Papers by Selahattin Turan
Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2019
European Journal of Education Studies, 2017
This study was designed to develop a scale and examine its psychometric properties to offer a new... more This study was designed to develop a scale and examine its psychometric properties to offer a new complex adaptive leadership for school principals (CAL-SP). This was an exploratory mixed method research. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to develop and assess psychometric properties of the questionnaire. This study introduces the construct of complex adaptive school leadership, which comprises three dimensions: enabling leadership, managerial leadership and adaptive leadership. The scale shows internal consistency, reliability, construct validity and nomological validity explaining that the instrument had a good structure and reliability. Directions for future research and managerial implications of the new construct are discussed. Article visualizations:

the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2017
Öz Gerçeklere sezgiler yoluyla değil, insan aklıyla ulaşılabileceğini düşünen Descartes ile mekan... more Öz Gerçeklere sezgiler yoluyla değil, insan aklıyla ulaşılabileceğini düşünen Descartes ile mekanikçi doğa felsefesi kurulmuş oldu. Böylece dönemin bilimsel paradigması olayları neden-sonuç ilişkisine göre irdeleyerek, elde edilen gerçekliği kesin ve de-ğişmez olarak tüm evrene genellemiştir. Bu paradigma örgütsel yaşamı da etkisi al-tına almış ve örgütsel dinamiklere kararlı ve düzenli sistem anlayışıyla yaklaşılmış-tır. Oysa, endüstri toplumundan bilgi toplumuna, merkeziyetçilikten âdem-i merke-ziyetçiliğe, hiyerarşik yapılardan ağ yapılara geçiş gibi yeni paradigma dönüşümle-ri, bilginin ezoterik olduğu gerçeğine ve fenomenlerin karmaşık dinamik süreçlere dayalı bir değişimine yol açmıştır. Bu dönüşüm karmaşık sisteme kesinlik ve de-ğişmezlik ilkesiyle yaklaşılamayacağına vurgu yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yeni bir paradigma olan karmaşık uyum sağlayıcı liderlik kavramı karmaşık uyumsağlayıcı liderlik teorisi'yle ilişkilendirilerek analitik olarak değerlendirilmiş, karmaşık sis-tem yaklaşımı ile teorik çözümleme yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak karmaşık uyum sağlayıcı liderlik, edinilen algı değişimlerini karşılayabilecek, etkileşimi sağ-layabilecek, bütüncül bir değişim teorisi olabileceği konusunda umut vaat etmekte-dir. Anahtar kelimeler: Karmaşıklık teorisi, karmaşık uyum sağlayıcı sistemler, karmaşık uyum sağlayıcı liderlik, okul müdürü 1 Bu makalenin ilk hali 07-09 Mayıs 2015 tarihleri arasında Gaziantep'te düzenlenen 10. Eğitim Yönetimi Kongre'sinde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.

In the present study, the purpose was to determine the direct and indirect effects of the crisis ... more In the present study, the purpose was to determine the direct and indirect effects of the crisis management skills and distance education practices of universities on student satisfaction and organizational image in the continuing Coronavirus pandemic. To conduct the study, a questionnaire was applied to 467 students who had to receive compulsory distance education at TRNC universities during the pandemic process. The relation levels between the crisis management and distance education practices of universities, corporate image, student satisfaction, and direct and indirect effects between the variables, were designed with a structural equation modeling by forming hypotheses according to the sub-dimensions of the student satisfaction scale. The findings of the study showed that as the crisis management of the university administrations in the pandemic process was perceived positively by the students, their organizational image and satisfaction increased. However, it was detected tha...

