Papers by Valentina G H Schmitt

Companies increasingly embrace open business-to-business innovation. In this context, knowledge-i... more Companies increasingly embrace open business-to-business innovation. In this context, knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) play a crucial role as they can provide services and know-how to companies. As comparisons of digital innovation in Latin American companies are scarce, a more in-depth study is required of the role that KIBS plays in their digital innovation. This study therefore investigates the impact of KIBS and the implementation of innovations, including digital ones, on the sales of companies. Utilizing a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), we scrutinize data from 959 companies in Peru. The findings reveal that internally implemented innovations do not have a statistically significant direct effect on sales. However, outsourcing KIBS emerges as a positive mediator in this relationship. Specifically, we find that companies that subcontract those services are more likely to implement innovations and to achieve a positive impact on their sales in the short-term. Despite the opportunities that digital innovation brings, its direct effect on companies' sales still needs to be improved, especially for manufacturing companies.

During the last few years, the mass exodus of Venezuelan citizens to other countries has turned V... more During the last few years, the mass exodus of Venezuelan citizens to other countries has turned Venezuela into an emigration country, with Peru receiving the second-highest number of migrants. This article explains the co-production process of integrating Venezuelan migrants and refugees into the host society under decent work conditions. This is a qualitative, cross-sectional explanatory case study covering the second half of 2022. It shows that within the co-production effort, civil society organisations entail a role in creating collective mechanisms and spaces to enable communication and information, helping to identify existing problems and vulnerabilities, and finding alternatives to mitigate them. Additionally, in the process of integrating migrants' human capital under the decent work condition there is the relevance of migrant-based civil society organisations, due to the fact that they can enhance trust and the quality of the interaction and dialogue with the beneficiary public, identify their specific needs and potential solutions and, therefore, increase the quality and efficiency of the services provided.

CALL FOR PAPERS - Special Issue: The Transition to the Circular Economy: a challenge for Business... more CALL FOR PAPERS - Special Issue: The Transition to the Circular Economy: a challenge for Businesses, Governments and Society
This Special Issue aims to contribute to the management literature with theoretically strong, methodologically robust, and innovative research that has the potential to significantly advance the investigation of the Transition to The Circular Economy. The Scope of the Special Issue will also cover the micro, meso and macrolevel of analysis and theoretical and policy investigations about the challenges for businesses, Government, and society in the Transition to the Circular Economy. This call invites, namely but not restrict to, contributions from management and business economics research. The Editorial team welcomes quality scholarly research that can either be conceptual, theoretical, or empirical (quantitatively and/or qualitatively approached). For this RAE Special Issue, we accept original research from interested scholars seeking to explore any of the following research strands:
· Circular economy business models applied in different sectors.
· Innovation as a support for the transition of businesses to the circular economy.
· Industry 4.0 as a driver to the circular economy.
· Digital transformation and its potential contribution to the success of the circular economy.
· Social impact and business impact generated by the circular economy.
· The role of Industry 4.0 innovation to support the social impact and business impact of the transition to the circular economy.
· Human side and soft skills capacity building to pursue a circular economy transition.
· Businesses, Government, and society partnerships and collective efforts in the Transition to the Circular Economy.
Submission of papers
Papers submitted must not have been published accepted for publication or presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. To be eligible for review the manuscript must be according to the RAE’s guidelines, click here. The submission must be made through the ScholarOne system at For more information, write to: [email protected]
Deadline: March 31st, 2024
1st Round Revisions Due: June 30th, 2024
2 nd Round Revisions Due: August 30th, 2024
Final Decision/Acceptance: October 31st, 2024

Desempeño exportador de las KIBS desde una perspectiva de innovación, digitalización y bases de c... more Desempeño exportador de las KIBS desde una perspectiva de innovación, digitalización y bases de conocimiento diferenciado: evidencias desde Perú Export performance of KIBS from a perspective of innovation, digitization and differentiated knowledge bases: evidence from Peru El estudio analiza el desempeño exportador de las KIBS peruanas en términos de su digitalización, resultados de innovación y bases de conocimiento diferenciado por subsectores KIBS (tecnológicos, profesionales y creativos). Se estimaron diferentes modelos no lineales de probabilidad logit utilizando la Encuesta Nacional de Empresas 2019. Se verificó que, entre las capacidades digitales, solo las asociadas con usos productivos de las TICs tuvieron una relación positiva sobre el desempeño exportador, lo mismo que la innovación organizacional. Sin embargo, al considerar subsectores KIBS con diferentes bases de conocimiento, se observa que la innovación tiene resultados heterogéneos sobre el desempeño exportador al margen de la inclusión de la digitalización como determinante. Estos resultados sugieren, a la hora de diseñar políticas, que hay que considerar la existencia de conductores de innovación particulares en ciertos subsectores KIBS.

