Papers by Clara Moura Soares
© Reservados todos os direitos. Nos termos do Código do Direito de Autor, é expressamente proibid... more © Reservados todos os direitos. Nos termos do Código do Direito de Autor, é expressamente proibida a reprodução total ou parcial desta obra por quaisquer meios, incluindo a fotocópia e o tratamento informático, sem a autorização expressa dos titulares dos direitos.
© Reservados todos os direitos. Nos termos do Código do Direito de Autor, é expressamente proibid... more © Reservados todos os direitos. Nos termos do Código do Direito de Autor, é expressamente proibida a reprodução total ou parcial desta obra por quaisquer meios, incluindo a fotocópia e o tratamento informático, sem a autorização expressa dos titulares dos direitos.

ORION is a digital art history research-oriented project focused on the study of art collections ... more ORION is a digital art history research-oriented project focused on the study of art collections and collectors in Portugal, supported on a relational database management system. Besides the obvious advantage of organizing and systematizing an enormous amount of information, promoting its analysis, this database was specifically designed to highlight the relationships between data. Its relational capacity is not only one of the most relevant features of ORION, but a differentiating quality, one step forward in comparison to other international databases and studies that use digital methodologies. This article discusses the methods and the advantages of using ORION in research related to the history of collecting, art markets and provenance of art objects in Portugal, where it is the very first time that an approach such as this is intended, looking for a systematization of data that paves the way to the emergence of new research questions. Furthermore, and because ORION aims to shar...
José Moreira Freire is today an almost unknown name in the context of art collecting in Portugal.... more José Moreira Freire is today an almost unknown name in the context of art collecting in Portugal. Based on the publications of his authorship and on some scattered information located in archival funds and in the periodical press, the present study intends to reveal new data on the personality and on the collection of old paintings and engravings that this "capitalist" gathered in Lisbon. At the same time, it is intended to highlight fundamental issues for the characterization of art collecting in Portugal at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, linked, namely, to the construction of collections and their future after the disappearance of their main drivers.
Archivo Español de Arte, 2023
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de uso y dist... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)

Conservar Património, 2023
The completion of the Church of Santa Engrácia in the context of the valorization of the Baroque ... more The completion of the Church of Santa Engrácia in the context of the valorization of the Baroque style in Portugal and the principles of the international Charters of Athens and Venice (1953-1966) Resumo O presente artigo visa enquadrar, nacional e internacionalmente, os critérios de intervenção adotados na Igreja de Santa Engrácia, quando, em pleno regime do Estado Novo, se decide concluir o inacabado edifício barroco, interrompido há mais de dois séculos. No desafio então encarado revelaram-se fundamentais os avanços da História da Arte, em particular o novo estatuto conferido ao barroco português a partir dos anos de 1950, e o conhecimento dos princípios para a conservação e restauro do património difundidos nas Cartas de Atenas (1931) e de Veneza (1964). Tais circunstâncias conjugadas, onde pudemos documentar a colaboração interdisciplinar entre arquiteto e historiador da arte, reforçam a condição de Santa Engrácia como um exemplo paradigmático de restauro monumental em Portugal, no âmbito da ação da Direção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais (DGEMN), sob a máxima amplamente difundida desde a Carta de Atenas de que "cada caso é um caso".
BSAA arte, 2022
* Este trabalho foi financiado pelo projeto PHIM-Património e História da Indústria dos Mármores,... more * Este trabalho foi financiado pelo projeto PHIM-Património e História da Indústria dos Mármores, 3ª fase (ref.: ALT20-08-2114-FEDER-000213). Noel Moreira é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT, no âmbito do financiamento programático do ICT (refs: UIDB/04683/2020 e UIDP/04683/2020). Os autores agradecem ao Santuário de Fátima e aos revisores pelos comentários que permitiram o incremento da qualidade do trabalho.
Mármore 2000 anos de História. Contributo dos Mármores do Alentejo para a afirmação das Artes, 2022
A presença destacada dos mármores do Alentejo em três edifícios monumentais da cidade do Porto da... more A presença destacada dos mármores do Alentejo em três edifícios monumentais da cidade do Porto da primeira metade do século XX: diálogo entre modernidade e tradição clara moura soares 1 rute massano rodrigues 1 A Arquitectura é uma Arte que, servindo a Humanidade, o faz com duas finalidades elevadas: a da utilidade e a da beleza.

