This article presents part of the results of a study that was undertaken between April and Septem... more This article presents part of the results of a study that was undertaken between April and September 2014 to investigate records management practices in the Kenyan judiciary with a view to promoting transformation and facilitation of open government for effective and efficient justice delivery. The following research questions were addressed: ‘How are records created, accessed and used, stored and maintained, appraised and disposed of, and preserved?’; ‘What records management policies, plans and guidelines are available?’; ‘What skills and competencies do the records management staff have?’; ‘What is the level of awareness and attitude of staff towards sound records management practices?’; and ‘What records management strategies is the Kenyan judiciary using to achieve openness?’ The population of the study comprised court registrars, deputy registrars, records officers, registry assistants, judges and magistrates in the high court and magistrates’ courts in N...
Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2003
The paper discusses collection development practices at the University of Botswana Library that a... more The paper discusses collection development practices at the University of Botswana Library that are largely influenced by subject librarians as the drivers of the collection development policy. The paper looks at the challenges facing the library’s collection development practices especially in relation to falling book budgets, proliferation of electronic materials, difficulties of dealing with faculty, poor book trade infrastructure, delays in the delivery of ordered books, and problems of evaluation of materials. The paper highlights strategies that the library is employing to deal with the challenges.
Due to technology adoption, many countries are embracing e-government. This study presents the gr... more Due to technology adoption, many countries are embracing e-government. This study presents the growth and pattern of research on e-government articles and conference proceedings internationally, by scholars in the Southern African countries. It presents research patterns, trends and current gaps in e-government, as well as the most prolific authors and the level of outputs’ prominence. This paper uses bibliometric tools to present the analysis of articles on Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. R computational programming for big data analysis was used to generate summarized metrics. The citation sample size was (n = 33,689), μ = 625, and the outputs impact based on total link strength of citations were; min =11.0, max = 1,686.0 and μ = 118.2, showing the Southern African scholars outputs visibility and prominence on egovernment research. The findings present the most prolific authors in the Southern African region and the prominence of their outputs on e-governance....
This study investigated strategies employed by universities in Kenya for managing scholarly conte... more This study investigated strategies employed by universities in Kenya for managing scholarly content. The study was underpinned by the Conversation Theory and the Knowledge Management Process Model and was based on the post-positivist paradigm. A survey was conducted within a multiple case study design. The population of the study consisted of academic staff, postgraduate students, university librarians and representatives of university research units from six universities in Kenya. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from academic staff and postgraduate students while key informants were interviewed. The results revealed that while the respondents generated theses, journal articles and conference papers, the majority did not participate in knowledge generation in the period from 2010 to 2014. The results further revealed that most respondents documented research procedures, backed up information, and used printouts to preserve scholarly content; however, they ...
This study formed part of a broader PhD research which investigated how access to, and use of, in... more This study formed part of a broader PhD research which investigated how access to, and use of, information enhances farmers' adaptation to climate change variability in the agricultural sector in semi-arid Central Tanzania. The research was carried out in two villages using Rogers' (2003) Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and model to assess the dissemination of this information and its use by farmers. The predominantly qualitative study employed a post-positivist paradigm and some elements of a quantitative approach for the data collection and analysis. The principal data collection methods were interviews and focus group discussions. The study population comprised farmers, agricultural extension officers and the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) project manager. The qualitative data was subjected to content analysis, whereas the quantitative data was analysed to generate mostly descriptive statistics. Thekey findings showed that researchers, extension officers...
The paper uses a bibliometric analysis explore citations trend of ethnomedicine and information m... more The paper uses a bibliometric analysis explore citations trend of ethnomedicine and information management, and text mining algorithm of a total number of 8, 333 publications (n = 8,333) were conducted based on the title, abstract and keywords to find co-occurrence of key terms in indigenous medicine and information management. The objectives of this study were to first, analyze the authorship, outputs and citation trend and to find out if researchers have been able to establish a nexus between indigenous herbal use and the role of information management in promoting such use. Second, to establish if there is an already link in the information management research through collaboration as a nexus to promoting indigenous use of herbal medicine to enhance public healthcare delivery systems in the continent. A computation synthesis of the data was performed using R programming statistical analysis and VOS bibliometric software to visualize the analyzed data. Based on the R programming o...
