Articles by Anna Taranenko

Political Life, 2021
The Russia-Ukraine war is one of the most serious challenges of current international security ag... more The Russia-Ukraine war is one of the most serious challenges of current international security agenda. Conflict resolution is an integral part of national security framework of any country. Comprehensive national security encompasses such components as political, military, informational, ideological, as well as cultural aspects. The research problem is that it is unknown which methods can be the most appropriate for Russia-Ukraine war settlement. The research goal is to analyze the current state of Russia-Ukraine war in depth and identify important lessons learned from previous confrontations that can be applied for the peace process invigoration. In particular, the research objectives are to analyze the cases of peaceful settlements in the Balkan states and Great Britain and also consider the peacemaking potential of international organizations, such as the EU, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM) and Baltic-Adriatic-Black Sea Initiative. The selected methodology is qualitative case study. The study results are that one can find a lot of important lessons learned in the Balkan region. Sustainable peace in the Balkans can be achieved by including this region in the system of Euro-Atlantic cooperation. In the same vein as the Balkan countries, Ukraine should look for long-term political stability in the framework of Euro-Atlantic integration. Besides, a case of particular interest for Ukraine is the Troubles peace process in Great Britain. The main conclusions are that the Balkan states' and Great Britain's experience in conflict resolution can be of particular practical interest for Ukraine. One can note that peace is not a particular point in time, but rather a continuous process. Besides, one should pay attention to information component of the peace process and inform audiences about peacemaking efforts to the extent possible. In order to settle the Russia-Ukraine war in an efficient way one should also pay attention to the memory policy component. Ukraine should also use multilateral diplomacy tools, such as international organizations, in particular, the EU, OSCE, GUAM and Baltic-Black Sea-Adriatic Initiative in order to further fight international law infringements and promote the peace process. Prospects of further research are related to usage of cultural diplomacy and track-II diplomacy tools for the Russia-Ukraine war settlement.
Papers by Anna Taranenko

Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 22. Political Sciences and Teaching Methodology of Socio-Political Disciplines
Російської Федерації, спрямовані на розрив економічних зв'язків із Росією. Після двох світових во... more Російської Федерації, спрямовані на розрив економічних зв'язків із Росією. Після двох світових воєн для запобігання таким масштабним військовим конфліктам засоби економічних обмежень стали важливим інструментом реагування на будь-які зловживання з боку держави-агресора. Економічна війна розглядається як альтернатива традиційній війні. З цієї причини питання санкційної політики стало об'єктом міжнародних відносин, політології, а також досліджень безпеки та миру. Після анексії Криму та війни, розв'язаної Росією на сході України, питання запровадження санкцій проти Росії, їх режим та ефективність стало об'єктом для вищезгаданих досліджень. Після повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну в лютому 2022 року проблемі запровадження санкцій проти Російської Федерації приділяється більше уваги як науковцями, так і політиками. У статті розглянуто особливості санкцій, які застосовуються до країни-агресора. Метою статті є дослідження санкційної політики союзників і партнерів України щодо Росії. В основу статті покладено метод контент-аналізу заяв, офіційних анонсів як урядових, так і надурядових організацій таких як ЄС, ООН, а також статті в періодичних виданнях і наукові роботи, присвячені санкціям. Цей аналіз є проміжним дослідженням санкційної політики проти Росії, який буде потрібний для виявлення неефективності/ефективності економічних санкцій як реакції на російську агресію. Аналіз санкцій як інструменту міжнародної політики може бути використаний для переосмислення важливості економічних санкцій як частини стратегії розбудови миру.

Politology bulletin
The EU migration crisis is analyzed as a challenge to European regional security. The used method... more The EU migration crisis is analyzed as a challenge to European regional security. The used method is historical and comparative. As a result, it can be stated that migration is a global trend which has become especially dynamic in the second half of the 20th. Dynamic migration processes, in their turn, stipulate the importance of efficient ethnic policy of recipient states. Since 2015 the European Union authorities took measures in order respond to the migration crisis effectively, strengthen regional security and enhance borders control. The EU makes further efforts in order strengthen intersectoral cooperation between various political and security agencies responsible for tackling the migration crisis. To a certain extent, the migration crisis of 2015 posed a threat to the European Union unity and security and also raises questions about further integration of the European Union. The migration crisis has demonstrated that the EU needs to efficiently adapt its security strategy to...
Politology bulletin
Foreign policy is one of the most important directions of sovereign states’ activity. An especial... more Foreign policy is one of the most important directions of sovereign states’ activity. An especially important place in foreign policy shaping is bilateral relations between states. For Ukraine, such vectors of foreign policy as European, Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian and Asian are traditionally important. In particular, the implementation of the Asian foreign policy vector and the establishment of effective relations with the…
Politology bulletin
Foreign policy as one of the key areas for the functioning of sovereign states is designed to pro... more Foreign policy as one of the key areas for the functioning of sovereign states is designed to protect their national interests and promote maintenance of the welfare of the population. For Ukraine, such vectors of foreign policy as European, Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian, Middle Eastern, and Asian are traditionally important. One of the main vectors of…

CONFLICT IN DONBAS AS A MANIFESTATION OF TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY CHALLENGES Political instability pr... more CONFLICT IN DONBAS AS A MANIFESTATION OF TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY CHALLENGES Political instability processes are particularly significant for transitional societies. The problem of political transformation is urgent for Ukraine as a nation in transition. The goal of this article is to study the conflict in Donbas as a manifestation of transitional society challenges and Ukraine’s move toward democratization. The utilized method is qualitative case study. Among the study results, one can mention that the current conflict in Donbas is a manifestation of transitional society challenges. The conflict in Donbas can be viewed as a confrontation related to post-Soviet political space transformation, in particular, democracy transit. The practice of «hybrid wars» is not a particularly new concept in the international conflicts dimension, yet it appears to be a significant challenge for transitional societies. The armed conflict in Donbas became a turning point in the identity development of Ukr...
Articles by Anna Taranenko
Papers by Anna Taranenko