Papers by Leonard Chitongo

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, May 24, 2013
Abstract: The major objective of carrying out this research study was to investigate the extent o... more Abstract: The major objective of carrying out this research study was to investigate the extent of occupational health and safety of workers in Marondera Municipality Department of Water Works and Sewer. This being an area prone to many diseases such as fungal, air borne and water borne, workers are at continual risk of being affected and infected with different diseases and accidents. The methods used to carry out the study were the interview method where workers were interviewed face to face by the researcher. Unstructured and structured interviews were used. Questionnaires were also used by the researcher when workers were given questionnaires to go and answer questions. Participant observation method was the last method used when the researcher had to go round with the workers during their daily chores. This proved to be quite helpful as the researcher had first hand information on what really goes on the ground when workers are doing their duties. The major findings were that the Municipality is not doing enough to protect its workers from diseases and accidents. The rate of infection and accidents are on the increase. Workers are not given enough protective clothing and labor inspectors are not even going around inspecting the working conditions in the department. Accidents do occur due to negligence and over familiarization by the workers. The long servings workers are the ones who usually take things for granted. The researcher recommends that appropriate and effective health and safety management systems and procedures must be established, enforced and adhered to in order to ensure and assure the preservation of safety measures and human life.

Development approaches and paradigms influence the nature and rate of socioeconomic transformatio... more Development approaches and paradigms influence the nature and rate of socioeconomic transformation of a country. The approaches manifest in the form of plans, policies or programmes. This conceptual paper seeks to evaluate the prospects and challenges of the Transitional Stabilisation Programme implemented by the government of Zimbabwe in 2019 and draw lessons from other economic blueprints that were implemented prior to it. Zimbabwe has endured economic instability since the Fast Track Land Reform Programme of 2000. This has resulted in a lot of policy transformation in order to try to restore sanity. A desk review of secondary sources was done in collecting data and academic journals and papers were used as sources of data. Furthermore, some data was drawn from interviews made by economic analysts, government officials and academics. The researcher noted success stories and challenges from the different economic policies. We argue that Zimbabwe's socioeconomic policies have been affected by poor implementation strategies, corruption and excessive political expediency. Thus, the paper concluded that Zimbabwe's economic status continues to degenerate despite a number of economic blueprints implemented from the year 2000. This is attributed to policy reversals and a lack of protection and security of property rights, leading to a lack of investor confidence. No meaningful investor is willing to pour out new capital when sovereign risk is high. The research recommends a human factor development approach militating against prudent economic management, while genuinely reengaging the world.

Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, Oct 29, 2013
The study assesses the contributions of cooperative gardens brought by Help German in the process... more The study assesses the contributions of cooperative gardens brought by Help German in the process of reducing vulnerability and enhancing rural developm ent through putting the poor as their first target in the community. The research was conducted in ward 25 of Gutu District which is situated in Masvingo Province. Rushwaya community has experienced severe droughts due to erratic rainfalls being received in the area as a result of climate change. In a bid to reduce vulnerability of such communities to further disasters, NGOs like Help German cam e in to help the people. The research pinpoints how the beneficiaries benefited from participating in the program and indicates how Help German helped the local people in im proving their livelihoods. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques to solicit inform ation related to the study. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to the respondents by the researcher. Focus group discussions an d observation were also used to collect data from the respondents. Stratified random sampling and sim ple random sam pling were used as sam pling proc edures to select respondent a sample of 30 respondents was obtained representing a population of 15 villages participating in the project. The researcher concluded that Cooperative Gardens have greatly improved the standards of living of Rushwaya community. The community`s capitals have been improved through the livelihoods brought by Help German which are cooperative gardens, livestock production and rehabilitation projects. The researcher recomm ends that for the programm e to be sustainable a lot has to be done on water harvesting because the community is still receiving inadequate rainfall for gardening.

Mankind Quarterly
The measures to contain the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic presented a myriad of challenge... more The measures to contain the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic presented a myriad of challenges worldwide. The control measures included lockdown, social distancing and quarantine of infected people, among others. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of social distancing on international students at Central China Normal University (CCNU) in Wuhan, China, where COVID-19 first emerged in December 2019. The research design was exploratory, using a semi-structured interview guide to gather data from a sample of 20 international students at CCNU. Furthermore, secondary sources were used to validate the data. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The findings showed some impacts related to social distancing: psychological distress, mental problems, relationship breakdown, fear, health problems, poor diet, and boredom. However, some students cited that social distancing enabled them to save money, focus on their lives, and improve their grades. Many informants revealed that they were willing to return to their countries as soon as the situation normalized.

