Christophe Dony
Christophe Dony obtained a PhD in modern languages, literatures, and translation studies in 2017. He now works as liaison and research librarian at the University of Liège. His research interests include comics studies, postcolonial literatures, open science, and scholarly communications. His work about scholarly communications has appeared in Insights: The UKSG Journal, Liber Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Reserarch Libraries, the Journal of Electronic Publishing.
His work on comics and literature has appeared in More Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods (Routledge, 2019), The International Journal of Comic Art, Studies in Comics, Comicalités: Études de Culture Graphique, Postcolonial Text, and South Asian Diaspora. He has also co-edited two multi-contributor volumes: Portraying 9/11: Essays on Representations in Comics, Literature, Film and Theatre (McFarland, 2011) and Comics in Dissent : Alternative, Independence, Self-Publishing (PUlg, 2014).
His work on comics and literature has appeared in More Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods (Routledge, 2019), The International Journal of Comic Art, Studies in Comics, Comicalités: Études de Culture Graphique, Postcolonial Text, and South Asian Diaspora. He has also co-edited two multi-contributor volumes: Portraying 9/11: Essays on Representations in Comics, Literature, Film and Theatre (McFarland, 2011) and Comics in Dissent : Alternative, Independence, Self-Publishing (PUlg, 2014).
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Books by Christophe Dony
This volume investigates the complex notion of dissent as it can be applied to contemporary comics in confronting field and market logic, legitimation strategies, and social, cultural, political and aesthetic discourses. How do artists and/or publishing structures distance themselves from a certain idea of the established order? In what ways do they challenge the existing systems and environments in which they operate? How can we characterize the many guises and sometimes conflicting objectives of a generally self-conscious (counter-)culture? And what kinds of symbolic exchanges can we observe between artistic and critical discourses? These are some of the questions that the here gathered essays explore in considering the practices and strategies of either so-called and/or selfproclaimed independent or alternative comics artists or publishers.
Papers by Christophe Dony
This volume investigates the complex notion of dissent as it can be applied to contemporary comics in confronting field and market logic, legitimation strategies, and social, cultural, political and aesthetic discourses. How do artists and/or publishing structures distance themselves from a certain idea of the established order? In what ways do they challenge the existing systems and environments in which they operate? How can we characterize the many guises and sometimes conflicting objectives of a generally self-conscious (counter-)culture? And what kinds of symbolic exchanges can we observe between artistic and critical discourses? These are some of the questions that the here gathered essays explore in considering the practices and strategies of either so-called and/or selfproclaimed independent or alternative comics artists or publishers.