Anales de Historia del Arte, 2022
The Monastery of Batalha is one of the most important Gothic monuments in Portugal. In the 19th c... more The Monastery of Batalha is one of the most important Gothic monuments in Portugal. In the 19th century, between 1840 and 1900, it underwent extensive restoration work which significantly altered its features, as well as the memories of past monastic experiences. Despite the magnitude of the intervention, the work that transformed the former Dominican monastery into a historical monument of the Nation, was, however, subject to an exemplary, scrupulous and detailed work and management methodology. This was reflected in the production of an unprecedented documentary collection (textual, iconographic, object-based), mainly archived within the monument itself, thus allowing for a highly accurate reconstruction of the work conducted and an understanding of the criteria followed. By means of an integrated perspective, this study seeks to highlight these important historical sources, with particular emphasis on: their unique character in the context of the archives of Portuguese monuments; their role in the study of the restoration work on the Monastery of Batalha and in the history of monument restoration in Portugal in general; and the potential for interdisciplinary research that can be derived thereof, involving the latest technological trends.

The main goal of the present article is to study the cleaning and consolidation of the marble faç... more The main goal of the present article is to study the cleaning and consolidation of the marble façade of the Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa during the 1940s. The research was based on the archival documentation of the former Directorate-General for National Buildings and Monuments (DGEMN), which was crucial for uncovering the history and theory of conservation and restoration of monuments in Portugal since 1929, and allowed to identify protagonists as well as techniques, materials, and intervention criteria. The analysis of the choices that were madebased on principles such as minimal intervention, respect for the history of the monument through its various phases, and preservation of the patina of timedemonstrates that there was an obvious regard for the principles established by the Athens Charter (1931). Such principles are evidence of a departure from the DGEMN action paradigms at the time, which favoured restoration over conservation and defended the prevalence of a "style unity", while sacrificing certain eras of the monuments' past.
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, 2022

Heritage, 2021
Heritage conservation and cultural tourism are central features of academic debates, as this rela... more Heritage conservation and cultural tourism are central features of academic debates, as this relationship has not been always peaceful. This paper seeks to evaluate the correlation between the extensive conservation and restoration of the wall and castle of the medieval town of Óbidos (1930–1950) and the tourism-oriented projects developed since this period. Due to the criticism of several previous studies, one of the primary aims of this research was to assess whether this Portuguese town constitutes a good example of medieval reconstitution, or if it is a fanciful twentieth-century intervention. Another main goal was to establish our position regarding the challenges inherent to the management of this historic centre, especially those concerning current tourism challenges and the preservation of and regard for historical buildings and monuments. By means of a long-term study based on the common history of art methodology (cross-analysis of bibliography, archival research, in situ observation of the heritage and attendance of festivals and events), we were able to make the following contributions to advance the debate: although the earlier interventions in Óbidos abided by strict criteria which merited international praise, the management model of the town as a tourist destination over the last two decades calls for a revaluation, placing greater importance on history, historic and artistic heritage and the identity of the location.

Ge-conservacion, 2021
A Conferência Internacional de Museus que teve lugar em Madrid, em 1934, representou um marco dec... more A Conferência Internacional de Museus que teve lugar em Madrid, em 1934, representou um marco decisivo na afirmação do museu moderno desejado para o século XX. Ali se trataram, pela voz dos mais conceituados especialistas internacionais, múltiplas problemáticas relacionadas com a museografia e com a arquitetura de museus. Neste estudo, colocamos o enfoque nas questões ligadas ao âmbito da conservação preventiva, cujo termo apenas seria formalmente estabelecido, em 1978, por Garry Thomson. Integrar a Conferência de Madrid na perspetiva histórica da conservação preventiva é um dos contributos deste trabalho, bem como avaliar, através de documentação arquivística, os seus efeitos sobre o projeto de ampliação do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, em Lisboa, então em elaboração. Instalado num palácio seiscentista, o histórico museu que o seu diretor desejava moderno, tornou-se num importante caso de estudo para a museologia, museografia e arquitetura museal da época, com repercussões interna...

