The existing international investment regime is not based on a multilateral international organization. This essay argues for the conclusion of an international, legally binding, global investment treaty (GIT), under the auspices of the... more
- by Sandra Simic
I will first expound on the problems inherent in the civil system pre Woolf Reforms and whether the Woolf Reforms were successful in assuaging these concerns.
These are a few cases which discuss the meaning of the words of Article 199(5) of The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. Originally done for the purposes of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
This is a summary of W.Morrison's article published in 1995 by Cavendish with special regard to John Austin's command theory.
Using textual analysis I show the possible reasons for the use of a black veil and what it signifies.
Summary of Cotterrell's Article in defense of Austin's command theory.
This is a possible justification of John Austin's theory and how it has been misunderstood by Mr HLA Hart.
This Article explores how prostitution is treated in Canada, despite being legalised, as compared to the highly lucrative business of selling and manufacturing pronography. I also discuss whether the theory of Marxism interactionism fits... more
What is pseudo-science and pop-psychology and what is the difference between the two? Why can't people think critically about psuedo-science and pop-psychology?
This report is on the Pakistani law on pre-emption rights. IT provides a small summary of the issues and principles on the topic.
- by Abiha Mohsin
Character analysis of major players in A Midsummer Nights Dream along with main themes in the paly.
An introduction to the main gender theories
As in other south Asian countries, the situation of women's health is grim in Pakistan. The low health status of women is the result of women's lower social, economic, and cultural standing.