Presents literature based historical review of Internet access in Kenyan university libraries sin... more Presents literature based historical review of Internet access in Kenyan university libraries since the first connectivity in the country in 1994. The literature is based on four major newspapers in Kenya that are reputed for tracking Internet growth and its integration in the country’s institutions. These major newspapers are The Standard, Daily Nation, Kenya Times and East African. Despite the fact that the Internet is increasingly being adopted in most universities the world over, universities in Kenya are struggling to provide efficient internet access to students and staff because of several constraints such as costs, infrastructure, policy and poor management vision. The findings of this work identify several areas that need attention to enhance a wider adoption and use of the Internet by university libraries in Kenya. Moreover, there is a need for demonstrated interventions that will provide conditions that enhance individual employees’ interaction, acceptability and use of t...
This paper presents the results of a study to determine factors influencing perceptions and attit... more This paper presents the results of a study to determine factors influencing perceptions and attitudes of nurses towards the use of ICT in 16 hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province, South Africa. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire and factor analysis performed to extract relevant variables. Overall, results revealed positive dispositions of nurses towards the use of ICT. Results further revealed self-efficacy, adoption of computers to improve nursing care, confidence in using computers, usefulness, interactability and knowledgeability were major factors influencing perceptions and attitudes of nurses towards use of ICT at the work place. Findings may inform institutional and provincial ICT infrastructure development decisions to improve nursing services in hospitals. Theoretically, the study provides an understanding of factors influencing attitudes and perceptions of nurses in the use of ICT at the workplace in a developing country context such as South Africa, an...
This study examines key strategies for building AT competence of academic librarians in three uni... more This study examines key strategies for building AT competence of academic librarians in three university libraries in the Midlands and Harare provinces in Zimbabwe. The three institutions are full members of the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium (ZULC). The study used a qualitative research approach. Using data from 30 participants collected through semi-structured interviews, the study established the need to scale up AT training of academic librarians in the participating institutions. The study provides insight into the extent to which participants were exposed to AT training, the major challenges to becoming better trained in AT, the appropriate solutions for eliminating the challenges, and ways of improving AT skills of academic librarians. The findings will alert consortium members in the Midlands and Harare provinces on the inadequacy of AT training of academic librarians. The study's recommendations will hopefully generate interest to apply appropriate strategies ...
The debate about embedding information ethics (IE) in the curriculum in Africa is gaining momentu... more The debate about embedding information ethics (IE) in the curriculum in Africa is gaining momentum as scholars from developed and developing world engage on the subject. Some research publications are starting to emerge on information ethics in Africa but so far they have been confined to addressing the extent to which information ethics is necessary, who should offer information ethics and why, who should be taught and at what levels, the duration of offering the course/program and the content that should be included in the curriculum. Little attention has been placed on the theoretical framework that should underpin IE curriculum for Africa as well as the sources of IE content for the curriculum. This paper therefore addresses the following issues: rationale for integrating information ethics in the curricula in Africa; theoretical and institutional framework for IE curriculum; potential sources of content for information ethics curricula, challenges of integrating information eth...
There is no gainsaying that academic libraries are a natural goldmine for the University communit... more There is no gainsaying that academic libraries are a natural goldmine for the University community and for the general public as a whole. Extant literature has shown that academic libraries are source of enrichment for curriculum and research thus leading to academic productivity and global visibility of the parent institution. The realization of this fact has gone a long way in enhancing the status of academic libraries globally by changing the orientation of library clienteles and also correct the misconception in which they perceive the library as an antique, a reading place and has little or nothing to offer them. Thus, 21-century academic library is now being viewed as an invaluable resource and a gold mine which is supposed to be harnessed and cherished by library clienteles. The paper, therefore, looks at academic libraries and how her roles have changed due to the technological innovation brought to fore by Social Media Technologies (SMT). An emerging technology which makes ...
