Papers by Sergiusz Anoszko

Religions (Special Issue): Middle East Religions from Comparative Perspectives — How Religion Is Shaping the Middle East, 2024
This text attempts to analyze the competition for the leadership role in the young Bábí religious... more This text attempts to analyze the competition for the leadership role in the young Bábí religious community after the execution of their leader, Báb (1819–1850). With the elimination of many leaders, a small group stood out who were willing to replace the absent leader. Two preferences arose within the Babi community: forceful and pacifist. Motivated by the hunger to settle scores, supporters of the first option wanted to fight and reach the victory predicted in the Shi‘ite tradition.
The second option’s followers, however, rejected all acts of violence, preferring to look at the Báb’s texts, calling their worshipers to lofty ideals as a method of luring other people to the new religion. Presently, after the sentencing to punishment of the Prophet Báb, several people emerged among the former Shi‘ites’ group who made claims to authority in the community. Nevertheless, quite quickly, the main confrontation came down to a conflict between two outstanding personalities. Mírzá Yahyá Núrí (1831–1912), representing the radical trend of Babism, nicknamed Subh-i Azal, was fighting for leadership with Mírzá Husajn-‘Alí Núrí (1817–1892), his half-brother, belonging to the peaceful Bábí party. This article describing the rivalry between two relatives for the leadership position also allows us to see the process of writing down, codifying and spreading the young Bayán religion.

Między religioznawstwem a teologią, 2022
The Badí‘ Calendar, which the members of the Bahá’í Faith’ community use, undoubtedly despite the... more The Badí‘ Calendar, which the members of the Bahá’í Faith’ community use, undoubtedly despite the dimensions described – astronomical and symbolic – also has a mystical meaning, and therefore the features of this system’ time counting in the text do not exhaust the whole the sacred time’ theme of the Bahá’ís. Suffice it to say, however, that the Faith’ calendar embodies the physical time – χρόνος, combining it with the divine time – καιρός, and indicates the spiritual potential, because the attributes and divine virtues constantly mentioned in the names of particular time units do not only quantify the right moments but also qualitatively measure the progress of the faithful soul in relation to a specific moment in the development of faith and society. In this way, it seems right to be aware that the theophoric (God-bearing) nature of the Badí‘ calendar in practice becomes theomorphic (manifesting God). Thanks to this system, it reflects its hidden name as much as possible: Badí‘ – wonderful, unique.
The Badí‘ calendar is an indispensable part of the Faith’ revelation, a status which can be seen by the faithful among others as a certain remedy for the problems of the modern world. This system sets and arranges the rhythm of the Bahá’í life, defines the time frame of obligatory prayers, monthly meetings, commemoration days, the fast period and the New Year festival. Although the announcement about the new calendar took place in Persian Bayán, the introduction to it for the first time appeared in the Most Holy Book in the nineteenth century, there are still noticed continuous attempts to read the content it contains, and the calendar itself is a constant subject of thorough investigation and research not only Bahá’í followers but also scholars of various provenance.
Relacje państwo–wspólnoty religijne we współczesnym świecie. Wybrane zagadnienia, 2022
Od początku lat 60. XX wieku przez Australię przetacza się fala sporów
koncentrujących się wokół ... more Od początku lat 60. XX wieku przez Australię przetacza się fala sporów
koncentrujących się wokół nowych ruchów religijnych (dalej: NRR) 1. W artykule tym został zaprezentowany, w ujęciu historycznym, problem funkcjonowania w tym państwie Kościoła scjentologicznego (dalej: KS), założonego w 1954 roku przez Lafayette’a Ronalda Hubbarda (1911–1986) w USA. Przeprowadzone badania ukazują Australię w kontekście globalnych dążeń nietradycyjnych wyznań do legalizacji swojego statusu oraz reakcje wywołane przez kontrowersje z tym związane. W tekście zidentyfikowano kluczowe epizody i okresy, które mogą służyć jako punkty orientacyjne dla dalszych badań nad historią zarówno nowych ruchów religijnych w Australii, jak również do analizowania walki scjentologów o swoje prawo do bycia uznanym Kościołem.

Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe, 2021
Article synthetically describes the history, assumptions and a short description of the Religious... more Article synthetically describes the history, assumptions and a short description of the Religious Order of the Scientology-Sea Organisation, which was founded in 1967, thirteen years after when in Los Angeles was registered the first institution of the Church of Scientology. The text of the article is based on three basic types of sources: literature, memoirs of former members of the order and the relationship of current active monks, the information from whom was received at query time research at the Ideal Orgs (headquarters) of the Church in Spain and Hungary in 2016. Apart from presenting the image of contemporary monasticism in terms of the Scientology also is explained the basic religious concepts, that relevant for this Ron Hubbard's cult. The last part of the article is devoted to the symbolism of the Sea Org, which is really a reflection of the ideological assumptions that entity.

Doświadczanie choroby w perspektywie badań interdyscyplinarnych. Tom VII. Duchowość i cielesność w perspektywie współczesnych badań historycznych i socjokulturowych. Wybrane problemy, 2020
The following text is an attempt at a synthetic approach to the problems of allegedly healing pra... more The following text is an attempt at a synthetic approach to the problems of allegedly healing practices present in the religious cult of the Church of Scientology (CoS). By introducing an interesting and unconventional anthropological theory of L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) – the founder of this religious community, we turn to the issue of the practical application of the concept of the three elements, which comprise the human body according to the Scientological quasi-healing activities. L. Ron Hubbard, and hence the contemporary Scientologist community also followed him, was convinced that physical health has a strong connection with mental health. So, to heal the mind, which, as the representatives of the CoS claim, is contaminated by the so-called engrams, painful memory like cysts in the reactive part of our mind, first had to heal the human body. A clear body leads to a clear mind which, by its way, is the gateway to spiritual development in Scientology. Examples of basic techniques and para-therapeutic methods in Scientology are Purification Rundown, assists and auditing; the first two issues are described in the individual subsections of this article. Auditing was described in a general way, without going into details, because otherwise, it would require a significant extension of the text frame. Finally, the controversy of methods used by Scientologists is analysed, the opinions of representatives of the conventional medical world are given, and possible considerations about why there is an incongruity between Scientology and contemporary science in the field of human well-being.

Doświadczanie choroby w perspektywie badań interdyscyplinarnych. Tom V. Choroby i wybrane problemy medyczne w kontekście religijnym – teoria i praktyka, 2020
The benefit of the Mormon health principles, religiously explained and derived from the text know... more The benefit of the Mormon health principles, religiously explained and derived from the text known as the Word of Wisdom: overall longevity with a much smaller number, including cancers and heart disease among the believers of the LDS Church, are approved by medical data. In many fields, the Mormons are doing even better than they foresaw, proudly noting that their commandments decades ahead of solid experimental proof of the harmfulness of some substances. The intentional imposing of nutritional restrictions rising from the theology of the Word of Wisdom, together with its practical applicability in the believers’ lives and some limitations associated with it for this creed followers is a distinct signal of obedience, dignity and righteousness. So it should come as no surprise that this compact rules’ code has become an effective way of dividing people into two camps – ‘the righteous and the unrighteous’ base. This dietary preference remains, particularly after the resignation of polygamy in 1890, a marker of group identity, which
encourages the comprehension of your belonging to the believers’ sameness.

Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2021
This article attempts to analyse a contemporary phenomenon from the sphere of alternative religio... more This article attempts to analyse a contemporary phenomenon from the sphere of alternative religiosity in the form of joke religions. The main subject of the analysis is a new religious movement called the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CFSM), founded in the USA in 2005. By referring to the theory of carnival fun, joining the sacrum and profanum, and passing through the various doctrinal threads of this religious movement, the author attempts to answer the question of whether the CFSM can be considered a genuine religion or only a joke.
The article begins with a short reflection on the possibility of joking about religion and faith, and the response to religious humour by people of faith, which may range from anger to disgust and sometimes even to aggression. Then, after a short history of this new (pseudo-)religious movement, a perspective is developed. It emerges that the whole structure of the so-called doctrine of this (quasi-)religion refers to other known religions and beliefs, including other new religious movements.
