Transformaciones territoriales y discursos del desarrollo en el Área Metropolitana de Concepción ... more Transformaciones territoriales y discursos del desarrollo en el Área Metropolitana de Concepción (Chile), 1960-2010 Aproximaciones desde la perspectiva de los imaginarios al estudio de la valoración ambiental del territorio* Territorial transformations and discourses of development in the city of Concepción (Chile), 1960-2010. Approaches from a perspective of imaginaries in the study of environmental assessment of the territory
Este trabajo es resultado del Proyecto FONDECYT 1080665 Las sociedades litorales como sistemas de... more Este trabajo es resultado del Proyecto FONDECYT 1080665 Las sociedades litorales como sistemas de prácticas y saberes tradicionales y científicos: la caleta como modelo de imaginarios pesqueros y dinámicas de uso y apropiación de recursos marinos.

The preferential treatment of the aquaculture industry over fisheries and marine protected areas ... more The preferential treatment of the aquaculture industry over fisheries and marine protected areas in Chile through the demarcation of the Areas Appropriate for Aquaculture has set it on a collision course with conservation, artisanal fishing and coastal communities. This article shows how marine democratic governance can evolve through the inclusion of artisanal fisher local ecological knowledge. Artisanal fishing communities elicit how contamination from industrial aquaculture is causing natural shellfish banks, fish populations and endangered cold corals to diminish. While fisheries and aquaculture governance are nominally governed by the same body, the ideological concerns of decision makers have not left space for the original users or ecological health. The right to good water quality and ecological health of artisanal fisher, original people and the broader coastal community are highlighted. Using semi structured interviews, participatory cartography and Geographic Information Systems fishers explain how the contamination footprint has expanded across benthic habitats. Diving in the contaminated areas confirmed the impacts using comparison with control sites. The article shows how new laws are need to assess nutrient loading, antibiotics and invasive species introduction. It links these impacts to literature in other countries where harmful algal blooms result from eutrophication from aquaculture contamination. It shows how the privatisation of space has left marine governance unable to take adequate enforcement. Artisanal and indigenous common properties can lead toward participation in marine planning for ecological health, whilst governmental institutions need realignment so that marine ecological planning for conservation can evolve.

e purpose of this research is to present a conceptual model for the integrated management of the ... more e purpose of this research is to present a conceptual model for the integrated management of the Maullin River Estuary. e methodology used in this work was based on literary reviews of coastline management, sustainability, critical prospective methodology, and the system dynamics practical approach and eld activities including interviews of key informants, professionals, and technicians from the Local Government using the Likert Scale Survey. e qualitative and quantitative variables taken from the study allowed the identi cation of critical variables and aided in the design of the frame of the analysis. e results showed ve critical variables for the area: 1) competition for natural resources of commercial importance, 2) the need for environmental regulations at the local level 3) the need for education in sustainable development, 4) competition between local shermen and indigenous communities for the use of coastal territory, and 5) the diversity of institutions and local agents with jurisdiction over the coastal territory. In addition, there are three recognizable systemic archetypes in the region which are an expression of the territorial dynamic and a projection of the desirable future of the territory. ese systemic archetypes are ¨Shifting the Burden, Eroding Goals and ¨Success to the Successful¨. As a result of this work a conceptual model has been constructed whose main discovery is the need of generating an agreed participative process not only technically correct in the management area but with a political orientation based on the transversal axis of the local plan.
We describe the synanthropic behavior of Lontra felina along its geographic distribution. The mar... more We describe the synanthropic behavior of Lontra felina along its geographic distribution. The marine otter used fishing ports infrastructure for shelter and food. It forages on the remains of fish discarded by fishermen. Identified threats to the conservation of this species in synanthropy include incidental mortality in fisheries and persecution by domestic animals. The opportunities are creating niche food and shelter, which favor the permanence and population growth. Finally, we identify the important variables to consider in future studies on synanthropy of this marine mammal in the socioecological systems.