Soares, C.M., Rodrigues, R.M., Filipe,C., Moreira,N., “Alentejo Marbles in the construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima, Portugal”, in History of Construction Culture, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema (Taylor & Francis Group), 2021, vol. II, 545-553 The ornamental stones used in the construction of the Basilica of Fátima (built between 1928 and ... more The ornamental stones used in the construction of the Basilica of Fátima (built between 1928 and 1954) are a carefully selected visible material that dominates both the architecture and the sculpture of the building. These rocks came from various locations and suppliers in Portugal. Using an interdisciplinary methodology that combines analysis of historical records with macroscopic analysis of the ornamental stones, it was possible to identify a great variety of stones from the regions of Pêro Pinheiro-Sintra and the Estremoz Anticline, as well as from Fátima quarries. In this paper, several varieties of white, pink, and dark marbles from the Estremoz Anticline in Alentejo that were used within the Basilica are identified. The criteria that were used in their selection for application in some of the most important parts of this building are discussed. The interdisciplinary methodological approach employed here may support decision-making for conservation and restoration work in the future.

Soares, C. M., Neto, M. J., Pascoal, A. M., Cunha, J. A., Desterro: A Monastery Turned Hospital, Now Converted into a Mixed-Use Hub in Lisbon. Athens Journal of Tourism v. 8, issue 1, 2021: 19-42 This paper aims to analyse the conversion of the former Desterro Hospital, in Lisbon, the capital... more This paper aims to analyse the conversion of the former Desterro Hospital, in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, both throughout its history and regarding its recent transformation into an innovative project with touristic and cultural purposes. Dating back to 1591, the then Desterro Monastery was transformed into a hospital in 1848, after the extinction of religious orders in Portugal. It kept these hospital functions until 2007, when the Portuguese state decided to close it and to sell the building. The project of comprehensive rehabilitation of the former monastery intended to create a new point of interest in the city of Lisbon, a mix-used building for both locals and foreigners. The restoration project conforms to the historic building, adapting it to present-day requirements. This raises questions on the preservation and identity, also taking into consideration key aspects in terms of sustainability. This paper intends to analyse this case study as an example of maintenance and restoration of a historic building which served various purposes related to religion and healthcare, and which is now starting a "new life", while evaluating such project within the scope of sustainable tourism.
Pascoal, A.M., Soares C,M., Neto, M.J., "Medicina e Saúde no século XX: o caso português perante a situação internacional", in Curar e Cuidar. Arquitectura da Saúde em Portugal (1901-1976), Tostões, A., Providência, P., Arnaut, D., (ed.), Lisboa, IST-ID, 2020, 54-73, ISBN 978-989-54972-0-1
Neto, M.J., Soares, C,M., Pascoal, A.M., "Politics and Medical Achievements", in Tostões, A., Providência, P., Arnaut, D. (ed.), Cure & Care. Architecture and Health, Lisboa, IST-ID, 2020, 32-41, ISBN 978-989-33-1130-1
Papers by Clara Moura Soares
Ciente das suas potencialidades, o crítico de arte e museólogo José de Figueiredo (1872-1937) irá, deste logo, fazer uso do novo recurso para desenvolver e fundamentar as suas investigações, assim como para estimular o debate em torno da arte e do património nacionais. É, porém, no âmbito do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (MNAA), quando assume a sua direção, em 1911, que a fotografia se afirmará, não apenas como importante ferramenta operativa da história da arte e da museologia, possibilitando comparações, estudos à distância, completar inventários ou divulgar coleções, mas como instrumento da conservação e restauro, facultando elementos de prova, detalhes técnicos e/ou artísticos que, através de diferentes radiações do espectro eletromagnético, permitem, mesmo, alcançar o invisível.
A constituição de um singular arquivo fotográfico de arte, a par de uma biblioteca especializada, e, mais tarde, a construção de um laboratório de fotografia e de uma oficina de restauro junto das coleções, ocuparam, assim, lugar de destaque no projeto museológico de Figueiredo, para cuja concretização se fez circundar dos mais distintos profissionais e guiar pelos que considerava serem os melhores e mais modernos exemplos europeus.