Cogent Social Sciences, 2021
Abstract The study explores centralized contract farming sustainability among tobacco smallholder... more Abstract The study explores centralized contract farming sustainability among tobacco smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. Despite studies on centralized contract farming to date, little has been theorized with regard to its sustainability. Using mixed-method research, questionnaires, key informant interviews, document review and focus group discussions were employed in gathering data from farmers, Extension Officers and field officers of the contracting firms. Using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and thematic analysis findings revealed that centralized contract tobacco farming is unsustainable. Institutional contract arrangements are manipulative and are unwelcome to farmers. Economically, contracting firms find it viable as they obtain more profit at the expense of smallholder farmers. Although farmers are assured of inputs, extension service and market for the product, the contract terms are characterized by transaction cost, uncertainty and information asymmetry. Moreso, although financial and physical assets ownership have been increased, human, natural and social capital are a challenge. Shocks, stresses and seasonality still characterize the vulnerability context of the farmers as society has been exposed to women and child abuses, food insecurity, and social decay. The study therefore recommends an increased participatory action and learning in crafting and implementing contract terms by farmers, state and non-state actors for sustainability to be realized.

Merlot, a non-timber forest product, has never been taken aboard when it comes to the national ec... more Merlot, a non-timber forest product, has never been taken aboard when it comes to the national economic contribution in Zimbabwe. It has been viewed as a fruit for the rural poor people and wild animals. Therefore this paper seeks to assess the utilization of merlot fruit as a dry land rural livelihood enhancement strategy in Dande area. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies through questionnaires, secondary records, interviews, focused group discussions and observations respectively were used in the collection of data. Content analysis and categorical data generated were coded according to themes and tabulated for presentation and analysis. Findings revealed that the fruit can be eaten raw, made into jam or sweet strips and in porridge preparation. It can generate income for the rural households after sale and enterprise development which created employment for the rural youth. Beer can be brewed from the fruit for cooperative work (nhimbe) for community development and f...

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 2013
A B S T R A C T The research sought to explore the effectiveness of the Masvingo Rural District&#... more A B S T R A C T The research sought to explore the effectiveness of the Masvingo Rural District's Community Drought Management Program (MRDCCDMP) in mitigating the cumulative effects posed by successive droughts which have threatened rural livelihoods. The cumulative occurrence of drought in rural Zimbabwe since 2002 has culminated in the stagnation of rural livelihoods which have enormously been agro-based. This deliberation has not only entrenched rural poverty, but, has seen the introduction of new strategies such as conservation farming and food handouts, all of which have failed to usher into a comprehensive remedy primarily because of the palliative nature of the solutions. As a consequence, the community resorted to traditional drought management strategies as a complement of the existing conventional drought management efforts that have been implemented by the Rural District Council in the community. The research therefore was an anatomy of the feasibility of synchronizi...

Asian journal of management sciences & education, 2013
So many attempts have been made to try and alleviate poverty especially in developing countries. ... more So many attempts have been made to try and alleviate poverty especially in developing countries. However despite all these attempts poverty is deepening especially in rural areas. The study sought to evaluate the impact of the main interventions implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) through the Protecting Vulnerable Livelihoods Programme (PVLP) on beneficiaries. The research was undertaken in Murehwa district ward 28. According to CRS the total beneficiaries were 900 a sample of 90 representing 10% was randomly selected, In collecting the required information both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were adopted. The programmes main interventions included Nutritional Gardens, Conservation Farming, Small Livestock Support, Input Farming and Water and Sanitation. The major livelihood activity in ward 28 Murewa District is agriculture, low and erratic rainfall is the biggest challenge faced by the community. The researcher recommends that irrigation needs to be introduce...

This paper argues a case for reducing urban poverty through fuel wood business in view of the pli... more This paper argues a case for reducing urban poverty through fuel wood business in view of the plight of load shading in Zimbabwe. Although the use of firewood is not a welcomed source of power in urban areas, it emerged to be wide spreading fuel for domestic use. Electricity shortages have made Zimbabweans opting for firewood for heating, cooking and other domestic chores to cushion the times when electricity is off. Since the start of this sell of firewood, the viability of the enterprise in poverty reduction has not been tested. Firewood harvesting has caused untold environmental degradation in Masvingo urban and the surroundings. Although this affected the ecology, it has created sound opportunities for urban poor who are in transport business, hired to fetch firewood from the bush. The undeveloped commercial stands are being turned into firewood wholesales. This has created entrepreneurial activities for urbanites that had nothing to do. However, fuel wood trading would sustain ...

