Papers by Marta Gerasymchuk
Biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology, Feb 1, 2024

Patologìâ, May 19, 2015
О днією з найбільш поширених ендокринних патологій є порушення функцій щитовидної залози (ЩЗ). Зн... more О днією з найбільш поширених ендокринних патологій є порушення функцій щитовидної залози (ЩЗ). Значна кількість радіонуклідів, які потрапили у довкілля в результаті аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС, спричинили зовнішнє та внутрішнє опромінення організму багатьох людей, визначили формування певних доз опромінення і розвиток низки патологічних станів, зокрема гіпотиреозу (ГЗ). За даними епідеміологічних досліджень, в окремих групах населення поширеність гіпотиреозу досягає 10-12%: серед немовлят-0,025% (1:4000), а серед старших за 65 років-2-4%. Захворюванню притаманні дві основні закономірності: 1) у жінок гіпотиреоз діагностують значно частіше, ніж у чоловіків; 2) частота гіпотиреозу зростає зі збільшенням віку. Загальна поширеність клінічного гіпотиреозу в популяції становить 0,2-2,0% [1, 2]. Актуальність проблеми ГЗ у клінічній практиці лікарів різних спеціальностей зумовлена тим, які при дефіциті тиреоїдних гормонів (ТГ), що необхідні для нормального функціонування майже кожної клітини, розвиваються УДК 616.441-008.64+613.71 М. Р. Герасимчук Прояви експериментального гіпотиреозу при дії помірного фізичного навантаження ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет» Ключові слова: гіпотиреоз, помірне фізичне навантаження, ендогенна інтоксикація. Гіпотиреоз супроводжується порушеннями гормонального гомеостазу, зменшенням рухової активності, збільшенням маси тіла і, як наслідок, змінами якості життя. З метою вивчення ефекту помірного фізичного навантаження на прояви експериментального гіпотиреозу в 74 самок білих щурів лінії Вістар оцінили зміни маси тіла та стан ендогенної інтоксикації за допомогою визначення молекул середньої маси та лактату. Встановили, що у тварин із гіпотиреозом маса тіла збільшувалась більше ніж на 25% (p<0,05), рівень молекул середньої маси у крові-на 19,44% (p<0,05), у печінці та легенях-на 16,63% та 39,71% відповідно, а лактату-в 6,8 раза. При гіпотиреозі та помірному фізичному навантаженні наростання ендотоксемії відбувалось повільніше і на значно нижчому рівні. Це свідчить, що при гіпотиреозі виникає стан ендогенної інтоксикації, що зумовлений інтенсифікацією процесів утворення молекул середньої маси й лактату. Доведено позитивний вплив помірних фізичних навантажень, що проявлявся у зменшенні ознак основного симптомокомплексу гіпотиреозу. Проявления экспериментального гипотиреоза при действии умеренной физической нагрузки М. Р. Герасымчук Гипотиреоз сопровождается нарушениями гормонального гомеостаза, уменьшением двигательной активности, ростом массы тела и, как следствие, изменениями качества жизни. С целью изучения эффекта умеренной физической нагрузки на проявления экспериментального гипотиреоза у 74 самок белых крыс линии Вистар оценены изменения массы тела и состояние эндогенной интоксикации посредством определения молекул средней массы и лактата. Установлено, что у животных с гипотиреозом масса тела возросла более чем на 25% (p<0,05), уровень молекул средней массы в крови-на 19,44% (p<0,05), в печени и легкихна 16,63% и 39,71% соответственно, а лактата-в 6,8 раза. При гипотиреозе и умеренных физических нагрузках нарастание эндотоксемии происходило медленнее и на более низком уровне. Это свидетельствует, что при гипотиреозе возникает состояние эндогенной интоксикации, обусловленное интенсификацией процессов образования молекул средней массы и лактата. Доказано положительное влияние умеренных физических нагрузок, что проявлялось в уменьшении признаков основного симптомокомплекса гипотиреоза. Ключевые слова: гипотиреоз, умеренная физическая нагрузка, эндогенная интоксикация. Патология.-2015.-№1 (33).-С. 80-83 Manifestations of experimental hypothyroidism during the infl uence of moderate physical activity M. R. Gerasymchuk Hypothyroidism (HP) is accompanied by hormonal homeostasis, decreased motor activity, increased body mass and, consequently, changes in the quality of life. Aim. To study the effect of moderate physical activity (MPA) on experimental manifestations of HP. Methods and results. 74 female Wistar rats were assessed for the changes in body weight (BW) and the state of endogenous intoxication (EI) by determining the average of middle molecular weight peptides (MMWP) and lactate (LT). It was found in animals with hypothyroidism, BW increased by more than 25% (p<0,05), MMWP level in the blood increased by 19,44% (p<0,05), as well as in the major organs of detoxifi cation(liver and lungs) to 16,63% and 39,71% respectively, while LT-6,8 times. In case of experimental HP combined with MPA, elevation of endotoxemia was slower and at a much lower level. Conclusions. This indicates that in case of hypothyroidism, a state of EI is developed due to the intensifi cation of the processes of formation of MMWP and LT. MPA proved to have a positive effect, resulting in a decrease of symptoms expressing HP.