Recent research in information ethics shows that the notion and practices of privacy vary in diff... more Recent research in information ethics shows that the notion and practices of privacy vary in different cultural settings, thus also having an impact on digitally mediated whoness and freedom. This intercultural discussion is still in its initial stages, particularly with regard to the ‘Far East’ and also African and Latin American cultures, just as it is in comparative studies between, for instance, Europe and the United States as addressed, for instance, by Helen Nissenbaum and Beate Rössler. How and as whom we reveal and conceal ourselves is not just an abstract conceptual matter, but also always concretized and rooted in cultural traditions. What is common and what is different shines forth from different perspectives that in some cases appear to be incompatible, although not necessarily contradictory. But even in these cases, as we shall see in the following analyses, various options for common practices and regulations are possible. The emphasis on the latter should not, howeve...
The paper examines copy cataloguing in Cape Town Metropolitan Public Libraries. The study was nec... more The paper examines copy cataloguing in Cape Town Metropolitan Public Libraries. The study was necessitated by the fact that cataloguing is a critical aspect of the library work without which there would be total chaos in the organization of library materials, making location and use of such materials almost impossible. The following research questions were formulated: What skills do the cataloguers of Cape Town Metropolitan libraries possess? To what extent do cataloguers in Cape Town Metropolitan public libraries adhere to international standards when creating records in the online catalogue? How copy cataloguing is done in Cape Town Metropolitan public libraries? Mixed methods and case study design were employed. The population of the study was made of 6 cataloguers and 500 000 OPAC records. A census of 6 cataloguers was applied. The sample of 384 was used for OPAC records. Focus group interview and document analysis were
This paper uses a bibliometric analysis to explore the citations trend in ethnomedicine and infor... more This paper uses a bibliometric analysis to explore the citations trend in ethnomedicine and information management. A text mining algorithm of a total number of 8, 333 publications (n = 8,333) was conducted based on the title, abstract and keywords to find co-occurrence of key terms in indigenous medicine and information management. The first objective was to analyze the authorship, outputs and citation trends and establish if researchers have been able to establish a nexus between indigenous herbal use and the role of information management in promoting such use. Secondly, the study sought to establish if there is already a link in information management research through collaboration as a nexus to promote indigenous use of herbal medicine and enhance public healthcare delivery systems on the African continent. A computation synthesis of the data was performed using R programming statistical analysis and bibliometric software to visualize the analyzed data. Based on the R programmi...
This paper reviewed empirical literature on information behaviour of academic faculty across disc... more This paper reviewed empirical literature on information behaviour of academic faculty across disciplinary fields with particular reference to studies whose demography included the professoriate in the context of their information needs, purposeful information seeking and use of information for teaching and research. Paucity of literature focusing on the professoriate prompted this study. Literature focusing on the professoriate will provide a rich theoretical and contextual background for researchers embarking on studies that focus specifically on the professoriate in related information context, besides filling the knowledge gap in library and information science literature. The scope of the literature review covers scholarly journals in major electronic databases and search engines such as EBSCOhost, ERIC, Social Science Citation Index, ProQuest, Google and Google Scholar. In reviewing the empirical literature, attention was given to literature with professoriate in their populati...
The successful completion of a thesis is a requirement for the award of doctoral degree (PhD) in ... more The successful completion of a thesis is a requirement for the award of doctoral degree (PhD) in the information sciences in east, southern and west African universities. This article is aimed at presenting the experiential views of the authors on the common flaws found in library and information sciences (LIS) PhD theses submitted for examination in 15 purposively selected universities in Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Ghana, and South Africa. The results revealed several flaws such as poor writing skills, failure to apply theory as a framework to organise content; generate research questions; guide literature review; and discuss the findings. Furthermore, the candidates fail to link the findings with the research questions and the technical presentation of citations in the text and list of references is a major challenge. These flaws may be attributed to a number of factors such as inadequate preparedness and limited skills and competencies on the part of supervisors and the candidates;...