Наследие святых Кирилла и Мефодия в мировой духовной культуре. Сборник докладов Юбилейных XXV международных Кирилло-Мефодиевских чтений, 2020
В предложенной статье поднимается попытка синтетического анализа брошюры «Саентология и Библия». ... more В предложенной статье поднимается попытка синтетического анализа брошюры «Саентология и Библия». Ныне данное издание 1967 года практически не встречается в перечнях источников доктрины Саентологической Церкви, сама публикация не имеет статуса официального издания ЦС и не трактуется саентологами в качестве части Писания. Брошюра, как оказывается, представляет собой достаточно слабую с точки зрения методологии диалога и сравнительного религиоведения попытку представления связи саентологии – учения Л. Рона Хаббарда, с христианством. В статье анализируются основные попытки авторов брошюры сравнения доктрины ЦС с учением Библии, а также их несостоятельность.
Kiedy świat pędzi do przodu pełną parą… Zmiana i trwanie w XIX wieku, 2020
The text is devoted to the issue of plural marriages, which were introduced and practised as part... more The text is devoted to the issue of plural marriages, which were introduced and practised as part of a religious ritual in the life of believers of the doctrine of the prophet Joseph Smith (1805-1844), founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, popularly called the Mormon Church. The article has been divided into several parts, where the issues of plural marriages of historical, theological and legal nature are discussed in succession. A separate part is trying to look at the essence of polygamy in the life of adherents of the discussed new religious movement along with trying to answer the question why the phenomenon of polygamy is still present in the lives of some of the sectarian Mormon communities.

Nurt SVD. Półrocznik misjologiczno-religioznawczy Polskiej Prowincji Księży Werbistów, 2020
In the second half of the 17th century in the Kiev-Moscow Orthodoxy, after the reform of the Patr... more In the second half of the 17th century in the Kiev-Moscow Orthodoxy, after the reform of the Patriarch of Moscow Nikon (1652-1658), a religious group called Old Believers or Old Ritualists emerged. Because of persecution the small and little-known community of dissenters fled across the Urals and the ocean, but also to the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1772 / 1795), where religious tolerance prevailed. Old Believers from the areas of Pskov and Novgorod settled in the region of today’s Augustów, Suwałki and Sejny. The article is devoted to the history of the emergence of the seventeenth-century split or schism in Orthodoxy, the stages of resettlement of Old Believers to the Belarusian lands and attempts to adapt Old Believers to new cultural and religious realities.
Utopia a edukacja, tom IV. Dysonanse, kontrasty i harmonie wyobrażeń świata możliwego, 2020
In 1972, an organization was established in the USA to use the techniques of L. Ron Hubbard (191... more In 1972, an organization was established in the USA to use the techniques of L. Ron Hubbard (19111986), founder of the Church of Scientology, in the field of science and education. Applied Scholastics, using learning technology, started with a number of projects, the main goal of which, then declared and still valid, was to promote and develop effective education programs for teachers, business trainers, educators, parents, children and people in all areas of life who need “repairing learning habits to increase personal activity of these people, learn effectively”. The methodological basis of the ApS activity is Study Tech – a learning technology that allows “to achieve success in any area of knowledge and gain the ability to use and apply this knowledge”.
Науковий щорічник «Історія релігій в Україні», 2019
У тэксце ўзнімаецца адна з ключавых на сённяшні дзень маральна-этычных праблем, з якою сутыкаецца... more У тэксце ўзнімаецца адна з ключавых на сённяшні дзень маральна-этычных праблем, з якою сутыкаецца Каталіцкі касцёл - педафілія ў шэрагах святароў. Выходзячы з кароткага аналізу з'явы педафіліі, пададзеныя канкрэтныя прыклады фактаў. У асобных параграфах артыкула, прысвечаных гадам пантыфікату Бэнэдыкта XVI і Францішка, звяртаецца асаблівая ўвага на зарадчыя сродкі і методыку барацьбы з педафіліяй у Касцёле. Не абыходзячы істотных і вострых момантаў, аўтарам узнімаецца спроба адказаць на пытанне, у чым хаваюцца карэнні апісаных маральных і крымінальных сексуальных злачынстваў. Чацвёрты параграф з'яўляецца своеасабліваю рэфлексіяй на тэму магчымых сувязяў і паралеляў між педафіліяй і гомасексуалізмам у Касцёле.