CALL FOR PAPERS: European Academy of Management 2023 (EURAM 2023) - Transform Business for Good W... more CALL FOR PAPERS: European Academy of Management 2023 (EURAM 2023) - Transform Business for Good We warmly welcome scholars to submit research to contribute to the 2023 EURAM Conference focused on this challenge and theme of Transforming Business for Good." Also, Im glad to share that I'm co-organizing the track "T01_10 – Transition to Circular Economy Business Model supported by innovation and Industry 4.0". For further information: Learn to apply the elements of a circular business model to a traditional business model supported by the artefacts and technologies of industry 4.0 and innovation. We await papers that are aligned with the themes: circular economy transformation in supply chains and organizations; digital transformation and circular economy; big data and circular economy; artificial intelligence and digital economy; finance supply chain management and circular economy; green recovery and circular economy; rethinking product design for a circular economy; changing business models and shifting systems thinking; rethink consumer ownership, transitioning from products to services; the economic benefits and social impacts. Long description: A team of women researchers, leaders and globally engaged in a topic with the potential of transforming business for good. Inspired by the impact generation potential of the suggested topic, proposes to learn to apply the elements of a circular business model to a traditional business model supported by the artefacts and technologies of industry 4.0 and innovation. We await papers that are aligned with the themes: circular economy transformation in supply chains and organizations; digital transformation and circular economy; big data and circular economy; artificial intelligence and digital economy; finance supply chain management and circular economy; green recovery and circular economy; rethinking product design for a circular economy; changing business models and shifting systems thinking; rethink consumer ownership, transitioning from products to services; the economic benefits and social impacts of a circular economy; the progress of the circular economy in the different sectors; regenerative systems and innovation; types of innovation that support the transition to circular economy business models; disruptive innovation as an enabler of the circular economy; how and why the industry is shifting toward a circular economy. To submit your full paper to EURAM 2023 Deadline for Paper Submission: 10 January 2023 Notification of Acceptance: 15 March 2023 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 7 April 2023 Authors and Panellists Registration Deadline: 14 April 2023

COVID-19 is the greatest biological catastrophe of the XXI century. For the first time in history... more COVID-19 is the greatest biological catastrophe of the XXI century. For the first time in history vaccines from five different biotechnological platforms were approved within a year from the start of the pandemic. However, vaccination entails huge logistics challenges. One of them is developing a vaccine distribution plan to achieve equal immunity at different levels and structures of the health sector. The vaccination program effectiveness becomes more complex due to Peru's huge environmental, social, and economic diversity. The methodology used is empirical and explanatory in nature. The data collection instruments were applied to health professionals in Peru. To find vaccination effectiveness perception, a Likert scale questionnaire on the vaccination process planning, communication, logistics, and effectiveness was used. Results indicate that there is a significant influence between almost all the study variables, except for the Planning-Effectiveness relationship which requires logistics and communication as facilitators to become significant.

360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic spread a multidimensional crisis of never-beforeexperienced proportions. Be... more The COVID-19 pandemic spread a multidimensional crisis of never-beforeexperienced proportions. Because of it, the situation in Brazil, which already had a
scenario of great vulnerabilities and social disparities prior to the pandemic, was aggravated. The crisis and the fragility of the State's responses to the emerging demands were evidenced by the effort of the organized civil society to meet such demands. This study analyses the crisis management and co-production process during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Santa Maria-RS, in 2020, via the Mesa Brasil food bank program. The chosen research strategy was the case study. Data collection was carried out through documentary research, interviews and surveys with managers of participating institutions in the Mesa Brasil program. For the results, a content analysis technique was undertaken. The study allowed to conclude that crisis management, through co-participation, allows the understanding of the use of innovative and collective strategies as a means to overcome the emerging difficulties arising from crises in which social vulnerability increases. The research also explains how, in the specific context of the pandemic crisis, co-production of public services stood out for the adhesion of organizations, sharing responsibility and power in the production and delivery of public services to maintain food security and reduce food waste.

