Books by Rafał Zapłata
Red. Rafał Zapłata, 2015
Publikacja okolicznościowa związana z konferencją "Cyfryzacja w naukach o przeszłości i ochronie ... more Publikacja okolicznościowa związana z konferencją "Cyfryzacja w naukach o przeszłości i ochronie zabytków-analiza potencjału i zagrożeń", Warszawa 24 listopada 2015 r.
Papers by Rafał Zapłata
Laserowi Odkrywcy. Nieinwazyjne badanie i dokumentowanie obiektów archeologicznych i historycznych województwa świętokrzyskiego, red. R. Zapłata, B. Szady, K. Stereńczak, Stare Babice 2014
The past of the research area – between archeology and history
Laser Discoverers. Non-invasive examination and documentation of archeological and historical objects in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, ed. R. Zapłata, B. Szady, K. Stereńczak, Stare Babice 2014, 2014
Title of the original Polish-language edition: "Laserowi Odkrywcy -nieinwazyjne badanie i dokumen... more Title of the original Polish-language edition: "Laserowi Odkrywcy -nieinwazyjne badanie i dokumentowanie obiektów archeologicznych i historycznych województwa świętokrzyskiego" DTP: Maciej Sztampke, Krzysztof Kowalczyk Illustration on the cover: Krzysztof Stereńczak, Rafał Zapłata

RAPORT, 2018
Zapłata R., Stereńczak K. 2018. Archaeological heritage in forested areas – challenges, problems ... more Zapłata R., Stereńczak K. 2018. Archaeological heritage in forested areas – challenges, problems and solutions. Raport 13, 217-227.
The paper is meant as a springboard for a discussion on the issue of archaeological finds in forested areas, with regard to the situation in Poland. Firstly, the issue of identifying cultural heritage in forested areas will be discussed, with a particular emphasis on the role and significance of the latest non-invasive technologies, especially laser scanning (LiDAR). Another element of the paper is the issue of protecting cultural and environmental heritage, therefore, the issue requiring an interdisciplinary approach, the necessity to work out optimal solutions, at the same time recognising the two aforementioned groups of historic objects that require integrated activities, as well as large-scale and long-term strategies. Examples of current activity will be presented by referring to the work that is being / has been realised, using the experience gained from scientific projects or institutional activities in Poland. The paper is directed towards “preventive activities to save archaeological objects in forested areas” and answering the question – how to effectively and optimally identify, examine, protect, manage and present historic heritage in forested areas. The paper fits in with tasks related to “Inventorying cultural heritage“, which are carried out within the assignment commissioned by the State Treasury – the State Forests National Forest Holding - General Forest Management.

RAPORT, 2016
Zapłata R., Stereńczak K., 2016. The Białowieża Forest, LiDAR and cultural heritage – introductor... more Zapłata R., Stereńczak K., 2016. The Białowieża Forest, LiDAR and cultural heritage – introductory issues. Raport 11, 239-255.
The article is a presentation of selected issues related to a concept of studying cultural (archaeological) heritage in forest areas and in the
Białowieża forest as well as a presentation of general information related to the project entitled “Cataloguing of Cultural Heritage”, conducted
since 2016 as part of the initiative entitled “Evaluation of Biodiversity Status in the Białowieża Forest on the basis of Selected Natural and
Cultural Components”. The fundamental objectives of the article include (1) discussion of selected issues related to the application of ALS to
studying cultural heritage in the Polish part of the Białowieża forest as well as (2) participation in a discussion on certain methodological issues as regards the application of ALS in the protection of archaeological finds in forest areas. The research is funded by the General Directorate of State Forests.
Keywords: the Białowieża Forest, cultural heritage, LiDAR, non-intrusive research
In this article, the essential role of ALS data application is presented in example of the Eagles... more In this article, the essential role of ALS data application is presented in example of the Eagles' Nests, which are group of medieval castles -historical fortification systems in Poland. A key issue in this research is to expose the impact of various transformations of elevation models, which allows for a more comprehensive analysis of mentioned historical monuments and their neighborhood including particularly, appropriate visualization methods of digital terrain models (DTM) and digital surface models (DSM). Application of advanced processing methods of elevation models such as Solar Radiation Analysis, Sky-View Factor, Openness, can allow to take a new look at monuments that are already known.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2014
In this paper approaches of historical, archaeological object detection from airborne laser scann... more In this paper approaches of historical, archaeological object detection from airborne laser scanning (hereinafter referred to as ASL) data were shown. Presented approach of automatic extraction of potential charcoal pile was the analysis of a selected processing of digital terrain model. In this example, it was attempted to detect archaeological sites on a small test area by usage of template matching. Positive results have proved a great number of detected objects. Methodology applied in the research allowed for finding of a large percentage of measured objects indirectly. Presented approach was also assessed by the results of object extraction in respect to field measurements in the area of interest, as well as effectiveness of automation procedure.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2015
This paper discusses issues related to (1) the acquisition of archival resources, (2) the quality... more This paper discusses issues related to (1) the acquisition of archival resources, (2) the quality of historical aerial photographs, including their spatial resolution, and (3) their potential for the study of cultural heritage. The scope and applicability of archive material to the study of cultural landscape is also discussed focussing on (1) archival aerial photographs as a source to identify heritage objects and make inventories, and for (2) monitoring change and damage to historic objects in the past.