Sustainability , 2022
In the present study, the purpose was to determine the direct and indirect effects of the crisis ... more In the present study, the purpose was to determine the direct and indirect effects of the crisis management skills and distance education practices of universities on student satisfaction and organizational image in the continuing Coronavirus pandemic. To conduct the study, a questionnaire was applied to 467 students who had to receive compulsory distance education at TRNC universities during the pandemic process. The relation levels between the crisis management and distance education practices of universities, corporate image, student satisfaction, and direct and indirect effects between the variables, were designed with a structural equation modeling by forming hypotheses according to the sub dimensions of the student satisfaction scale. The findings of the study showed that as the crisis management of the university administrations in the pandemic process was perceived positively by the students, their organizational image and satisfaction increased. However, it was detected that there was a lower level of relationship between attitudes towards distance learning and crisis management, and that this had a limited effect on student satisfaction. It was concluded that the structural equation model can be used to explain the causal relationship between the variables. The study also showed that the determinants of organizational image and student satisfaction in education must be understood better and that universities must review their crisis management and distance education practices and develop new service plans.
This study was designed to develop the scale of the Complex Adaptive Leadership for School Princi... more This study was designed to develop the scale of the Complex Adaptive Leadership for School Principals (CAL-SP) and examine its psychometric properties. This was an exploratory mixed method research design (ES-MMD). Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to develop and assess psychometric properties of the questionnaire. This study introduced the construct of CAL-SP, which comprised three dimensions: enabling leadership (EL), managerial leadership (ML) and adaptive leadership (AL). The scale showed internal consistency, reliability, construct validity and nomological validity explaining that the instrument had a good structure and reliability. Directions for future research and managerial implications of the new construct are discussed.
Eğitim ve Bilim, 2011
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Plato’nun ‘Cumhuriyet’ ile Aristo’nun ‘Politika’ adlı eserlerinde yer alan... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, Plato’nun ‘Cumhuriyet’ ile Aristo’nun ‘Politika’ adlı eserlerinde yer alan eğitim ile ilgili temel kavramları ve görüşleri incelemektir. Teorik ve tarihsel karşılaştırmaya dayalı bu araştırmada, Aristo’nun Politika adlı eserine vurgu yapılmış ve eğitim kavramı ana hatlarıyla irdelenmiştir. Çalışmada, erdemli bir toplum oluşturabilmek için erdemli insanlar yetiştirmek gerektiği ve bunu gerçekleştirmek için kişinin akıl, beden ve arzularının eğitilebileceği fikri tartışılmıştır.
Eğitim ve Bilim, 2004
The purpose of this paper is to examine alternative dispute resolution processes and tlıeir funda... more The purpose of this paper is to examine alternative dispute resolution processes and tlıeir fundamental principles as well as its applicability in educational settings. First of ali, the concept of conflict was explained. Second, the limitations of traditional conflict resolution processes were analyzed. Finally, discussing alternative dispute resolution processes, the paper concluded with inıplicalions for educational settings and recommendations.

Educational Planning, 2008
The planning efforts, including teacher training reforms, from the beginning of the fi rst modern... more The planning efforts, including teacher training reforms, from the beginning of the fi rst modernization attempts have been underlined by the notion of westernization and the passion to be 'modern' since the declaration of the new Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923. In the early years of the Republic, signifi cant reform laws were adapted and put into force including the " Law of Unifi cation of Education. " Since the early years of the Republic, education has always been identifi ed as a transformational change agent within all aspects of Turkey's social, political, and cultural structures, facilitating the dynamics of modernity. Modernization as a challenge has always created an ideological confl ict between " conservatives " representing " status quo " and reformers struggling with the current challenges with the conservative paradigm. The aim of this study was to critically examine the transitional planning process of teacher education programs. In addition, another goal of this research project was to present the confl icts concerning Turkish educational reforms in the last decade by emphasizing a direct linkage between shifts in curriculum structure during in the 1996 and 2006 academic years. From a theoretical perspective, this study also purposed to examine the paradigmatic shift of Turkish teacher training programs within the initiatives of Turkish Higher Educational Council (HEC) in the last two decades. The results of this study indicated that the political agenda always has dictated the development of teaching policy in the country with little attention to social-cultural milieu on the governmental structures created to administer the policy since the declaration of the New Turkish Republic.

Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2001
Nasıl bir insan yetiştireceğiz? Okuldan beklentilerimiz nelerdir? Okullar hangi amaçlar için kull... more Nasıl bir insan yetiştireceğiz? Okuldan beklentilerimiz nelerdir? Okullar hangi amaçlar için kullanılmalıdır? Okulların ideali ne olmalıdır? Bu soruların cevabı, eğitim programının vizyonunu, amaçlarını, içeriğini ve yöntemini biçimlendirmektedir. Eğitim, "hedef davranışlar" söylemi bağlamında mekanikleşmiş bir içerik benimsiyorsa, sonuçta edilgen, itaat eden insan ve toplum profili yetiştirilmek istenebilir. Edilgen insan tipinin karşıtı, kendine yetebilen, sorgulayan, araştıran ve kararlara katılan, sorumluluk alabilen ve kendi kaderini yönlendirebilen insandır. Aktif insan modeli, demokrasiyle örtüşmektedir. Demokratik toplum ve eğitim ilişkisinin çözümlenmesi ve bu süreçte öğretmenin rolü, eğitimin işlevlerini kısmen açıklığa kavuşturabilir. Bu eğitim, demokratik okul, demokratik öğretmen, demokratik birey ve vatandaşlık kavramlarının çözümlenmesini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, demokrasinin bir toplumsal barış projesi olarak ne ifade ettiği ve bu yaşam biçiminin gerçekleşmesinde temel öğeler olarak eğitim ve vatandaşlık kavramının yeri ve toplumsal bir lider olarak öğretmenin demokratik bir toplum oluşturma sürecindeki rolünü eleştirel teori açısından irdelenmiştir.

Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2013
Creation of a common culture in educational organizations, particularly in schools, depends first... more Creation of a common culture in educational organizations, particularly in schools, depends first on the presence and cohesiveness of an interacting group of individuals. Individual aims are more likely to turn into a shared objective in schools with a strong, participatory culture. Culture shared by all school stakeholders makes the actualization of both short-and long-term objectives easier. In this context, the leadership role of school administrator is essential to ensure that employees associate with school culture. The aim of this study is to determine relationship between school administrators' leadership practices and school culture. This study has a correlational design to determine relationship between school administrators' leadership practices and school culture according to the perceptions of teachers in primary education. A total of 349 teachers serving in 15 primary schools were selected through a maximum diversity method. 'Leadership Practices Inventory' and 'School Culture Inventory' were administered to these teachers. Positive and significant relationships were found between the scores of school culture and leadership practices of teachers in primary education. Based on the significant relationships observed, according to multivariate linear regression analysis results performed to evaluate the prediction power of leadership practices on school culture, sub-dimensions of leadership practices (guidance, creating a vision, questioning the process, encouraging personnel and encouraging audience) collectively explained 28% of the variance of school culture scores. School culture can be used by school administrators as a tool to influence and direct other people or to establish coordination among employees. Beyond being representatives of school bureaucracy, administrators should be cultural and moral guides who pioneer the creation and development of fundamental values in school. Based on the findings of the study, it is important to improve and enhance the job definition and areas of work of school administrators. Arrangements can be made to allow school administrators to take initiative towards improving their own schools. This may strengthen the guiding role of school administrators. We suggest that future studies consider a qualitative investigation of exemplary school culture and leadership practices.

Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2011
One of the main problems in teacher preparation programs is to attract academically able students... more One of the main problems in teacher preparation programs is to attract academically able students to schools of education in both Turkey and all other countries around the world. This study attemps to track historical developments and placement patters of Turkish teacher preparation programs. Purpose: This study tracks the changes in student placement patterns of all teacher preparation programs in Turkey. Are there any changes in student placement patterns of all teacher preparation programs in Turkey from 1982 to 2002 by looking at the placement percentiles? A trend and content analysis was used in the study. Based on Student Selection and Placement Test Scores, this study examines information and attempts to spot a trend concerning student placement patterns of all teacher preparation programs. The data show that there are variations in entrance percentiles for primary, secondary, and vocational training. Secondary school teaching attracts the most academically able students. Since 1982, placement percentiles of all teaching programs have increased. Foreign language teaching and vocational teaching programs attract comparably less academically able students. The biggest increase was in primary teaching programs. When we examine the changes in placement percentiles, it is reasonable to say that placement percentiles into teaching programs have been affected by macroeconomic indicators. The data clearly show that teacher preparation programs attract highly able students.

Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, 'Kamu Yönetimi Temel Kanunu Yasa Tasarısı' ile gündeme gelen eğitimin... more Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, 'Kamu Yönetimi Temel Kanunu Yasa Tasarısı' ile gündeme gelen eğitimin yerinden yönetimi konusunda eğitim yöneticilerinin eğitimle ilgili alınan kararlara ilişkin görüşlerini incelemektir. Bu araştırma ile eğitim yöneticilerinin verdiği bilgiler doğrultusunda eğitimin yerinden yönetimi ile ilgili tartışmalara katkıda bulunmak beklenmektedir. Araştırmada, eğitimin yerel birimlere devri sürecindeki uygulamaların etkililiğinin yönetici algılarına göre saptanması ve ortaya çıkan bulgular ışığında öneriler geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Eskişehir merkez devlet (resmi) ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim kurumlarında görev yapan okul müdürleri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemi ise random yoluyla seçilen 52 okul müdürü oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri " Eğitimin Yerinden Yönetimi Ölçeği " aracı ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde SPSS paket programından yararlanılarak yüzde ve frekans hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, örneklem dâhilindeki eğitim yöneticilerinin yerinden yönetim konusunda karar düzeyi olarak verilen birimlerden Bakanlık-İl-Okul üçgenine ağırlık verdiğini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bir başka ifade ile eğitim yöneticilerinin bölge, ilçe ve belediyelerin yerelleşme konusunda pek fazla etkin olmasını istemedikleri; bu birimleri birer karar düzeyi olarak kabul etmedikleri görülmektedir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre eğitim yöneticilerinde, eğitimin yerinden yönetimi konusunda ortak kültür oluşturma eksikliği ve bilgi yetersizliği olduğu söylenebilir. Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the ideas of school principals about the 'decentralization' which again came up with the Bill of Public Administration. Due to the data received from school principals, it is expected to make a contribution to

Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008
In the last two decades, many studies emphasized the importance of values in school life. Further... more In the last two decades, many studies emphasized the importance of values in school life. Further more, studies indicate that teachers and principals face many questions concerning values and their functions in the lives of students. The questions concerning values are raised, especially, by students that focused on the importance of values in their lives. Since the early 1980's, the crucial role of values in school and society has become an important topic to discuss and study. The main purpose of this study was to identify and examine the existing and ideal social values of school and their role in school life as perceived by teachers and students. Data were collected from 119 elementary school teachers and 112 students (6 th, 7th and 8 th grades) in Bozüyük. Social Values Questionnaire (SVQ) that was used in the study developed by the authors of this study. The results indicate that there was a significant difference in the degree of appreciation of social values in school settings as perceived by teachers and students in Turkish public schools.

Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 2013
Perspectives about educational administration formed within ‘modernity’ surely legitimate and rep... more Perspectives about educational administration formed within ‘modernity’ surely legitimate and reproduce prevailing and emerging forms of sovereignty. This conceptual study explores alternatives and ways beyond such reproduction and legitimation toward imagined ways of living that are more diverse and more open: more culturally, politically, and economically liberating. The purpose of this study is to analyze concepts and theories about educational administration that were developed in and imported to Turkey from other societies. I show, first, how these concepts and theories principally serve the ‘modern’ ideology of the market and, second, how this servitude constrains thinking and action about school administration in Turkey. I argue that this circumstance keeps educational administration from achieving necessary independence; in particular by ensuring those who produce and use the knowledge of this field put their free-will under the market’s order.In essence, theories of schooling fed by conceptions of ‘modernity’ and ‘progress,’ via the servitude just described, turn into a structure of thought and action that denies—and actively subverts--social causality. Thus, school administration in both Turkey and the West, in one way, becomes apparent as the history of how administrative thought has translated its purposes into ‘administrative techniques.’ Administration thus becomes a tool for the status quo rather than contributing to the struggle for a humane society and a just. ‘Westernized-technical’ discourses seem a poor cognitive model for Turkish schooling, leadership, and education research.In essence, theories of schooling fed by conceptions of ‘modernity’ and ‘progress,’ via the servitude just described, turn into a structure of thought and action that denies—and actively subverts--social causality. Thus, school administration in both Turkey and the West, in one way, becomes apparent as the history of how administrative thought has translated its purposes into ‘administrative techniques.’ Administration thus becomes a tool for the status quo rather than contributing to the struggle for a humane society and a just. ‘Westernized-technical’ discourses seem a poor cognitive model for Turkish schooling, leadership, and education research.
21. Yüzyılda Eğitim Yöneticilerinin Yetiştirilmesi Sempozyumu, 2002
In the last two decades, the critical roles of educational administrators and their roles in crea... more In the last two decades, the critical roles of educational administrators and their roles in creating high quality schools have been reemphasized by leading scholars in the field of educational administration and policy makers in education. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe emerging trends and new directions in the preparation of educational administrators in Turkey and around the world.

It is pointed out that the discussions about gifted tend to increase in national and internationa... more It is pointed out that the discussions about gifted tend to increase in national and international area in the last quarter century. Special practices, symposiums, publications, institutions, undergraduate and graduate programs have been prepared with the parallel to these discussions, it is said that these children have been lost so far. Alfred Binet (b.1857- d.1911) who stated his concerns about using IQ test which is formed in 1904 for children having learning difficulty as a labeling instrument (Gould, 1996). Topçu (1960) stated that intelligence couldn’t be tested, on the contrary was insight. Leading Turkish philosopher Farabi (b.872-d.951) claims that being intelligent as a fact which requires not only being intelligent necessarily but moral intellect. When discourses about gifted are analyzed, by conforming Topçu and Farabi like Binet, the statements like not wasting gifted in masses, labelling, seeing gifted children as a vital capital for the county and necessity of increa...
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2000
Toplumların yapısında sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik yönlerden meydana gelen değişmeler, eğitim alanın... more Toplumların yapısında sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik yönlerden meydana gelen değişmeler, eğitim alanını da etkilemektedir. Eğitim yönetimi alanında yapılan araştırmalar ise eğitim yöneticilerinin eğitim sorunlarına yeterince çözüm üretemediklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu durum, eğitim yönetiminin bilgi temellerini ve eğitim yöneticilerinin yetiştirilmeleri konusundaki standartları yeniden gündeme getirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, eğitim yöneticilerinin birer lider yetiştirilmeleri konusunda yapılan çalışmaları ana hatlarıyla tartışmaktır. Son yıllarda, bazı gelişmiş ülkelerde eğitim liderlerinin yetiştirilmeleri konusunda yapılan standartlaştırma çabalarından yola çıkarak, bu tartışmaların ülkemiz için ne anlam ifade ettiği değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.

