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The following article is presented as a conceptual study of the informational dynamics demanded by the displacement process in a collective road transport network. To make feasible, we used the information system of São Paulo’s bus... more
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      WayfindingInformation DesignUrban DesignPublic transportation
Since the enactment of Federal Law 12.587 / 12, the information becomes an essential right for the users of public transportation and its must be presented at the embarkation and disembarkation sites. Therefore, this article attempted to... more
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      WayfindingInformation DesignUrban Transportation
A popularização de serviços com base cartográfica georreferenciada, que monitoram e colaboram com deslocamentos urbanos (LBS-Location Based Services), vem alterando as experiências urbanas, singulares e coletivas, por meio de... more
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      CidadesTecnologias MóveisPercepção AmbientalGoogle Maps
Resenha crítica do livro "Hipercities: thick mapping in the digital humanities", de Todd Presner, David Shepard e Yoh Kawano.
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      Digital HumanitiesTecnologiaCidadesCartografía Digital
design da informação, wayfinding, transporte coletivo, design urbano O seguinte artigo apresenta-se como um estudo conceitual das dinâmicas informacionais demandadas pelo processo de deslocamento em uma rede de transporte coletivo... more
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A cartografia, suas práticas e possibilidades temáticas, há tempos, se mostram como aliadas das ciências humanas em suas investigações, já que permitem a visualização transversal de informações em um dado território. O avanço técnico do... more
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In Classical Greece the design and construction of buildings were interconnected, forming a single activity. With the development of knowledge and technology, this process has fragmented, giving rise to different activities, performed by... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Design Computation (Architecture)
In Classical Greece the design and construction of buildings were interconnected, forming a single activity. With the development of knowledge and technology, this process has fragmented, giving rise to different activities, performed by... more
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In Classical Greece the design and construction of buildings were interconnected, forming a single activity. With the development of knowledge and technology, this process has fragmented, giving rise to different activities, performed by... more
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The goal of the research described in this paper is to address climate change by promoting the production of renewable energy in building envelopes, which are exposed to solar radiation. It proposes an energy-based design paradigm, where... more
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    • Computer Science
Current research applies an energy-based design model to improve performance in existing modern buildings, in Rio de Janeiro, from the 1940’s, improving these buildings’ shading systems. This article proposes a methodology tested through... more
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    • Buildings
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of outdoor spaces for maintaining physical and mental well-being. However, many urban residents lack private outdoor areas, which led to harmful health consequences during lockdowns. The... more
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      PandemicCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Abstract. Traditional urban plans have defi nitive design systems, without the fl exibility required to deal with the complexity and change that characterise contemporary urban societies. To provide urban plans with increased fl... more
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    • Urban Design Patterns and Shape Grammars
This paper presents a shape grammar for planned urban spaces intending an implementation for generative urban design. This implementation will form part of an urban design support tool defined to formulate, generate and evaluate urban... more
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Abstract. Urban planning and design have a considerable impact on the economic performance of cities and on the quality of life of the population. Efficiency at this level is hampered by the lack of integrated instruments for formulating,... more
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    • Transportation
The main objective of the ongoing investigation described in this paper is to produce a Corinthian capital through generative modelling and digital prototyping, and according to Leon Battista Alberti’s treatise on architecture, De re... more
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      Digital FabricationGenerative designParametric Modeling
This paper presents the analysis of a bottom-up design system using shape grammars. This research is part of a larger study that proposes the development of a generic grammar to improve the quality of site development in social housing... more
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      Shape Grammar (Architecture)Design Methodology (Architecture)Design MethodologyHousing for Low Income People
Abstract. This study is concerned with the formulation of solutions for urban problems. It departs from Alexander's pattern language theory and urban design guidelines, to create a system for generating specifications or the... more
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      Urban GeographyOntologyKnowledge ManagementArchitecture
The goal of this research is to rehabilitate the existing housing stock to meet the new needs of dwellers in the current information society and the consequent need for the integration of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)... more
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      Applied MathematicsArchitectureSpace SyntaxInformation Society
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      Applied MathematicsArchitectureUrban DesignLanguage Use