Papers by Ozden Cobanoglu

Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007
ABSTRACT In Turkey most farmers keep 1-2 buffaloes for family consumption and this system is very... more ABSTRACT In Turkey most farmers keep 1-2 buffaloes for family consumption and this system is very widespread in villages while farms with around 100 heads are located near to the big cities. These two most common housing systems were used to contribute to the somatic characterization of Anatolian buffalo in the context of a wide typification programme of this buffalo aimed to improve its productive and reproductive potentiality in agreement with a sustainable development. 76 males and 127 females of the Istanbul district and 32 males and 70 females raised in Danamandra vıllage of Silivri district were measured. On each buffalo, withers height, rump height, body length, chest depth and chest width were determined. The results showed a significant difference between males and females starting from 12 months in buffaloes of Danamandra village and from 3 years of age in animals of Istanbul district.

J. Dairy Sci., 2006
A functional candidate gene approach was used to
search for genes affecting milk production trait... more A functional candidate gene approach was used to
search for genes affecting milk production traits in Holstein
dairy cattle. Signal transducer and activator of
transcription 1 (STAT1) was chosen because of its
involvement in the development of the mammary gland.
Using the pooled genomic DNA sequencing approach,
we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism. Genomic
DNA was extracted from 1,292 sons obtained from the
Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository and from 715 blood
samples of daughters of 12 bulls obtained from the University
of Wisconsin resource population. Daughter yield
deviation data for the sons and yield deviation for the
daughters were obtained for milk production traits from
the USDA Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory.
For the Repository population, allele C was associated
with significant increases in milk fat and protein percentages.
For the University of Wisconsin population,
genotypes CC and CT were associated with significant
increases in milk, fat, and protein yields. Results from
this study are consistent with previous studies on the
role of STAT1 in regulating the transcription of genes
involved in milk protein synthesis and fat metabolism.

This paper aims to search genetic structures of purebred Kivircik sheep raised in Turkey based on... more This paper aims to search genetic structures of purebred Kivircik sheep raised in Turkey based on erythrocyte potassium and glutathione types and also to determine the relationship between these components and some blood parameters. The phenotypic frequencies were 68% for LK and 32% for HK erythrocyte potassium types in the purebred Kivircik breed. The allele gene frequency of K H and K L loci were calculated as 0.56 and 0.44 respectively. There was no relationship detected between gender factor and blood parameters. But, significant relationships were obtained between erythrocyte potassium types and some blood parameters (Na wb , Na e , K wb , K p , K e, Na e +K e ; p<0, 05). At the same time, the correlation coefficient between K e and Na e was calculated as R = -0.58, (p<0.01). But, correlation coefficient was not significant between blood parameters and hematocrit value (PCV). All animals were detected as low types in terms of glutathione level (GSH h ). The mean of erythrocyte glutathione was determined as 29.79 mg/dL in red blood cell. The mean of erythrocyte potassium concentrations (K e ) were 9.22 and 23.47 mmol/L for the LK and HK types of animals, respectively and the mean differences between LK and HK types were statistically important in this study (p<0.01).
Page 1. 73 Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 30 (2011), 1: 73-82 Physiological Mechanisms of Multipl... more Page 1. 73 Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 30 (2011), 1: 73-82 Physiological Mechanisms of Multiple Ovulations and Factors Affecting Twin Calving Rates in Cattle ??zden ??OBANO??LU1 Geli?? Tarihi: 04.04.2011 Kabul Tarihi: 09.05.2011 ...
Twin calving in dairy cow production is an avoidable reproductive event. Twinning may have not on... more Twin calving in dairy cow production is an avoidable reproductive event. Twinning may have not only positive but definitely negative effects on cow-calf production system. Because of several detrimental effects related with this incidence, cow producers are mostly against to twin birth in dairy herds. On the other hands, having twin calves may enhance production efficiency if an appropriate nutrition and management system can be operated in beef cattle herds. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to discuss and summarize the effect of twinning on reproduction and production system for dairy and beef industries. Finally, it will give an idea whether twin calving is desirable or undesirable characteristic.

