Papers by Nestor V Torres
A First Course in Systems Biology, 2017

Mathematical Biosciences, 2009
Metabolic Engineering aims to improve the performance of biotechnological processes through ratio... more Metabolic Engineering aims to improve the performance of biotechnological processes through rational manipulation rather than random mutagenesis of the organisms involved. Such a strategy can only succeed when a mathematical model of the target process is available. Simplifying assumptions are often needed to cope with the complexity of such models in an efficient way, and the choice of such assumptions often leads to models that fall within a certain structural template or formalism. The most popular formalisms can be grouped in two categories: power-law and linear-logarithmic. As optimization and analysis of a model strongly depends on its structure, most methods in Metabolic Engineering have been defined within a given formalism and never used in any other. In this work, the four most commonly used formalisms (two power-law and two linear-logarithmic) are placed in a common framework defined within Biochemical Systems Theory. This framework defines every model as matrix equations in terms of the same parameters, enabling the formulation of a common steady state analysis and providing means for translating models and methods from one formalism to another. Several Metabolic Engineering methods are analysed here and shown to be variants of a single equation. Particularly, two problem solving philosophies are compared: the application of the design equation and the solution of constrained optimization problems. Generalizing the design equation to all the formalisms shows it to be interchangeable with the direct solution of the rate law in matrix form. Furthermore, optimization approaches are concluded to be preferable since they speed the exploration of the feasible space, implement a better specification of the problem and exclude unrealistic results. Beyond consolidating existing knowledge and enabling comparison, the systematic approach adopted here can fill the gaps between the different methods and combine their strengths.

Frontiers in physiology, 2016
A connection between lipid rafts and Alzheimer's disease has been studied during the last dec... more A connection between lipid rafts and Alzheimer's disease has been studied during the last decades. Mathematical modeling approaches have recently been used to correlate the effects of lipid composition changes in the physicochemical properties of raft-like membranes. Here we propose an agent based model to assess the effect of lipid changes in lipid rafts on the evolution and progression of Alzheimer's disease using lipid profile data obtained in an established model of familial Alzheimer's disease. We have observed that lipid raft size and lipid mobility in non-raft domains are two main factors that increase during age and are accelerated in the transgenic Alzheimer's disease mouse model. The consequences of these changes are discussed in the context of neurotoxic amyloid β production. Our agent based model predicts that increasing sterols (mainly cholesterol) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) (mainly DHA, docosahexaenoic acid) proportions in the m...
Applied Mathematics, 2013
Molecular BioSystems, 2010

Journal of Biotechnology, 2010
The culture of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), one important candidate to the aquaculture dive... more The culture of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), one important candidate to the aquaculture diversification, faces significant difficulties, mainly related with an inadequate first development stages diet. A mathematical model integrating disperse information on the nutrient composition throughout the species ontogenic development as well as on the effects of broodstock feeding and diet composition data of O. vulgaris, allowed us to predict the time evolution of paralarvae nutritional composition in terms of protein and lipid fractions and to design an optimal diet composition with the objective to ensure the maximal survival. The optimization routine showed that a diet based on the spider crab (Maja squinado) zoea composition is the most suitable for reaching the best survival rates. Results are verified by comparison with available experimental data. The obtained results and the prospective developments are a good example of how the systemic, quantitative model based approach can be used to analyse and contribute to the understanding of complex biological systems.

Computers & Operations Research, 2010
In this work we present a general (mono and multiobjective) optimization framework for the techno... more In this work we present a general (mono and multiobjective) optimization framework for the technological improvement of biochemical systems. The starting point of the method is a mathematical model in ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the investigated system, based on qualitative biological knowledge and quantitative experimental data. In the method we take advantage of the special structural features of a family of ODEs called power-law models to reduce the computational complexity of the optimization program. In this way, the genetic manipulation of a biochemical system to meet a certain biotechnological goal can be expressed as an optimization program with some desired properties such as linearity or convexity. The general method of optimization is presented and discussed in its linear and geometric programming versions. We furthermore illustrate the use of the method by several real case studies. We conclude that the technological improvement of microorganisms can be afforded using the combination of mathematical modelling and optimization. The systematic nature of this approach facilitates the redesign of biochemical systems and makes this a predictive exercise rather than a trial-and-error procedure.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2003
In this study we present a method for simultaneous optimization of several metabolic responses of... more In this study we present a method for simultaneous optimization of several metabolic responses of biochemical pathways. The method, based on the use of the power law formalism to obtain a linear system in logarithmic coordinates, is applied to ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Starting from an experimentally based kinetic model, we translated it to its power law equivalent. With this new model representation, we then applied the multiobjective optimization method. Our intent was to maximize ethanol production and minimize each of the internal metabolite concentrations. To ensure cell viability, all optimizations were carried out under imposed constraints. The different solutions obtained, which correspond to alternative patterns of enzyme overexpression, were implemented in the original model. We discovered few discrepancies between the S-system-optimized steady state and the corresponding optimized state in the original kinetic model, thus demonstrating the suitability of the S-system representation as the basis for the optimization procedure. In all optimized solutions, the ATP level reached its maximum and any increase in its activity positively affected the optimization process. This work illustrates that in any optimization study no single criteria is of general application being the multiobjective and constrained task the proper way to address it. It is concluded that the proposed multiobjective method can serve to carry out, in a single study, the general pattern of behavior of a given metabolic system with regard to its control and optimization.

