support activities for the pursuit of entrepreneurship activities in explaining students’ intentions, this is the first attempt to provide an understanding of the Theory of Planned Behavior in the context of entrepreneurship of the small tourist remote. It offers a contribution to the literature in the field of entrepreneurship by analyzing a number of factors that reinforce, encourage or discourage students’ intentions to become entrepreneurs in a geographical setting characterized by macroeconomic policies informed by a neo-Keynesian approach. Moreover, this paper provides an understanding of the me...
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 2021
The length of stay for tourists is shrinking for traditional tourism destinations, with tourists ... more The length of stay for tourists is shrinking for traditional tourism destinations, with tourists instead opting for short breaks to multiple destinations. The reasons for these changes include the increasing number of low cost airlines reduces the cost per journey, alongside heightened disposable income and strong marketing strategies by competing destinations. Madeira Island is well placed in this study as it faces a typical issue of declining length of stay, meanwhile acquires rich data in carrying out thorough analyses in the factors that explain length of stay in Madeira Island-Portugal by five different econometric approaches, further policy implications of the research findings, particularly those that could potentially prove useful to increase the length of stay, are also discussed.
Palavras-chave | Turismo, renovação, empreendedorismo, inovação Objetivos | O turismo, tal como o... more Palavras-chave | Turismo, renovação, empreendedorismo, inovação Objetivos | O turismo, tal como outras indústrias, foi profundamente afetado pela recente crise mundial, mas, apesar da conjuntura, continua a ser um dos setores económicos mais dinâmicos no país e no mundo, constituindo um fator chave para a criação de emprego e para o tão necessário crescimento económico. Deve-se considerar o final de um período de turbulências como o momento apropriado para

Purpose: The main objective of the article was to analyze the conditions and factors that determi... more Purpose: The main objective of the article was to analyze the conditions and factors that determine the tourist development of Madera Island in relation to the assumptions of the sustainable development concept and the smart city concept. Moreover, the conducted own research made it possible to identify key problem areas related to the development of tourism in the discussed area, formulated by representatives of the local community and tourists. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research presented in this paper was conducted in April 2021. It was addressed to both permanent residents of Madeira and tourists visiting the island. A total of 391 people participated in the survey (diagnostic survey, questionnaire). Based on the collected opinions, the preferences observed in the surveyed groups were analyzed and an extensive list of recommendations was proposed. These recommendations have broad implementation potential, both in relation to Madeira and other tourist locations with similar social, economic, and environmental conditions. Findings: Areas of strong tourist reception are usually a common ground for actions of various institutions, environments, and people representing different and sometimes conflicting interests. The Portuguese Island of Madeira described in the paper is a perfect example: in a relatively small area, one can find both areas that require protection due to the valuable natural and cultural assets, areas of agricultural and industrial character (on a small scale), and places with strongly developed tourism and tourism-related infrastructure. Ongoing discussions on the future of Madeira indicate that the economy based on sustainable tourism and smart city concept will play a key role. Own research made visible that the catalogue of problem areas is very extensive and includes phenomena of various character and intensity. The concepts of sustainable tourism and smart city, which are the key reference point for the presented research, can be perceived as a certain ideal, being a source of inspiration and a tool for searching for optimal (taking into consideration interests of various groups) development paths for a given area. Practical Implications: Based on the collected data, the preferences observed among the respondents were analyzed and an extensive list of recommendations was proposed. These

Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
The main goal of the analyses presented in the article is to identify the phenomena and consequen... more The main goal of the analyses presented in the article is to identify the phenomena and consequences concomitant with the phenomenon of overtourism in the economic (with particular emphasis on energy) and social dimensions, regarding the Portuguese island of Madeira. The starting point for considerations includes a review of the issues that define the theoretical framework of “excessive tourism”, as well as a discussion of the most important determinants of the socio-economic development of Madeira. Then, the results of own research are presented, including the original analysis of existing data on electricity production, population growth and the number of overnight stays, as well as the results of a survey conducted in April 2021[1], among both permanent residents and tourists visiting the island. The obtained results indicate, among others, that for each increase in the number of overnight stays by 1%, the production of electricity increases by 0.597%; and for every 1% increase i...

Segmentation by benefits sought: the case of rural tourism in Madeira
Current Issues in Tourism, 2013
Rural tourism has been promoted as an effective catalyst for growth in rural areas severely hit b... more Rural tourism has been promoted as an effective catalyst for growth in rural areas severely hit by the rural structuring process. However, with regard to islands, rural tourism has been mainly advertised and promoted as a counterpoint to mass tourism. While in most Western countries rural tourism has been in place for decades, islands have been pursuing a rural tourism agenda only since the 1990s. Consequently, we face a dearth of research regarding motivation factors that attract tourists to the rural hinterland on islands. The purpose of this study is to segment and profile rural tourists based on benefits sought in order to gain a better understanding of the current demand trends. The data collection procedure were based on a self-administered survey applied to a sample of 180 tourists, and four clusters were identified. The relaxer cluster which comprises individuals attracted by opportunities to relax and recharge batteries, are the most dominant, suggesting that the sector mimics, to a large extent, the main tourism market. This is a problematic outcome because the sector is failing to attract a more diverse and wealthy clientele. Due attention should also be paid to other clusters. The ruralist segment values relaxation in natural segments to escape from daily routine, the ‘want it all segment’ is composed of tourists interested in all kind of activities and the family-oriented cluster is mainly interested in socialising with the family. Implications of our preliminary conclusions for theory and practice are discussed.
O alargamento do Aeroporto da Madeira em 2001 supunha-se catalisador da procura turística e capaz... more O alargamento do Aeroporto da Madeira em 2001 supunha-se catalisador da procura turística e capaz de reconverter o turismo madeirense e, assim, reforçar a dinâmica de desenvolvimento regional. Sete anos volvidos, importa avaliar os seus impactos, mormente no que ...
Revista de Estudos Politécnicos, 2010
Multivariate descriptive analysis is applied to ´built-up´ the image of the rural tourism accordi... more Multivariate descriptive analysis is applied to ´built-up´ the image of the rural tourism according to socioeconomic, travel-related features, and cognitive and emotional factors as it is usual in the destination image literature. This paper fills a void in the literature concerning the rural tourism sector as the factors attracting tourists to the emerging rural tourism industry in Madeira and policy recommendations put forward.

Peripheral Territories, Tourism, and Regional Development, 2021
Rural and peripheral development is still a matter of concern in several western countries. Depop... more Rural and peripheral development is still a matter of concern in several western countries. Depopulation, low density of business activities, younger people emigration and better-qualified individuals feeling that such regions have been abandoned by the government, and incapable of moving on, are among the key indicators to “understand” rural and peripheral areas. Rural tourism has long been understood as an effective catalyst of change in depressed and deprived (of entrepreneurial capacity) areas and to explore a unique set of amenities. Because of funds directed to help private investment projects in rural tourism facilities, most peripheral areas are now relatively well endowed with key infrastructures. Nevertheless, the tourism lead approach produced mixed results due to low levels of demand in some areas and lack of a cooperative behavior among providers to maximize the opportunities offered by the wide range of attractions. In this paper, we investigate to what extent investme...
Palavras-chave: União Europeia, Região ultraperiférica, orientações comunitárias, programas comun... more Palavras-chave: União Europeia, Região ultraperiférica, orientações comunitárias, programas comunitários
Papers by António Almeida