Papers by Isabel SANCHEZ BERRIEL

Lexical Collocation Analysis, 2018
The definitions in dictionaries are a source of information to support the results obtained by th... more The definitions in dictionaries are a source of information to support the results obtained by the automatic extraction of collocations from a text corpus. Measures of association, which are generally used in this task, are useful tools to extract candidate combinations. However, they do not offer information about other features of the collocations. They do not distinguish whether a combination is categorized as a collocation because of its frequency properties or because of its structural properties. Moreover, they cannot distinguish between lexical collocations and functional collocations with delexicalized elements. In this paper, we use a graph database for representing collocations and relations between words retrieved from dictionaries. We consider relations between lemmas and definiens in dictionary entries as well as relations between two words used to define the same sense of another one. This allows us to use a clustering algorithm and measures of centrality and influence in networks to identify semantic characteristics of combinations. The aim is to enrich the information on the combinatorial restrictions of words based on frequencies obtained by means of corpus linguistic techniques.
2018 XIII Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE), 2018
One of the most striking aspects of learning how to program smart phone applications is the possi... more One of the most striking aspects of learning how to program smart phone applications is the possibility of producing interfaces based on motion and basic human physical skills, instead of bing limited to the usage of keyboards and mice. The present work describes a series of practical exercises, designed to provide students with the required skills to access and process the information generated by smart phone sensors, and to combine them to create natural interfaces.
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
(ULL) and a PhD candidate (ULPGC). She earned a MS degree in Mathematics in 1995 from ULL. Her Ph... more (ULL) and a PhD candidate (ULPGC). She earned a MS degree in Mathematics in 1995 from ULL. Her PhD research focuses on computational linguistic. She joined La Laguna University in 1998 and his research interests include development of 3D mobiles applications.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
In this paper we have analysed different association measures between words, generally used for t... more In this paper we have analysed different association measures between words, generally used for the automatic extraction of collocations in textual corpus. Specifically, they have been considered: relative frequency, mutual information, z-score, t-score and Dunning's test. The volume of handled corpus (300000000 words) requires reviewing of the usual approach to this matter, so a solution that is based on methods used to detect statistical outliers is proposed. It is evident from the results that a lot of free combinations extracted with collocations coming from the comparison of words with very different frequencies of use. For this reason, they are applied considering that each word generates a different sample, instead of generating rankings which come from corpus considered as a single sample. The experiment is also performed on a corpus with a much smaller amount of words and the results are reported so contrasted with those obtained with the full corpus. The conclusions and contributions arising give response automatic extraction of collocations from a textual corpus regardless its volume.
En el presente trabajo se recogen las reglas de formación y los criterios de aplicación que se de... more En el presente trabajo se recogen las reglas de formación y los criterios de aplicación que se deberían llevar a cabo en cada situación para permitir la identificación automatizada de uno de los procesos de formación de palabras que tiene el español: la composición, se estudian sólo aquellos casos en los que se ha producido dicho fenómeno mediante la unión gráfica de los elementos que participan, con miras a su automatización. A tal fin, se extraen de diferentes diccionarios los distintos compuestos con el propósito de garantizar un conocimiento suficiente de los diferentes casos que se pueden prever de la materia y se estudian los mecanismos de unión aplicados según la categoría gramatical del compuesto y las de sus elementos componentes.
Improving Experiences
Spatial abilities are critical skills in scientific and technical fields. In recent studies, the ... more Spatial abilities are critical skills in scientific and technical fields. In recent studies, the role of computer games, particularly those with 3-D simulations, have been examined for their impact on the development of spatial skills. The work presented in this chapter describes the design and user evaluation of a 3D construction mobile game called iCube. A trial version was brought out and evaluated by twentytwo students. Users pointed out that the game is useful for improvement of spatial ability and is fun. However, some difficulties arose with use of the tactile screen, as fingerprints caused problems while interacting with the game's 3D environment. The results revealed that it is necessary to have this item in mind during the game's design, where screen action is continuous.
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2010
Abstract Recent studies have brought attention to the pedagogical potential of mobile devices, an... more Abstract Recent studies have brought attention to the pedagogical potential of mobile devices, and various experiments have tested tools in handheld devices, indicating that they strengthen and support learning in different fields. The purpose of the work presented in this paper was to design a 3D construction mobile game for 3D spatial visualization training, with the aim of familiarizing users with a 3D environment and improving their understanding of the 2D-3D relationship. This paper describes the architecture of the system that we ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2013
This paper presents a novel spatial instruction system for improving spatial abilities of enginee... more This paper presents a novel spatial instruction system for improving spatial abilities of engineering students. A 3D mobile game application called Virtual Blocks has been designed to provide a 3D virtual environment to build models with cubes that help students to perform visualization tasks to promote the development of their spatial ability during a short remedial course. A validation study with 26 freshman engineering students at La Laguna University (Spain) has concluded that the training had a measurable and positive impact on students' spatial ability. In addition, the results obtained using a satisfaction questionnaire show that Virtual Blocks is considered an easy to use and stimulating application.
… de Lenguaje Natural, 2011
Los sistemas automáticos de extracción de términos constituyen una herramienta fundamental cuando... more Los sistemas automáticos de extracción de términos constituyen una herramienta fundamental cuando se afronta la tarea de compilación del léxico restringido a un campo de especialidad. Los análisis textuales llevados a cabo por este tipo de software deben incorporar estrategias que permitan detectar las colocaciones en la especialidad que se trabaje. En este trabajo se estudia la viabilidad del uso de corpus textuales extensos, sin información lingüística, como sucede con los que se pueden compilar a través de Internet, como fuente de información para la recopilación de colocaciones terminológicas. Con este propósito se analiza el comportamiento de distintos indicadores basados en las frecuencias registradas para una colección de términos económicos en un corpus del español de 300 000 000 palabras.
Genomics, 2020
This paper presents a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve a maximally diverse grouping prob... more This paper presents a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve a maximally diverse grouping problem. It has been applied for the classification of an unbalanced database of 801 samples of gene expression RNA-Seq data in 5 types of cancer. The samples are composed by 20,531 genes. GGA extracts several groups of genes that achieve high accuracy in multiple classification. Accuracy has been evaluated by an Extreme Learning Machine algorithm and was found to be slightly higher in balanced databases than in unbalanced ones. The final classification decision has been made through a weighted majority vote system between the groups of features. The proposed algorithm finally selects 49 genes to classify samples with an average accuracy of 98.81% and a standard deviation of 0.0174.

Museums have been the main centers for the dissemination of cultural heritage throughout history.... more Museums have been the main centers for the dissemination of cultural heritage throughout history. In recent years, they have been increasingly digitizing their content, so that it is now common for each museum to have free digital content available on the Web. This can be photographs of the works with detailed information or even objects created in three dimensions. It is also common to find virtual museums, which might be a representation of an existing museum that has been digitized or a museum created only in digital format. This paper describes the creation of a virtual museum of Spanish clothing from the 16th century, one that exists only in digital format, accessible from a computer or digital tablet. In order to create the museum, various documentation and drawings or pictures of the clothing of that time were studied. The costumes were then created in a specialized 3D costume-modeling program called Marvelous Designer. A 3D model of the exhibition hall was created in Blender...
The actual Information Technology permits us to establish the model of management and relationshi... more The actual Information Technology permits us to establish the model of management and relationships in the Public Administration, different to the traditional. In this paper we will give solutions recommending implanting e-government in the ...
2014 XI Tecnologias Aplicadas a la Ensenanza de la Electronica (Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching) (TAEE), 2014
Papers by Isabel SANCHEZ BERRIEL