Międzynarodowe uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa narodowego/państwa, 2019
W poniższym artykule jest podejmowana próba analitycznego spojrzenia na kryzys Krymski, aktywna f... more W poniższym artykule jest podejmowana próba analitycznego spojrzenia na kryzys Krymski, aktywna faza którego miała miejsce na wiosnę 2014 r. Specyfika takiego podejścia w badaniu naukowym wymaga rozłożenia badanego zagadnienia na części składowe. Dlatego struktura tekstu została podzielona na kolejne rozdziały, a poszczególne fragmenty umożliwiają zrozumieć złożoność oraz specyfikę impasu na Krymie. Zaczynając od krótkiej analizy historycznej miejsca i roli Półwyspu Krymskiego narracja sięga czasów współczesnych, kiedy po demontażu systemu komunistycznego powstały niepodległe państwa, żeby merytorycznie przygotować się do opisania wydarzeń rosyjskich działań wojennych na Taurydzie oraz wprowadzić oceny tegoż incydentu, istniejących dzisiaj w politologii i naukach o bezpieczeństwie.
Politologia religii, 2018
Podmiotem analizy w niniejszym tekście jest Kościół scjentologiczny, a przedmiotem relacje kultu ... more Podmiotem analizy w niniejszym tekście jest Kościół scjentologiczny, a przedmiotem relacje kultu z władzami państwowymi w konkretnym kraju. Główny problem badawczy stanowi fenomen wyznania scjentologicznego jako religii nowego wieku epoki ponowoczesności. Aktualność proponowanej tematyki polega na tym, że działalność, praktyki i kult tego Kościoła są oceniane w różnych środowiskach dosyć niejednoznacznie – i w kraju, i za granicą. W związku z tym zostaną pominięte twierdzenia ściśle publicystyczne, nienaukowe i wyraźnie sensacyjne, gdyż literatura przedmiotu jest uboga, ponadto pełna fałszywych tez.
Ofiara w religiach świata, 2019
In this article take up issues related to understanding the category of sacrifice in Bahá’í Faith... more In this article take up issues related to understanding the category of sacrifice in Bahá’í Faith. Starting from theology and teleology of sacrifice, going through threads spiritual effects for the person that placing the sacrifice, there are some considered examples of self-sacrifice in the narrative of God’s Messengers. It is given the classification levels of sacrifice, along with the meaning of sacrifice at each of these levels.
As a summary of the claim there are final conclusions.
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 2019
The article discusses religious humanitarian aid on the example of the Volunteer Ministers, an or... more The article discusses religious humanitarian aid on the example of the Volunteer Ministers, an organization attached to the Church of Scientology. The core issue here is the controversy surrounding the activities and the social aftermath of that structure. By examining particular instances, including their activities in Poland, the author attempts a preliminary explanation of the problem and remarks on the allegations made with respect to scientologists.
Христианство как интегрирующий фактор мировой культуры. Сборник докладов XXIV международных Кирилло-Мефодиевских чтений, 2019
У 2015 г. была апублікаваная „зялёная” энцыкліка папы Францішка пад тытулам Laudato Si’, прысвеча... more У 2015 г. была апублікаваная „зялёная” энцыкліка папы Францішка пад тытулам Laudato Si’, прысвечаная клопату пра супольны дом. Дакумент, які ў якасці асноўнае тэматыкі разглядае экалогію, той самы супольны дом, пра які ўзгадваецца ў падтытуле дакумента. Безумоўна, што “зялёнае” пытанне ўзнімалі і папярэднікі Францішка на пасадзе біскупаў Рыма, што адбывалася часцяком у кантэксце сацыяльнага вучэння Касцёла альбо пры разглядзе пытанняў гаспадаркі.