GECONTEC: Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología, 2022
resente documento busca evidenciar la relevancia de la innovación como un proceso colectivo, apoy... more resente documento busca evidenciar la relevancia de la innovación como un proceso colectivo, apoyado en el esfuerzo de múltiples actores – públicos, privados y de la sociedad civil organizada – en la construcción de un futuro sostenible. Es decir, se analiza a la innovación con una mirada hacia la construcción de un futuro sostenible, en base a una responsabilidad compartida, y que implica la ampliación de los mecanismos de gobernanza, con una mirada inclusiva, que respete y valore a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Por tanto, argumentamos que pensar en avances del conocimiento en ese tema, implica reconocer la relevancia de la diversidad de perspectivas y la toma de decisiones y acciones conjuntas, además de reconocer a los factores que facilitan o limitan la innovación sostenible. En ese sentido, este número especial de la revista GECONTEC presenta cuatro papers seleccionados del Congreso de la Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica y de la Innovación -ALTEC 2021, cuyas evidencias corroboran lo que aquí planteamos.

British Food Journal, 2022
Purpose-This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian ... more Purpose-This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach-Exploratory research was carried out with Peruvian households, using a descriptive method design. Data were analysed using descriptive and multivariate statistics. A selfadministered questionnaire of 60 questions was used, applied by social networks in May 2020, obtaining 418 valid questionnaires. Findings-The main findings allow the identification of a behaviour aiming the avoidance of waste and purchasing with a cost-benefit orientation, which is followed by purchase planning, knowledge and use of information on labels, food storage and cooking skills. Practical implications-For companies in the food sector, relevant information is provided on consumer behaviour. For policymakers, elements are provided for the promotion of responsible consumption and zero waste. For the academy, an explanation is provided of how and in what way crises influence the behaviour of food consumption and waste. Social implications-Environmental-friendly and responsible consumption behaviour need to be supported, as well as to make consumers aware of the costs of food waste. These measures could be fostered by collective action that includes different actorsfrom civil society, the private and public sectorsand contribute to a sustainable solution, focused on improving consumption patterns and food waste. Originality/value-The novelty of this research is based on exploring the understanding of the existing relation among food consumer behaviour, in a context of crisis, towards food waste prevention and avoidance, cost-benefit orientation and the knowledge about labelling, storage and handling.

Sustainability, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has represented a major global challenge. In Latin America, both Brazil and... more The COVID-19 pandemic has represented a major global challenge. In Latin America, both Brazil and Peru reported the highest levels of impact in terms of proportional infection and death rates. Within this context, this study seeks to compare food consumption and wastage patterns in Peruvian and Brazilian households. For these purposes, the authors conducted a quantitative research study based on a self-reported online survey submitted during the pandemic outbreak. Results revealed that the intention of reducing food wastage and implementing leftover management routines are related to the economic value of wasted food. In addition, in both countries, shopping lists are used as planning elements, and food purchases are influenced by on-sale products. Leftover management is also similar in both countries, and the expiration date on the label is the most commonly used criterion for consuming or discarding food items. Nevertheless, within the framework of the health and economic crisis g...

Revista de Administração da UFSM
O estudo visou analisar a percepção de oficiais militares, na condição de alunos da Escola de Com... more O estudo visou analisar a percepção de oficiais militares, na condição de alunos da Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército (ECEME), acerca do corrente processo de transformação do Exército Brasileiro (EB); para atingir os objetivos, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográfica e de campo, que foram sucedidas da análise quantitativa dos dados coletados. Na etapa de pesquisa bibliográfica, o foco esteve na compreensão do problema de estudo, notadamente a partir da teoria da transformação organizacional. Para compreensão do problema, foram analisadas as dimensões estratégica, estrutural, tecnológica, humana, cultural e política (MOTTA, 2001). A pesquisa de campo envolveu a coleta de dados por intermédio da aplicação de questionário tipo survey, com cinco níveis de resposta na escala Likert; objetivando verificar a percepção dos indivíduos representados pela amostra em relação ao processo estudado e as dimensões de análise supracitadas. A amostra foi composta de oficiais, integrantes...

