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Mar. 4th, 2011 @ 01:13 pm Anyone have an extra ticket to tomorrow's event at the Comm School?
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stars- art by <lj user=lierre>
Current Location: United States, Florida, Boca Raton
Mood: sadsad
Music: The Crosstown Rivalry - All We Pretend To Be | Powered by
Hi Crazy Canes!

For all who don't know me, I'm a UM alumni. I attended UM from 2002-2007. From '02 to '06, I got these fun-filled degrees:
- Bachelors of Science in Communication- Focus on Print Journalism (super close to a minor in Marketing)
- Bachelors of Science in Political Science- Focus on Public Policy
Then, I went right back at it, and got my Masters in Public Administration- Focus on Nonprofit Management



Tomorrow, (for people who don't know), WordCamp Miami is being held at the courtyard at the School of Communications (where I spent so many hours).

WordCamp is held all over the country, and it has to do with Wordpress, Blogging, SEO, and Development of related things (like widgets for example).



does anyone have an extra ticket to sell? from what I understand, it's e-mail based, so I could PayPal you for it and you can just forward the email ticket. PLEASE let me know.

Why do I care so much? I'm an independent SEO consultant =) I do online marketing, and my programmer tweaks the Wordpress. I NEED to go to this.

Email me if you can sell me a ticket, or give me contact info for someone who can get me one.

[email protected]

(my website is down at the moment, so doesn't work, but I promise I'm real).

PLEASE PLEASE help me find a ticket =)



Feb. 15th, 2011 @ 12:05 pm *Mod post*
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mod hat
Anyone interested in taking over Modship?
Aug. 17th, 2009 @ 01:08 pm Parking
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Hello community,
I'm a intern who just recently started at UM in the Jackson Hospital area. Is there a better place to park - preferably cheaper than the meters around the side streets? I don't have access to the garage otherwise I'd park there.

Thanks so much if you can help.
Mods - please delete if this isn't allowed.
Jun. 3rd, 2009 @ 11:20 pm (no subject)
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I signed up to be a chemistry workshop leader for next semester, but I don't know how I have to go about scheduling a time/being assigned students. Will the professor e-mail us with information once the Fall semester starts, or do I have to e-mail him before then? Someone mentioned that there was an email for chem workshops. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apr. 21st, 2009 @ 05:31 pm Graduation.
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Big Eyed Grandma
I wish they'd announce who's speaking at commencement.

I wanna knoooow!
Apr. 19th, 2009 @ 07:17 pm The Loop.
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Big Eyed Grandma
I always hear people talk about running "The Loop" but I'm still not sure exactly where it goes or how far it is.

I think down Ponce, down San Amaro, behind the Comm School, and back, right?

Anyone know how many miles?
Apr. 7th, 2009 @ 08:15 pm Mechanic
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Does anyone know a trustworthy mechanic in Miami, the closer to FIU University Park campus, the better? My beloved car is out of whack [something about harmonic something or other pulley]. Basically, the engine has to come out to replace a $10 screw, I'm 90% sure.
Mar. 31st, 2009 @ 06:37 pm (no subject)
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Hey, I hope someone here will help me! I'm planning to take a summer course at UM because I have to fill either my science or art general requirements. I was wondering if you could give me any thoughts if you've taken a similar course at UM and/or know the professor:

Class: Survey of Western Art
Instructor: J. Hollander

Class: Survey of Oceanography
Instructor: D. DiResta

Thanks a ton! :)
Jan. 27th, 2009 @ 09:32 pm just wondering...
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Never Again
anyone interested/involved in any animal rights type groups at UM? or is there even such a thing??
Jan. 23rd, 2009 @ 01:04 pm Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network Fundraiser in Miami
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GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, is having a fundraiser Jan. 31 in Miami Beach.

Please RSVP by Jan 29th