Papers by José Ángel Afonso Vargas
Erlangen University Paleontology Congress , 2024
Fossil lagerstätten sites are valued by the palaeontological community as important windows into ... more Fossil lagerstätten sites are valued by the palaeontological community as important windows into ancient ecosystems One type of such sites is the so called Konservat Lagerstätten which are defined by their fossil quality, as they preserve fossils with connected or articulated skeletal components In the case of fossil vertebrates, one of the criteria to be considered in this category is the presence of complete, or mostly complete 75 skeletons Kimmig Schiffbauer 2024 We present the discovery of two vertebrate fossil specimens from the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) that fall under the new definition of Konservat Lagerstätten
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2010
We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coproli... more We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coprolites recovered during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris sp. infection in Spain.
Monografía sobre los primeros resultados obtenidos con los estudios interdisciplonares del yacimi... more Monografía sobre los primeros resultados obtenidos con los estudios interdisciplonares del yacimiento romano de Lobos 1, Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015
We present the results of our study of fungal spores found in two samples of mineralized dental c... more We present the results of our study of fungal spores found in two samples of mineralized dental calculi or “tartar”
identified during the analysis of plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules), taken from individuals from
the late 18th century, buried in graves in the church “La Concepción” (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). The identification
of palynomorphs motivated the application of a specific methodology to investigate the nature of their presence
in the dental tartar, seeking to discover whether this was the result of archaeological sediment contamination or
of particles trapped within it. Comparative analysis of the palynomorphs found in the calculi, using reference
material from the Palynotheque in the Department of Plant Biology, University of La Laguna, and analysis of
the archaeological sediment, allowed us to confirm that the fungal spores were exclusively located inside the matrix
of the calculi and did not originate from a contaminant source. Morphometric study of the spores, reference
material and bibliographic descriptions allowus to propose that these are spores of Ustilago maydis (D.C) Corda, a
parasitic corn (Zea mays L.) fungus. These results confirm, on the one hand, the historical consumption of corn as
opposed to cereals produced locally until that time, such as barley and wheat, and, on the other hand, consumption
of some shipments of maize contaminated by the so-called “corn smut” (U. maydis).
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Actas del VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2014
El estudio de fitolitos ha permitido reconocer algunos grupos vegetales antiguamente
cultivados,... more El estudio de fitolitos ha permitido reconocer algunos grupos vegetales antiguamente
cultivados, contribuyendo a la caracterización de antiguos suelos agrícolas con
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice, parámetro fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen uno
de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación ya que producen numerosas silicificaciones
con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico. Esto ocurre con
las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como trigos, cebadas,
centeno y avenas, así como otros de subfamilias como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece
el maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos.
Por ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así
como Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en
contextos edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas
desde la prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la
palmera canaria (Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la
caña (Arundo donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de
cultivo de las medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos
permitieron identificar algunas de las tipologías de referencia confirmando su carácter
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Dec 2010
We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coproli... more We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coprolites recovered
during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated
and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and
fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic
results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings
contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris
sp. infection in Spain.

Revista Tabona, 15, Jan 2007
«Silica-phytoliths and starch grains in dental calculus of Tenerife’s ancient populations :
prop... more «Silica-phytoliths and starch grains in dental calculus of Tenerife’s ancient populations :
proposal for enlargement the study of historical diet and nutritions». It shows the objetives,
methods and preliminary results of the study made on dental calculus (mineralizated dental
tartar) coming from two sets of archeologicals samples, one of prehispanic populations (C.
Cabrera Pinto) and another one of historic origin (Parroquia de La Concepción, 18th century)
of the Tenerife island. The application of this type of studies supposes the continuation
of a micro-arqueological model of analisis based on the search of direct information on
the diet and the feeding of the old canary societies. One is to analyze materials of very little
dimension but directly related to the nutritional customs and some dental patologies associated
to such. The study was made on two sets of samples very different applying a qualitative
and quantitative analysis from microfossil, like phytoliths and starchs grains. They
allow to identify the product presence of vegetal origin.