Background: The productivity of healthcare institutions is impacted by the nursing workforce and ... more Background: The productivity of healthcare institutions is impacted by the nursing workforce and plays a vital role in the provision of effective and efficient patient care. Knowledge management plays a vital role in nursing practice. This study seeks to extend the frontier of knowledge by addressing the paucity of literature on knowledge management in nursing care delivery in Nigeria.Objectives: The study empirically identified crucial knowledge management enablers from extant literature and investigated their influence on patient care in clinical nursing.Method: A cross-sectional survey design using a stratified sampling method was employed. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from 196 registered nurses in a selected teaching hospital in South West Nigeria. A total of 186 valid responses were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM).Result: The result of this study indicated that there is a direct and significant relationship between i...
Background: The higher education sector is making a conscious effort to integrate information and... more Background: The higher education sector is making a conscious effort to integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the academe with a view to improving teaching, learning and access to knowledge. Unfortunately, the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in Nigerian universities is far below expectation.Objectives: The aim of this article was to report on a study that examined the underlying factors determining the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in private and public universities in Nigeria by using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) as a theoretical lens.Method: A mixed method approach involving the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews was adopted for the study. Data were collected from 267 academics in 3 faculties and 10 key informants who were in managerial positions at the University of Ibadan and Covenant University.Results: Regression analyses indicated that only facilitating conditions (FCs) (β = −0.345, t =...
Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies
Institutional repositories (IRs) play an essential role in preserving universities’ intellectual ... more Institutional repositories (IRs) play an essential role in preserving universities’ intellectual output, enhancing access to research, and increasing the visibility of scholars and their institutions. IRs are therefore expected to be accepted and optimally utilised by scholars. However, the literature reveals that IRs are growing at a slower pace than anticipated, and that it has not been easy to convince faculty members to contribute their work to IRs. Therefore, this study examined the awareness of the faculty and postgraduate students at the University of Swaziland (UNISWA) of their IR, and also assessed their attitudes to using their IR. The study was underpinned by the post-positivist paradigm, and the quantitative research approach was used. The study adopted a survey design with questionnaires administered to the faculty and postgraduate students. The results of the study revealed that most of UNISWA’s faculty knew about the existence of the IR, whereas the majority of the po...
This article presents part of the results of a study that was undertaken between April and Septem... more This article presents part of the results of a study that was undertaken between April and September 2014 to investigate records management practices in the Kenyan judiciary with a view to promoting transformation and facilitation of open government for effective and efficient justice delivery. The following research questions were addressed: ‘How are records created, accessed and used, stored and maintained, appraised and disposed of, and preserved?’; ‘What records management policies, plans and guidelines are available?’; ‘What skills and competencies do the records management staff have?’; ‘What is the level of awareness and attitude of staff towards sound records management practices?’; and ‘What records management strategies is the Kenyan judiciary using to achieve openness?’ The population of the study comprised court registrars, deputy registrars, records officers, registry assistants, judges and magistrates in the high court and magistrates’ courts in N...
Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 2003
The paper discusses collection development practices at the University of Botswana Library that a... more The paper discusses collection development practices at the University of Botswana Library that are largely influenced by subject librarians as the drivers of the collection development policy. The paper looks at the challenges facing the library’s collection development practices especially in relation to falling book budgets, proliferation of electronic materials, difficulties of dealing with faculty, poor book trade infrastructure, delays in the delivery of ordered books, and problems of evaluation of materials. The paper highlights strategies that the library is employing to deal with the challenges.
Due to technology adoption, many countries are embracing e-government. This study presents the gr... more Due to technology adoption, many countries are embracing e-government. This study presents the growth and pattern of research on e-government articles and conference proceedings internationally, by scholars in the Southern African countries. It presents research patterns, trends and current gaps in e-government, as well as the most prolific authors and the level of outputs’ prominence. This paper uses bibliometric tools to present the analysis of articles on Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. R computational programming for big data analysis was used to generate summarized metrics. The citation sample size was (n = 33,689), μ = 625, and the outputs impact based on total link strength of citations were; min =11.0, max = 1,686.0 and μ = 118.2, showing the Southern African scholars outputs visibility and prominence on egovernment research. The findings present the most prolific authors in the Southern African region and the prominence of their outputs on e-governance....
