Introduces a linear regression method for investigating unconscious cognition. For words that wer... more Introduces a linear regression method for investigating unconscious cognition. For words that were obscured by simultaneous dichoptic masking, indirect effects (semantic priming) and direct effects (perceptual identification) were assessed in 20 experiments (total N = 2,026). When measures of both indirect and direct effects have rational zero points, a statistically significant intercept in the indirect-on-direct-measure regression shows that (a) the indirect effect occurred in the absence of the direct effect, and (b) unconscious cognition is involved. For a position discrimination task, but not for an evaluative decision task, indirect-on-direct regression showed the significant intercept effect. Although small in magnitude, this intercept effect provides the statistically most secure finding yet obtained of a much-sought and controversial data pattern-indirect effect with no direct effect. With one added assumption (which appears plausible for the present data), this pattern indicates that unconscious cognition is dissociated from (i.e., occurs separately from) conscious cognition.
In this paper, a new application and capabilities of the sensor of the optical mouse are presente... more In this paper, a new application and capabilities of the sensor of the optical mouse are presented. An inexpensive incremental rotary encoder is built based on a mechanical assembly where the sensor is at a fixed distance from a rotary white surface onto which a reference black line is drawn. The optical mouse sensor measures changes in position by optically
Secreted arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), isolated on the basis of specific epitopes, have been r... more Secreted arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), isolated on the basis of specific epitopes, have been reported that can either enhance (ZUM18 AGP fraction) or inhibit (ZUM15 AGP fraction) carrot (Daucus carota L.) somatic embryo development (Kreuger and van Holst, 1995, Planta 197: 135–141). Here, we report that addition of the ZUM18 AGP fraction to different size-fractionated cell populations isolated from embryogenic carrot suspension cultures does not show a significant effect on the frequency and the morphology of the somatic embryos produced. An AGP fraction containing the JIM8 epitope showed an inhibitory effect on the frequency of somatic embryo development from single cells. Addition of carrot-seed AGPs to non-embryogenic cell suspensions did not directly promote embryogenic competence in the suspension culture. Only after enrichment for cell clusters and removal of most of the single cells was an increase in embryogenic competence observed. These results indicate that cell type composition in suspension cultures is important for evaluating the effect of exogenous AGPs.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate that differences in the local composition of bi-zonal fi... more The aim of this study was to demonstrate that differences in the local composition of bi-zonal fibrocartilaginous tissues result in different local biomechanical properties in compression and tension. Bovine articular chondrocytes were loaded into hyaluronan-based meshes (HYAFF s -11) and cultured for 4 weeks in mixed flask, a rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS), or statically. Resulting tissues were assessed histologically, immunohistochemically, by scanning electron microscopy and mechanically in different regions. Local mechanical analyses in compression and tension were performed by indentation-type scanning force microscopy and by tensile tests on punched out concentric rings, respectively. Tissues cultured in mixed flask or RCCS displayed an outer region positively stained for versican and type I collagen, and an inner region positively stained for glycosaminoglycans and types I and II collagen. The outer fibrocartilaginous capsule included bundles (up to 2 mm diameter) of collagen fibers and was stiffer in tension (up to 3.6-fold higher elastic modulus), whereas the inner region was stiffer in compression (up to 3.8-fold higher elastic modulus). Instead, molecule distribution and mechanical properties were similar in the outer and inner regions of statically grown tissues. In conclusion, exposure of articular chondrocyte-based constructs to hydrodynamic flow generated tissues with locally different composition and mechanical properties, resembling some aspects of the complex structure and function of the outer and inner zones of native meniscus. r
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1979
This paper describes rest/activity rhythms of permanent shift workers: rotary printers. They repo... more This paper describes rest/activity rhythms of permanent shift workers: rotary printers. They reported during one week the hours of their sleep onset and of their meals, and their subjective appreciation of tiredness and mood. The average sleep duration (7.84 h) can be compared with that of day workers and is fairly longer than the duration of day sleep of shift workers when they are on nightshift. This long sleep can be accounted for by: (1) the early bedtime (around 05.00 h), (2) an adjustment of biological rhythms to the schedule inversion. Other evidence (naps, meal time) supports the hypothesis of a physiological adjustment. It is pointed out that this adjustment is fragile: the printers must have very rigid life habits and schedules (sleep, meals). Each time they change this strategy (especially during week-end) it is subjectively felt as detrimental.