Revista Tabona, 12, Jun 2004
Our purpose is to make known some studies that try to value the application of the phytolits
ana... more Our purpose is to make known some studies that try to value the application of the phytolits
analysis and other vegetables microreferents, to Canary Islands prehistoric and archaeological
context. We try to get a procedure that allow us to undestand how did the settlers of
Canary Islands use the environment, the features of their relation with it and the socieconomic
consecuences derived from that relation. The experimental studies have included
the analysis of the Tenerife island´s flora to know what kind of microscopic information
can it provide for it use in archaeobotanic and paleoenvironment field. For these analysis
we have use procedures that allow the extraction and identification of phytoliths, starchs,
and microalgs extracted from soils, sediments and human remains of the islands past.

Actas VII Congreso de Arqueometría de Teruel, Oct 2009
The joint study of microfossils of plant origin and phytoliths (silica and calcium oxalate) and s... more The joint study of microfossils of plant origin and phytoliths (silica and calcium oxalate) and siliceous
algae (diatoms and crisophicean quists) as well as other animal, such as spherulites from herbivore faunal, to retrieve
existing information on the microscopic level, in samples of archaeological material relating to the prehistory
of the Canary Islands, inserting the data on issues such as exploitation of the plant, food, environmental
conditions in human settlements and even the presence of herbivorous animals in them. It has been used a method
of treating joint that allows the extraction of all these types of microfossils, based on other previous treatment methods
and guarantees the qualitative and quantitative study ofmicrofossils detected sets. The versatility of themethod,
the large number of evidences that can be recovered and the evaluation of it from the study of plants and
Actas de las III Jornadas de Investigación Hístórica Prebendado Pacheco, 2009
Approaches to the study of phytoliths in specific archaeological cases from the Canary Islands.
Planteamientos en torno al estudio de fitolitos en contextos prehistóricos e históricos de Canarias.
Posters by José Ángel Afonso Vargas
Erlangen 2024 Paleontologic Congress, 2024
Fossil lagerstätten sites are valued by the palaeontological community as important windows into... more Fossil lagerstätten sites are valued by the palaeontological community as important windows into ancient ecosystems One type of such sites is the so called Konservat Lagerstätten which are defined by their fossil quality, as they preserve fossils with connected or articulated skeletal components In the case of fossil vertebrates, one of the criteria to be considered in this category is the presence of complete, or mostly complete 75 skeletons Kimmig Schiffbauer 2024 We present the discovery of two vertebrate fossil specimens from the island
of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) that fall under the new definition of Konservat Lagerstätten

FLORAMAC Congress, 2022
Preliminary work on the results and interpretations obtained to date on the characteristics of ma... more Preliminary work on the results and interpretations obtained to date on the characteristics of materials dated in the Chibanian period of northern Tenerife. Data on these materials have been obtained that allow us to affirm that, in the case of p1 and p2, they are incipient paleosols developed and sealed by pumice flows emitted by the Las Cañadas Volcano. On these soils, an incipient vegetation based at least on a heterogeneous grassland with scattered palm groves developed. The first studies of phytoliths seem to suggest this, in addition to allowing a first approximation to part of the grasses present, both from the Pooideae subfamily and Panicoideae and Chloridoideae. And a first paleoenvironmental proposal suggests that, in part of the short developmental sequence of these paleosols, a panicoideae gramineae (C4) similar to the current genus Bothriochloa, not common in Tenerife today, developed. This type of grass would be typical of sandy soils and a warm climate with humid summers, as is currently the case in areas such as India, America and equatorial Africa.
El análisis fitogeográfico de diferentes espacios de la laurisilva macaronésica ha fundamentado l... more El análisis fitogeográfico de diferentes espacios de la laurisilva macaronésica ha fundamentado la hipótesis de que la acción humana ha tenido una gran influencia en el paisaje forestal actual. Esta idea ha sido confirmada en Canarias por el estudio de la documentación histórica: el bosque ha sido explotado de diferentes modos durante siglos. Sin embargo, para demostrar la relación que existe entre un tipo de aprovechamiento y los rasgos de la laurisilva de un lugar concreto se han tenido que utilizar otros recursos técnicos. El objetivo de esta investigación es valorar la utilidad de los datos arqueobotánicos y edáficos para la interpretación de la historia reciente del espacio forestal.

Trichuris Trichiura is a common Trichocephalon nematode which parasites the human i... more INTRODUCTION
Trichuris Trichiura is a common Trichocephalon nematode which parasites the human intestine.