Rural District Councils (RDCs) were established to promote rural development in their areas of ju... more Rural District Councils (RDCs) were established to promote rural development in their areas of jurisdiction through the provision of social and infrastructural services. Thus, they play a major role in the development of rural areas. However, RDCs are failing to deliver these services. This study sought to investigate the challenges facing Chivi Rural District Council in the provision of social and infrastructural services. Through interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions, the research managed to gather information from RDC workers, NGOs, councilors, responsible ministries, business people and Chivi residents. The research established that a number of factors were constraining the delivery of social and infrastructural services in Chivi District. These included financial deficit, unstable political environment, poor budget performance as well as lack of qualified personnel. These constraints were retarding the development of the district. The study thus found it necess...

This paper seeks to discuss the nexus between climate change and social relations in Africa using... more This paper seeks to discuss the nexus between climate change and social relations in Africa using a case study approach of Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani district, Zimbabwe. Disaster induced displacement remains another affirmation of the flawed notion of pre and post-disaster preparedness and human security as a gendered caveat. This paper theoretically and empirically unravels the incessant feminisation of socio-economic insecurity in the contexts of forced displacement post Cyclone Idai. The researcher alludes to the prevalence of epitomising gender dichotomies of victimhood among displaced men and women, yet again framing social relations and human security on masculine-feminine asymmetries. The article empirically espouses feminized intricacies of security from the everyday experiences and narratives of men and women in the case study area as a basis for pragmatic solutions that should inform strategies and policies meant to deconstruct the androcentric anchorages militating again...

The local community has succumbed to severe droughts in Nyamandi community in ward 19 Gutu Distri... more The local community has succumbed to severe droughts in Nyamandi community in ward 19 Gutu District as a result of climate change where erratic rainfall is being received causing crop failure. With respect to such social distress in the localities, the study assesses the contributions of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the process of rural development in an attempt to alleviate poverty. The research assesses how the participants benefitted from participating in the project and also highlights how the intervening of CARE International helped the local people in livelihood development. The research also examined the challenges which were encountered by the participating in the project. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to obtain information pertaining to the study. Through the administration of questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). Out of a population of 150 beneficiaries of the Green gardens, a sample of 30 respondents was selected using stratified random sampling. The study concludes that CARE International has been able to improve the rural livelihoods of the Nyamandi community. The livelihoods introduced by the NGO include livestock projects, food for work and the green gardens. CARE has helped in improving financial, human and social capital of the locals. The researcher recommends that if water problems are resolved by irrigation the livelihoods of the community members would greatly improve as they will have water supply throughout the dry seasons.

Muziki, 2019
This article examines the ways in which poverty is portrayed in selected songs composed and perfo... more This article examines the ways in which poverty is portrayed in selected songs composed and performed by Leonard Karikoga Zhakata. Zhakata is renowned for his songs that depict the deprivation, failed governance, greediness, and everyday hardships that most Zimbabweans experience in postcolonial Zimbabwe. In this article, we situate media framing theory within the processes that inform people's vulnerability. Through thematic analysis of four songs composed and performed by Zhakata, we bring to the fore the complexity of music, power and subalternity in Zimbabwe as well as the complexity of poverty, deprivation and vulnerability in Zimbabwe as portrayed in art. Zhakata's songs reflect that poverty in Zimbabwe is a result of poor governance and an inability and unwillingness by the leadership to improve the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans. Zhakata appreciates that poverty and vulnerability are multifaceted phenomena influenced by complex structural conditions in Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the songs illustrate dimensions of poverty as well as the plurality of meanings that Zimbabweans from different class, cultural, and religious backgrounds attach to everyday struggles. We argue that through his music, Zhakata captures subaltern experiences and realities, and challenges those in power to transform governance models in ways that benefit marginalised categories of society. This makes Zhakata's music political and accounts for the complex relationship Zhakata has had with the political leadership in government. The article makes a contribution to the complexity of music, power, and subalternity in postcolonial Zimbabwe.

Journal of Human Ecology, 2013
This paper examines the impact of tourism leakages on the local economies. It draws results from ... more This paper examines the impact of tourism leakages on the local economies. It draws results from a survey done in Nyanga District in Zimbabwe. Data were collected using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The quantitative analyses were employed to evaluate the level of leakages and its impact on local economies using monetary values. Content analysis was used to summarize community perception of tourism contribution to local economies. Results revealed that the most dominant type of leakage noted in the study area was inter nal/import leakage followed by external leakage and pre-leakage. Out of USD $187 that is spent by each tourist in Nyanga per day, the locals only get USD $24 which is 12. 83% and the rest, 87.17% goes to the service providers which are not owned by the local people. The leakage of money out of the country was however relatively low. The paper concludes that the low leakage out of the country is a result of limited number of international tourists. Reduction of leakages can only be achieved through the creation of strong and sustainable linkages of ecotourism with the other livelihood options, training local communities and strong local community participation in eco tourism activities.