The present study aims to describe the potential impacts on territorial development from the Fair... more The present study aims to describe the potential impacts on territorial development from the Fair Trade Brazilian movement, from the perspective of the actors involved in the food sector. The theoretical basis of this article covers topics such as development, public-private partnerships and Fair Trade. The research takes a qualitative screen, with an interpretative nature, making use of case study. Data collection was done through literature, documentary research and on the Internet, interviews, field research and studies of multiple cases. The sample was comprised of 17 individuals epresenting producers, traders, agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), government and certification companies. Data collection was performed between the years 2010 and 2011. For data analysis were used as discourse analysis and triangulation techniques. Among the main results are presented mechanisms used by the actors to the potential contribution to territorial development, and poverty reduction. It was found also that, in the Brazilian context, the actors working in the Fair Trade movement - both in quality certification as a social movement - strongly believe in the existence of a relationship among the use of higher values - called social price, or premium price - to a potential contribution to the improvement of issues that unite concerns as social, nvironmental and economic issues. The search for partnerships, capacity building among other elements allows small producers and especially farmers, to have access to diferente markets, increase trading volume, increase income and improve quality of life. Above all, there is a perception that the benefits are related to compliance with community issues and environmental nature, through a culture of cooperatives, associations and public and private partnerships.

O estudo realizado contém características descritivas do Goiás Esporte Clube, bem como dos seus d... more O estudo realizado contém características descritivas do Goiás Esporte Clube, bem como dos seus departamentos, sob a ótica da gestão esportiva. Quanto aos meios de investigação foi empreendido um estudo de caso, através de pesquisa documental bibliográfica. Foram realizados levantamentos de dados secundários e primários, análise documental, entrevistas pessoais não-estruturadas e observação participante, na medida em que um dos autores esteve presente por um período de tempo junto à Administração do Clube estudado. Para análise dos dados foi estabelecida a correlação da realidade organizacional com a base teórica de sustentação. O estudo ressaltou que a necessidade de profissionalização na gestão dos esportes é latente. A não proposição de um modelo de gestão para as entidades esportivas neste estudo se deu pelo fato da instituição do estudo de caso, o Goiás Esporte Clube, ser uma das equipes que mais tem credibilidade e ABSTRACT The present article was developed with the objective ...

