Papers by Judith Petit-Aldana
Se presenta una revisión relacionada con el papel que juegan los sistemas agroforestales (SAF) co... more Se presenta una revisión relacionada con el papel que juegan los sistemas agroforestales (SAF) como una alternativa para la captura de carbono en los ecosistemas del trópico mexicano. Se presentan los SAF como una estrategia productiva y ecológicamente amigable con el ambiente. Asimismo se resalta la importancia de los SAF en el ciclo global de carbono, argumentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la captura de carbono en la vegetación y el suelo. Finalmente, se describen las perspectivas futuras, en relación con las necesidades de estudio para mejorar la implementación y aprovechamiento sostenible de los SAF. Se concluye que los SAF son una alternativa sostenible que ayuda a incrementar la productividad y contribuyen a mitigar el calentamiento global con una importante contribución en las zonas tropicales.
Las condiciones agroecológicas del estado Mérida, Venezuela tienen potencialidad para establecer ... more Las condiciones agroecológicas del estado Mérida, Venezuela tienen potencialidad para establecer plantaciones de árboles de navidad con fines de comercialización. Se estudió el comportamiento silvicultural de la especie Cupressus lusitánica Mill., en condiciones de la zona alto-andina, con el fin de promocionar el cultivo de árboles de navidad entre las comunidades interesadas, El ensayo se estableció

El Tropico es, por naturaleza, rico en vegetacion. Venezuela es un pais tropical y su vegetacion ... more El Tropico es, por naturaleza, rico en vegetacion. Venezuela es un pais tropical y su vegetacion es abundante y diversa. Destaca su Patrimonio Forestal, conformado por unas 50 millones de hectareas de bosques altos y medios potencialmente productores de materia prima para la industria maderera nacional, ademas de unas 700 mil hectareas de plantaciones, algunas privadas, con el mismo fin. Una nueva normativa en materia de bosques y gestion forestal promulgada en Junio de 2008 derogo el contenido forestal de la anterior y obsoleta Ley Forestal, de Suelos y Aguas, redistribuyendo entre diversos entes del Estado venezolano la competencia legal en materia forestal, que era casi exclusiva del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente; en un intento por regular en forma mucho mas efectiva su explotacion y aprovechamiento para beneficio del colectivo. El contenido normativo de este Decreto con Rango, Valor y Fuerza de Ley no difiere sustancialmente del proyecto original presentado por e...
A bibliographical review about fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) botanical description, gr... more A bibliographical review about fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) botanical description, growth, and production was carried out, as well as its chemical composition, forage and medicinal quality with the goal to evaluate adaptation possibilities of this species to some ecoregions of Venezuela. Descriptions related to climate, vegetation, slope types and soils in Venezuela have been made, which are compared to fenugreek adaptation in other regions of the world. According to morphological characteristics and suitable conditions of altitude to introduce this species as a crop, it is necessary to identify seed sources more reliable and carry out quality site studies that identify appropriate areas to establish this species under crop production.

The first part of this chapter provides an introduction to Mexican livestock systems. The second ... more The first part of this chapter provides an introduction to Mexican livestock systems. The second part describes silvopastoral systems, which are recognized as a strategy for food production, including the integration of annual, forage, legumes, such as fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). The third part highlights the importance of silvopastoral systems for livestock production and how fenugreek can be integrated in to the diet of the Mexican livestock. Overall the current review discusses various agronomics aspects of intercropping with fenugreek mainly as a fodder bank for increased fodder yield and quality. In addition to improve animal diet, fenugreek can also increase soil nitrogen content. Based on this current review it can be concluded that integrating fenugreek into silvopastoral systems with livestock production could be a good sustainable solution to enhance biodiversity as well as increase the margin of profitability for local producers and growers.
A bibliographical review about fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) botanical description, gr... more A bibliographical review about fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) botanical description, growth, and production was carried out, as well as its chemical composition, forage and medicinal quality with the goal to evaluate adaptation possibilities of this species to some ecoregions of Venezuela. Descriptions related to climate, vegetation, slope types and soils in Venezuela have been made, which are compared to fenugreek adaptation in other regions of the world. According to morphological characteristics and suitable conditions of altitude to introduce this species as a crop, it is necessary to identify seed sources more reliable and carry out quality site studies that identify appropriate areas to establish this species under crop production.

Soil Use and Management, 2018
Understanding carbon (C) dynamics of the silvopastoral systems can help mitigate greenhouse gas e... more Understanding carbon (C) dynamics of the silvopastoral systems can help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the C concentration and storage in above-and below-ground tree biomass as well as in the soils of fodder banks of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, Guazuma ulmifolia (Lam.), or a combination of the both species. The above-and belowground biomass was quantified by the destructive sampling. We also obtained samples from soil pits, 20 cm deep, and determined bulk density and organic carbon concentration. The mixed species banks produced more foliage dry matter (DM) (6.3 t DM /ha) than the pure fodder banks. The total living biomass stocks ranged from 31.5 to 33.5 t DM /ha and did not differ between fodder bank types. The tissue C concentration was greater in stems (45.1%) and roots (44.9%) compared to the foliage component (43.4%). Total soil carbon (TSC) in the 5-10 cm layer was greater in the fodder banks with legumes alone than in mixed species banks (35.7 versus 30.8 t C /ha). TSC storage in the 15-20 cm layer was greater in the non-legume fodder bank than in the legume fodder bank (39.8 versus 34.5 t C /ha). However, to the 0-20 cm layer, TSC, was similar for all fodder banks. Thus, the three types of fodder banks had similar total C storage in plant biomass and soil, but the production of foliage biomass was higher in the mixed species banks.

Journal of forest and environmental science, Jun 1, 2019
Decomposition of litter is a function of various interrelated variables, both biotic and abiotic ... more Decomposition of litter is a function of various interrelated variables, both biotic and abiotic factors. Litter decomposition acts like a natural fertilizer play a prime role in maintaining the productivity and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems. There are few studies of decomposition carried out in agroforestry systems with coffee; so it is necessary to perform more research work to fill the research gap, which will allow a better understanding of the management of the coffee agroforestry systems. This paper is based on the theoretical and conceptual aspects of leaf litter decomposition in agroforestry systems, emphasizing the combination with coffee cultivation and critically examined the role of the different factors involved in the decomposition. This study made a comparison of different investigations with regards to weight loss, decomposition rates (k), initial chemical composition, and release of the main nutrients. This study suggested that it is necessary to implement studies of decomposition and mineralization, and the microflora and fauna associated with these processes, so that serves as an important tool to develop a model for enabling a description of the short, medium, and long-term dynamics of soil nutrients in coffee agroforestry systems.
Compendium of technical files of 38 species planted in Venezuela that includes aspects of geograp... more Compendium of technical files of 38 species planted in Venezuela that includes aspects of geographic distribution, ecological aspects, forestry and experiences in Venezuela. Compendio de fichas técnicas de 38 especies plantadas en Venezuela que comprende los aspectos de distribución geográfica, aspectos ecológicos, silvicultura y las experiencias realizadas en Venezuela.
Papers by Judith Petit-Aldana