Claudia-Florentina Dobre
I have founded the Center for Memory and Identity Studies (CSMI), in 2016, and MemoScapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies, in 2017. I am a researcher at “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Bucharest. I got my Ph.D. in History from Laval University of Québec in 2007.
Most recent publications: Ni victime, ni héroïne: les anciennes détenues politiques et les mémoires du communisme en Roumanie, Electra, Bucharest, 2019; Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Bernadette Jonda, Izabela Skorzynska, Anna Wachowiak, (Re)gaining the Future by (Re)building the Past. Women`s Narratives of Life under Communism in Poland, Romania and the Former East Germany, edited by Izabela Skorzynska, Poznan University Press, 2019; Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian Ghita, (ed.), Quest for a Suitable Past: Myth and Memory in Eastern and Central Europe, Budapest-New York, CEU Press, 2017.
Most recent publications: Ni victime, ni héroïne: les anciennes détenues politiques et les mémoires du communisme en Roumanie, Electra, Bucharest, 2019; Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Bernadette Jonda, Izabela Skorzynska, Anna Wachowiak, (Re)gaining the Future by (Re)building the Past. Women`s Narratives of Life under Communism in Poland, Romania and the Former East Germany, edited by Izabela Skorzynska, Poznan University Press, 2019; Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Cristian Emilian Ghita, (ed.), Quest for a Suitable Past: Myth and Memory in Eastern and Central Europe, Budapest-New York, CEU Press, 2017.
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Papers by Claudia-Florentina Dobre
During the transition period, the monumental public space reflected the transformation of the Romanian society. Private and local initiatives joined the public, central program of monument building. The ‘memorial centralism’ was replaced by a plurality of collective memories, and the monumental program followed this trend. Therefore, crosses, busts, and other type of monuments were built to celebrate events and / or personalities of local, regional, and national importance and to honour the victims of Holocaust or / and communist persecutions.
During the transition period, the monumental public space reflected the transformation of the Romanian society. Private and local initiatives joined the public, central program of monument building. The ‘memorial centralism’ was replaced by a plurality of collective memories, and the monumental program followed this trend. Therefore, crosses, busts, and other type of monuments were built to celebrate events and / or personalities of local, regional, and national importance and to honour the victims of Holocaust or / and communist persecutions.
Dominicanii şi franciscanii au fost încă de la crearea ordinelor lor agentii papalitătii atât în interiorul lumii catolice, cât şi în afara ei. Curia papală a văzut în cele două ordine cerşetoare mijlocul ideal pentru extinderea influentei ei, îndeosebi după eşecul înregistrat de cruciade.