Coastal southern Chile includes a set of territories in a continuous process of bio-social constr... more Coastal southern Chile includes a set of territories in a continuous process of bio-social construction which cannot be understood without considering scalar politics. Environmental concerns, included in broader neoliberal frameworks of governance, play a central role in the performance of such scales. Thus, this case shows some of the patterns of relations between scalarity and the management of key ecological features. Additionally, territorial governance and scalar production occur in a geographical context over which the State has low effective degree of direct control. Consequently, such processes also need group and individual internalisation of new rules through the creation of mechanisms of self-interest that allow agents' 'conduct of the conduct' Thus, scales act as sources and key elements in the generation of governmental instruments that frame and influence individual actions.

El artículo describe el sistema de saberes y prácticas pesquero-artesanales presentes en dos asen... more El artículo describe el sistema de saberes y prácticas pesquero-artesanales presentes en dos asentamientos de pescadores ubicados en el borde occidental de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile. Además de ser desconocidos por la institucionalidad, estos saberes y prácticas pesquero-artesanales han sido impactados por los cambios regulatorios y técnicos ocurridos principalmente entre los años 1980 y 2000. Sostenemos que la complejidad de prácticas y tiempos, usos y saberes, siempre vinculados a la biodiversidad, implica apropiaciones socioculturales diferenciadas sobre el litoral, lo que en su conjunto es un potencial para el desarrollo y mejor calidad de vida de sus habitantes. Las apropiaciones diferenciadas derivan de procesos territoriales que han originado relaciones específicas entre cada sociedad litoral y sus modos de vida, los recursos costeros próximos y el uso y administración de ellos. La descripción y comparación de estos sistemas son pertinentes para lograr un conocimiento antropolítico que ayuda a dilucidar mejoras en las estrategias de desarrollo territorial con pertinencia cultural, ambiental y económica. El análisis de los saberes y prácticas pesqueroartesanales permite así orientar dichas estrategias, diseñando desde sus características particulares alternativas y posibilidades que permiten a las comunidades de pescadores artesanales hacer frente a la inminente crisis de recursos del mar. Palabras claves: saberes y prácticas pesquero-artesanales, apropiación sociocultural del litoral de Chiloé, antropolítica del desarrollo litoral, Isla Grande de Chiloé. The article describes the system of knowledge and practice of artisanal fishing present in two fishing settlements located on the western edge of the Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile. Besides being unknown institutionly, this knowledge and artisanal fishing practices have been impacted by regulatory and technical changes that occurred mainly between 1980 and 2000. We argue that the complexity of practice and time, uses and knowledge, always linked to biodiversity, involves differentiated sociocultural appropriation on the coast, which as a whole has potential for development and improved quality of life of its inhabitants. The differentiated appropriations derive from territorial processes that have caused specific relationships between each littoral society and it ways of life, nearby coastal resources and the use and management of them. The description and comparison of these systems are relevant to achieving a political -anthropological knowledge that helps elucidate improvements in culturally, environmentally and economically appropriate territorial development strategies. The analysis of artisanal fishing knowledge and practices thus allows and orients such strategies designed from its special, alternative features and possibilities that permit artisanal fishing communities to face the imminent crisis of marine resources.