Sustainable Agriculture Research, 2012
The study sought to establish the contribution of beekeeping in rural livelihoods sustainability.... more The study sought to establish the contribution of beekeeping in rural livelihoods sustainability. Chitanga village had experienced low agricultural productivity due to poor and infertile soils and this has led to food insecurity which had driven them into beekeeping. This opportunity has been driven by the existence of tall trees and wild plants that develop flowers in the village which attracted bees. However, the utility of beekeeping enterprise as a livelihood activity has not been fully realised. This study was carried out in the context of a sustainable rural livelihoods framework. This framework states that at any given time, every community or society falls under a vulnerability context as a result of both natural and human made disasters. In light of the vulnerability, a community mobilises the various forms of its assets at its disposal to earn a living. Applying this framework, the study analysed the strategies the community employed to enhance its livelihoods through the ...

The local community has succumbed to severe droughts in Nyamandi community in ward 19 Gutu Distri... more The local community has succumbed to severe droughts in Nyamandi community in ward 19 Gutu District as a result of climate change where erratic rainfall is being received causing crop failure. With respect to such social distress in the localities, the study assesses the contributions of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the process of rural development in an attempt to alleviate poverty. The research assesses how the participants benefitted from participating in the project and also highlights how the intervening of CARE International helped the local people in livelihood development. The research also examined the challenges which were encountered by the participating in the project. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to obtain information pertaining to the study. Through the administration of questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). Out of a population of 150 beneficiaries of the Green gardens, a sample of 30 respondents was selected using stratified random sampling. The study concludes that CARE International has been able to improve the rural livelihoods of the Nyamandi community. The livelihoods introduced by the NGO include livestock projects, food for work and the green gardens. CARE has helped in improving financial, human and social capital of the locals. The researcher recommends that if water problems are resolved by irrigation the livelihoods of the community members would greatly improve as they will have water supply throughout the dry seasons.

Sustainable Agriculture Research, Nov 8, 2012
The study sought to establish the contribution of beekeeping in rural livelihoods sustainability.... more The study sought to establish the contribution of beekeeping in rural livelihoods sustainability. Chitanga village had experienced low agricultural productivity due to poor and infertile soils and this has led to food insecurity which had driven them into beekeeping. This opportunity has been driven by the existence of tall trees and wild plants that develop flowers in the village which attracted bees. However, the utility of beekeeping enterprise as a livelihood activity has not been fully realised. This study was carried out in the context of a sustainable rural livelihoods framework. This framework states that at any given time, every community or society falls under a vulnerability context as a result of both natural and human made disasters. In light of the vulnerability, a community mobilises the various forms of its assets at its disposal to earn a living. Applying this framework, the study analysed the strategies the community employed to enhance its livelihoods through the sharing of benefits. The research used questionnaires, structured interviews and observations as sources of gathering data. The study established the benefits which accrued from beekeeping that included honey as food, income in the form of cash, medicines, scenery creation for tourism and income generating projects through making of hives, growing of flowers and citrus fruits which attract bees. A backward and forward linkage of enterprises emerged. Employment creation and increasing in the number of livelihood activities in the area has been witnessed due to beekeeping. This culminated in diversification of livelihood options leading to rural transformation through utilization of local available resources. The study recommends that the sustainability of beekeeping enterprise should be reinforced by backward and forward linkages. The government partnered by NGOs should take the lead and compliment the efforts of beekeepers by providing clear policy and planning.

The study assesses urban resilience in Zimbabwe through the lens of housing provision and land ma... more The study assesses urban resilience in Zimbabwe through the lens of housing provision and land management. Weirmouth Farm in the City of Mutare is used as a case study to situate the urban resilience in the perspective of housing provision and land management. We argue that urban resilience in Mutare is compromised by the mountainous terrain of the region, which restricts urban growth and expansion in light of the rapid urbanisation that the city is currently experiencing. Adopting a mixed-method research design that inclines more towards a qualitative approach, data has been collected through document review that was validated with key informant interviews and household survey. Emerging from the study is that an increase in population has resulted in the urban sprawl. Furthermore, the geological terrain has hindered service provision. The housing model mainly targets low-income earners affecting the quality of houses in the area. Therefore, the researchers concluded that financial constraints and geological terrain are the major impediments to sustainable smart growth of Mutare City. With population increase and subsequent housing demand coupled with limited land for expansion. The study recommends the need for Public-Private Partnerships.
Papers by Leonard Chitongo