Религия и общество – 13: сб. науч. статей, 2019
2018 год у нямецкім Каталіцкім касцёле смела можна назваць катастрафічным. Змены ў навучанні, акц... more 2018 год у нямецкім Каталіцкім касцёле смела можна назваць катастрафічным. Змены ў навучанні, акцэптацыя гомасексуальных кандыдатаў на святарства, святая Камунія для пратэстантаў, антыцыпацыя ліквідацыі цэлібату ды маральна-звычаёвая рэвалюцыя. Усё гэта дыяметральна змяняе падставы сучаснага каталіцызму, нагадваючы хутчэй не рэформу ва ўлонні Касцёла,
але новую Рэфармацыю. Найгоршае аднак тое, што большасць зменаў была ўведзеная пад эгідаю вернасці духу апостальскай адгартацыі папы Францішка Amoris laetitia.
Проблемы истории и культуры пограничья (ІІ Верхнедвинские историко-краеведческие чтения): Сборник научных статей ІІ Международной научной конференции г. Верхнедвинск, 24 мая, 2019
Мараніты – адна са шматлікіх хрысціянскіх канфесій, якая аднак мае выразную тоеснасць, бо значным... more Мараніты – адна са шматлікіх хрысціянскіх канфесій, якая аднак мае выразную тоеснасць, бо значным чынам адрозніваецца ад рэшты хрысціянскага свету. Па сваёй канфесійнай прыналежнасці мараніты з’яўляюцца католікамі ўсходняга абраду, а, калі быць больш дакладным, выводзяць свае карэнні з сірыйскай традыцыі. Хрысціяне Мараніцкай царквы з’яўляюцца своеасаблівым мастом, які яднае не толькі дзве традыцыі хрысціянства, ці, як называў іх папа Ян Павел ІІ (1978-2005), “лёгкія Царквы”.

Науковий щорічник «Історія релігій в Україні», 2018
Published in 2016 the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of the Pope Francis “Amoris laetitia” (“... more Published in 2016 the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of the Pope Francis “Amoris laetitia” (“The Joy of Love”), which led to the controversial discussions not only among the Vatican theologians, catechists and moralists, but has become a subject of debate at universities, in the circles of secular Catholic theologians, on the pages of church journalism and in theological book , is examined. A text dedicated to the problems of family, marriage relationships and love is analyzed. The problem of interpretation of the second marriage and the issue of the admission to the Holy Communion sacrament of people, who went through an annulment process of sacred marriage, are highlighted. The interpretation of the content of “Amoris laetitia” in the debate between the bishops of Poland, Germany, Argentina, the Philippines, Belgium and Malta, who revived the long-standing dispute over the authority of the Roman High Priest and his role and place in today’s Christianity.
Papers by Sergiusz Anoszko
The second option’s followers, however, rejected all acts of violence, preferring to look at the Báb’s texts, calling their worshipers to lofty ideals as a method of luring other people to the new religion. Presently, after the sentencing to punishment of the Prophet Báb, several people emerged among the former Shi‘ites’ group who made claims to authority in the community. Nevertheless, quite quickly, the main confrontation came down to a conflict between two outstanding personalities. Mírzá Yahyá Núrí (1831–1912), representing the radical trend of Babism, nicknamed Subh-i Azal, was fighting for leadership with Mírzá Husajn-‘Alí Núrí (1817–1892), his half-brother, belonging to the peaceful Bábí party. This article describing the rivalry between two relatives for the leadership position also allows us to see the process of writing down, codifying and spreading the young Bayán religion.
The Badí‘ calendar is an indispensable part of the Faith’ revelation, a status which can be seen by the faithful among others as a certain remedy for the problems of the modern world. This system sets and arranges the rhythm of the Bahá’í life, defines the time frame of obligatory prayers, monthly meetings, commemoration days, the fast period and the New Year festival. Although the announcement about the new calendar took place in Persian Bayán, the introduction to it for the first time appeared in the Most Holy Book in the nineteenth century, there are still noticed continuous attempts to read the content it contains, and the calendar itself is a constant subject of thorough investigation and research not only Bahá’í followers but also scholars of various provenance.
