The Social Sciences, 2012

Jurnal Al-Tamaddun Bil. 7(1) 2012, 1-13
This article analyses the relevance of the factors of scientific excellence in the Islamic civili... more This article analyses the relevance of the factors of scientific excellence in the Islamic civilization to the present Islamic world. Accordingly, it exposes the factors which led to scientific excellence in the Islamic civilization before analysis of their relevance to the present Islamic world. This article is intended to assess the relevance of the said factors so as to enable a quantum leap in scientific excellence of the present Islamic world. The jusitification for it is that if a given factor played a role, then by the same token, it is not impossible that the same can be done to restore scientific excellence in the present Islamic world. The writer uses the approach of detailed analysis of contents of sources in various languages to deduce the intended factors. Results show at least seven factors which spurred scientific excellence in Islamic civilization. However, the writer chooses to
analyse only five factors, which are, the spirit of Islam which encourages intellect, the meeting of Islamic civilization and ancient civilizations in the Middle East, the positive attitude of the rulers, the role of private individuals and the science policy. The writer also added one more factor, that is, collaboration between
Muslims and non-Muslims. Although not many sources refer to this as a contributory factor to scientific excellence in Islamic civilization, the cooperation forged between the two parties did assist to spur scientific excellence onto the world scene. The said factors thus prove their relevance to the present Islamic world.

Procedia-Social and …, Jan 1, 2011
In-line with the requirements of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) that ma... more In-line with the requirements of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) that mandated the shift to ISO 9001:2008, a merger of the ISO QMS for undergraduate and graduate programmes was implemented at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2009. The merger is expected to benefit UKM as it will optimise utilisation of resources. A year later, a study was conducted to assess staffs' awareness and acceptance of the QMS and to assess the effectiveness of the merger. The study was carried out using questionnaires with a Likert scale rating. The questionnaires were distributed to all faculties and four categories of staffs were identified as respondents namely academicians with administrative posts, academicians without administrative posts, administrative staffs and support staffs. Results of this preliminary study indicated that all categories of staffs particularly the support staffs concurred that the merger provides positive implications to time management and documentation. Besides, commands and procedures on ISO have become more effective. Results from this study will be used as inputs for further improvement to UKM's quality management system.

Jebat, Jan 1, 2011
CABARAN MEMBINA KEMAJUAN BANGSA MELAYU DALAM MATAHARI MEMANCAR TARIKH KERAJAAN JEPUN CHALLENGES T... more CABARAN MEMBINA KEMAJUAN BANGSA MELAYU DALAM MATAHARI MEMANCAR TARIKH KERAJAAN JEPUN CHALLENGES TO MALAY'S PROGRESS IN MATAHARI MEMANCAR TARIKH KERAJAAN JEPUN Cabaran membina kemajuan bangsa Melayu telah dikupas oleh Abdullah Abdul Rahman sejak awal abad ke-20M. Beliau ialah seorang tokoh agama dari Muar, Johor dan pernah memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Jabatan Agama Islam Johor dari tahun 1932-1947. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti karya terjemahan Abdullah Abdul Rahman yang berjudul Matahari Memancar Tarikh Kerajaan Jepun dengan menumpukan perbahasan dari aspek sosial, terutamanya tentang cabaran membina kemajuan bangsa Melayu. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif menerusi instrumen analisis dokumen secara kajian tekstual dan kontekstual terhadap sumber primer kajian ini. Berikutan itu, kajian ini mendapati karya Abdullah Abdul Rahman ini mengutarakan pencapaian orang Jepun sebagai satu bangsa yang komited dalam membina negara mereka. Manakala masyarakat Melayu Islam masih lagi bergantung kepada kuasa Eropah, khususnya dari segi pentadbiran negara dan juga pertahanan. Di samping itu, kajian ini menonjolkan dua sifat penting yang menjadi budaya masyarakat Jepun ketika itu, iaitu bijaksana dan yakin dengan diri sendiri. Kepentingan kajian ini adalah relevan kerana sifat bangsa Jepun yang positif boleh diteladani dan diamalkan oleh masyarakat Melayu untuk menjana pembangunan dan kemajuan. Tambahan pula, sifat-sifat ini telah terbukti dengan pencapaian bangsa dan negara Jepun ketika itu. Kajian lanjutan boleh dilaksanakan dengan mengupas aspek lain yang terdapat dalam karya Abdullah Abdul Rahman ini bagi dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Melayu. Antaranya ialah seperti aspek politik, ekonomi dan pendidikan. Dengan demikian, usaha mencontohi dan meneladani pencapaian dan kemajuan bangsa Jepun telah bermula semenjak awal abad ke-20M. Bahkan, usaha dan idea ini telah direalisasikan dengan pelaksanaan Dasar Pandang Ke Timur oleh