This study investigated strategies employed by universities in Kenya for managing scholarly conte... more This study investigated strategies employed by universities in Kenya for managing scholarly content. The study was underpinned by the Conversation Theory and the Knowledge Management Process Model and was based on the post-positivist paradigm. A survey was conducted within a multiple case study design. The population of the study consisted of academic staff, postgraduate students, university librarians and representatives of university research units from six universities in Kenya. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from academic staff and postgraduate students while key informants were interviewed. The results revealed that while the respondents generated theses, journal articles and conference papers, the majority did not participate in knowledge generation in the period from 2010 to 2014. The results further revealed that most respondents documented research procedures, backed up information, and used printouts to preserve scholarly content; however, they ...
This study formed part of a broader PhD research which investigated how access to, and use of, in... more This study formed part of a broader PhD research which investigated how access to, and use of, information enhances farmers' adaptation to climate change variability in the agricultural sector in semi-arid Central Tanzania. The research was carried out in two villages using Rogers' (2003) Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and model to assess the dissemination of this information and its use by farmers. The predominantly qualitative study employed a post-positivist paradigm and some elements of a quantitative approach for the data collection and analysis. The principal data collection methods were interviews and focus group discussions. The study population comprised farmers, agricultural extension officers and the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) project manager. The qualitative data was subjected to content analysis, whereas the quantitative data was analysed to generate mostly descriptive statistics. Thekey findings showed that researchers, extension officers...
The paper uses a bibliometric analysis explore citations trend of ethnomedicine and information m... more The paper uses a bibliometric analysis explore citations trend of ethnomedicine and information management, and text mining algorithm of a total number of 8, 333 publications (n = 8,333) were conducted based on the title, abstract and keywords to find co-occurrence of key terms in indigenous medicine and information management. The objectives of this study were to first, analyze the authorship, outputs and citation trend and to find out if researchers have been able to establish a nexus between indigenous herbal use and the role of information management in promoting such use. Second, to establish if there is an already link in the information management research through collaboration as a nexus to promoting indigenous use of herbal medicine to enhance public healthcare delivery systems in the continent. A computation synthesis of the data was performed using R programming statistical analysis and VOS bibliometric software to visualize the analyzed data. Based on the R programming o...
Presents literature based historical review of Internet access in Kenyan university libraries sin... more Presents literature based historical review of Internet access in Kenyan university libraries since the first connectivity in the country in 1994. The literature is based on four major newspapers in Kenya that are reputed for tracking Internet growth and its integration in the country’s institutions. These major newspapers are The Standard, Daily Nation, Kenya Times and East African. Despite the fact that the Internet is increasingly being adopted in most universities the world over, universities in Kenya are struggling to provide efficient internet access to students and staff because of several constraints such as costs, infrastructure, policy and poor management vision. The findings of this work identify several areas that need attention to enhance a wider adoption and use of the Internet by university libraries in Kenya. Moreover, there is a need for demonstrated interventions that will provide conditions that enhance individual employees’ interaction, acceptability and use of t...
This paper presents the results of a study to determine factors influencing perceptions and attit... more This paper presents the results of a study to determine factors influencing perceptions and attitudes of nurses towards the use of ICT in 16 hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province, South Africa. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire and factor analysis performed to extract relevant variables. Overall, results revealed positive dispositions of nurses towards the use of ICT. Results further revealed self-efficacy, adoption of computers to improve nursing care, confidence in using computers, usefulness, interactability and knowledgeability were major factors influencing perceptions and attitudes of nurses towards use of ICT at the work place. Findings may inform institutional and provincial ICT infrastructure development decisions to improve nursing services in hospitals. Theoretically, the study provides an understanding of factors influencing attitudes and perceptions of nurses in the use of ICT at the workplace in a developing country context such as South Africa, an...
