Meg Grigal
Dr. Meg Grigal is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Community Inclusion at University Massachusetts Boston and the Co-Director of Think College, a national organization focused on research, policy and practice in inclusive higher education and people with intellectual disability. At Think College, she serves as a principal investigator on a variety of research grants including the National Coordinating Center for the Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) Model Demonstration Programs. Meg has been writing, training, and conducting research in the area of inclusive higher education for over 20 years.
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Papers by Meg Grigal
program in 27 states. A description of the model demonstration projects called Transition Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSIDs) is provided and findings from the National Coordinating Centre, charged with evaluating those projects, are presented. Finally, critical issues related to standards of practice, credentialing, and accreditation are addressed, and implications for policy and practice for future development of the field of inclusive higher education are offered.