Nuno Crato
Nuno Crato (http://www.nunocrato.org), Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, has published in the fields of time series analysis, applied probability models, statistics, econometrics, evaluation, and education. Now professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Lisbon and senior visiting researcher at the EC-JRC in Italy, has worked at Stevens Institute of Technology and NJIT in NJ, U.S. Has served as a dean at the Technical University of Lisbon and president of Taguspark, the largest science and technology park in Portugal.
Portuguese Minister of Education and Science from 2011 to 2015. During these years, compulsory schooling was raised from 9 to 12 school years, mandatory English was introduced starting at 3rd grade, dropout rates were reduced from c. 25% to 13.7%, retention rates improved, and Portuguese students achieved the best results ever in international surveys PISA and TIMSS.
An active science writer and educational essayist, wrote more than a dozen books, some published in the U.K., U.S., Portugal, Brazil, and Italy. For his writings, has received prizes from the European Mathematical Society and the European Union.
Supervisors: Ph.D. Advisor (1992): Howard M. Taylor, University of Delaware
Address: ISEG, Rua Miguel Lupi 20
1200-781 Lisboa
Portuguese Minister of Education and Science from 2011 to 2015. During these years, compulsory schooling was raised from 9 to 12 school years, mandatory English was introduced starting at 3rd grade, dropout rates were reduced from c. 25% to 13.7%, retention rates improved, and Portuguese students achieved the best results ever in international surveys PISA and TIMSS.
An active science writer and educational essayist, wrote more than a dozen books, some published in the U.K., U.S., Portugal, Brazil, and Italy. For his writings, has received prizes from the European Mathematical Society and the European Union.
Supervisors: Ph.D. Advisor (1992): Howard M. Taylor, University of Delaware
Address: ISEG, Rua Miguel Lupi 20
1200-781 Lisboa
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Research Papers by Nuno Crato
In addition, the book discusses a number of general questions: Is knowledge outdated? Are computers taking over and replacing teachers? Are schools killing creativity? Are we adequately preparing the next generation? Are schools failing to educate our kids? The book starts out with a summary of PISA’s evolution and PISA results, and an explanation of the major factors that play a role in changes in countries’ results. The next ten chapters are devoted to ten specific countries, offering a summary of data and an explanation of the major drives for changes in education results for each one. Each chapter includes a short description of the country’s educational system as well as the impact of PISA and other ILSA studies on the country’s educational policies. The chapters also include a timeline of policy measures and main hallmarks of the country’s educational evolution, discussing the impact of these measures on its PISA results. A final reference chapter explains what PISA is, what it measures and how. While highlighting the 2018 results, the book also takes into consideration previous results, as well as long-term initiatives.
This book gathers the contribution of well-known and respected experts in the field. Specialists such as Eric Hanushek, for the US, Tim Oates, for England, Montse Gomendio, for Spain, Gunda Tire, for Estonia, and all other contributors draw on their vast experience and statistical analysis expertise to draw a set of rich country lessons and recommendations that are invaluable for all of those who care about improving a country’s education system.
In the light of better and more detailed administrative databases, the book provides statistical tools for evaluating the effects of public policies advocated by governments and public institutions. Experts from academia, national statistics offices and various research centers present modern econometric methods for an efficient data-driven policy evaluation and monitoring, assess the causal effects of policy measures and report on best practices of successful data management and usage.
Topics include data confidentiality, data linkage, and national practices in policy areas such as public health, education and employment. It offers scholars as well as practitioners from public administrations, consultancy firms and nongovernmental organizations insights into counterfactual impact evaluation methods and the potential of data-based policy and program evaluation.
An invitation to realize public awareness projects Information on international public awareness activities What makes a mathematical museum interesting? This collective book aims to encourage and inspire actions directed towards raising public awareness of the importance of mathematical sciences for our contemporary society in a cultural and historical perspective. Mathematical societies, in Europe and around the world, can find ideas, blueprints and suggestions for activities –including concerted actions with other international organizations – directed towards raising public awareness of science, technology and other fields where mathematics plays a strong role. The material is divided into four parts:
• National experiences
• Exhibitions / mathematical museums
• Popularization activities
• Popularization: why and how?
O que se deve fazer é claro: instituir um currículo estruturado e ambicioso, em paralelo com um sistema de avaliação que permita ir seguindo os progressos e corrigindo as deficiências.
A ciência moderna valoriza as disciplinas, o currículo estruturado e o conhecimento. Recomenda um ensino ativo, mas ativo mentalmente. Recomenda projetos, mas não basear o ensino em projetos. Recomenda o respeito pelo aluno, mas não seguir os instintos dos alunos.
No ensino da Física, essa ciência tão fundamental, é decisivo seguir estas recomendações das ciências cognitivas e dos estudos estatísticos modernos.
Concéntrate en los fundamentos:
- Currículo exigente: conocimientos (y competencias)
- Evaluación rigurosa
- Apoyar a todos los estudiantes sin bajar los estándares
Las políticas educativas deben ser juzgadas por
resultados de los estudiantes, y no por intenciones políticas.
How can someone who has the advantage of having had such an experience be useful to those who are initiating it? Maybe by listing a few recommendations that for the very same person, i.e., me, have proven to be more important than I thought.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ensino híbrido; ensino remoto digital; pandemia; romantismo digital
ABSTRACT: The pandemic made visible both the great advantages of face-to-face teaching and the great disadvantages of remote learning. It is nevertheless interesting to revisit a few illusions behind some hagiographic defence of remote learning. Today, this debate can be supported by scientific evidence and it can lead to improvements both in the face-to-face and in the remote teaching. These improvements are more than necessary at this moment, as the pandemic brought about serious delays in the learning processes. With support on recent scientific research, this paper sustains that the answer to the pandemic cannot be to just keep students in contact with school activities. The answer ought to be to accelerate the educational pace and to improve the educational quality. For this purpose, we need an ambitious and rigorous curriculum and frequent and reliable student evaluations. Remote learning should not be separated from the general learning process but integrated in it and seen as a complement to face-to-face schooling.
Keywords: Blended learning, digital remote teaching, digital romanticism, pandemic
Procuro mostrar como o conhecimento científico moderno apoia um ensino estruturado e revela os prejuízos de privilegiar o chamado 'ensino pela descoberta'
Presentation (in Portuguese) at the "Exame"-Grupo Abril magazine and Todos pela Educação foundation in São Paulo, Brazil, opening the debate with presidential candidates to upcoming elections on their education policy. The presentation supported the description of the factors that improved Portuguese educational system to the point of surpassing the OECD average in PISA 2015 and even Finland in math 4th grade in TIMSS 2015. It makes the case for a more demanding, better structured and more precise curriculum a par with a more frequent external student evaluation.
But textbooks support a curriculum: if we mistakenly forget the crucial and basic role of knowledge in education, then we could forget the importance of textbooks.