This study examines key strategies for building AT competence of academic librarians in three uni... more This study examines key strategies for building AT competence of academic librarians in three university libraries in the Midlands and Harare provinces in Zimbabwe. The three institutions are full members of the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium (ZULC). The study used a qualitative research approach. Using data from 30 participants collected through semi-structured interviews, the study established the need to scale up AT training of academic librarians in the participating institutions. The study provides insight into the extent to which participants were exposed to AT training, the major challenges to becoming better trained in AT, the appropriate solutions for eliminating the challenges, and ways of improving AT skills of academic librarians. The findings will alert consortium members in the Midlands and Harare provinces on the inadequacy of AT training of academic librarians. The study's recommendations will hopefully generate interest to apply appropriate strategies ...
The debate about embedding information ethics (IE) in the curriculum in Africa is gaining momentu... more The debate about embedding information ethics (IE) in the curriculum in Africa is gaining momentum as scholars from developed and developing world engage on the subject. Some research publications are starting to emerge on information ethics in Africa but so far they have been confined to addressing the extent to which information ethics is necessary, who should offer information ethics and why, who should be taught and at what levels, the duration of offering the course/program and the content that should be included in the curriculum. Little attention has been placed on the theoretical framework that should underpin IE curriculum for Africa as well as the sources of IE content for the curriculum. This paper therefore addresses the following issues: rationale for integrating information ethics in the curricula in Africa; theoretical and institutional framework for IE curriculum; potential sources of content for information ethics curricula, challenges of integrating information eth...
There is no gainsaying that academic libraries are a natural goldmine for the University communit... more There is no gainsaying that academic libraries are a natural goldmine for the University community and for the general public as a whole. Extant literature has shown that academic libraries are source of enrichment for curriculum and research thus leading to academic productivity and global visibility of the parent institution. The realization of this fact has gone a long way in enhancing the status of academic libraries globally by changing the orientation of library clienteles and also correct the misconception in which they perceive the library as an antique, a reading place and has little or nothing to offer them. Thus, 21-century academic library is now being viewed as an invaluable resource and a gold mine which is supposed to be harnessed and cherished by library clienteles. The paper, therefore, looks at academic libraries and how her roles have changed due to the technological innovation brought to fore by Social Media Technologies (SMT). An emerging technology which makes ...
Recent research in information ethics shows that the notion and practices of privacy vary in diff... more Recent research in information ethics shows that the notion and practices of privacy vary in different cultural settings, thus also having an impact on digitally mediated whoness and freedom. This intercultural discussion is still in its initial stages, particularly with regard to the ‘Far East’ and also African and Latin American cultures, just as it is in comparative studies between, for instance, Europe and the United States as addressed, for instance, by Helen Nissenbaum and Beate Rössler. How and as whom we reveal and conceal ourselves is not just an abstract conceptual matter, but also always concretized and rooted in cultural traditions. What is common and what is different shines forth from different perspectives that in some cases appear to be incompatible, although not necessarily contradictory. But even in these cases, as we shall see in the following analyses, various options for common practices and regulations are possible. The emphasis on the latter should not, howeve...
The paper examines copy cataloguing in Cape Town Metropolitan Public Libraries. The study was nec... more The paper examines copy cataloguing in Cape Town Metropolitan Public Libraries. The study was necessitated by the fact that cataloguing is a critical aspect of the library work without which there would be total chaos in the organization of library materials, making location and use of such materials almost impossible. The following research questions were formulated: What skills do the cataloguers of Cape Town Metropolitan libraries possess? To what extent do cataloguers in Cape Town Metropolitan public libraries adhere to international standards when creating records in the online catalogue? How copy cataloguing is done in Cape Town Metropolitan public libraries? Mixed methods and case study design were employed. The population of the study was made of 6 cataloguers and 500 000 OPAC records. A census of 6 cataloguers was applied. The sample of 384 was used for OPAC records. Focus group interview and document analysis were
This paper uses a bibliometric analysis to explore the citations trend in ethnomedicine and infor... more This paper uses a bibliometric analysis to explore the citations trend in ethnomedicine and information management. A text mining algorithm of a total number of 8, 333 publications (n = 8,333) was conducted based on the title, abstract and keywords to find co-occurrence of key terms in indigenous medicine and information management. The first objective was to analyze the authorship, outputs and citation trends and establish if researchers have been able to establish a nexus between indigenous herbal use and the role of information management in promoting such use. Secondly, the study sought to establish if there is already a link in information management research through collaboration as a nexus to promote indigenous use of herbal medicine and enhance public healthcare delivery systems on the African continent. A computation synthesis of the data was performed using R programming statistical analysis and bibliometric software to visualize the analyzed data. Based on the R programmi...
