Innotec, Dec 29, 2014
Efecto del perfil de caseínas, recuento de células somáticas y composición de la leche en el rend... more Efecto del perfil de caseínas, recuento de células somáticas y composición de la leche en el rendimiento del queso Dambo Effect of caseins profile, somatic cells count and milk composition in Dambo cheese yield Escobar, Daniela (1) , Pelaggio, Ronny (1) , Grille, Lucía (2) , Colzada, Enrique (3) , Rampoldi, Cecilia (1) , Carro, Silvana (2) , Delucchi, Inés (4) , Viola, Natalia (5) , Nolla, Juan Pablo (6) , Reinares, Rosana (1) , Chilibroste, Pablo (3) , Piedrabuena, Laura (7) .
Este portafolio se construyó con el propósito de promover el logro de los objetivos propuestos en... more Este portafolio se construyó con el propósito de promover el logro de los objetivos propuestos en la Política Nacional Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Espacios Oceánicos y las Zonas Costeras e Insulares de Colombia - PNAOCI y el Plan Nacional de Restauración – PNR, instrumentos formulados para direccionar el manejo integrado y el desarrollo sostenible de las zonas marino costeras, a través de la formulación e implementación de instrumentos orientados a articular y armonizar las necesidades de desarrollo sectorial, con la conservación y preservación de los bienes y servicios que proveen los ecosistemas.

Diversity and Function in Mangrove Ecosystems, 1999
In the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, a brackish lagoon system on the Caribbean coast of Colombia... more In the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, a brackish lagoon system on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, humaninduced changes in the hydrological system caused hypersalinisation of the soils. As a result, 30000 ha of originally 51000 ha of the mangrove forests growing in the lagoon's flood plain died. Presently, efforts are being made to reestablish the original hydrological system. Reforestation of the bare areas is planned with the three dominating mangrove species Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle. The objective of the project presented here is to identify the regeneration patterns in the study area. Experiments under controlled conditions and measurements at bare and forested sites carried out from 1994 to 1996 showed that regeneration is possible. However, as the bare areas are large and presently very few or no propagules arrive naturally, regeneration will be slow. Therefore, reforestation is recommended to accelerate the process. In the forests, the seedling growth is mainly controlled by changes in salinity and the mortality by seasonal flooding, while in the bare areas, regeneration is aggravated by extremely high salinities, high soil temperatures and dessication of the top soil layers. The establishment of the small A. germinans and L. racemosa propagules is especially difficult, because they cannot establish themselves in flooded soils and in direct sunlight they dry out rapidly. The seedlings of both species are also very sensitive to changes in water level, wind, waves, temperatures exceeding 45°C and dry soils. In A. germinans, phytophagous insects affect the chances for survival also. Therefore, mortality in both species is extremely high. R. mangle is much more resistant to most detrimental factors observed with the exception of high salinities. However, there is one favourable factor at the open sites. When sufficient water is present and salinities as well as temperatures are low enough, the high light availability increases growth rates and survival.
Vital statistics of a population of a non native freshwater fish, the guppy Poecilia reticulata P... more Vital statistics of a population of a non native freshwater fish, the guppy Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 from a semi-abandoned pond nearby Santa Marta, Colombia, are reported. Estimates include growth, mortality, length-weight relationship, sex ratio and male versus female numbers and sizes. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were found typical of the species, growth form was isometric for both sexes and

Journal of Tropical Ecology, 1999
In the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, a brackish lagoon system on the Caribbean coast of Colombia... more In the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, a brackish lagoon system on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, about 60% of the mangrove forests died from hypersalinization. The die-back was first encountered in 1964 and mass mortality started in the late 1960s. Although efforts are being made to reestablish the destroyed areas, regeneration is slow, which may be partly due to Junonia evarete caterpillars defoliating Avicennia germinans seedlings. The interaction between insects and seedlings was studied. Both J. evarete butterflies and caterpillars were abundant during the main rainy season, the time of highest fruit production in A. germinans. During the dry season the herbivore disappeared. The caterpillars fed exclusively on A. germinans propagules, seedlings, and pneumatophores. They preferred young seedlings to older plants and did not feed on trees. At some sites, 100% of the A. germinans seedlings died due to the caterpillar attack. Seedlings at open, disturbed sites were attacked more ...