Archive of clinical medicine, Jun 21, 2015
The urgent issues of interaction of the teacher and students of Foreign Citizens Training Faculty... more The urgent issues of interaction of the teacher and students of Foreign Citizens Training Faculty with English as a language of study are presented in the article. They give grounding to a successful study of pathophysiology today. One of the most important points is cooperation and collaboration between the teacher and future doctor. Its effectiveness in classes depends on many factors (successful definition of objectives, correspondence of pedagogical tactics of the specific task to this interaction, the students’ activity, etc.). Among them, an important role is played by the factor of optimal choice of teaching methods. Their implementation in specific contexts of educational institution provides high quality of students. The basic aspects of relationships between students and teachers were analyzed through the example of foreign students studying pathological physiology. Thus, the future doctor’s respectful and polite attitude to the teacher is obligatory and teachers must respect students when interacting with them. Many foreign students from countries in Europe, Asia and Africa study at the Department of Pathophysiology. They differ from Ukrainian future doctors not only mentally, culturally and ethnically, but also by their attitude to the teacher in accordance with the professional, age and gender status and the authority. Nowadays students prefer the authority of the teacher’s individuality, his/her unique personality that is formed at a sufficiently high level of three types of pedagogical skills, namely “objective” (scientific knowledge); “communicative” (knowledge about their students and colleagues); “gnostic” (knowledge of oneself and the ability to adjust their own behavior). In addition, the article shows the main positive and negative pedagogical qualities that determine the effectiveness of interaction with students and the willingness to pay more attention to the study of the subject. It was determined that pedagogical communication should be actively practiced for the successful learning of any subject by foreign students. Such communication is a set of tools and methods which support the goals and objectives of education and training of future physicians.

Elsevier eBooks, 2021
Abstract Aging is a central risk factor for many age-related pathologies including cancer, cardio... more Abstract Aging is a central risk factor for many age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disease. Therefore, a mechanistic understanding of the aging process promises great potential for discoveries of therapeutic measures that can relieve the burden of age-related pathologies. According to the “DNA damage accumulation theory of aging,” the accumulation of unrepaired DNA damage and resulting genomic instability plays a central role in promoting aging. In line with this, numerous DNA-repair diseases are characterized by increased genomic instability and recapitulation of several symptoms of normal aging. Numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to age-dependent DNA damage accumulation, including oxidative stress, DNA replication errors, deteriorating genome-maintenance mechanisms, altered nuclear organization, and survival in presence of DNA damage. This negatively affects cell and tissue homeostasis through causing changes in gene expression profiles, or inducing cellular senescence or apoptosis, thereby promoting functional decline of tissue function, which is characteristic for aging.

Today diabetes mellitus (DM) takes one of the major places among such common human diseases as ca... more Today diabetes mellitus (DM) takes one of the major places among such common human diseases as cancer, cardiovascular and mental diseases. However, not all aspects of the pathogenesis of the disease are sufficiently studied, and the proof of this is the steady increase in morbidity, high mortality and complication rate. The object of the study was the blood of 48 albino Wistar male rats divided into 2 groups: the 1 st group is intact (8 animals) and the 2 nd group is experimental animals with streptozotocin-induced diabetes (n = 40). The markers of endogenous intoxication (EI) degree were determined in the blood with the help of the level of the medium molecular weight peptides (MMWP), leukocyte intoxication index (LII) by Kalf-Kalif, lactate content (LC) and the coefficient of leukocyte lung regulation (CLLR). As a result of the study conducted a significant increase in the indices of EI was found due to progression of MMWP1 (254 nm) and MMWP2 (280 nm) by 14.89% and 17.08%, respectively, on the 14-th day of the experiment. After 28 days of the study LC increased almost 4 times, LII – twice and CLLR – by 3.4 times. The research results obtained have shown increase in EI markers of diabetes, among them CLLR appeared to be the most sensitive. CLLR proposed by us indicates a pronounced delay of leukocytes in the microcirculatory bloodstream of the lungs under conditions of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus; in its turn, it leads to the lung injury.