This paper reviewed empirical literature on information behaviour of academic faculty across disc... more This paper reviewed empirical literature on information behaviour of academic faculty across disciplinary fields with particular reference to studies whose demography included the professoriate in the context of their information needs, purposeful information seeking and use of information for teaching and research. Paucity of literature focusing on the professoriate prompted this study. Literature focusing on the professoriate will provide a rich theoretical and contextual background for researchers embarking on studies that focus specifically on the professoriate in related information context, besides filling the knowledge gap in library and information science literature. The scope of the literature review covers scholarly journals in major electronic databases and search engines such as EBSCOhost, ERIC, Social Science Citation Index, ProQuest, Google and Google Scholar. In reviewing the empirical literature, attention was given to literature with professoriate in their populati...
The successful completion of a thesis is a requirement for the award of doctoral degree (PhD) in ... more The successful completion of a thesis is a requirement for the award of doctoral degree (PhD) in the information sciences in east, southern and west African universities. This article is aimed at presenting the experiential views of the authors on the common flaws found in library and information sciences (LIS) PhD theses submitted for examination in 15 purposively selected universities in Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Ghana, and South Africa. The results revealed several flaws such as poor writing skills, failure to apply theory as a framework to organise content; generate research questions; guide literature review; and discuss the findings. Furthermore, the candidates fail to link the findings with the research questions and the technical presentation of citations in the text and list of references is a major challenge. These flaws may be attributed to a number of factors such as inadequate preparedness and limited skills and competencies on the part of supervisors and the candidates;...
Background: The productivity of healthcare institutions is impacted by the nursing workforce and ... more Background: The productivity of healthcare institutions is impacted by the nursing workforce and plays a vital role in the provision of effective and efficient patient care. Knowledge management plays a vital role in nursing practice. This study seeks to extend the frontier of knowledge by addressing the paucity of literature on knowledge management in nursing care delivery in Nigeria.Objectives: The study empirically identified crucial knowledge management enablers from extant literature and investigated their influence on patient care in clinical nursing.Method: A cross-sectional survey design using a stratified sampling method was employed. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from 196 registered nurses in a selected teaching hospital in South West Nigeria. A total of 186 valid responses were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM).Result: The result of this study indicated that there is a direct and significant relationship between i...
Background: The higher education sector is making a conscious effort to integrate information and... more Background: The higher education sector is making a conscious effort to integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the academe with a view to improving teaching, learning and access to knowledge. Unfortunately, the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in Nigerian universities is far below expectation.Objectives: The aim of this article was to report on a study that examined the underlying factors determining the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in private and public universities in Nigeria by using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) as a theoretical lens.Method: A mixed method approach involving the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews was adopted for the study. Data were collected from 267 academics in 3 faculties and 10 key informants who were in managerial positions at the University of Ibadan and Covenant University.Results: Regression analyses indicated that only facilitating conditions (FCs) (β = −0.345, t =...
Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies
Institutional repositories (IRs) play an essential role in preserving universities’ intellectual ... more Institutional repositories (IRs) play an essential role in preserving universities’ intellectual output, enhancing access to research, and increasing the visibility of scholars and their institutions. IRs are therefore expected to be accepted and optimally utilised by scholars. However, the literature reveals that IRs are growing at a slower pace than anticipated, and that it has not been easy to convince faculty members to contribute their work to IRs. Therefore, this study examined the awareness of the faculty and postgraduate students at the University of Swaziland (UNISWA) of their IR, and also assessed their attitudes to using their IR. The study was underpinned by the post-positivist paradigm, and the quantitative research approach was used. The study adopted a survey design with questionnaires administered to the faculty and postgraduate students. The results of the study revealed that most of UNISWA’s faculty knew about the existence of the IR, whereas the majority of the po...
Papers by Stephen Mutula