Although similar to other Trichocephalon nematodes which may invade pig´s, dog´s or ape´s intestines, Trichuris trichiura only affects humans
Eggs show a typical barrel or rugby-ball shape, with a double thick membrane surrounding it, and two mucous plugs at both ends of the barrel.It measures 45-55 µm length with a diameter of 20-25 µm
Adult individuals show a very fine proximal end, which allows attachement to the intestinal epithelium
Parasite eggs require a moisty (humidity > 50%), warm (10º-32º Celsius) environment, preferably protected from direct sunshine, to develop into a larve
Humans become infected by ingestion of larvated eggs, which bloom in the small intestine, liberating larves which fixe to the intestinal epithelium of the large intestine.
After sexual reproduction, females produce > 1000 eggs/day, which are excreted in the feces.
Whereas light infections with T. trichirua are usually asymptomatic, heavy infections may lead to to a severe, even fatal, disease
T. trichirua has also been associated with appendicitis in the tropics and allergic manifestations such as urticaria, rhinitis and eosinophilia are frequently seen.
Heavy infections are most frequently found in malnourished children and include: chronic diarrhea (often bloody and with mucus), fever and abdominal pain, mimicking other forms of inflammatory bowel disease and
leading to malabsorption, malnutrition, and growth retardation

cultivados, como contribución a la caracterización de antiguos suelos agrícolas con
determinadas... more cultivados, como contribución a la caracterización de antiguos suelos agrícolas con
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice parámetro éste fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen
uno de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación puesto que producen numerosas
silicificaciones con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico.
Esto ocurre con las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como
trigos, cebadas, centeno y avenas, así como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece el
maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos. Por
ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así como
Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en contextos
edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas desde la
prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la palmera canaria
(Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la caña (Arundo
donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de cultivo de las
medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos permitier
Papers by José Ángel Afonso Vargas
identified during the analysis of plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules), taken from individuals from
the late 18th century, buried in graves in the church “La Concepción” (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). The identification
of palynomorphs motivated the application of a specific methodology to investigate the nature of their presence
in the dental tartar, seeking to discover whether this was the result of archaeological sediment contamination or
of particles trapped within it. Comparative analysis of the palynomorphs found in the calculi, using reference
material from the Palynotheque in the Department of Plant Biology, University of La Laguna, and analysis of
the archaeological sediment, allowed us to confirm that the fungal spores were exclusively located inside the matrix
of the calculi and did not originate from a contaminant source. Morphometric study of the spores, reference
material and bibliographic descriptions allowus to propose that these are spores of Ustilago maydis (D.C) Corda, a
parasitic corn (Zea mays L.) fungus. These results confirm, on the one hand, the historical consumption of corn as
opposed to cereals produced locally until that time, such as barley and wheat, and, on the other hand, consumption
of some shipments of maize contaminated by the so-called “corn smut” (U. maydis).
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
cultivados, contribuyendo a la caracterización de antiguos suelos agrícolas con
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice, parámetro fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen uno
de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación ya que producen numerosas silicificaciones
con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico. Esto ocurre con
las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como trigos, cebadas,
centeno y avenas, así como otros de subfamilias como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece
el maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos.
Por ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así
como Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en
contextos edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas
desde la prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la
palmera canaria (Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la
caña (Arundo donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de
cultivo de las medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos
permitieron identificar algunas de las tipologías de referencia confirmando su carácter
during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated
and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and
fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic
results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings
contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris
sp. infection in Spain.
proposal for enlargement the study of historical diet and nutritions». It shows the objetives,
methods and preliminary results of the study made on dental calculus (mineralizated dental
tartar) coming from two sets of archeologicals samples, one of prehispanic populations (C.