Investigations on alternative aluminium production — Study on melting and recyclability of alumin... more Investigations on alternative aluminium production — Study on melting and recyclability of aluminium scrap — Modelling the scrap melting in a rotary furnace for aluminium recycling — Characterization and recycling of various coated magnesium scrap — Thermal processing of solid waste and incineration residues Untersuchungen zur alternativen Aluminiumerzeugung — Studie zum Schmelzen und zur Wiederverwertbarkeit von Aluminiumschrott — Modellierung des Schrottschmelzens im Drehrohrofen beim Aluminiumrecycling — Charakterisierung und Recycling von beschichtetem Magnesiumschrott — Thermische Verwertung fester Abfälle und Verbrennungsrückstände
Competenţe specifice ale disciplinei: 1.Înţelegerea şi utilizarea adecvată a limbajului de specia... more Competenţe specifice ale disciplinei: 1.Înţelegerea şi utilizarea adecvată a limbajului de specialitate. 2.Înţelegerea şi reprezentarea timpului şi a spaţiului istoric. 3.Cunoaşterea şi interpretarea surselor istorice. 4.Determinarea relaţiilor de cauzalitate şi schimbare în istorie. 5.Aprecierea critică şi obiectivă a situaţiilor , faptelor şi proceselor istorice. 6.Manifestarea atitudinii pozitive faţă de impactul evenimentelor istorice asupra dezvoltării societăţii. 7.Formarea comportamentelor democratice şi a valorilor general-umane. 8.Competenţa de a păstra şi de a aprecia patrimoniul naţionalşi local în context universal.
Introduces a linear regression method for investigating unconscious cognition. For words that wer... more Introduces a linear regression method for investigating unconscious cognition. For words that were obscured by simultaneous dichoptic masking, indirect effects (semantic priming) and direct effects (perceptual identification) were assessed in 20 experiments (total N = 2,026). When measures of both indirect and direct effects have rational zero points, a statistically significant intercept in the indirect-on-direct-measure regression shows that (a) the indirect effect occurred in the absence of the direct effect, and (b) unconscious cognition is involved. For a position discrimination task, but not for an evaluative decision task, indirect-on-direct regression showed the significant intercept effect. Although small in magnitude, this intercept effect provides the statistically most secure finding yet obtained of a much-sought and controversial data pattern-indirect effect with no direct effect. With one added assumption (which appears plausible for the present data), this pattern indicates that unconscious cognition is dissociated from (i.e., occurs separately from) conscious cognition.