Resumo: Este artigo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar as vantagens derivadas da formaçã... more Resumo: Este artigo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar as vantagens derivadas da formação de aliança empresarial entre empresas do ramo de telecomunicações, aqui denominadas Alfa Celular e operadora Beta. O referencial teórico estrutura-se nos conceitos de estratégia, aliança estratégica e ambiente organizacional. O estudo de caso utiliza os métodos de pesquisa documental, observação e entrevista não estruturada, aplicados durante o primeiro semestre de 2007. A pesquisa apresenta a descrição da história e caracterização da organização; descreve a aliança estratégica da Alfa Celular e Operadora Beta; diagnostica a aliança; e propõe ações estratégicas que possibilitem o incremento na eficácia e eficiência da aliança. Dentre os principais resultados destaca-se o fato de ser uma empresa familiar, de pequeno porte, com vinte e dois anos de exercício, em um ambiente de constante modificação e altamente dependente da aliança estabelecida. Abstract: This article was developed with ...
Papers by Valentina G H Schmitt
This Special Issue aims to contribute to the management literature with theoretically strong, methodologically robust, and innovative research that has the potential to significantly advance the investigation of the Transition to The Circular Economy. The Scope of the Special Issue will also cover the micro, meso and macrolevel of analysis and theoretical and policy investigations about the challenges for businesses, Government, and society in the Transition to the Circular Economy. This call invites, namely but not restrict to, contributions from management and business economics research. The Editorial team welcomes quality scholarly research that can either be conceptual, theoretical, or empirical (quantitatively and/or qualitatively approached). For this RAE Special Issue, we accept original research from interested scholars seeking to explore any of the following research strands:
· Circular economy business models applied in different sectors.
· Innovation as a support for the transition of businesses to the circular economy.
· Industry 4.0 as a driver to the circular economy.
· Digital transformation and its potential contribution to the success of the circular economy.
· Social impact and business impact generated by the circular economy.
· The role of Industry 4.0 innovation to support the social impact and business impact of the transition to the circular economy.
· Human side and soft skills capacity building to pursue a circular economy transition.
· Businesses, Government, and society partnerships and collective efforts in the Transition to the Circular Economy.
Submission of papers
Papers submitted must not have been published accepted for publication or presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. To be eligible for review the manuscript must be according to the RAE’s guidelines, click here. The submission must be made through the ScholarOne system at For more information, write to: [email protected]
Deadline: March 31st, 2024
1st Round Revisions Due: June 30th, 2024
2 nd Round Revisions Due: August 30th, 2024
Final Decision/Acceptance: October 31st, 2024
scenario of great vulnerabilities and social disparities prior to the pandemic, was aggravated. The crisis and the fragility of the State's responses to the emerging demands were evidenced by the effort of the organized civil society to meet such demands. This study analyses the crisis management and co-production process during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Santa Maria-RS, in 2020, via the Mesa Brasil food bank program. The chosen research strategy was the case study. Data collection was carried out through documentary research, interviews and surveys with managers of participating institutions in the Mesa Brasil program. For the results, a content analysis technique was undertaken. The study allowed to conclude that crisis management, through co-participation, allows the understanding of the use of innovative and collective strategies as a means to overcome the emerging difficulties arising from crises in which social vulnerability increases. The research also explains how, in the specific context of the pandemic crisis, co-production of public services stood out for the adhesion of organizations, sharing responsibility and power in the production and delivery of public services to maintain food security and reduce food waste.
This Special Issue aims to contribute to the management literature with theoretically strong, methodologically robust, and innovative research that has the potential to significantly advance the investigation of the Transition to The Circular Economy. The Scope of the Special Issue will also cover the micro, meso and macrolevel of analysis and theoretical and policy investigations about the challenges for businesses, Government, and society in the Transition to the Circular Economy. This call invites, namely but not restrict to, contributions from management and business economics research. The Editorial team welcomes quality scholarly research that can either be conceptual, theoretical, or empirical (quantitatively and/or qualitatively approached). For this RAE Special Issue, we accept original research from interested scholars seeking to explore any of the following research strands:
· Circular economy business models applied in different sectors.
· Innovation as a support for the transition of businesses to the circular economy.
· Industry 4.0 as a driver to the circular economy.
· Digital transformation and its potential contribution to the success of the circular economy.
· Social impact and business impact generated by the circular economy.
· The role of Industry 4.0 innovation to support the social impact and business impact of the transition to the circular economy.
· Human side and soft skills capacity building to pursue a circular economy transition.
· Businesses, Government, and society partnerships and collective efforts in the Transition to the Circular Economy.
Submission of papers