koncentrujących się wokół nowych ruchów religijnych (dalej: NRR) 1. W artykule tym został zaprezentowany, w ujęciu historycznym, problem funkcjonowania w tym państwie Kościoła scjentologicznego (dalej: KS), założonego w 1954 roku przez Lafayette’a Ronalda Hubbarda (1911–1986) w USA. Przeprowadzone badania ukazują Australię w kontekście globalnych dążeń nietradycyjnych wyznań do legalizacji swojego statusu oraz reakcje wywołane przez kontrowersje z tym związane. W tekście zidentyfikowano kluczowe epizody i okresy, które mogą służyć jako punkty orientacyjne dla dalszych badań nad historią zarówno nowych ruchów religijnych w Australii, jak również do analizowania walki scjentologów o swoje prawo do bycia uznanym Kościołem.
encourages the comprehension of your belonging to the believers’ sameness.
The article begins with a short reflection on the possibility of joking about religion and faith, and the response to religious humour by people of faith, which may range from anger to disgust and sometimes even to aggression. Then, after a short history of this new (pseudo-)religious movement, a perspective is developed. It emerges that the whole structure of the so-called doctrine of this (quasi-)religion refers to other known religions and beliefs, including other new religious movements.
As a summary of the claim there are final conclusions.
але новую Рэфармацыю. Найгоршае аднак тое, што большасць зменаў была ўведзеная пад эгідаю вернасці духу апостальскай адгартацыі папы Францішка Amoris laetitia.
The second option’s followers, however, rejected all acts of violence, preferring to look at the Báb’s texts, calling their worshipers to lofty ideals as a method of luring other people to the new religion. Presently, after the sentencing to punishment of the Prophet Báb, several people emerged among the former Shi‘ites’ group who made claims to authority in the community. Nevertheless, quite quickly, the main confrontation came down to a conflict between two outstanding personalities. Mírzá Yahyá Núrí (1831–1912), representing the radical trend of Babism, nicknamed Subh-i Azal, was fighting for leadership with Mírzá Husajn-‘Alí Núrí (1817–1892), his half-brother, belonging to the peaceful Bábí party. This article describing the rivalry between two relatives for the leadership position also allows us to see the process of writing down, codifying and spreading the young Bayán religion.
The Badí‘ calendar is an indispensable part of the Faith’ revelation, a status which can be seen by the faithful among others as a certain remedy for the problems of the modern world. This system sets and arranges the rhythm of the Bahá’í life, defines the time frame of obligatory prayers, monthly meetings, commemoration days, the fast period and the New Year festival. Although the announcement about the new calendar took place in Persian Bayán, the introduction to it for the first time appeared in the Most Holy Book in the nineteenth century, there are still noticed continuous attempts to read the content it contains, and the calendar itself is a constant subject of thorough investigation and research not only Bahá’í followers but also scholars of various provenance.
koncentrujących się wokół nowych ruchów religijnych (dalej: NRR) 1. W artykule tym został zaprezentowany, w ujęciu historycznym, problem funkcjonowania w tym państwie Kościoła scjentologicznego (dalej: KS), założonego w 1954 roku przez Lafayette’a Ronalda Hubbarda (1911–1986) w USA. Przeprowadzone badania ukazują Australię w kontekście globalnych dążeń nietradycyjnych wyznań do legalizacji swojego statusu oraz reakcje wywołane przez kontrowersje z tym związane. W tekście zidentyfikowano kluczowe epizody i okresy, które mogą służyć jako punkty orientacyjne dla dalszych badań nad historią zarówno nowych ruchów religijnych w Australii, jak również do analizowania walki scjentologów o swoje prawo do bycia uznanym Kościołem.
encourages the comprehension of your belonging to the believers’ sameness.
The article begins with a short reflection on the possibility of joking about religion and faith, and the response to religious humour by people of faith, which may range from anger to disgust and sometimes even to aggression. Then, after a short history of this new (pseudo-)religious movement, a perspective is developed. It emerges that the whole structure of the so-called doctrine of this (quasi-)religion refers to other known religions and beliefs, including other new religious movements.
As a summary of the claim there are final conclusions.
але новую Рэфармацыю. Найгоршае аднак тое, што большасць зменаў была ўведзеная пад эгідаю вернасці духу апостальскай адгартацыі папы Францішка Amoris laetitia.