Teaching Documents by Rafał Zapłata
Editorial works by Rafał Zapłata
Laser Discoverers. Non-invasive examination and documentation of archeological and historical obj... more Laser Discoverers. Non-invasive examination and documentation of archeological and historical objects in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
Books by Rafał Zapłata
Papers by Rafał Zapłata
The paper is meant as a springboard for a discussion on the issue of archaeological finds in forested areas, with regard to the situation in Poland. Firstly, the issue of identifying cultural heritage in forested areas will be discussed, with a particular emphasis on the role and significance of the latest non-invasive technologies, especially laser scanning (LiDAR). Another element of the paper is the issue of protecting cultural and environmental heritage, therefore, the issue requiring an interdisciplinary approach, the necessity to work out optimal solutions, at the same time recognising the two aforementioned groups of historic objects that require integrated activities, as well as large-scale and long-term strategies. Examples of current activity will be presented by referring to the work that is being / has been realised, using the experience gained from scientific projects or institutional activities in Poland. The paper is directed towards “preventive activities to save archaeological objects in forested areas” and answering the question – how to effectively and optimally identify, examine, protect, manage and present historic heritage in forested areas. The paper fits in with tasks related to “Inventorying cultural heritage“, which are carried out within the assignment commissioned by the State Treasury – the State Forests National Forest Holding - General Forest Management.
The article is a presentation of selected issues related to a concept of studying cultural (archaeological) heritage in forest areas and in the
Białowieża forest as well as a presentation of general information related to the project entitled “Cataloguing of Cultural Heritage”, conducted
since 2016 as part of the initiative entitled “Evaluation of Biodiversity Status in the Białowieża Forest on the basis of Selected Natural and
Cultural Components”. The fundamental objectives of the article include (1) discussion of selected issues related to the application of ALS to
studying cultural heritage in the Polish part of the Białowieża forest as well as (2) participation in a discussion on certain methodological issues as regards the application of ALS in the protection of archaeological finds in forest areas. The research is funded by the General Directorate of State Forests.
Keywords: the Białowieża Forest, cultural heritage, LiDAR, non-intrusive research
Teaching Documents by Rafał Zapłata
Editorial works by Rafał Zapłata
The paper is meant as a springboard for a discussion on the issue of archaeological finds in forested areas, with regard to the situation in Poland. Firstly, the issue of identifying cultural heritage in forested areas will be discussed, with a particular emphasis on the role and significance of the latest non-invasive technologies, especially laser scanning (LiDAR). Another element of the paper is the issue of protecting cultural and environmental heritage, therefore, the issue requiring an interdisciplinary approach, the necessity to work out optimal solutions, at the same time recognising the two aforementioned groups of historic objects that require integrated activities, as well as large-scale and long-term strategies. Examples of current activity will be presented by referring to the work that is being / has been realised, using the experience gained from scientific projects or institutional activities in Poland. The paper is directed towards “preventive activities to save archaeological objects in forested areas” and answering the question – how to effectively and optimally identify, examine, protect, manage and present historic heritage in forested areas. The paper fits in with tasks related to “Inventorying cultural heritage“, which are carried out within the assignment commissioned by the State Treasury – the State Forests National Forest Holding - General Forest Management.
The article is a presentation of selected issues related to a concept of studying cultural (archaeological) heritage in forest areas and in the
Białowieża forest as well as a presentation of general information related to the project entitled “Cataloguing of Cultural Heritage”, conducted
since 2016 as part of the initiative entitled “Evaluation of Biodiversity Status in the Białowieża Forest on the basis of Selected Natural and
Cultural Components”. The fundamental objectives of the article include (1) discussion of selected issues related to the application of ALS to
studying cultural heritage in the Polish part of the Białowieża forest as well as (2) participation in a discussion on certain methodological issues as regards the application of ALS in the protection of archaeological finds in forest areas. The research is funded by the General Directorate of State Forests.
Keywords: the Białowieża Forest, cultural heritage, LiDAR, non-intrusive research