Cabrera Pinto) and another one of historic origin (Parroquia de La Concepción, 18th century)
of the Tenerife island. The application of this type of studies supposes the continuation
of a micro-arqueological model of analisis based on the search of direct information on
the diet and the feeding of the old canary societies. One is to analyze materials of very little
dimension but directly related to the nutritional customs and some dental patologies associated
to such. The study was made on two sets of samples very different applying a qualitative
and quantitative analysis from microfossil, like phytoliths and starchs grains. They
allow to identify the product presence of vegetal origin.
analysis and other vegetables microreferents, to Canary Islands prehistoric and archaeological
context. We try to get a procedure that allow us to undestand how did the settlers of
Canary Islands use the environment, the features of their relation with it and the socieconomic
consecuences derived from that relation. The experimental studies have included
the analysis of the Tenerife island´s flora to know what kind of microscopic information
can it provide for it use in archaeobotanic and paleoenvironment field. For these analysis
we have use procedures that allow the extraction and identification of phytoliths, starchs,
and microalgs extracted from soils, sediments and human remains of the islands past.
algae (diatoms and crisophicean quists) as well as other animal, such as spherulites from herbivore faunal, to retrieve
existing information on the microscopic level, in samples of archaeological material relating to the prehistory
of the Canary Islands, inserting the data on issues such as exploitation of the plant, food, environmental
conditions in human settlements and even the presence of herbivorous animals in them. It has been used a method
of treating joint that allows the extraction of all these types of microfossils, based on other previous treatment methods
and guarantees the qualitative and quantitative study ofmicrofossils detected sets. The versatility of themethod,
the large number of evidences that can be recovered and the evaluation of it from the study of plants and
Posters by José Ángel Afonso Vargas
of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) that fall under the new definition of Konservat Lagerstätten
Trichuris Trichiura is a common Trichocephalon nematode which parasites the human intestine.
Although similar to other Trichocephalon nematodes which may invade pig´s, dog´s or ape´s intestines, Trichuris trichiura only affects humans
Eggs show a typical barrel or rugby-ball shape, with a double thick membrane surrounding it, and two mucous plugs at both ends of the barrel.It measures 45-55 µm length with a diameter of 20-25 µm
Adult individuals show a very fine proximal end, which allows attachement to the intestinal epithelium
Parasite eggs require a moisty (humidity > 50%), warm (10º-32º Celsius) environment, preferably protected from direct sunshine, to develop into a larve
Humans become infected by ingestion of larvated eggs, which bloom in the small intestine, liberating larves which fixe to the intestinal epithelium of the large intestine.
After sexual reproduction, females produce > 1000 eggs/day, which are excreted in the feces.
Whereas light infections with T. trichirua are usually asymptomatic, heavy infections may lead to to a severe, even fatal, disease
T. trichirua has also been associated with appendicitis in the tropics and allergic manifestations such as urticaria, rhinitis and eosinophilia are frequently seen.
Heavy infections are most frequently found in malnourished children and include: chronic diarrhea (often bloody and with mucus), fever and abdominal pain, mimicking other forms of inflammatory bowel disease and
leading to malabsorption, malnutrition, and growth retardation
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice parámetro éste fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen
uno de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación puesto que producen numerosas
silicificaciones con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico.
Esto ocurre con las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como
trigos, cebadas, centeno y avenas, así como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece el
maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos. Por
ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así como
Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en contextos
edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas desde la
prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la palmera canaria
(Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la caña (Arundo
donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de cultivo de las
medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos permitier
identified during the analysis of plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules), taken from individuals from
the late 18th century, buried in graves in the church “La Concepción” (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). The identification
of palynomorphs motivated the application of a specific methodology to investigate the nature of their presence
in the dental tartar, seeking to discover whether this was the result of archaeological sediment contamination or
of particles trapped within it. Comparative analysis of the palynomorphs found in the calculi, using reference
material from the Palynotheque in the Department of Plant Biology, University of La Laguna, and analysis of
the archaeological sediment, allowed us to confirm that the fungal spores were exclusively located inside the matrix
of the calculi and did not originate from a contaminant source. Morphometric study of the spores, reference
material and bibliographic descriptions allowus to propose that these are spores of Ustilago maydis (D.C) Corda, a
parasitic corn (Zea mays L.) fungus. These results confirm, on the one hand, the historical consumption of corn as
opposed to cereals produced locally until that time, such as barley and wheat, and, on the other hand, consumption
of some shipments of maize contaminated by the so-called “corn smut” (U. maydis).
