Părintele Mircea Ielciu, învăţătorul nostru despre Părinţii Bisericii : volum omagial la împlinirea vârstei de 65 de ani / coord.: pr. prof. univ. dr. Constantin Necula, lect. univ. dr. Dragoş Boicu, pr. asist. univ. dr. Radu Gârbacea. - Sibiu : Editura Andreiana, 2023 ISBN 978-606-989-150-6, 2023
Among the approximately 180 homilies of Saint Peter Chrysologus (†450), there are five pieces ded... more Among the approximately 180 homilies of Saint Peter Chrysologus (†450), there are five pieces dedicated to the Epiphany (CLVI-CLX of which Sermo CLIX is a pseudo-epigraph) which are part of the "nativity cycle" along with the speeches on Incarnation and Birth, on the flight to Egypt and on Herod and the infants. It stands out that the homilies CLVI and CLVIII do not contain any allusion to the Baptism of the Lord, while the rest of the sermons (CLVII and CLX) mention both the Baptism in the Jordan and the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, along with the worship of the Magi. Therefore, in the first half of the fifth century we are faced with an evolution of the meaning of the Epiphany, which up to a certain point has as its object the worship of the Magi, so that later, after a number of years or decades, it also includes the theme of Baptism, respectively the wedding in Cana. The present text follows the theological argument that Peter Chrysologus builds to explain the tripartite character of the feast of the Epiphany.
Books by Dragos Boicu
the journey from a rigorous movement to a schismatic entity
and its transformation into a heretical group. The main purpose is to highlight the fragility of ecclesial life and the effort that must be made to achieve the "unity of faith" (ἑνότης τῆς πίστεως) for which we pray at every Holy Liturgy.
Comparatively looking at this brief history of the Donatist schism and the evolution of any other "rebellious" group/faction, the reader will be able to determine whether, beyond the few landmarks and particular typologies, one can speak of a repetitive pattern that appears, more or less spontaneously, in the structure of the Church.
Warning........................ 7
Instead of argument: Intradenominational Religious Conflict and the Need for Self-Assertion........................ 13
The down of the Johannite Schism. Three homiletic stops on the way to the separation of the Constantinople's Church
Saint John – a Golden Mouth........................ 27
Chrysostom’s Homily De regressu – CPG 4394 ........................ 37
Context ........................ 40
Text........................ 52
Subtext ........................ 54
RomanianTranslation ...................... 62
Chrysostom’s Homily De recipiendo Severiano – CPG 4395..................... 74
Context ............................ 75
Text. ............................ 85
Subtext ..................... 86
Romanian Translation ..................... 91
Severian de Gabala's Homily De pace – CPG 4214 ........................ 95
Context. Severian de Gabala from the point of view of contemporary sources ................... 96
Text ........................ 112
Subtext .................... 117
Romanian Translation.................. 127
The Johannite Schism – a split passed under silence
The amplification of the tensions and the start of the Johannite Schism........................ 143
The Rehabilitation of Saint John Chrysostom between duty and necessity............... 177
Proclus’ Laudatio Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi. Dating and authenticity of the text ........................ 195
Romanian Translation.............. 196
Peter Chrysologus, Homily on Peace (CXLIX) ........ 201
Context ......................................... .............................. 201
Text ................ .................................................. .......... 203
Subtext ....................................... 205
Romanian Translation........................ 207
Chronological chart........................ 211
Bibliography ............................. 214
Online available here: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/ress/ress-overview.xml
All authors had to take into account their contribution to the requirements of the general theme of the Church-State relationship, but the way everyone has reported on this theme and what it considered to be meaningful for its understanding is the specific of each.
Papers by Dragos Boicu
This paper attempts to highlight some topoi of St. John’s portrait, as emerging from the
homilies delivered by the bishop of Ravenna in the first half of the 5th century.
the journey from a rigorous movement to a schismatic entity
and its transformation into a heretical group. The main purpose is to highlight the fragility of ecclesial life and the effort that must be made to achieve the "unity of faith" (ἑνότης τῆς πίστεως) for which we pray at every Holy Liturgy.
Comparatively looking at this brief history of the Donatist schism and the evolution of any other "rebellious" group/faction, the reader will be able to determine whether, beyond the few landmarks and particular typologies, one can speak of a repetitive pattern that appears, more or less spontaneously, in the structure of the Church.
Warning........................ 7
Instead of argument: Intradenominational Religious Conflict and the Need for Self-Assertion........................ 13
The down of the Johannite Schism. Three homiletic stops on the way to the separation of the Constantinople's Church
Saint John – a Golden Mouth........................ 27
Chrysostom’s Homily De regressu – CPG 4394 ........................ 37
Context ........................ 40
Text........................ 52
Subtext ........................ 54
RomanianTranslation ...................... 62
Chrysostom’s Homily De recipiendo Severiano – CPG 4395..................... 74
Context ............................ 75
Text. ............................ 85
Subtext ..................... 86
Romanian Translation ..................... 91
Severian de Gabala's Homily De pace – CPG 4214 ........................ 95
Context. Severian de Gabala from the point of view of contemporary sources ................... 96
Text ........................ 112
Subtext .................... 117
Romanian Translation.................. 127
The Johannite Schism – a split passed under silence
The amplification of the tensions and the start of the Johannite Schism........................ 143
The Rehabilitation of Saint John Chrysostom between duty and necessity............... 177
Proclus’ Laudatio Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi. Dating and authenticity of the text ........................ 195
Romanian Translation.............. 196
Peter Chrysologus, Homily on Peace (CXLIX) ........ 201
Context ......................................... .............................. 201
Text ................ .................................................. .......... 203
Subtext ....................................... 205
Romanian Translation........................ 207
Chronological chart........................ 211
Bibliography ............................. 214
Online available here: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/ress/ress-overview.xml
All authors had to take into account their contribution to the requirements of the general theme of the Church-State relationship, but the way everyone has reported on this theme and what it considered to be meaningful for its understanding is the specific of each.
This paper attempts to highlight some topoi of St. John’s portrait, as emerging from the
homilies delivered by the bishop of Ravenna in the first half of the 5th century.
Such a set of three speeches has also been preserved on the pericope about the “sinful woman”, from Luke 7, 36-50.