Current Issues in Molecular Biology
Intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis can lead to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and systemic ... more Intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis can lead to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and systemic inflammation, affecting multiple organs. Developing novel anti-inflammatory therapeutics is crucial for preventing IBD progression. Serotonin receptor type 2A (5-HT2A) ligands, including psilocybin (Psi), 4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (4-AcO-DMT), and ketanserin (Ket), along with transient receptor potential (TRP) channel ligands like capsaicin (Cap), curcumin (Cur), and eugenol (Eug), show promise as anti-inflammatory agents. In this study, we investigated the cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects of Psi, 4-AcO-DMT, Ket, Cap, Cur, and Eug on human small intestinal epithelial cells (HSEIC). HSEIC were exposed to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interferon (IFN)-γ for 24 h to induce an inflammatory response, followed by treatment with each compound at varying doses (0–800 μM) for 24 to 96 h. The cytotoxicity was assessed using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium...

The skin, the largest external organ, serves as the primary defensive barrier against various env... more The skin, the largest external organ, serves as the primary defensive barrier against various environmental factors such as ultraviolet exposure, pollution, dietary habits, pathogens, and chemical compounds. Consequently, the skin reflects our age through visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, dullness, and sagging. This review explores the gender-related aspects of cutaneous aging and the associated dermatological conditions. It highlights the different manifestations of aging in females and males that become evident after the age of 12, emphasizing the susceptibility to conditions such as seborrheic eczema, acne, and rosacea. Treatment strategies often vary between genders due to these disparities. While men tend to experience accelerated skin aging, most anti-aging products and strategies primarily target females. However, there has been a recent shift in men’s priorities, leading to increased interest in maintaining a youthful appearance and seeking cosmetic treatm...

Dermato, 2023
The skin, the largest external organ, serves as the primary defensive barrier against various env... more The skin, the largest external organ, serves as the primary defensive barrier against various environmental factors such as ultraviolet exposure, pollution, dietary habits, pathogens, and chemical compounds. Consequently, the skin reflects our age through visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, dullness, and sagging. This review explores the gender-related aspects of cutaneous aging and the associated dermatological conditions. It highlights the different manifestations of aging in females and males that become evident after the age of 12, emphasizing the susceptibility to conditions such as seborrheic eczema, acne, and rosacea. Treatment strategies often vary between genders due to these disparities. While men tend to experience accelerated skin aging, most anti-aging products and strategies primarily target females. However, there has been a recent shift in men’s priorities, leading to increased interest in maintaining a youthful appearance and seeking cosmetic treatments. The manuscript covers a comprehensive range of modern dermal anti-aging and rejuvenation procedures, including plastic surgery, bio-revitalization methods, lasers, microneedling, and topical treatments. Additionally, it explores promising natural and synthetic therapeutics for combating age-related skin changes. The focus is on understanding the physiological aspects of gender-related cutaneous structure and aging to guide effective and tailored approaches in dermatological practice.
Current Issues in Molecular Biology , 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Plant Pathology
Molecules, Mar 14, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Molecules, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

In light of the increased popularity of phytocannabinoids (pCBs) and their appearance in beauty p... more In light of the increased popularity of phytocannabinoids (pCBs) and their appearance in beauty products without rigorous research on their rejuvenation efficacy, we decided to investigate the potential role of pCBs in skin rejuvenation. Utilizing healthy and stress-induced premature senescent (SIPS) CCD-1064Sk skin fibroblasts, the effects of pCBs on cellular viability, functional activity, metabolic function, and nuclear architecture were tested. Both delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) within the range of 0.5 µM to 2.0 µM increased cell growth in a dose-dependent manner while significantly decreasing senescence as measured by beta-galactosidase activity. Utilizing a scratch assay, both THC and CBD (2.0 µM) significantly improved wound healing in both healthy and SIPS fibroblasts. THC and CBD altered nuclear architecture and mRNA levels of cell cycle regulators and genes involved in ECM production. Subsequently, we found ELN, Cyclin D1, PCNA, and BID protein l...

