Papers by Laura Leon Kanashiro
Este artículo analiza el proceso de creación y difusión de videos que desarrollan niños YouTubers... more Este artículo analiza el proceso de creación y difusión de videos que desarrollan niños YouTubers peruanos para comprender el tipo de habilidades que se despliegan en dicho proceso a través del método de la etnografía digital. Los resultados evidencian ciertas habilidades tanto técnicas como sociales y críticas que hacen referencia a una experiencia
diferente vivida dentro de la cultura colaborativa contemporánea.
Comunicadora para el Desarrollo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Magíster en Tecno... more Comunicadora para el Desarrollo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para el Desarrollo por la Universidad de Manchester, Reino Unido. Sus investigaciones abordan temas diversos sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información (TIC) para el desarrollo rural, educación, participación ciudadana y el sector privado.
El presente documento desarrolla el caso del Fondo de Inversión en Telecomunicaciones (FITEL), el... more El presente documento desarrolla el caso del Fondo de Inversión en Telecomunicaciones (FITEL), el órgano del Estado peruano para la provisión del acceso universal a las telecomunicaciones en áreas rurales y preferente interés social. El estudio describe el fondo, su actuación y sus cambios a lo largo de los 15 años de existencia, destacando la inclusión de la banda ancha como tecnología a expandir, y concluye con algunas recomendaciones desde la sociedad civil.
Journal of Mountain Science, 2009
... it is only one hour by motorised transport from Huancayo (the capital of neighbouring ... The... more ... it is only one hour by motorised transport from Huancayo (the capital of neighbouring ... The ERTIC project's telecentres were intended to drive cultural, economic and social development (INICTEL 2006). ... However, in implementation, the project tried to shape ICT usage towards its ...

The second volume in the SIRCA book series investigates the impact of information society initiat... more The second volume in the SIRCA book series investigates the impact of information society initiatives by extending the boundaries of academic research into the realm of practice. Global in scope, it includes contributions and research projects from Asia, Africa and Latin America. The international scholarly community has taken a variety of approaches to question the impact of information society initiatives on populations in the Global South. This book addresses two aspects— Impact of research: How is the research on ICTs in the Global South playing a role in creating an information society? (e.g. policy formulation, media coverage, implementation in practice) and Research on impact: What is the evidence for the impact of ICTs on society? (i.e. the objectives of socio-economic development). This volume brings together a multiplicity of voices and approaches from social scientific research to produce an engaging volume for a variety of stakeholders including academics, researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and those in the business and civil sectors of society.

The chapter applies a theoretical frame to sift evidence of impact of mFinance initiatives, broad... more The chapter applies a theoretical frame to sift evidence of impact of mFinance initiatives, broadly including m-banking, m-payments and m-finance. Second, new definitions for measuring impact are proposed inspired by areas in which impact assessment is more advanced, using the pathway of effects framework (Chib, 2011. The first category, input, refers to the use of technology being introduced. The second category, mechanism, relates to the process of user adoption and appropriation. The third category, outputs, comprises the process outcomes and end-user benefits in the concerned area. The research questions interrogated are:
• How is impact conceptualized in the mFinance literature?
• What is the evidence so far of this impact?
• What alternative definitions of impact can be proposed, beyond traditional notions of economic development (i.e. income, savings)?
The review of 41 research studies on mFinance in developing countries indicate that were in the mechanism stage; however, the emphasis has moved from technological inputs and measures access. Overall, there is little evidence that mFinance has made a significant impact on the bottom of the pyramid populations.
Books by Laura Leon Kanashiro
Falta poco para que el chico la toque (…) mira, cómo le mira el otro el trasero, parece relacione... more Falta poco para que el chico la toque (…) mira, cómo le mira el otro el trasero, parece relaciones (sexuales) con ropa.
La presente investigación analiza los impactos en las capacidades organizacionales de nueve organ... more La presente investigación analiza los impactos en las capacidades organizacionales de nueve organizaciones sociales de base (OSB) de un distrito rural en los Andes peruanos: Daniel Hernández (Tayacaja, Huancavelica, Perú), a partir del uso de computadoras e Internet desde puntos de acceso público (denominados PAV por sus siglas en inglés Public Access Venue), que en Perú son mayormente telecentros y cabinas públicas.

This study examined the impact on the organizational capacity of nine grassroots organizations (o... more This study examined the impact on the organizational capacity of nine grassroots organizations (organizaciones sociales de base [OSBs]) located in a rural district of Peru’s Andean region, Daniel Hernández (Tayacaja province, Huancavelica department), associated with the use of computers and the Internet from public access venues (PAVs), such as telecenters and cabinas públicas (i.e., cybercafés). PAVs help make communication processes more effective and facilitate meetings and coordination, especially with external agents. PAVs have greater impact on OSBs when they are linked to the organization’s objectives and goals and when actors who facilitate information flows between the OSB and external agents use the Internet to search for funding opportunities. PAVs can also become public spaces where members meet and coordinate activities. PAVs may help strengthen the capacity of OSBs, but their limitations should be taken into account by programs that deploy information and communication technology (ICT) in rural areas. To be specific, some organizational skills are more likely to be impacted by ICT (e.g., those related to inter-institutional links, leadership, infrastructure, and external communications) than others (e.g., supervision and monitoring and evaluating plan implementation). The study’s recommendations are directed toward public and private organizations that seek to foster a more productive use of technology by OSBs. First, programs should focus on developing those capacities that are most impacted by PAVs, such as leadership, networking, and financial management. Second, given that youths tend to adopt technology most readily, their participation in grassroots organizations should be encouraged. Third, the promotion of PAVs as part of universal Internet access initiatives should consider including OSBs, not just individuals, as part of their goals. In parallel, projects should promote OSBs ’use of PAVs as a management tool. Finally, public agencies should ensure that PAVs are socially inclusive and discourage all forms of discrimination.
Papers by Laura Leon Kanashiro
diferente vivida dentro de la cultura colaborativa contemporánea.
• How is impact conceptualized in the mFinance literature?
• What is the evidence so far of this impact?
• What alternative definitions of impact can be proposed, beyond traditional notions of economic development (i.e. income, savings)?
The review of 41 research studies on mFinance in developing countries indicate that were in the mechanism stage; however, the emphasis has moved from technological inputs and measures access. Overall, there is little evidence that mFinance has made a significant impact on the bottom of the pyramid populations.
Books by Laura Leon Kanashiro
diferente vivida dentro de la cultura colaborativa contemporánea.
• How is impact conceptualized in the mFinance literature?
• What is the evidence so far of this impact?
• What alternative definitions of impact can be proposed, beyond traditional notions of economic development (i.e. income, savings)?
The review of 41 research studies on mFinance in developing countries indicate that were in the mechanism stage; however, the emphasis has moved from technological inputs and measures access. Overall, there is little evidence that mFinance has made a significant impact on the bottom of the pyramid populations.