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
cultivados, contribuyendo a la caracterización de antiguos suelos agrícolas con
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice, parámetro fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen uno
de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación ya que producen numerosas silicificaciones
con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico. Esto ocurre con
las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como trigos, cebadas,
centeno y avenas, así como otros de subfamilias como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece
el maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos.
Por ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así
como Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en
contextos edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas
desde la prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la
palmera canaria (Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la
caña (Arundo donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de
cultivo de las medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos
permitieron identificar algunas de las tipologías de referencia confirmando su carácter
during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated
and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and
fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic
results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings
contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris
sp. infection in Spain.
proposal for enlargement the study of historical diet and nutritions». It shows the objetives,
methods and preliminary results of the study made on dental calculus (mineralizated dental
tartar) coming from two sets of archeologicals samples, one of prehispanic populations (C.
Cabrera Pinto) and another one of historic origin (Parroquia de La Concepción, 18th century)
of the Tenerife island. The application of this type of studies supposes the continuation
of a micro-arqueological model of analisis based on the search of direct information on
the diet and the feeding of the old canary societies. One is to analyze materials of very little
dimension but directly related to the nutritional customs and some dental patologies associated
to such. The study was made on two sets of samples very different applying a qualitative
and quantitative analysis from microfossil, like phytoliths and starchs grains. They
allow to identify the product presence of vegetal origin.
analysis and other vegetables microreferents, to Canary Islands prehistoric and archaeological
context. We try to get a procedure that allow us to undestand how did the settlers of
Canary Islands use the environment, the features of their relation with it and the socieconomic
consecuences derived from that relation. The experimental studies have included
the analysis of the Tenerife island´s flora to know what kind of microscopic information
can it provide for it use in archaeobotanic and paleoenvironment field. For these analysis
we have use procedures that allow the extraction and identification of phytoliths, starchs,
and microalgs extracted from soils, sediments and human remains of the islands past.
algae (diatoms and crisophicean quists) as well as other animal, such as spherulites from herbivore faunal, to retrieve
existing information on the microscopic level, in samples of archaeological material relating to the prehistory
of the Canary Islands, inserting the data on issues such as exploitation of the plant, food, environmental
conditions in human settlements and even the presence of herbivorous animals in them. It has been used a method
of treating joint that allows the extraction of all these types of microfossils, based on other previous treatment methods
and guarantees the qualitative and quantitative study ofmicrofossils detected sets. The versatility of themethod,
the large number of evidences that can be recovered and the evaluation of it from the study of plants and
of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) that fall under the new definition of Konservat Lagerstätten
Trichuris Trichiura is a common Trichocephalon nematode which parasites the human intestine.
Although similar to other Trichocephalon nematodes which may invade pig´s, dog´s or ape´s intestines, Trichuris trichiura only affects humans
Eggs show a typical barrel or rugby-ball shape, with a double thick membrane surrounding it, and two mucous plugs at both ends of the barrel.It measures 45-55 µm length with a diameter of 20-25 µm
Adult individuals show a very fine proximal end, which allows attachement to the intestinal epithelium
Parasite eggs require a moisty (humidity > 50%), warm (10º-32º Celsius) environment, preferably protected from direct sunshine, to develop into a larve
Humans become infected by ingestion of larvated eggs, which bloom in the small intestine, liberating larves which fixe to the intestinal epithelium of the large intestine.
After sexual reproduction, females produce > 1000 eggs/day, which are excreted in the feces.
Whereas light infections with T. trichirua are usually asymptomatic, heavy infections may lead to to a severe, even fatal, disease
T. trichirua has also been associated with appendicitis in the tropics and allergic manifestations such as urticaria, rhinitis and eosinophilia are frequently seen.
Heavy infections are most frequently found in malnourished children and include: chronic diarrhea (often bloody and with mucus), fever and abdominal pain, mimicking other forms of inflammatory bowel disease and
leading to malabsorption, malnutrition, and growth retardation
determinadas propiedades ambientales. Para ello se ha valorado la producción
biomineral de un conjunto de plantas cultivadas respecto a su morfología y contenido en
sílice parámetro éste fundamental para su estudio microscópico. Los cereales suponen
uno de los mejores ejemplos de esta aplicación puesto que producen numerosas
silicificaciones con parámetros consistentes y propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico.