This study analyses the use of traditional fishing weirs in the Interior Sea of Chiloé, in southe... more This study analyses the use of traditional fishing weirs in the Interior Sea of Chiloé, in southern Chile. Although fishing weirs were in operation the time of the arrival of the first Europeans in the area in the mid-16th Century, when the indigenous Chono and Williche populations led distinctly aquapelagic lifestyles, we contend that they proliferated in subsequent centuries during the process of mestizaje (mixing) between indigenous populations and Spanish settlers and in response to the pressure exerted by population growth and associated social transformations in an insular location. Weirs remained in use until the second half of the 20th Century but have fallen into disuse in recent times due to the profound socio-productive changes resulting from modern development models favouring intense extractivism. Such developments have exacerbated socio-environmental conflicts and caused a population decline in small islands in the region. Based on our discussions of the above, we propose that the traditional insular fisheries model has allowed sustainable inhabitation of these islands; that its decline has dismantled key community assets; and that a return to socially-managed, non-extractivist fishery practices is essential for regional communities.
Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohibe su reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio sin... more Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohibe su reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio sin previa autorización de los editores.
L'objectif de cette contribution est de décrire et de caractériser les pratiques quotidiennes des... more L'objectif de cette contribution est de décrire et de caractériser les pratiques quotidiennes des habitants de Cucao, qui se consacrent essentiellement à une production primaire liée à l'agriculture, à la pêche et au marisqueo (collecte de fruits de mer), ainsi qu'à l'usage et à la transformation de produits forestiers. Différentes pratiques quotidiennes et usages sociaux du temps, des modes de vie et des imaginaires peuvent être distingués au sein de cette société littorale spécifique. Est utilisé pour cette collaboration du matériel ethnographique rassemblé en Janvier-Février 2003 et Janvier-Février 2004. La systématisation et l'analyse correspondent à une autre partie des activités du Projet de Recherche « Ethnographie de la zone côtière : pratiques quotidiennes contemporaines dans les zones côtières ha-
This cartography is, in this way, also a tool ofinterpretation of a reality which permits the map... more This cartography is, in this way, also a tool ofinterpretation of a reality which permits the mapping ofthe city/territory from the union ofsignifiers that are interwoven with the public spaces, with which we propose the establishment of an interdisciplinary approach ofurban space and its transformations, especially in reference to the daily behavior of its users. Spaces which, together, we can denominate as the non-place s, or places oftransit and meeting of practices, of forms and of diverse contents; spaces of stability and change, of apropriations and reapropriations, spaces of collective responses, though not always or exclusively of a group nature.
Province, Chile Pratiques et modes d'utilisation de l'espace marin dans des quartiers de pécheurs... more Province, Chile Pratiques et modes d'utilisation de l'espace marin dans des quartiers de pécheurs artesanales:

El artículo da cuenta acerca de las prácticas cotidianas en una sociedad litoral específica. Se t... more El artículo da cuenta acerca de las prácticas cotidianas en una sociedad litoral específica. Se toma como estudio de caso el sector occidental de la Isla Grande de Chiloé (Chile), considerando para ello las interrelaciones entre cultura y ambiente. El objetivo central de la investigación ha sido describir y categorizar las prácticas cotidianas de tipo económico que ponen en juego los habitantes del sector de Cucao en Chiloé, junto a los usos sociales del tiempo asociados a dichas prácticas. Los habitantes de este sector se dedican en el presente a una producción primaria vinculada a la agricultura, pesca y marisqueo, y uso y manejo de productos del bosque. A partir de lo anterior, se enuncian modos de vida e imaginarios en una sociedad en transición a la modernidad. Palabras claves: sociedades litorales, imaginarios territoriales, prácticas cotidianas, cultura/ambiente, Isla de Chiloé. This case study addresses daily practices and social imaginary (set of values, institutions, laws and symbols common to a group) in the litoral society of the western sector of the Isla Grande of Chiloé (Chile). Special consideration is given to the interrelation of culture and environment. The central objective of this investigation is to describe and categorize daily practices, of an economic nature, taken on by the inhabitants of the sector of Cucao, in Chiloé, together with the social uses of time associated with these practices. The inhabitants of this sector are active in primary production linked to agriculture, fishing, and crustacean extraction, and the use and management of the forest. Starting from this, the modes of life and imaginaries in a society in transition toward modernity are enunciated.
es un destacado geógrafo social chileno. Vive en Francia desde hace más de treinta años, su víncu... more es un destacado geógrafo social chileno. Vive en Francia desde hace más de treinta años, su vínculo con América Latina se ha mantenido intacto por todo este tiempo. Ha realizado una amplia tarea investigativa, llevando a la geografía a dialogar con otras disciplinas, como son la sociología y la antropología, y la ciencia política. Su trabajo se caracteriza por la rigurosidad en la caracterización de procesos territoriales, actores y contextos. Se trata de un inquieto lector que, desde los nuevos avances en las Ciencias Sociales, vuelve muchas veces a revisitar las descripciones de los procesos territorialmente localizables, ensanchando los niveles de comprensión sobre los mismos. En esta entrevista Roberto Santana conversa sobre cultura, territorio y procesos de desarrollo, considerándose para ello tres trabajos que se estiman como representativos del entrevistado.

