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The Plasma-Electromagnetic Sky (PEMS) and HEGEME work in a synergistic effect. PEMS, as it relates to Earth is a part of HEGEME hypothesis, however is also by extension part of the Solar System Circuit (SSC), which is part of the Galactic... more
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The existence of foregone lost civilizations is an established fact. The unknown element is to the extent of population coverage, acculturation, architecture, and intercontinental travel. In the last twenty or thirty years several... more
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Analysis of astro-archaeological, plasma/electromagnetic, astronomical, and mythological evidence utilizing Extended Plasma-Electromagnetic Cosmology (EPEMC) hypothesis (a blend of catastrophic-diffusionist-uniformitarianism with... more
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End of the world investments violate typical biological evolutionary rules and the laws of energy. In order to avoid violating the law of conservation of energy, such behaviors must conform to stimulus-responses causality scenarios as are... more
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Comparing days, months, planets, and zodiacs in GR and NT systems to look for thunderbolt and plasma-electromagnetic glyphology. Figures presented and Tables compiled give startling and unique cross-references punctuated with occasional... more
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    • Astronomy
The current massive paradigm shifts in Science are due to collaborative research and exposure, which increases rapidly with the advent of the World Wide Web. Almost every older paradigm has fallen under scrutiny, and new evidence emerges... more
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Ferris wheels, and amusement rides in general, display suggestive, clear correlations and imagery with ancient archetypal motifs, such as the Cosmic Pole, Cosmic Mountain, Revolving Crescent Ship, and Lost Floating Paradise (among... more
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      PsychologyAmusement Theme ParkElectric Universe
Increasing Human Energy is reconsidered through a historical and conceptual review of the most important currents of electromagnetism and atomic theory. New alternatives are considered, and a Unified Aether is shown to be... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPlasma PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGeneral Relativity
The transmogrification of Cold Dark Matter and the Dark Universe in general, into a Plasma-electromagnetic " covert matter " Universe was predicted by the author in 2017 and has begun in earnest. The author details the history of this (in... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPlasma PhysicsDark MatterFractal Plasma Cosmology
EPEMC offers many new facets which are unavailable in BBC and standard PC/EUC. Furthermore it opens an avenue for diffusionist and catastrophist studies which are more reliant upon classical and modern high energy physics at all scales,... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMagnetohydrodynamics
Self-reported intake data is riddled with errors, however at a high numbers of samples, it may reveal interesting trends which may still be reliable. In this study of 1,014 sample intakes, the numbers of “chief complaints” and “history... more
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      PharmacologySymptomsDietary SupplementsClinical Sciences
Chinese science has provided wonderful inventions and key insight into human psychology that accords with cosmological truths. However, does that translate to a modern plasma-electromagnetic cosmology? In this paper, textual evidence... more
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      Chinese PhilosophySpace Plasma PhysicsEnergyFractal Plasma Cosmology
Synopsis The platform formation, while unique and interesting, striking to the eye, contained little to no evidence of prehistoric habitation by natives or other pre-Kentucky peoples. It appears to be a highly eroded bald made up of... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyKentucky History
Many members of the alternative research community tout the plausibility of the Ancient Alien Architect Hypotheses, but do they conform to Electro-plasma cosmologies? Can they fulfill the requirements to become a portion of the Extension... more
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      AnthropologyClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyAliensAncient Archeology, Electric Universe Theory, Mystery Schools
The failure of the " Dark " Universe to explain observed astrophysical phenomenon has created a vacuum for cosmology. One attempt to fill this involves a radical concept of using Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). While it meets some of the... more
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      Plasma PhysicsDark MatterDark EnergyBose Einstein Condensation
The failure of the " Dark " Universe to explain observed astrophysical phenomenon has created a vacuum for cosmology. In previous parts , the issue has been elucidated using Plasma Electromagnetic 1 Cosmology. The case for " charged "... more
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      Plasma PhysicsDark MatterDark EnergyAncient Archeology, Electric Universe Theory, Mystery Schools
Emergent Matter is a staple of Big Bang Cosmology. Proposals for Dark Matter have included various far-fetched concepts covered in previous articles, such as Dark Photons and Negative Mass, etc… By comparison, Acoustic Shockwaves of... more
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      Plasma PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Dark MatterDark Energy
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda rely upon meridian systems which have not been scientifically accepted because they are not completely anatomical. Channels follow nerves, muscles, fascia, and the as-of-yet-unestablished... more
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      BioenergyTraditional Chinese MedicineAncient Archeology, Electric Universe Theory, Mystery SchoolsElectric Field
Dark Matter has been in crisis for several years. Beginning in 2017, adherents began jumping ship with DM lifeboats, masquerading as both real science and classical Dark Matter. In previous parts the author discussed the predictable... more
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      Plasma PhysicsDark MatterAncient Archeology, Electric Universe Theory, Mystery Schools
ABSTRACT Axions and neutrinos represent “well-motivated” models in the search for Cold Dark Matter. However, both are being constrained repeatedly by the actual search process. Also, in the discussion of exotic matter, neutron star... more
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      Dark MatterNeutron StarsDark EnergyAncient Archeology, Electric Universe Theory, Mystery Schools