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an ancient homeostasis mechanism operating from embryonic sta... more The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an ancient homeostasis mechanism operating from embryonic stages to adulthood. It controls the growth and development of many cells and cell lineages. Dysregulation of the components of the ECS may result in uncontrolled proliferation, adhesion, invasion, inhibition of apoptosis and increased vascularization, leading to the development of various malignancies. Cancer is the disease of uncontrolled cell division. In this review, we will discuss whether the changes to the ECS are a cause or a consequence of malignization and whether different tissues react differently to changes in the ECS. We will discuss the potential use of cannabinoids for treatment of cancer, focusing on primary outcome/care—tumor shrinkage and eradication, as well as secondary outcome/palliative care—improvement of life quality, including pain, appetite, sleep, and many more factors. Finally, we will complete this review with the chapter on sex- and gender-specific differences...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Identifying effective anti-aging compounds is a cornerstone of modern longevity, aging, and skin-... more Identifying effective anti-aging compounds is a cornerstone of modern longevity, aging, and skin-health research. There is considerable evidence of the effectiveness of nutrient signaling regulators such as metformin, resveratrol, and rapamycin in longevity and anti-aging studies; however, their potential protective role in skin aging is controversial. In light of the increasing appearance of phytocannabinoids in beauty products without rigorous research on their rejuvenation efficacy, we decided to investigate the potential role of phytocannabinoids in combination with nutrient signaling regulators in skin rejuvenation. Utilizing CCD-1064Sk skin fibroblasts, the effect of metformin, triacetylresveratrol, and rapamycin combined with phytocannabinoids on cellular viability, functional activity, metabolic function, and nuclear architecture was tested. We found triacetylresveratrol combined with cannabidiol increased the viability of skin fibroblasts (p < 0.0001), restored wound-hea...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Modern understanding of aging is based on the accumulation of cellular damage during one’s life s... more Modern understanding of aging is based on the accumulation of cellular damage during one’s life span due to the gradual deterioration of regenerative mechanisms in response to the continuous effect of stress, lifestyle, and environmental factors, followed by increased morbidity and mortality. Simultaneously, the number of senescent cells accumulate exponentially as organisms age. Cell culture models are valuable tools to investigate the mechanisms of aging by inducing cellular senescence in stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) models. Here, we explain the three-step and one-step H2O2-induced senescence models of SIPS designed and reproduced on different human dermal fibroblast cell lines (CCD-1064Sk, CCD-1135Sk, and BJ-5ta). In both SIPS models, it was evident that the fibroblasts developed similar aging characteristics as cells with replicative senescence. Among the most noticeable senescent biomarkers were increased β-Gal expression, high levels of the p21 protein, altered l...
The Journal of Physiology
Доведено необхідність розробки комплексного методичного підходу щодо оцінювання фінансового стану... more Доведено необхідність розробки комплексного методичного підходу щодо оцінювання фінансового стану підприємств на основі застосування теорії нечіткої логіки. Розглянуто концептуальні основи моделювання фінансово-економічної діяльності підприємства та відповідного рівня ризику.

High-risk neuroblastoma is an aggressive pediatric tumor. Despite great advances in neuroblastoma... more High-risk neuroblastoma is an aggressive pediatric tumor. Despite great advances in neuroblastoma therapy and supportive care protocols, no curative treatment is available for most patients with this disease. Here, we uncover that CBN attenuated the cell proliferation, invasion, and angiogenesis of neuroblastoma cell lines in a dose-dependent manner via the inhibition of the AKT pathway and the upregulation of miR-34a that targets E2F1. Both miR-34a and a 31-nt tRNAiMet fragment (tRiMetF31) derived from miR-34a-guided cleavage were downregulated in 4 examined neuroblastoma cell lines inversely correlated with the levels of its direct target, the PFKFB3 protein. Moreover, ectopic tRiMetF31 suppressed proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis in the studied neuroblastoma cell lines. Conversely, tRiMetF31 knockdown promoted PFKFB3 expression, resulting in enhanced angiogenesis. Our findings reveal a suppressive role of CBN in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis, highlighting a novel and cruci...
Papers by Marta Gerasymchuk