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      Military HistoryMedia StudiesMedieval HistoryKnighthood
Article de Roger PINON, retranscrit sous format pdf, faisant partie d'un collectif intitulé « Le culte de saint Hubert au Pays de Liège », recueil édité par Alain DIERKENS et Jean-Marie DUVOSQUEL, Bruxelles, Crédit Communal et... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyHagiography
1 Het reservehoofd van Iabtet (mastaba g 4650) uit Giza. Foto Ta-Mery 2011 88 Nico Staring De zogenaamde reservehoofden uit het Oude Rijk spreken al lange tijd tot de verbeelding. Een zoektocht naar hun functie vanuit de... more
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Catalogue entries: Cat. 14: Horus-Stele (Leiden H.III.GGG 3); Cat. 65: Udjat-Auge (Leiden EG-ZM2880); Cat. 72: Kanope von Ipy (Leiden AAL 4d); Cat. 73: Kanope von Amenwahsu (Leiden AT 5); Cat. 74: Kanope (Leiden AAL 9b); Cat. 103:... more
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in January 2010. As always, the main aim of the conference was to provide graduate and postgraduate students of Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology with the opportunity to present their research. The proceedings of this year's conference... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Archaeology
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      GizaGeorge ReisnerGiza Archives ProjectPeter Der Manuelian
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
The New Kingdom (c.1400-1100 BC) necropolis at Saqqara (Egypt) contains the tomb structures of the highest officials resident in Memphis. Some of the superstructures that were accessible during the 19th century CE are now “lost”. One such... more
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyNew Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)
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In de jaren ’50 van de negentiende eeuw werd de pas ontdekte fotografie geïntroduceerd in de Oriënt. Wie waren in Egypte de eerste fotografen? In de fotoreportage een vergelijk van monumenten toen en nu.
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
Ta-Mery volume 7: 9 articles, 178 pages.
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      EgyptologyCultural HeritageEgyptian ArchaeologyHistory of Egyptology
[French:] Publication d'une photographie (MMA 2005.100.321) prise pas l'égyptologue Théodule Devéria (1841-1871) en 1859. Cette photo montre une porte dans le tombeau du grand gouverneur de Memphis et grand intendant du temple de Ptah,... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
This article presents for the first time a complete description and discussion of a relief-decorated block from the tomb of Ptahmose currently housed in the collection of the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University (Durham, North... more
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      EgyptologyArt HistoryEgyptian ArchaeologyHistory of Collections