Aquatic Botany, 1999
Reproduction and dispersal in mangrove species occurs mainly through propagules. Vegetative propa... more Reproduction and dispersal in mangrove species occurs mainly through propagules. Vegetative propagation is considered to be insignificant by many researchers, however, for restoration projects, it could be an important advantage. Therefore, we carried out experiments with shoot cuttings of Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle under controlled conditions as well as in the field to prove the feasibility of vegetative propagation in these mangrove species. None of 110 planted R. mangle cuttings survived the experiments, but the results with L. racemosa were promising. We observed that the single most important factor for survival of L. racemosa cuttings was rooting of the shoots prior to cutting from the parent trees. This is a common feature in the study area, the Cie Ânaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Seasonal floodings of lower branches induce secondary root growth and can even lead to natural vegetative propagation. Other factors that have favorable effects on the survival of the cuttings are a large shoot diameter, manual defoliation to reduce transpiration, and direct sun irradiation. Additionally, burying a small part of the roots in a way that allows some roots to freely float in the surface water, improves the survival rate to 95%. However, the watering with rooting agents shows slightly negative effects. The surviving shoots grow rapidly and fruit set can be observed within six months after planting in the field. In restoration attempts with L. racemosa it is, therefore, possible to bypass the very sensitive seedling phase by planting shoot cuttings. The value of this method is linked to quicker establishment and reproduction of the cuttings as well as the possibility to plant them in flooded areas, where establishment of propagules and survival of seedlings of L. racemosa is very difficult to achieve.

Aquatic Botany, 2014
Over a period of 44 years, we observed the vegetation changes in the western part of the lagoon s... more Over a period of 44 years, we observed the vegetation changes in the western part of the lagoon system of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, which is situated on the Caribbean coast of Colombia and is separated from the sea by a sandy barrier. Since the construction of the Barranquilla-Ciénaga Road between 1956 and 1960, the lagoon system has been exposed to different interventions in its hydrological make-up, as well as changes to the vegetation. During the time of our investigations, four periods with different plant cover were distinguished. In 1965, the road was bordered by dense mangrove forests. The low surface water salinity and the presence of freshwater plants indicated the influence of the Magdalena River. At the beginning of the seventies, the second period was marked by a decrease in the freshwater in-flow from the river, which led to an increase in salinity and a gradual decay of vegetation. In 1988, the areas formerly covered by mangroves had converted into salt flats. The third period began with the reconstruction of several channels (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998) which renewed the freshwater in-flow from the river to the lagoons. The subsequent vegetation development was characterized by the establishment of Typha domingensis Pers. In 1999, a year with an unusually high amount of rainfall, this species covered most of the former mangrove area in the western part of the lagoon system. The very low surface water salinity favored its spread. The last period began in 2001/2002, when growth conditions for T. domingensis became unfavorable due to an increase in salinity. Instead, conditions for mangrove regeneration improved. This process was slower than expected and is still ongoing. The striking vegetation changes indicate the sensitivity of the coastal lagoon system to hydrological variability.
... H. Rivera-Monroy1*, Robert R. Twilley1, Ernesto Mancera2, Ariel Alcantara-Eguren3, Edward Cas... more ... H. Rivera-Monroy1*, Robert R. Twilley1, Ernesto Mancera2, Ariel Alcantara-Eguren3, Edward Castañeda-Moya1, Oscar Casas Monroy4, Paola Reyes4, Jorge ... puede ser clasificada como de tipo I (Thom1982), definido como un sistema costero dominado por ríos y condiciones ...

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1999
Alteration of water¯ows and consequent hypersalinization caused the death of nearly 70% of mangro... more Alteration of water¯ows and consequent hypersalinization caused the death of nearly 70% of mangroves at the Ci enaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Eorts to rehabilitate the ecosystem have been made through the construction of freshwater channels. Mangrove recovery was observed along a freshwater channel and at a small lagoon behind the beach ridge. Factors identi®ed in this study in¯uencing mangrove regeneration are: salinity of surface water, duration and height of¯ooding, leaching property of soils, dispersal of propagules and presence of fertile trees. Besides mangrove regeneration, a notable extension of freshwater plants was observed in the channel. Trace metal concentrations in sediments from the Magdalena River and its area of in¯uence were investigated before the complete opening of the ®rst channel. A relative comparison indicated that the highest concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn were above international recommended limits. However, metal concentrations found in sediments at Clar õn Channel did not aect the mangrove recovery.