In this paper, a new application and capabilities of the sensor of the optical mouse are presente... more In this paper, a new application and capabilities of the sensor of the optical mouse are presented. An inexpensive incremental rotary encoder is built based on a mechanical assembly where the sensor is at a fixed distance from a rotary white surface onto which a reference black line is drawn. The optical mouse sensor measures changes in position by optically
Secreted arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), isolated on the basis of specific epitopes, have been r... more Secreted arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), isolated on the basis of specific epitopes, have been reported that can either enhance (ZUM18 AGP fraction) or inhibit (ZUM15 AGP fraction) carrot (Daucus carota L.) somatic embryo development (Kreuger and van Holst, 1995, Planta 197: 135–141). Here, we report that addition of the ZUM18 AGP fraction to different size-fractionated cell populations isolated from embryogenic carrot suspension cultures does not show a significant effect on the frequency and the morphology of the somatic embryos produced. An AGP fraction containing the JIM8 epitope showed an inhibitory effect on the frequency of somatic embryo development from single cells. Addition of carrot-seed AGPs to non-embryogenic cell suspensions did not directly promote embryogenic competence in the suspension culture. Only after enrichment for cell clusters and removal of most of the single cells was an increase in embryogenic competence observed. These results indicate that cell type composition in suspension cultures is important for evaluating the effect of exogenous AGPs.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate that differences in the local composition of bi-zonal fi... more The aim of this study was to demonstrate that differences in the local composition of bi-zonal fibrocartilaginous tissues result in different local biomechanical properties in compression and tension. Bovine articular chondrocytes were loaded into hyaluronan-based meshes (HYAFF s -11) and cultured for 4 weeks in mixed flask, a rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS), or statically. Resulting tissues were assessed histologically, immunohistochemically, by scanning electron microscopy and mechanically in different regions. Local mechanical analyses in compression and tension were performed by indentation-type scanning force microscopy and by tensile tests on punched out concentric rings, respectively. Tissues cultured in mixed flask or RCCS displayed an outer region positively stained for versican and type I collagen, and an inner region positively stained for glycosaminoglycans and types I and II collagen. The outer fibrocartilaginous capsule included bundles (up to 2 mm diameter) of collagen fibers and was stiffer in tension (up to 3.6-fold higher elastic modulus), whereas the inner region was stiffer in compression (up to 3.8-fold higher elastic modulus). Instead, molecule distribution and mechanical properties were similar in the outer and inner regions of statically grown tissues. In conclusion, exposure of articular chondrocyte-based constructs to hydrodynamic flow generated tissues with locally different composition and mechanical properties, resembling some aspects of the complex structure and function of the outer and inner zones of native meniscus. r
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1979
This paper describes rest/activity rhythms of permanent shift workers: rotary printers. They repo... more This paper describes rest/activity rhythms of permanent shift workers: rotary printers. They reported during one week the hours of their sleep onset and of their meals, and their subjective appreciation of tiredness and mood. The average sleep duration (7.84 h) can be compared with that of day workers and is fairly longer than the duration of day sleep of shift workers when they are on nightshift. This long sleep can be accounted for by: (1) the early bedtime (around 05.00 h), (2) an adjustment of biological rhythms to the schedule inversion. Other evidence (naps, meal time) supports the hypothesis of a physiological adjustment. It is pointed out that this adjustment is fragile: the printers must have very rigid life habits and schedules (sleep, meals). Each time they change this strategy (especially during week-end) it is subjectively felt as detrimental.
Investigations on alternative aluminium production — Study on melting and recyclability of alumin... more Investigations on alternative aluminium production — Study on melting and recyclability of aluminium scrap — Modelling the scrap melting in a rotary furnace for aluminium recycling — Characterization and recycling of various coated magnesium scrap — Thermal processing of solid waste and incineration residues Untersuchungen zur alternativen Aluminiumerzeugung — Studie zum Schmelzen und zur Wiederverwertbarkeit von Aluminiumschrott — Modellierung des Schrottschmelzens im Drehrohrofen beim Aluminiumrecycling — Charakterisierung und Recycling von beschichtetem Magnesiumschrott — Thermische Verwertung fester Abfälle und Verbrennungsrückstände
Competenţe specifice ale disciplinei: 1.Înţelegerea şi utilizarea adecvată a limbajului de specia... more Competenţe specifice ale disciplinei: 1.Înţelegerea şi utilizarea adecvată a limbajului de specialitate. 2.Înţelegerea şi reprezentarea timpului şi a spaţiului istoric. 3.Cunoaşterea şi interpretarea surselor istorice. 4.Determinarea relaţiilor de cauzalitate şi schimbare în istorie. 5.Aprecierea critică şi obiectivă a situaţiilor , faptelor şi proceselor istorice. 6.Manifestarea atitudinii pozitive faţă de impactul evenimentelor istorice asupra dezvoltării societăţii. 7.Formarea comportamentelor democratice şi a valorilor general-umane. 8.Competenţa de a păstra şi de a aprecia patrimoniul naţionalşi local în context universal.
Papers by Marcel Rotari