post-graduate student, lecturer of Law Reviewer: Serghei ŢURCAN, Ph.D., associate professor The way in which to accommodate the interests of a group with those of an entire nation has confounded constitutionalists, constitution-makers,... more
In this article we will attempt to bridge the moral position of secession, from theory to practice. We will try to understand how the right to secession can be incorporated into the functioning of such a powerful institution, which is the... more
The problems of ethnic minorities — in the form in which they appear before us today — from a historical point of view is very young. Modern problems of minority groups have their origins directly to the nation-state: some time ago in... more
În conformitate cu Declaraţia de intenţii, semnată la Ljubljana în anul 2002 de către ţărilemembre ale Pactului de stabilitate pentru Europa de Sud-Est, Moldova şi-a asumat responsabilitatea de a edifica o societate informaţională,... more
- by Igor Cristal
Tout au long de l'histoire et jusqu'à la période moderne, l'état a dominé la personne qui se trouvait dans une situation d'infériorité, subordination et « obéissance » vers celui-ci, indifféremment des raisons et des justifications (ou... more
- by Igor Cristal
În 2005 mai mulţi doctrinari concomitent au propus şi conturat conceptul de drept administrativ global, ca o soluţie la procesele administrative complexe transnaţionale, care nu pot fi încadrate în limitele relaţiilor tradiţionale din... more
Концепция «глобального административного права» впервые была представлена и описана в 2005 г. в статье-манифесте, подписанной командой исследователей с 3-х континентов и хотя с момента первых дискуссий по данной концепции прошло... more
The paper presents the emergence and evolution of the concept of transnational law, from the Philip Jessup's 1956 novation to the latest approaches, mainly from the western legal scholarship. In the legal writings from Romania or Republic... more
The paper presents the emergence and evolution of the concept of transnational law, from the Philip Jessup’s 1956 novation to the latest approaches, mainly from the western legal scholarship. In the legal writings from Romania or Republic... more
This study endeavours to clear up the terminological ambiguities prevalent within the realm of international administrative law (IAL). It traces the evolutionary trajectory of IAL, discerning its development under the influence of diverse... more
/ Contextual-Historical Landmarks of the Emergence of the Term "Transnational Law" / This paper explores the origin and evolution of the term "transnational law", in the seminal special contribution of Philip Jessup. In 1956, Jessup... more
Senior lecturer, chair of private law, ULIM The necessity of harmonization with the law of European Union is a very important matter for Republic of Moldova, due to the fact that Moldavian legislation in the sphere of international... more
Atherosclerosis is a vascular pathology affecting the arterial walls, generally located in specific vessel sites, such as bifurcations. In this paper, for the first time, a fully automatic approach for the detection of bifurcations in... more
In this paper, we present a fully automatic method which identifies every bifurcation in an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) sequence, the corresponding frames, the angular orientation with respect to the IVUS acquisition, and the... more
We prove that both the nucleolus and the core-center, i.e., the mass center of the core, of an m-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment market can be respectively computed from the nucleolus and the core-center of a convex game defined on the set... more
The institution of family is an essential element of our society and is part of the state's duty of citizens protection. The constitutional and family law principles are important to be respected both by the institutions of the state and... more
Abstract: Essential Components of Freedom of Conscience and Religious Freedom in the Russian Federation in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights. The right to freedom of conscience and religious freedom are intended to... more