Journal of Dairy Science, 2009
Infertility is a major cause of dairy cow culling and economic loss. Signal transducer and activa... more Infertility is a major cause of dairy cow culling and economic loss. Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins are transcription factors that play an important role in fertility and early embryonic development, among many other functions. Previous studies have reported the association of several genes from the JAK/STAT signaling pathway with fertility traits in cattle. The STAT1 and STAT3 genes are members of this pathway and are known to interact with each other by forming a heterodimer complex that enters the nucleus and controls expression of specific genes. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the interactions between polymorphisms in these genes on fertilization and early embryonic survival rates using an in vitro fertilization system. A total of 7,519 oocytes, collected from 445 ovaries, were exposed to sperm and a total of 5,075 embryos were produced. Fertilization rate was calculated as the number of cleaved embryos at 48 h post-fertilization out of the total number of oocytes exposed to sperm. Early embryonic survival rate of embryos was calculated as the number of blastocysts on d 7 of development out of the total number of embryos cultured. Effects of ovary genotypes on fertilization and early embryonic survival rates were evaluated. Single-SNP analysis revealed a statistically significant association between SNP25402 in STAT3 and fertilization rate. Oocytes produced from ovaries with AA genotype showed a 0.701 fertilization rate versus 0.666 and 0.663 for oocytes produced from AC and CC ovaries, respectively. The interaction between STAT3 SNP (SNP19069/SNP25402) was highly significant for survival rate but not for fertilization rate. Also, the interaction between STAT1 SNP and SNP19069 was highly significant for survival rate. Genotype combinations found to promote fertilization and embryonic survival could be incorporated into breeding programs aimed at improving fertility performance in dairy cattle.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2011
Abstract: Main purpose of this study was to investigate genetic polymorphisms of Saanen (S), Malt... more Abstract: Main purpose of this study was to investigate genetic polymorphisms of Saanen (S), Maltese (M) and Turkish Hair (TH) goats based on erythrocyte potassium and glutathione types. It was also designed to detect the association between these components and ...
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2012
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to determine the body weight-age with different model... more Abstract: The objectives of this study were to determine the body weight-age with different models and to choose the best fitted model. The study was designed to collect a total of 8 weekly body weight records from 142 quails from birth up to 56 days of age in Tekirdag, ...
African Journal of …, 2010
This paper aims to search genetic structures of purebred Kivircik sheep raised in Turkey based on... more This paper aims to search genetic structures of purebred Kivircik sheep raised in Turkey based on erythrocyte potassium and glutathione types and also to determine the relationship between these components and some blood parameters. The phenotypic frequencies were 68% ...

Animal Genetics, 2005
The objective of this study was to identify twinning rate quantitative trait loci (QTL) by typing... more The objective of this study was to identify twinning rate quantitative trait loci (QTL) by typing pooled samples in a preliminary screening followed by interval mapping to test QTL effects. Four elite North American Holstein half-sib sire families with high twinning rate predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) were used in this study. Chromosomes 5, 7, 19 and 23 were not genotyped as these chromosomes were scanned for QTL in these families in a previous study. DNA was extracted from phenotypically extreme sons in each sire family. Two pools were prepared from sons of sires in each phenotypic tail, two each for high and low PTA levels for twinning rates. Each pool contained DNA from 4 to 15% of all sons of the sire depending on family. A total of 268 fluorescently labelled microsatellite markers were tested for heterozygosity in sires. About 135–170 informative markers per family were genotyped using pooled DNA samples. Based on the preliminary evidence for potential twinning rate QTL from pooled typing, interval mapping was performed subsequently on 12 chromosomal regions by family combinations. Evidence of QTL for twinning rate was found in one family on BTA21 and 29 at a chromosome-wide P < 0.05 and on BTA8, 10 and 14 with a chromosome-wide P < 0.01.
Drafts by Ozden Cobanoglu
Papers by Ozden Cobanoglu
search for genes affecting milk production traits in Holstein
dairy cattle. Signal transducer and activator of
transcription 1 (STAT1) was chosen because of its
involvement in the development of the mammary gland.
Using the pooled genomic DNA sequencing approach,
we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism. Genomic
DNA was extracted from 1,292 sons obtained from the
Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository and from 715 blood
samples of daughters of 12 bulls obtained from the University
of Wisconsin resource population. Daughter yield
deviation data for the sons and yield deviation for the
daughters were obtained for milk production traits from
the USDA Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory.
For the Repository population, allele C was associated
with significant increases in milk fat and protein percentages.
For the University of Wisconsin population,
genotypes CC and CT were associated with significant
increases in milk, fat, and protein yields. Results from
this study are consistent with previous studies on the
role of STAT1 in regulating the transcription of genes
involved in milk protein synthesis and fat metabolism.
Drafts by Ozden Cobanoglu
search for genes affecting milk production traits in Holstein
dairy cattle. Signal transducer and activator of
transcription 1 (STAT1) was chosen because of its
involvement in the development of the mammary gland.
Using the pooled genomic DNA sequencing approach,
we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism. Genomic
DNA was extracted from 1,292 sons obtained from the
Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository and from 715 blood
samples of daughters of 12 bulls obtained from the University
of Wisconsin resource population. Daughter yield
deviation data for the sons and yield deviation for the
daughters were obtained for milk production traits from
the USDA Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory.
For the Repository population, allele C was associated
with significant increases in milk fat and protein percentages.
For the University of Wisconsin population,
genotypes CC and CT were associated with significant
increases in milk, fat, and protein yields. Results from
this study are consistent with previous studies on the
role of STAT1 in regulating the transcription of genes
involved in milk protein synthesis and fat metabolism.