The re-digging of old scientific heritage is part of the indigenization of science. In the contex... more The re-digging of old scientific heritage is part of the indigenization of science. In the context of the Islamic civilization, it was conducted after a scientific work from another civilization was translated into Arabic language. The contents of the translated work was re-dug and re-explored to obtain further information on the knowledge contained in the work. This article aims to legitimize the existence of redigging activity of old scientific heritage in the Islamic civilization. This matter had to be cleared in order to prove that scholars of the Islamic civilization did utilize the works of other civilizations to build up their science. However, at the same time, it did not mean that the knowledge was accepted without question. On the contrary, it was studied and assessed as well as modified according to Islamic concepts before being absorbed as knowledge in the Islamic civilization. This study uses the qualitative methodology through instrument analysis by way of textual and contextual study of primary sources. Accordingly, the study finds that the aspect of re-digging of old scientific heritage did occur in the Islamic civilization. It was established that scholars of the Islamic civilization had taken the initiative to re-dig old scientific heritage from the civilizations nearest to them, that is, Hellenistic-Greece, India as well as Persia. The importance of this study is relevant because efforts to re-dig from the nearest civilizations are appropriate and should be undertaken by all civilizations in the world. Indeed, this matter has been proven to be fruitful by the Islamic civilization and the Western civilization. Further research can be conducted by re-digging old scientific heritage of the Western civilization to re-assess the knowledge developed by them, such as science, which was taken from the Islamic civilization.
Islam: Past, Present AND …
Page 1. MUHAMMAD BIN ABDUUAH Mengungkap kepakaran seorang nabi dalam pelbagai dimensi hidup ROZIA... more Page 1. MUHAMMAD BIN ABDUUAH Mengungkap kepakaran seorang nabi dalam pelbagai dimensi hidup ROZIAH SIDIK Page 2. Page 3. Slrl Sejarah & Tamadun (3ENIUS MUHAMMAD BIN ABDUUAH ROZIAH SIDIK PTS PUBLICATIONS & DISTRIBUTORS SDN. BHD. ...
analyse only five factors, which are, the spirit of Islam which encourages intellect, the meeting of Islamic civilization and ancient civilizations in the Middle East, the positive attitude of the rulers, the role of private individuals and the science policy. The writer also added one more factor, that is, collaboration between
Muslims and non-Muslims. Although not many sources refer to this as a contributory factor to scientific excellence in Islamic civilization, the cooperation forged between the two parties did assist to spur scientific excellence onto the world scene. The said factors thus prove their relevance to the present Islamic world.
analyse only five factors, which are, the spirit of Islam which encourages intellect, the meeting of Islamic civilization and ancient civilizations in the Middle East, the positive attitude of the rulers, the role of private individuals and the science policy. The writer also added one more factor, that is, collaboration between
Muslims and non-Muslims. Although not many sources refer to this as a contributory factor to scientific excellence in Islamic civilization, the cooperation forged between the two parties did assist to spur scientific excellence onto the world scene. The said factors thus prove their relevance to the present Islamic world.