AERA, Mar 1, 1997
This study evaluates the significance of John Dewey's 1924visit to Turkey and the subsequent repo... more This study evaluates the significance of John Dewey's 1924visit to Turkey and the subsequent reports and recommendations Dewey preparedregarding the Turkish educational system. The study analyzes the 30 pages ofreports from 1924 from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Dewey's first report addressed better teacher training and the funding of education. The second report made specific recommendations for the formation andexecution of an educational plan, the development of schools as communitycenters, the reorganization of the Ministry of Public Instruction, the training and treatment of teachers, the redefinition of the school system, the improvement of health and hygiene issues in schools, and the improvementof discipline. The paper also includes John Dewey's essays on the Turkishstate where Dewey addressed larger Turkish problems. The essays first
appeared in New Republic and have been reprinted over the years. (EH)
Papers by Selahattin Turan
appeared in New Republic and have been reprinted over the years. (EH)
appeared in New Republic and have been reprinted over the years. (EH)
arasında ortak bir uzlaşı oluşmamıştır. Özge bir ifadeyle liderlik, farklı bakış açılarından yaklaşıldığında, farklı biçimlerde incelenen, tanımlanabilen, ortaya çıkan ve görünen muğlak, müphem, çelişkili ve karmaşık bir olgu ve kavramdır. Liderlik, birçok disiplinin dikkatini çekmiş, üzerinde oldukça kafa yorulmuş, idarî olduğu kadar psikolojik, sosyolojik, politik, askerî, felsefî ve tarihî açılardan da ele alınıp incelenmiştir.
Barnard (1948) “Organization and Management” başlıklı klasik kitabında liderlik çalışmalarını ağır bir dille eleştirmiş; liderlikle ilgili yapılan çalışmaların büyük çoğunluğunun “safsata” ve “dogmatik” fikirlerden ibaret olduğunu ileri sürmüştür. Bir liderlik düşünür olan Burns’e (1978) göre ise liderlik yeryüzünün en az anlaşılmış kavramıdır. Diğer taraftan Bennis (1989) liderliği inceleme ve araştırmanın diğer doğal bilimlerdeki
araştırma konuları gibi kolay olmadığını, liderliğin meydana geldiği, göründüğü sosyal dünyanın karmaşık, anlam yüklü olduğu ifade etmiştir. Bu eleştirinin bugün bile güncelliğini koruduğunu söylemek yanlış
ve abartı olmaz. Özge bir ifadeyle bir lider olabilme ve liderlik sürecinin karmaşıklığına dair bu ve benzeri tartışmaların ileride de devam edeceği kesindir. Aslına bakılırsa liderlik çalışmalarında temel problem araştırmaların azlığıyla ilgili değil, liderliğin esasına dair temel hususlar, ilkeler ve bileşenler üzerine uzlaşının az olmamasıdır. Kavramın temelleri konusunda bir uzlaşı olmaması, liderlik araştırmacı ve okuyucusunun, liderliği araştırma, anlama ve anlamlandırma hususunda dikkatli olması gereğini hatırlatmakta bir uyarı niteliğindedir.
Genellikle çalışanlar, yöneticilerin kendilerini anlamadıklarından yakınırlar. Yöneticilerin ise bu sisteme yanıtları açık ve kesin: “Bizi kim anlayacak?” Biz üç kişi yazarak bu ezeli çekişmeye bir katkıda bulunmaya çalıştık. Belki yöneticilerin şef, müdür, genel müdür vb. olarak değil de İNSAN OLARAK algılanması için bir katkımız olur.
Umut bu! Umutları bitir memeliyiz.
Bu kitap okul değerlendirme konusunda temel kavramları tartışmaya açmaktadır. Aynı zamanda okullardaki değerlendirme veya bu yöndeki girişimlere kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturması bakımından kitabın okul yöneticileriyle öğretmenlerimize yararlı olması beklenmektedir.