Esto ocurre con las especies de la tribu Triticeae, a la que pertenecen cereales como
trigos, cebadas, centeno y avenas, así como Panicoideae, a la que pertenece el
maíz/millo y el mijo, todas ampliamente conocidas en la investigación de fitolitos. Por
ello se analizaron ejemplares del género Triticum, Hordeum, Avena y Secale, así como
Zea y Panicum, cuyas tipologías facilitan la identificación de cereales en contextos
edáficos de diferente cronología. También se analizaron plantas cultivadas desde la
prehistoria en Canarias como la higuera (Ficus carica), nativas como la palmera canaria
(Phoenix canariensis) e introducidas en las áreas agrícolas como la caña (Arundo
donax). El trabajo se llevó a cabo en muestras superficiales de suelos de cultivo de las
medianías de Tenerife y los tratamientos y análisis microscópicos permitier
en dos paleosuelos rubefactados de la Isla de Tenerife (Canarias), donde tales partículas
constituyen un depósito de microfósiles vegetales, desarrollados a nivel interno y
externo por antiguas plantas, cuya identificación y valoración permite conocer parte de
la paleoflora local en base a sus propiedades de diagnóstico taxonómico. Tal cualidad
deriva en la posibilidad de conocer las condiciones ambientales vinculadas a la
edafogénesis de este tipo de suelos. Las muestras fueron tomadas en dos perfiles de
suelos y sus registros de fitolitos nos han permitido valorar una metodología básica de
estudio paleoedáfico, aplicándola sobre los restos microscópicos depositados en este
tipo de suelos.
Las tareas de recogida de muestras, tratamientos de laboratorio y gabinete microscópico
verificaron la presencia de fitolitos en el perfil de la costa del Puerto de La Cruz (Los
Roques, 5 m.s.n.m.) y en el de las medianías de La Laguna (DECA-1, 400 m.s.n.m.).
Pese a no existir dataciones absolutas para ambos, trabajos anteriores permiten
enclavarlos en secuencias pleistocénicas de Würm II-IV, relacionándose con
condiciones climáticas propuestas como diferentes a las actuales, que propiciarían una
edafogénesis intercalada en la secuencia eruptiva aérea del edificio insular, bajo un
clima con mayores valores de humedad y temperatura. Los resultados confirman que
estos materiales pueden también calificarse como paleosuelos desde su contenido en
fitolitos, presentes en todos los niveles analizados (superficial, medio y profundo) y en
algunos casos en elevadas concentraciones (DECA-1). Dentro de los morfotipos
seleccionados como indicadores paleoambientales destacan las concentraciones de
fitolitos de células cortas Poaceae, donde prevalecen las gramíneas de tipo C3 frente a
C4 (familias Pooideae y Panicoideae respectivamente). Lo cual indica condiciones
climáticas más templadas y contrastadas que en la actualidad, al menos en las medianías
representadas por DECA-1 donde apenas existe rastro de palmáceas, como sí es habitual
en contextos edáficos holocénicos de Canarias. En el paleosuelo de Los Roques la
concentración de fitolitos de gramíneas es netamente inferior, aunque con mayor
representación de palmáceas e igual predominio de las gramíneas C3.
estudio de materiales arqueológicos (suelos,
sedimentos, residuos bioantropológicos y de industrias)
a través del análisis de fitolitos (silicofitolitos y oxalatos
de calcio) y otros microfósiles vegetales, como algas
diatomeas y crisofitas (Afonso, 2004), permitiendo
valorar el grado de antropización de un sustrato
(suelos y sedimentos) así como la explotación del
medio vegetal (combustibles, alimento, industrias). En
la actualidad pueden emplearse métodos específicos
para la recuperación y estudio de todos los de base
silicificada, como silicofitolitos (Albert et al., 1999),
diatomeas y quistes de crisofitas (Bárcena & Flores,
1990), otros que incluyen también la recuperación
oxalatos de calcio (Pinilla & Bustillo, 1997) y esferulitas
de fauna herbívora (Korstanje, 2002). La presente
propuesta aglutina parte de todos estos métodos
buscando servir como una herramienta de intervención
arqueológica más, logrando extraer y estudiar el
conjunto global de microfósiles presentes en una
misma muestra, con fines de explicación arqueológica:
es la Microarqueología.