Papers submitted must not have been published accepted for publication or presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. To be eligible for review the manuscript must be according to the RAE’s guidelines, click here. The submission must be made through the ScholarOne system at For more information, write to: [email protected]
Deadline: March 31st, 2024
1st Round Revisions Due: June 30th, 2024
2 nd Round Revisions Due: August 30th, 2024
Final Decision/Acceptance: October 31st, 2024
scenario of great vulnerabilities and social disparities prior to the pandemic, was aggravated. The crisis and the fragility of the State's responses to the emerging demands were evidenced by the effort of the organized civil society to meet such demands. This study analyses the crisis management and co-production process during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Santa Maria-RS, in 2020, via the Mesa Brasil food bank program. The chosen research strategy was the case study. Data collection was carried out through documentary research, interviews and surveys with managers of participating institutions in the Mesa Brasil program. For the results, a content analysis technique was undertaken. The study allowed to conclude that crisis management, through co-participation, allows the understanding of the use of innovative and collective strategies as a means to overcome the emerging difficulties arising from crises in which social vulnerability increases. The research also explains how, in the specific context of the pandemic crisis, co-production of public services stood out for the adhesion of organizations, sharing responsibility and power in the production and delivery of public services to maintain food security and reduce food waste.
En los años recientes, los países latinoamericanos han estado expuestos a la realidad compleja
del fenómeno migratorio masivo. La migración venezolana ha sido un proceso de flujo
con resultados más que evidentes en los países de la región, cuyas consecuencias han sido
múltiples. En Perú, el movimiento migratorio de venezolanos ha cambiado las dinámicas
sociales y, por ende, el proceso de desarrollo territorial. Asimismo, tanto ciudadanos
nacionales como migrantes han sido afectados por la pandemia de la COVID-19, lo que
ha evidenciado la necesidad de pensar y discutir la relación del fenómeno con el desarrollo
territorial sostenible y las posibilidades de aportes en la búsqueda de soluciones. El estudio
caracteriza los desafíos para la sustentabilidad a propósito de la migración de venezolanos
al Perú y analiza las vulnerabilidades expuestas por la crisis de la COVID-19. Para ello,
utiliza la metodología cualitativa y la técnica del análisis documental, ajustándose así a la
naturaleza del tema y del objetivo planteado. El análisis se centra en los documentos y
estudios referidos a las vulnerabilidades sociales expuestas e intensificadas por la crisis de
la COVID-19 en el Perú. Asimismo, enfatiza en la relevancia de implementar estrategias
de desarrollo territorial sostenible que consideren la diversidad, la interculturalidad y la
colectividad. En este sentido, el movimiento migratorio debe ser entendido como un
fenómeno que demanda políticas integrales y consistentes que conlleven a la inserción
de los individuos en la sociedad, economía y territorio con el propósito de minimizar las
vulnerabilidades y aportar al desarrollo con una mirada de largo plazo.
A obra é uma coletânea de pesquisas, consequentes de iniciativas indutoras do desenvolvimento do campo de estudos da defesa e ações pontuais das instituições envolvidas. O conteúdo é apresentado em quinze capítulos que abordam de modo geral: aspectos contemporâneos da gestão estratégica da Defesa Nacional, gestão de pessoas, a relevância da cultura e do multiculturalismo, o trabalho emocional e psicológico nas ações militares, a liderança e a logística.
O caráter inovador reflete a carência de materiais que sistematizam o conhecimento da área dos desafios gerenciais da defesa no Brasil, bem como instigam o desenvolvimento desse campo de estudo. A intenção é de gerar subsídios aos interessados - profissionais, estudantes de graduação ou pós-graduação -, como ponto de partida na discussão sobre o assunto. Acreditamos que seja um importante passo para dar maior visibilidade para os estudos de gestão de Defesa no país.
. Introdução – Prof. Paulo Motta
A sociedade brasileira e a Defesa Nacional: uma aproximação após a criação do Ministério da Defesa – Carlos Raposo Vasconcellos
As novas demandas de segurança e defesa nacional e seus impactos na transformação das Forças Armadas brasileiras - Jacintho Maia Neto
Aspectos não convencionais pertinentes à Defesa Nacional - Jorge Calvario dos Santos
Desvendando a administração em ambientes militares – Valentina Schmitt, Luís Moretto, Rejane Costa
O planejamento estratégico como condicionante do processo de elaboração orçamentária no setor público: o caso das organizações da Marinha do Brasil – Flavio Souza; Armando Cunha
Conexão entre estratégia e conhecimento na criação de valor adicional para stakeholders expressivos: uma nova forma de organizar os contextos capacitantes - Edson Lopes; Joaquim Rubens
Confiança organizacional e compartilhamento e uso do conhecimento tácito em ambiente militar - Reinaldo Costa de Almeida Rêgo; Joaquim Rubens Fontes Filho; Diego de Faveri Pereira Lima
Gestão de pessoas: a necessidade de valorização como principal fator de motivação nas organizações fortemente hierarquizadas – Elias Vitório
Una discusión de transformación: perspectivas para la transformación militar desde la cultura organizacional - José Joaquín Clavería Gusmán, Luís Moretto Neto, Valentina Gomes Haensel Schmitt.
Trabalho Emocional dos Militares do Exército Brasileiro nas Missões de Paz das Nações Unidas - William Trajano de Andrade; Angela Maria Monteiro Silva; Fátima Bayma de Oliveira
Multiculturalismo: um desafio para as organizações militares – Rejane Costa
Os impactos da formação multiétnica na liderança brasileira em missões de paz - Ândrei Clauhs
As operações psicológicas desenvolvidas no Complexo do Alemão e da Penha – Moacir Fabiano Schmitt
O luto na emergência: quando o suporte psicológico não pode esperar – Neyde Lucia de Freitas Souza
O processo de transformação da logística militar terrestre como objetivo estratégico do Exército Brasileiro – Thales Alencar 1/4