There are multiple approaches to forest conservation, including public and private protected area... more There are multiple approaches to forest conservation, including public and private protected area initiatives and varying degrees of involvement of local communities. At present, protected areas are seldom managed by local communities under integrated sustainable approaches. This research provides insights into the modes of participation of Mapuche and peasant communities in the planning and management of forest protected areas in two municipalities of Los Ríos Region in southern Chile. Indeed, being directly related to the land, the forest, and the sea, the way of life of Mapuche and peasant communities in southern Chile constitutes an excellent case to elaborate on the constitution of borders, limits and frontiers generated by forest protected areas, and at the same time to glimpse possible strategies for their participatory planning and management. The paper is based on two in-depth empirical field works carried out between 2013 and 2019 using participatory observation, field notes and interviews.

La presente ponencia pretende explorar la emergencia de paisajes socioterritoriales en un escenar... more La presente ponencia pretende explorar la emergencia de paisajes socioterritoriales en un escenario contextual específico: el mar interior de Chiloé y, más específicamente aún, el sistema archipelágico de la Comuna de Quinchao. Utilizando un modelo teórico que recoge reflexiones e ideas de diversas disciplinas de conocimiento (filosofía, ecología social, antropología y geografía), articuladas bajo cuatro entradas teóricas (Complejidad, Estrategias de subsistencia, Modos de Habitar y Paisajes) se intenta responder la siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué paisajes emergen en la comuna de Quinchao, Isla Grande de Chiloé, a partir de los cambios experimentados/percibidos en las estrategias de subsistencia y modos de habitar? Estratégicamente, hemos decidido operar en base a unidades referenciales específicas, focalizándonos en algunas modalidades de la interacción socioambiental, como son actividades artesanales en las Áreas de Manejo y Explotación de Recursos Bentónicos (AMERB´s) y en la industria acuícola salmonera, como referentes de la actividad antrópica sobre el espacio. El objetivo principal de esta presentación es elucidar procesos de construcción de paisajes marítimos-costeros, indagando dos hipótesis: i) existen emergencias territoriales en las relaciones socioespaciales, a partir de la instauración de la industria salmonera que actualizan las opciones de estrategias de subsistencia y modos de habitar; ii): existen elementos fundamentales en la construcción de paisajes que están ligados íntimamente al proceso de "afford" o enacción, los cuales posibilitan reconocer diversas identidades del ambiente. Palabras clave: paisajes; antropología cultural y social; etnografía; geografía humana. This paper explores the emergence of socio-territorial landscapes in a specific contextual setting: the interior sea of Chiloé (Gulf of Corcovado and Gulf of Ancud) and more specifically, the archipelago in the Quinchao District. Using a theoretical model that includes reflections and ideas from various disciplines of knowledge (philosophy, social ecology, anthropology and geography) brought together under four theoretical concepts (Complexity, Subsistence Strategies, Ways of Inhabiting and Landscapes), it attempts to answer the following question: What landscapes emerge in the Quinchao District, Chiloé Island, from the changes experienced/perceived in subsistence strategies and ways of inhabiting? Strategically, the authors have decided to operate on the basis of specific reference units and focus on some forms of socioenvironmental interaction as referents of human activity on space, such as traditional activities in the Areas of Management and Exploitation of Benthic Resources (AMERB's) and in the salmon aquaculture industry. The main objective of this work is to elucidate processes of construction of maritime-coastal landscapes by investigating two hypotheses: i) there are territorial emergencies in socio-spatial relations due to the establishment of the salmon industry that update subsistence strategy options and ways of inhabiting; ii) there are fundamental elements in the construction of landscapes that are closely linked to the process of "afford" or enaction, which make it possible to recognize the environment´s different identities.
Adopting as an example the Chilo� e archipelago, located in the Los Lagos Region, in Chile's sout... more Adopting as an example the Chilo� e archipelago, located in the Los Lagos Region, in Chile's south, this article presents a critical reflection on ways of understanding territory that have developed in the nation. The case of Chilo� e is particularly relevant. It is an area that has historically been represented as poor, isolated, peasant and traditional and therefore requiring state intervention to promote modernization and development. These circumstances have resulted in interventions performed according to a mainland logic that fails to consider demands and idiosyncrasies that derive from the archipelago's territorial specificities. We propose a paradigm of complexity and critical humanism as an epistemological approach capable of obviating such historical faults and favouring a territorial recomposition of the archipelago directed by future imaginaries.