Las VI Jornadas de Innovación Educativa representan la continuidad del esfuerzo de la Universidad... more Las VI Jornadas de Innovación Educativa representan la continuidad del esfuerzo de la Universidad de La Laguna en su apuesta por la Innovación en el ámbito de la docencia. El profesorado actual debe formarse en los distintos procesos de diseño, puesta en práctica, evaluación y reflexión necesarios para el desempeño docente, así como adquirir competencias pedagógicas diferentes, adaptadas al entorno social y a un alumnado que demanda nuevos modelos de aprendizaje en la universidad. Esta edición de las Jornadas de Innovación se ha centrado en la idea del docente como un profesional convencido y reflexivo, que conoce y valora la importancia de la innovación en la docencia universitaria como medio para alcanzar unos fines que van más allá de transmitir el conocimiento de un repertorio técnico, por más denso y extenso que éste pueda ser, despreciando la posibilidad de enseñar a preguntar más que a responder. La mejora de la calidad educativa está directamente vinculada a un profesorado que aspira a convertirse en un especialista en enfrentarse a situaciones problemáticas de distinta naturaleza, a través de una actividad reflexiva que no se agota en la búsqueda de los medios idóneos para unos fines ya definidos, sino que trasciende hasta la indagación sobre los propios fines.

ABSTRACTTerpenoids are a family of compounds with high industrial interest and the development of... more ABSTRACTTerpenoids are a family of compounds with high industrial interest and the development of biotechnological production methods is essential to achieve more sustainable alternatives to traditional extraction and synthesis methods. The modification and engineering of the catalytic activity (kcat) have been shown to be a feasible strategy in the biotechnological realm. Accordingly, we introduce a novel optimization strategy based in the modification of the kcat of the enzymes and applied it to the maximization of the terpenoids synthesis inE. coli. This approach is fairly general and can be applied alone or in conjunction with classic optimization strategies such as the modification of enzymatic specific activities.For this purpose we first build up a reliable dynamic mathematical model of the alternative mevalonate pathway synthesis leading terpenoids biosynthesis inE. colithrough the methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway. This model includes the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol...

Biotechnology Progress, 2008
In this work metabolic engineering strategies for maximizing L-(-)-carnitine production by Escher... more In this work metabolic engineering strategies for maximizing L-(-)-carnitine production by Escherichia coli based on the Biochemical System Theory (1-3) and the Indirect Optimization Method are presented (4). The model integrates the metabolic and the bioreactor levels using power-law formalism. Based on the S-system model, the Indirect Optimization Method was applied, leading to profiles of parameter values that are compatible with both the physiology of the cells and the bioreactor system operating conditions. This guarantees their viability and fitness and yields higher rates of L-(-)-carnitine production. Experimental results using a high cell density reactor were compared with optimized predictions from the Indirect Optimization Method. When two parameters (the dilution rate and the initial crotonobetaine concentration) were directly changed in the real experimental system to the prescribed optimum values, the system showed better performance in L-(-)-carnitine production (74% increase in production rate), in close agreement with the model's predictions. The model shows control points at macroscopic (reactor operation) and microscopic (molecular) levels where conversion and productivity can be increased. In accordance with the optimized solution, the next logical step to improve the L-(-)-carnitine production rate will involve metabolic engineering of the E. coli strain by overexpressing the carnitine transferase, CaiB, activity and the protein carrier, CaiT, responsible for substrate and product transport in and out of the cell. By this means it is predicted production may be enhanced by up to three times the original value.

Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2016
Motivation: In the brain of elderly-healthy individuals, the effects of sexual dimorphism and tho... more Motivation: In the brain of elderly-healthy individuals, the effects of sexual dimorphism and those due to normal aging appear overlapped. Discrimination of these two dimensions would powerfully contribute to a better understanding of the etiology of some neurodegenerative diseases, such as "sporadic" Alzheimer. Methods: Following a system biology approach, top-down and bottom-up strategies were combined. First, public transcriptome data corresponding to the transition from adulthood to the aging stage in normal, human hippocampus were analyzed through an optimized microarray post-processing (Q-GDEMAR method) together with a proper experimental design (full factorial analysis). Second, the identified genes were placed in context by building compatible networks. The subsequent ontology analyses carried out on these networks clarify the main functionalities involved. Results: Noticeably we could identify large sets of genes according to three groups: those that exclusively d...
Isb, 2003
In Silico Biology 4, 0010 (2003); ©2003, Bioinformation Systems eV. MetMAP: An integrated Matlab ... more In Silico Biology 4, 0010 (2003); ©2003, Bioinformation Systems eV. MetMAP: An integrated Matlab TM package for analysis and optimization of metabolic systems. Julio Vera 1 and Néstor V. Torres 1,2 *. 1 Grupo de Tecnología Bioquímica. ...

Background: The xanthan gum production has been growing significantly. It is estimated an annual ... more Background: The xanthan gum production has been growing significantly. It is estimated an annual increase by about 5 to 10%. The production needs a carbon source in fermentation media and are commonly employed as glucose or sucrose, which accounts for about 50% of the cost of production. Therefore the use of agro-industrial residues, such as corn cob for the production of xanthan gum becomes suggestive, as such residues are abundant. Waste when processed becomes a rich source of carbon, nutrients and salts. Thus this study aims to use hemicellulose fractions, derived from agro-industrial residues. Methods: The cobs were selected, dried at room temperature and submitted to grinding in knives mill to 16 mesh and then alkaline extraction was performed utilizing 0.75 mol NaOH for 120 minutes, and then filtered and stored on cooling (-20°C) until used [1]. The strain was acquired bank Xanthomonas Institute of Technology and Research, where four strains of Xanthomonas campestris (629, S6, 254 and 1078) are stored in YM medium consisting of (gL-1): extract yeast 3.0, malt extract 3.0, peptone 5.0, sucrose 10.0, and agar 20.0, the microorganism being incubated at 28 º C for 24 hours. The fermentation process was performed in two steps, the inoculum was prepared by adding 1 ml of bacterial suspension 108 in 14 ml of YM medium incubated on an orbital shaker at 150 rpm, 28°C for 24 hours. During the second stage, the inoculum was added to 86mL of fermentation media. The media were evaluated for carbon sources, and the presence of salts. The nutritive media were: M1 (liquor corn cob), M2 (liquor corn cob + salts), M3 (sucrose), M4 (sucrose + salts). After inoculation, was incubated at 180 rpm for 96 hours at 28°C [2]. For each experimental condition was performed four replicates, which was analyzed productivity and apparent viscosity. Subsequent to the fermentation broth was centrifuged at 4700 xg for 40 minutes to separate cells. The biopolymer is precipitated with alcohol at 92.6% (1:4 v / v) and followed by drying in an oven at 50°C for 24 hours. The samples were dialyzed against water for 24 hours, changed every 6 hours, and subsequently lyophilized and evaluated the apparent viscosity. The viscosity was measured from a 3% aqueous solution at shear rate of 0-300 s-1. Results: The results show that the strains analyzed showed similar behavior as the production of the polymer in the four conditions of fermentation, which emphasized the S6 strain, which exhibited the highest performance in its production in all conditions including in the absence of salts, which the sample M1 obtained 11,7038g.L-1 .h-1 and M2 obtained 6,486475 g.L-1 .h-1 biopolymer. It can be concluded that the results achieved demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining gum in media with the hemicellulose fractions, enabling greater feasibility of process within the context of a biorefinery. The apparent viscosity of aqueous solutions has shown that the use of the corn cob liquor has improved the viscosity of the polymer obtained.
Bioscience Education, Dec 16, 2013
Papers by Nestor V Torres
Esta edición de las Jornadas de Innovación se ha centrado en la idea del docente como un profesional convencido y reflexivo, que conoce y valora la importancia de la innovación en la docencia universitaria como medio para alcanzar unos fines que van más allá de transmitir el conocimiento de un repertorio técnico, por más denso y extenso que éste pueda ser, despreciando la posibilidad de enseñar a preguntar más que a responder.
La mejora de la calidad educativa está directamente vinculada a un profesorado que aspira a convertirse en un especialista en enfrentarse a situaciones problemáticas de distinta naturaleza, a través de una actividad reflexiva que no se agota en la búsqueda de los medios idóneos para unos fines ya definidos, sino que trasciende hasta la indagación sobre los propios fines.